Dead Endz (16 page)

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Authors: Kristen Middleton

BOOK: Dead Endz
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“Wow, that’s ingenious.”

He smiled sheepishly. “Well, do you have a better idea?”

I sighed. “No, I guess not.”

Bryce smiled and then pulled me into his arms. “How about a good luck kiss?”

I looked into his blue eyes and licked my lips. “Um, okay.”

I guess Bryce’s version of a simple kiss was a whole lot different than mine. His mouth crushed against my lips and I held on as the familiar rush of emotions swept through me. I slid my hands up to the back his neck into his wavy black hair and moaned as he pressed my back against the wall and cupped my breast, sending warm shivers as he touched my nipple through the fabric.

He moved his mouth away from my lips and down my neck, making me tingle all over. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against my skin, his breath hot.

“Me too,” I squeaked.

He laughed and released me. “Sorry…” he said.

I blushed. “It’s…”

A noise from somewhere down below startled both of us.

“Shit,” he whispered as the voices became louder.

I grabbed his arm. “Shit, I hope Paige is okay.”

Bryce frowned and then opened the door leading into the hallway, pulling me through.

“She’s a smart girl.”


“Okay Wild, there it is,” he said, pointing to door labeled “Penthouse”.

I nodded and followed him as he took out his gun. “Wait, stay to the side over there,” he said. “By the elevator.”

When he was satisfied that I was out of the way, he knocked softly on the door. A few seconds later a woman opened it.

“Well, would you look who the cat dragged in,” she chuckled.

“Belinda, I missed you,” answered Bryce. “I just had to see you again. And to thank you for getting me this job.”

I couldn’t see who this woman was but she sounded generally happy to see Bryce.

“Let me guess, the sex was the best you’d ever had and you still can’t get me out of your head,” she said.


“Something like that,” said Bryce. “I also wanted to see how Luke was doing.”

“He’s here but sleeping right now. Why don’t you come in before Tony gets back and we can catch up,” she said. “Maybe have a little… nightcap?”

“So, you’re alone?”

Belinda chuckled. “Why, are you horny?”

I clenched my fists.

“When there’s a beautiful vision only a few feet away it certainly does get my blood pumping,” he said.

I couldn’t resist any longer, I took a quick peak around the corner and my jaw dropped. A cougar with overly processed bleached blonde hair, leathery skin, and long red nails was flirting with Bryce and he just stood there with a stupid grin on his face. To top it off she wore a leopard-skin bodysuit that pushed up her giant fake boobs and black stilettos.

“Oh, you are a naughty boy aren’t you?” she giggled, touching his dark hair.

“That’s me,” he said. “Naughty boy.”

The woman, who had to be closer to sixty, flung her arms around Bryce and pressed her lips to his.

“That’s it,” I growled, coming around the corner. “Get your paws off my boyfriend before I show you how naughty
can be.”

Belinda stepped back. “Boyfriend? Who the hell is she Bryce?”

He sighed. “She’s my girlfriend.”

Belinda shook her head. “Well, that’s not cool, cheating on your girlfriend. I thought you were better than that.”

“What?” I asked. “You’ve been cheating on me with her?”
You’ve got to be kidding.

“Listen, can we go
and talk about this?” asked Bryce.

“Come in honey,” said Belinda, motioning to me. “I don’t blame you one bit for being angry. Men can be such pigs.”

I nodded and then followed her in, scowling at Bryce.

“Seriously, Wild?” he said, looking at me with a slightly amused expression. “Don’t even go there.”

Belinda, who didn’t seem to hear Bryce, lit a cigarette and took a long drag. Then she smiled apologetically at me. “Listen, I’m sure he thought you were dead when we had sex, honey. Don’t blame him.”

My jaw dropped again and I glared at Bryce, who stood behind her. He shook his head vehemently.

Just then the bathroom door opened. “Bryce!” smiled a teenager dressed in pajamas.

“Hey, Luke!”

Luke stared at me and smiled. “Hey, who’s the babe?”

“That’s Cassie. Get dressed, kid, we’re leaving.”

“What do you mean leaving?” asked Belinda.

“Yeah, what do you mean?” asked Luke. “I love it here.”

Bryce sighed. “It’s a great hotel but you can’t stay here. This operation of Tony’s is an abomination. He’s killing innocent women. Ask Cassie.”

