Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/Thrillers (92 page)

Read Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/Thrillers Online

Authors: Diane Capri,J Carson Black,Carol Davis Luce,M A Comley,Cheryl Bradshaw,Aaron Patterson,Vincent Zandri,Joshua Graham,J F Penn,Michele Scott,Allan Leverone,Linda S Prather

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Thrillers

BOOK: Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/Thrillers
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The truth was, Lorne had no idea. She’d never met anyone with such an acute aversion to dogs before. She also knew that if Ami showed Blackie fear, he could react in one of two ways either by pestering her until she was forced to take notice of him or by acting aggressively, growling or attacking her, although Lorne doubted the latter scenario would be true of Blackie.

Lorne comforted the dog while Fiona settled on the sofa next to Ami to see what her problem was.

“I had no idea you didn’t like dogs. Is there any way you’ll try to get over your problem?” Fiona leaned in closer and whispered, “We need to show a united front, for Linda’s sake. She needs to feel secure around here—we all do, hon.”

Tiny tears dripped onto Ami’s cheek. “I know, Fi, and I’m so sorry. But…dogs petrify me. I was bitten by one when I was a little girl. I can see Blackie is a nice dog, but my heart is pounding so hard just being in the same room with him. To be honest, I’m not sure I can cope with him living here with us.”

“What are you saying? That you’re not prepared to give it a try?”

“I didn’t say that. But…” Ami refused to look up.

There was something more to her behaviour than she was willing to admit to. Lorne waited patiently as Fiona tried to encourage Ami to confide in her.

“Come on, Ami. For Linda’s sake. Give Blackie a chance, at least for a few days.”

Ami thought for a little while before she gave a brief nod.

But Lorne wasn’t totally convinced that she was about to do the right thing, leaving Blackie with someone who appeared to be his prime carer, as both Linda and Fiona worked full time. Although, granted, Linda was off from work on the sick at the moment.

“Just to clarify the situation. Ami, once Linda goes back to work it’ll be your responsibility to look after Blackie. To exercise, feed, and play with him, is that right?”

Ami shot Fiona a terrified look, then stood up and bolted into her bedroom.

“Ami...” Fiona called after her.

“Leave her, Fiona. I’m sure we’ll find a way around this problem. Is she always so timid?”

“She’s always been a quiet girl, but in the last month or so, she’s been really different. We’ve been a bit worried about her. Since the attack, I’m afraid my primary concern has been Linda’s welfare.”

“How are you, Linda?” Lorne asked, smiling at the way the dog was looking up at her. He seemed happy in his new home, despite Ami’s reluctance to make friends with him.

Ruffling Blackie between the ears, Linda replied, “Truthfully, I’ve had better days. I just can’t understand why the police don’t believe me. Do they think I did this to myself?” She pointed at the wounds on her face and wrists.

“I know how unfair it seems, Linda, but without any physical evidence—DNA, et cetera—their options are limited. Has the doctor said when you can go back to work?”

“In a day or two. I’m an estate agent. It’s going to be hard for me to return to work. However, my boss is very understanding. He’s told me I can stay in the office until I feel up to facing clients again or my ankle is out of plaster.”

Satisfied that Linda was resigned to accepting the police decision not to go after Gibson, Lorne decided to broach the subject of her taking over the case. “Okay, here’s where I stand on things: I’m willing to leave Blackie with you for a few days, as I’ve already stated. I do, however, have some concerns in regard to Ami’s reaction to him. If that can be overcome in the near future, then I can see the arrangement becoming a permanent one.”

Both Linda and Fiona looked relieved and in turn stroked the dog.

“I have something else—a proposition, if you like—to run past you both.”

“Go on,” said Fiona, her forehead furrowed.

“As you know, I used to be a detective. I retired from the force last year with the intention of concentrating on the animal rescue centre. Well, things have changed. I’m about to start up my own private investigation firm.”

“Wow, how exciting for you,” Fiona stated, admiration on her face.

“I hope so. Here’s where you guys slot into the equation: I’d like you to be my first clients. Free of charge.”

Astounded, Fiona dropped down onto the sofa, almost crushing Blackie in the process.

