Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19) (3 page)

BOOK: Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19)
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“Oh, well, that sounds good,” James said. “I didn’t mean to insult your cooking skills.”

“Yes, you did.”

“I … crap,” James muttered. “I guess the shark is getting a long massage in the tub tonight, isn’t she?”

“You have no idea,” Mandy said, her eyes flashing before she turned back to the tour. “You’re in big trouble.”

“Well, I have a feeling I can kiss my way out of it, so I’m fine with that,” James said. “Snap your photos, wife. I shall quietly sit here and figure out how to romance you while you’re doing that. I guarantee it will be profound – and my tongue will be involved.”

This time the man’s wife snapped her head in Mandy and James’ direction, her eyes widening. “Oh, honey, he’s a keeper.”

Mandy didn’t want to give in and smile, but she couldn’t help herself. “Yes, and I plan to keep him forever.”


o this is a pub
. I’m … humbled.”

Mandy’s blue eyes were so wide as she scanned the dark establishment James couldn’t help but shake his head. “You’re humbled?”

“I’ve always wanted to see a pub.”

James took Mandy’s hand and directed her toward a circular booth, sliding in beside her once she was settled and grabbing a beer menu. “You know you’ve seen pubs before, right? It’s just that where we’re from they’re called bars.”

Mandy rolled her eyes. “That dive we play pool at once a month is not a pub. This … is a pub.” She raised her hands and excitedly gestured at the atmospheric hole in the wall.

It was their third day in London and she’d been like this from the moment they hit the ground. James had zero complaints. He adored her enthusiasm. Still, he had to wonder if she wasn’t laying it on a bit thick.

“Baby, can I ask you something?”

“Always,” Mandy said, shrugging out of her hoodie and resting her cheek against James’ shoulder as he studied the menu.

“Are you putting on a show for me?” James asked, his expression serious.

Mandy was confused. “A show?”

“I’m worried you’re going out of your way pretending to have a good time because you don’t want to hurt my feelings,” James admitted.

Mandy’s smile slipped. “Pretending? Really?”

James hated the shift in her features and mentally kicked himself for chasing the smile from her face. “I’ve never seen you this excited. Well, that’s not true. You were excited when I proposed and on our honeymoon. This is different, though.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stop enjoying myself right now,” Mandy said, fixing the approaching waitress with a stiff smile. “Can I get something … fruity? I’m not a big fan of heavy ales or anything.”

“Mandy … .” James was frustrated.

“Sure,” the waitress said. “Do you want something simple like a strawberry daiquiri?”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

The waitress turned to James. “And you?”

“I’ll have whatever is on tap,” James said, remaining calm until the waitress disappeared to place their drink orders. The second she was gone James grabbed Mandy’s hand and directed her attention to him. “I’m sorry. I want you to be happy more than anything. I’m so afraid that I screwed this up now that I’ll never forgive myself.”

Mandy’s expression softened, although only marginally. “I’ve always wanted to come here. You know that.”

know that.”

“I’ve always wanted you, too,” Mandy reminded him. “I was fourteen years old and best friends with your sister and I never wanted anything but you. So now I got the man I always dreamed about and the vacation I always wanted. Is there a reason I shouldn’t be happy?”

“No,” James said, shaking his head. “I love you more than anything. It’s just … .”

“You’re worried because you think I’ve been dwelling on killing Lance Pritchard,” Mandy supplied, cutting him off. “That’s it, isn’t it?”

“You have nothing to feel guilty about,” James said. “I do worry, though. You don’t have the nightmares any longer, but sometimes you seem lost in your head. It’s mostly when you think no one is looking.”

“I’m always going to remember killing him, James. I’m always going to remember the feel of his blood on my hands. I’m happy, though. I’m happy here.”

“Good,” James said, exhaling heavily and pressing his lips to Mandy’s forehead. “I love you so much I think it’s going to swallow me whole sometimes. I need you to always know that.”

“I know it,” Mandy said, tilting her chin up. “Now can we enjoy the pub?”

James’ handsome face split with a wide grin. “Yes.” He dropped a soft kiss on her upturned mouth, reluctantly breaking away when a hint of movement caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.

“James Hardy?”

James shifted his eyes to the man standing at the edge of the table, taking a moment to run the dark hair, green eyes, and athletic build through his memory. “Jesse Tanner?”