“What are you talking about?” said Belinda. “Tony’s making adult movies.”

I snorted. “Adults shouldn’t even watch the movies he’s making.”

Belinda’s eyebrow’s raised. “I still don’t understand. He isn’t making adult movies?”

“He’s created this game,” I said. “It involves innocent women dying at the hands of zombies. They kidnap women and force them to play the game.”

Belinda’s eyes blazed and she stood up. “What the hell? Are you serious?”

I nodded. “Yes. I’ve played the game and watched two other women get eaten alive. It was horrifying.”

“That son-of-a-bitch,” she growled and began to pace angrily around the room. “Adult movies is one thing. Shit, I used to star in pornos when I was younger. But this…this is pure bullshit.”

That explained a lot.

“It is,” said Bryce. “That’s why we’ve got to get the hell out of here.”

“Okay,” she said. “If you don’t mind, I’m coming with. I don’t trust him and I certainly don’t condone killing innocent women.”

Before we could respond, the door opened up and Tony walked in with two of his thugs. All three of them were holding guns.

“Put the gun down,” growled Tony. There’s three of us and only one of you holding a gun. Unless, you want to watch Wild die first?”

Bryce sighed and gave up his gun.

“So, what’s going on in here, Belinda?” asked Tony, waving his gun around. “You having a little party without me?”

She ignored him. “Is it true Tony?” she asked, her eyes flashing angrily.

He shrugged. “What?”

She walked up to him and pointed at his face. “That you’ve concocted some kind of game where you feed women to zombies?”

A purely evil grin spread across his face. “It’s true. Pretty ingenious isn’t it?”

“Ingenious?” barked Belinda.

“You mean barbaric,” I mumbled.

“Are you insane?” she asked.

“I’m a businessman,” he said. “And a successful one at that. Don’t get all holier than thou with me, Belinda, you aint no Saint.”

“What are you talking about? A businessman?” hollered Belinda. “We’re in the middle of a damn zombie apocalypse if you haven’t noticed!”

“First of all, this shit isn’t going to last forever. It’s just a burp in time. When all this garbage is cleared up there’s going to be a demand and I’m going to be prepared.”

She snorted. “A demand for what?”

“Drugs. Coke, heroine, pot, uppers, downers, you name it,” he said with a look of contempt. “You don’t have a clue about the real world, so don’t even try to argue with me.”

“I know right from wrong,” she cried, “and what you’re doing is definitely wrong.”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong, what your friends did to Marcus. You know, you’re nephew?”

“Marcus?” asked Belinda.

“They beat him up and stuck him in the bathtub.”

“That true?” she asked Bryce.

He nodded. “Well, a girl did it but he kind of asked for it.”

“He beat up my friend really bad,” I said.

Belinda sighed. “What the hell did you drag me into Tony?” she asked.

“I didn’t drag you into anything. You came to me,” he said.

“Well, I’m not going to be a part of this shit,” she said, picking up her purse. “I’m leaving and so are my friends.”

Tony burst out laughing. “You can leave, I have no problem with that Bel, but Wild and this prick here aren’t. No fucking way. I especially need Wild for the next game. And Bryce, he double crossed me so I think I’m going to let him play, too.”

I glanced at Bryce. I didn’t know if he had a plan or what I should do. The fact that there were three guns pointed towards us didn’t give us many options.

“No, Tony. You have to let Bryce go and his girl.”

Tony’s face darkened. “I don’t have to do nothing. In fact, you keep this up and I might have to let you play.”

Just then the door burst open again and it was Marcus. He stared at us with murder in his eyes. “Where’s the other bitch?” he growled, looking around.

Thank goodness Paige wasn’t with us.

“Check the bedrooms,” said Tony. “You three get on the couch and keep your mouths shut. Luke, what do you have to say about all of this?”

Luke swallowed. “I, um…I like zombie games?”

Tony went over and put an arm around his shoulders. “Good answer kid. Why don’t you go back to bed? Don’t let this shit bother you.”

Luke nodded and then shuffled quietly back to his bedroom.

When Tony was satisfied that nobody else was in the penthouse, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the couch. “Where’s your friend?” he asked.

I shrugged.

Tony’s mouth twisted into a scowl and he grabbed me by the back of the hair.

“Owwww!!!” I hollered.

“I ask you again…where’s your friend?!”

