Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (26 page)

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Writing this book has been a multi-year project. It has been a challenging, exhilarating, wonderful and exasperating journey. Along the way, I was fortunate enough to meet the right persons at the right time. In their own unique way, each person made an invaluable contribution, more than they realize.

Very early in the process, when the book idea was just germinating, I met Philip Gould. His candour and guidance and confidence in me played a central role in the production of this book. So too have a number of extremely valuable brainstorming sessions with Tim Sebastian.

After many years of searching, I then met Caroline Michel, who has been nothing less than an agent extraordinaire! Anyone who has had the privilege of working with her will know exactly what I mean.

Over the years, I have greatly benefited from the conscientious research support of a number of people. In alphabetical order, I owe a great debt of gratitude to Steve Donze, Selim Gulesci, Gokce Hagnesten, Fatima Khan, Peter Nthepe, and Michael Wang. They have, in their own individual ways, left an indelible mark on the project.

In the spring of 2008, at what was arguably the most treacherous part of my whole book-writing process, I met Tim Binding. Without Tim, this book might never have been completed. I thank him for his patience and encouragement when I needed it most.

I have incorporated a range of excellent comments from Geordie Young, Peter Henry, Willem Buiter, Niall Ferguson and Rory Macfarquhar. This is without attribution. All errors and omissions are my own.

An enormous amount of gratitude is also due to the meticulous publishing team at Penguin. My editor, Will Goodlad, Gina Luck in Sales, Mark Handsley for thorough copy-editing, Nicola Hill, Jessica Price, and Pen Volger, all of whom had an important hand in getting the book from my mind to publication. And of course the publishing
team at Farrar, Straus, and Giroux: Jonathan Galassi, Eric Chinski and Eugenie Cha have been nothing short of fantastic.

I thank Iris Mwanza, my oldest and dearest friend, for her indulgence. She was always there as I suffered and revelled at different stages of the expedition.

Finally, to my parents, Steven and Orlean Moyo, for their unwavering belief in me (and our continent Africa) every step of the way, even when there have been many reasons not to believe.


Acleda (Cambodia)


Africa: Geography and Growth

African Growth and Opportunity Act 2000 (US)

Alesina, Alberto

Amin, Idi


Annan, Kofi


Asian financial crisis 1997

Association of Southeast Asian Nations


Bachelet, Michelle

Banco do Brasil

Banco do Nordeste (Brazil)


Bauer, Peter Thomas

Benguela railway


Beyond Aid
(World Bank)


Black and Minority Ethnic Remittance Survey, The

Black Economic Empowerment regulations (SA)

Blue Orchard Finance

Blumenthal, Irwin

Bokassa, Jean-Bédel

Bongo, President Omar


Boone, Peter


abandoning foreign aid

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