“It’s me, man.” Jesse’s eyes brightened as James shifted so he could climb out of the booth and greet the newcomer with a hearty handshake and a stiff one-armed hug. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“I can’t believe you’re here,” James said. “I … how long has it been?”

“I think it’s been eight years,” Jesse replied. “We were at that base in Afghanistan and I got transferred out.”

“And you ended up here?”

Jesse chuckled. “I do some security work for a company here. It’s my home base, but I don’t foresee staying forever. It’s a great place to hang out, but I anticipate returning home before it’s all said and done.”

“Yeah, we’ve only been here a few days, but we really love the city,” James said, gesturing toward Mandy.

“And who are you?” Jesse asked, his charm taking over as he winked at Mandy. “You’re quite lovely. Are you local? Did James pick you up here?”

“James picked me up back home,” Mandy replied, smirking.

“This is my wife,” James said, sliding back into the booth and gesturing toward the far side so Jesse could sit. “Mandy Hardy, meet Jesse Tanner. We served together during my military days.”

“I figured that out myself,” Mandy said, extending her hand so Jesse could shake it. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” Jesse said. “Although … is this a joke?”

Mandy stilled. “Is what a joke?”


James’ shoulders stiffened. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you said you were never settling down and your dream life was a different woman every week,” Jesse replied. “I asked you why you didn’t want a different one every night and you said it was because women need time to show you all of their tricks but not enough time to get comfortable and expect you to stick around.”

,” James said, rubbing his chin and chuckling as Mandy shot him a murderous look. “You have to know that was long before you, baby. That all changed when I saw you again.”

Mandy wasn’t convinced. “Uh-huh.” She flashed the returning waitress a smile as she delivered their drinks. “Can we run a tab?”

The waitress nodded. “I’ll be back to check on you.”

Once it was just the three of them, James moved to slip his arm over Mandy’s shoulders and frowned when she fought his efforts.

“Oh, wife, you’re being a pain,” James chided. “I told you when we got together that I used to be a man who didn’t want to spend time with any woman for more than a few days. Now I only want one woman for the rest of my life. That happens to be you.”

“It’s hard to stay angry when you’re so freaking romantic,” Mandy muttered, playing with her straw.

“Then don’t stay angry,” James instructed, brushing a quick kiss against her cheek. “You know you’re going to forgive me eventually. This city makes you hot for me.”

Mandy rolled her eyes. “Good grief. Did he use lines like that back when you knew him, Jesse?”

Jesse’s eyes reflected dumbfounded curiosity as he watched the exchange. “I’m sorry. I just … wow. I can’t believe you’re married.”

“Believe it,” James said. “This trip is actually an anniversary gift of sorts.”

“How long have you been married?”

“One year,” James replied, grabbing Mandy’s hand on top of the table. “The best year of my life.”

“Now who is laying it on thick?” Mandy challenged.

“Me,” James admitted. “You’re going to have to put up with it until you forgive me.”

“I already forgave you.”

“Close, but not quite,” James said, leaning forward and presenting her with his cheek. “Lay it on me.”

“You’re so predictable,” Mandy grumbled, but she smiled as she pecked his cheek. “Are you happy?”


Mandy made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat as she kissed him again, this time putting a little more effort into the exchange. “Better?”

“Just until I get you naked in our room tonight,” James replied, shifting his eyes to Jesse. “I’m sorry. We’re on vacation and she can’t keep her hands off me. It’s sad really, but she’s hopelessly devoted to me.”

“I can see that,” Jesse said, chuckling. “I just … can’t get over the change. I mean, do you have kids? Is that why you got married?”

James didn’t miss the hitch in Mandy’s chest. It wasn’t the first time she heard the question and yet it bothered her all the same. “We don’t have kids,” James replied. “I married her because I love her.”

“Of course,” Jesse said, his tone apologetic. “I’m really sorry. You just have to understand, the guy I knew was young, dumb, and restless. This guy doesn’t look restless … or young. He still kind of looks dumb.”

“I understand,” Mandy said. “I didn’t think he would marry me either.”

James cast a sidelong look in Mandy’s direction. “When you were fourteen or once we started dating?”

“Fourteen?” Jesse wrinkled his nose. “You started dating her when she was fourteen? Good grief, man.”

“No, I’ve known her since she was a kid, though,” James explained. “She’s my sister’s best friend. I was too old for her back then, although I knew she had a massive crush on me. I thought it was flattering.”

“Okay, that’s a little better,” Jesse conceded.

“I asked you a question, Mandy,” James prodded. “Did you think I wouldn’t marry you after we started dating?”