“Leave her alone!” growled Bryce as two of Tony’s guys restrained him.

Tony slapped me across the face. “Where’s your friend?” he asked again.

Tears filled my eyes but I remained silent.

“Hey!” yelled Belinda, who rushed forward and began hitting him in the chest. “Leave her alone! She’s just a kid!”

He let go of my hair and backhanded Belinda, who fell backward. “You stay out of it!”

Belinda screamed as she got up off the floor. “You son-of-a-bitch! I aught ‘o kill you!”

Tony laughed mirthlessly. “Is that how you treat family, Bel?”

“Fuck you,” she said, spitting into his face.

His face turned beat red as he grabbed her by the neck and shoved her against the wall. “Bitch, you just gave me a great idea. See, you
gonna be the next contestant in tonight’s game. In fact, you’re definitely all playing.”

The room was completely silent except for Belinda’s sobs. When he finally released her she slid to the floor and covered her face. I had an urge to comfort her but the incredible rage on Tony’s face scared the crap out of me.

“Now,” said Tony as took out a hankerchief and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead. “Bring them down to the pool. The next game will be in an hour. I want all of them ready. And find that other girl!”


Chapter Thirty




When they brought us down to the main floor, we passed the bathroom where we’d told Paige to meet us. With Marcus’s gun, she was our only chance to escape.

“Um, can I use the bathroom?” I asked Donnie, who’d met us by the elevator.

“You can use the one by the pool,” he said.

“But I really have to go now,” I pleaded.

He shrugged. “Too bad. I’m done with giving you special treatment.”

I swore under my breath and followed behind Bryce as we were ushered into the pool atrium. This time the zombies were already waiting in the cage on the deep-end and there were ten of them this time. They snarled and reached out towards us as we passed them. Their stench made my stomach roll.

“Holy shit,” mumbled Belinda. “Are you kidding me?”

“Yeah, nothing holy about their shit, though,” I whispered.

“Now, this is how it’s going to be,” said Donnie, pointing his gun at all of us. “The game doesn’t start for forty minutes so you’re going to sit in the pool and behave while we set everything up.”

“Donnie,” pleaded Belinda. “Come on, hon. Don’t let Tony do this,” she said. “I’ve known you since we was kids. I used to babysit you, for Christ’s sake.”

He scowled at her. “Oh yeah, I remember you hollerin’ at me all the time and puttin’ me in bed early so you could drink my parent’s liquor, get high, and screw your good for nothin’ boyfriends.”

Her jaw dropped. “I never sent you to bed early.”

Donnie wagged his finger at her. “Seven o’clock, Belinda. You made me go to bed when all the good shows came on. I mean shit, I missed “Rockford Files” and “Hawaii Five-O” whenever you was over. Those were my favorite!”

“Forty years later and you’re still bitter?” mumbled Bryce.

Donnie turned to Bryce and scowled. “Shut the fuck up. I’m going to enjoy watching you die, you fuckup.”

Bryce shook his head and smiled.

As we were shoved towards the shallow end of the pool, I heard a familiar voice somewhere close.

“Get your hands of me you piece of shit!”


“You bitch,” hollered Marcus. “Nobody bites me. Johnny, would you hold her!”

There was a loud slap and I held my breath.

“She just hit me!” yelled Marcus. “Jesus, could you restrain her a little better?!”

I smiled, thinking about the nice red mark on Marcus’s face.

“What is with these teenaged girls?” growled Marcus. “They’re all a bunch of little she-devils.”

Then I watched as Marcus and Johnny dragged Nora into the atrium while she fought like a wildcat to get away. She was definitely giving them both a good fight and I was surprised that they hadn’t threatened her with a gun.

“Oh for crying out loud, control that girl,” barked Donnie.

Nora stopped struggling when she noticed the zombies on one end of the pool and us in the other.

“Into the pool,” said Marcus.

Confusion turned to horror as it became clear to her what was happening.

“You get it now? You’ve just been selected as another contestant for the game,” spat Marcus. “You crazy broad!”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she snorted.

“No joking here,” snapped Donnie. “Marcus, get her into the pool.”

“Don’t you dare touch me again,” glared Nora as she stomped towards us dressed this time in jeans and a t-shit.

“Okay, all of you…sit down and behave,” said Donnie, waving his gun around. “Before I start shooting every one of you shit heads.”

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