Linda cleared her throat. Her eyes misted over, she placed a hand to her breast. “You’d do that for me, for us?”

Lorne couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed by their reaction. “Linda, I believe in you. This guy needs to be caught and taken off the streets. He can’t go on raping women and getting away with it. From what you’ve told me, I doubt you’re the first or the last that he’s lured away from that club.”

From the doorway, they heard a sniffle, and a pained voice uttered, “You weren’t.”



The three of them turned to look at Ami, who, after voicing the words, had collapsed against the doorframe.

“Ami, what do you mean?” Lorne asked cautiously, hoping the girl wasn’t about to say what she was thinking.

The girl stood unsteadily on her slim legs, and Lorne inched forward, ready to catch her if she fell.

“Linda’s not the first.”

“For God’s sake, Ami, get on with it!” Fiona snapped. “What are you trying to tell us?”

Ami closed her eyes. Lorne lunged forward.

But the girl didn’t fall. The only thing that fell were tears onto her cheek. “Gibson raped me, too.”

Everyone else in the room gasped. It was a while before any of them found their voices.

Lorne guided the young woman to the end of the sofa and pushed her down. “Ami, when did this happen to you?”

Ami took a tissue from up the sleeve of her jumper and wiped her nose and eyes with it. “About a month ago.”

“My God. Why didn’t you tell us?” Fiona asked finally.

“I couldn’t. I was so ashamed,” she whispered, her head bowed with embarrassment.

Lorne placed a hand on Ami’s shoulder. “Did you report it to the police, Ami?”

“No. I was too ashamed,” she repeated.

A dumbfounded Linda said quietly, “But you don’t or didn’t have any injuries...”

“I know. I feel terrible, for not telling you, for not looking like you do.”

Lorne had a feeling which way the conversation was going and interjected, “You don’t have to apologise, Ami. When it happened, did you give in to him?”

“Yes. He’s a powerful man. After he had finished, he spat on me like I was a piece of dirt.”

Lorne squeezed Ami’s shoulder and glanced up at the two sisters. Linda was staring at Ami with compassion and regret. Fiona on the other hand, looked as though she was capable of committing murder. Lorne couldn’t decide if it was Gibson or Ami she wanted to kill.

“How could you?” Fiona screeched at her.

“Please, Fi, don’t be cross with me,” Ami pleaded, still unable to make eye contact with anyone.

“Don’t be cross! How the fuck do you expect me to react? If you’d told us—either of us—this probably would never have happened to Linda! You do realise that, don’t you?”

As Ami sobbed into the palms of her hands, Linda pulled on her sister’s arm and shook her head. “Don’t do this, Fiona. What good will it do? The damage is done now.”

Fiona’s eyes widened, and her fists clenched and unclenched by her sides. “I’m sorry, Linda. I can’t and won’t let this lie. She should’ve told us. I don’t mean that Gibson attacked you but the fact that you were attacked at all. We could have helped you get over it. Do you agree, Lorne?”

Lorne cringed at being put on the spot. “Perhaps it would’ve been better in hindsight if you had confided in Linda and Fiona. It’s not something you should have dealt with on your own. But what’s done is done. I suggest we move forward, quickly.”

“I’m sorry. Truly sorry,” Ami muttered under her breath.

Fiona huffed, and Linda slapped her arm. “Fi, Ami was petrified. Unless you’ve been in that situation, you can’t possibly know what it’s like. Lorne, where do we go from here?”

Ami glanced up at Lorne and frowned.

“I’m just starting out as a private investigator, Ami. I’ve offered to look into Linda’s case for free. With what you’ve just told us, I’d say it’s imperative we get this guy off the street ASAP. I’ll need you to help us, though. Are you up to that?”

“Anything. I’ll do anything to help.”

Lorne smiled and heard the two sisters breathe a heavy sigh of relief. “I’ll need you to go to the police and inform them that Gibson raped you, too. Can you do that for me?”

Ami’s chin dipped against her chest. Without looking at the others, she asked, “What good will it do?”

“I can understand your hesitation, but the more complaints the police have against Gibson, the better. They’ll begin to take the case far more seriously.”