Mandy was caught. “Um … .”

“When did you finally realize I was serious?” James asked, genuinely curious.

“When you wanted to move in together.” Mandy sheepishly lowered her eyes. “Until then I kept waiting for you to change your mind.”

“Oh, baby,” James muttered, snagging the back of her neck and pulling her closer so he could kiss her forehead. “So when I proposed, you really were surprised, weren’t you?”

“Even when you got down on one knee I worried I was dreaming.”

“Well, I am your dream man,” James said, resting his lips on Mandy’s forehead before giving her three quick kisses. “I knew I was going to marry you once I pulled my head out of my butt and embraced what I was feeling.”

James didn’t often talk about the night he and Mandy had sex for the first time, especially the part where he snuck out of her apartment while she slept. He was mortified by his actions, and convinced that was one of the reasons she remained insecure at times.

“Okay, I’m starting to think you guys are going to make me throw up,” Jesse said, shaking his head.

“I’m sorry,” James said, pulling away slightly. “We’re a high-maintenance couple.”

“So I’ve noticed,” Jesse said, grinning. “Still, I’m happy for you. You look relaxed and happy.”

“I am happy,” James confirmed, breathing a little easier when Mandy settled in the crook of his arm and sipped her fruity drink. “I didn’t know it was possible to be this happy.”

“And all it took was the love of a woman,” Jesse teased.

“All it took was the love of
woman,” James clarified. “She changed everything for me … and I will be forever thankful.”

“Well, that’s great, man,” Jesse said, his dimples peeking out as he flashed a warm smile. “Besides being happily married, what else is going on?”

“I own a security company in Michigan,” James replied. “My brothers work for me and another guy, a veteran actually. He’s also dating my sister.”

Jesse snorted. “How does that work?”

“I pretty much pretend I don’t hear her when she calls him ‘Snookums.’”

Mandy giggled. “I like it when she does that.”

“You encourage her to do that,” James said. “Actually, I don’t mind. I did at first. I wasn’t happy with the relationship. He loves her, though. I think he’s going to be an official part of the family before it’s all said and done.”

“And your brothers? Are they still jumping from woman to woman?”

James shook his head. “Grady lives with a local reporter and he’ll be engaged soon.”

“As soon as he gets his courage up,” Mandy supplied.

“Exactly,” James said, nodding. “And Finn is engaged and a father. His future wife just gave birth about two months ago.”

“Wow! A baby? That’s a big deal,” Jesse said. “When are you two going to procreate?”

James exchanged a quick look with Mandy. “Probably never,” he replied. “We’ve talked about it and we’re content with it being just the two of us. That way we can travel and still have naked Sundays in the hot tub.”

Jesse brightened. “You have a hot tub?”

“We do,” James said, grinning. “We have one back in our room, too. I suggest everyone get one if they have the option.”

“Fun,” Jesse said, signaling the waitress for another round. “Does everyone want more?”

“I could use another,” James said.

“I’m good for now,” Mandy said. “Maybe later.”

“Oh, I thought you might go back to the hotel and leave James and me alone to catch up,” Jesse said, taking Mandy completely by surprise with the suggestion.

“Oh.” Mandy’s cheeks burned and yet she had no idea why. “I guess that’s not a problem. The hotel is right around the corner. I … sure. I can go back to the hotel.”

“No way,” James said, shaking his head as she moved to push him out of the booth to clear her way for a hasty retreat. “You’re staying here. You’ve been excited about going to a pub all week.”

“I know,” Mandy said. “Jesse clearly wants to be alone with you, though. It’s okay.” She kind of meant it. She wasn’t keen on going back to the hotel alone, but she didn’t want to infringe on James’ reunion with his former friend. “It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine,” James said, his expression flat as he locked gazes with Jesse. “She’s my wife. We’re here on vacation together. She’s not going anywhere without me.”

“I’m … sorry,” Jesse said, holding his hands up in a placating manner. “I didn’t realize it would be such a big deal for you two to be away from each other for a few hours.”

“That’s not what this is about at all,” James said. “This is our anniversary vacation. We’re sticking together. I don’t want to be away from her and there’s nothing you can’t say – no stories you can tell – that she can’t hear. She already knows the worst about me.

“Secondly, she’s a trouble magnet,” he continued. “If there’s trouble afoot, it will find her. I’m not letting her loose in a strange city. That’s just begging for something terrible to happen.”

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