Fiona shook her head. “I doubt that’s going to happen. They’ll probably think Ami is just making up another attack. You know, what with her living with us. Without any proof, I have a feeling they’ll discount Ami’s accusation from the outset.”

Lorne nodded. “Fiona’s right, but Ami, if you’re willing to go through with it, I know from my experience in the force that Gibson’s name will be put on a ‘One to watch’ list. If any other crimes similar to yours occur in the same area, his name will immediately be flagged.”

“Oh, excellent. So all we have to do is wait for this scumbag to rape a few more women—then there’s a chance he might be connected to all the crimes,” Fiona stated, sarcasm evident in her tone.

Fiona had a point. No one knew better than Lorne how screwed-up the system was. That was why she had decided to branch out on her own, to right the wrongs that the police system couldn’t or wouldn’t do.

“I know it doesn’t seem fair, Fiona, but that’s the way it is. Now, about my proposal. I promise to give it my all. You have my word that if there is a way to get this guy, I’ll find it. If you give me the chance, that is?” Lorne watched the uncertainty disappear from the three girls, to be replaced by hope. In unison, they all nodded.

“Okay. Here’s what we do next: Ami, I need you to go to the police and give them a statement. Do you have a friend who could go with you?” Ami glanced at Fiona and Linda. “It would be better if it was a different friend—you know, because of the connection.”

“I think my friend from uni will go with me.”

“Great. Next, I need you, Linda, to tell me everything you know about Gibson. You said he had a girlfriend up till a few weeks ago. Any idea of her name?”

Linda shrugged, and her mouth twisted as she thought. “Not sure. The best I can do is ask around at the club, if I ever go back there.”

“Don’t worry, Linda. I’m not going to put you through that, although you shouldn’t let this guy alter the way you live your life. If you do that, he’s going to think he’s won in more ways than one. I’ll make enquiries at the club—discreet enquiries, especially as he appears to be well-known there.”

“I understand, but it’s going to be hard, venturing out at night again,” Linda replied. Fiona patted her understandingly on the back of the hand.

“If we can go through a few details, Linda, I’ll need to be getting back soon. Hubby will be expecting his dinner.”

Over the next half an hour, Lorne jotted down four full pages of notes about Gibson, some of which even Ami provided. Lorne packed her pad away and handed Fiona a carrier bag containing everything she had brought with her for Blackie, essentials for a few days’ stay.

“Are you sure about Blackie, Ami?” While taking notes, Lorne had noticed Ami getting nearer to the dog, intimating that she was willing to give him a chance.

“He seems a nice dog. Can I see how things go? All I can say is that I’ll try my best with him, for all our sakes.”

“I’m satisfied with that. He’ll look after you—all of you. I’m confident of that.” Lorne clicked her fingers, and Blackie rushed over to her. “Now you be a good boy and look after the nice ladies.”

The dog licked her face, and she wiped her cheek on the sleeve of her coat. “Any problems—doesn’t matter how insignificant you think they are—don’t hesitate to contact me. In the meantime, I’ll get started on your case. Hopefully, I’ll be in touch in a few days. Look after each other.”

Lorne left the room, and Blackie tried to follow until Linda caught him by the collar. Lorne heard the dog whimper slightly before the front door closed behind her. Unexpected tears welled up in her eyes. Sheila had warned her that she would need to harden up and to avoid getting attached to the dogs, but in Lorne’s case, that was going to be easier said than done.

She’d not long set off when her mobile rang. Lorne put it on hands free and answered it. “Katy, is that you?”

“Hi, Lorne. Sorry. Had problems getting hold of Roberts yesterday. I managed to pin him down today—not literally.” They both laughed. “He has a few reservations, but on the whole, he’s agreed to me helping you out occasionally.”

Lorne thumped the air excitedly with one hand, while the other firmly held the steering wheel. “That’s great. Dare I ask what his reservations were?”

Katy hesitated for a moment or two. “Actually, he was a bit narked that you hadn’t contacted him directly and chose to go through me instead. I also got the impression that he was hoping you’d reconsider your retirement and come back to the team.”

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