Deadly Is the Night (20 page)

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Authors: Dusty Richards

BOOK: Deadly Is the Night
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“You can't prove I killed anyone.”
On their way to the jail Knowles slowed and turned toward Jennings. “Where are the bloody clothes you brought home after the murders?” he asked.
“Who told you that?”
“Your wives.”
“My wives told you nothing.”
“They will. I am taking their testimony after I put you in the cell.”
“Where did you bury Emily in Utah?” Chet asked him.
“What are you talking about?”
“We have the ring that you left in bloody clothes you burned at the Forester place. Where did you plant her? You said she ran off and left you. She never lived to run away. You caught her and killed her and took that ring off her finger and didn't dare use it because your next wife would know it was hers.”
“Show him the evidence,” Chet said, shoving him into the sheriff's office and toward the cell.
“You can't prove that.”
“It has her name inside it.”
“I want a lawyer?”
Knowles unlocked the cuffs.
Chet made him widen his stance and found a derringer strapped to his leg. Then he took a large knife, in a scabbard, from behind his back and tossed it aside.
“You cut Mrs. Forester's throat with that after you used her?”
“I don't know what you are talking about.”
Knowles shoved Jennings into the cell, then shook his head. “I guess I am getting stupid after all this time.”
Chet put his hand on the man's shoulder. “No you are a patient man who has struggled to do the impossible. I am going to go to supper with Edie. We will share guarding the jail. I will send one of my men back after we eat, and then we will change shifts again tonight.”
He lowered his voice. “We need to keep pushing him about his crimes so we can break him and make him confess.”
Knowles nodded. “Thomas is coming in, so when he does, I will go with the bishop to get the testimony from his wives.”
Chet nodded. “We can support him. Good luck. That sister, who answered the door, will be tough.”
“I know all about that. I spent nine months trying to solve this and in less than a week you turned this case around. I heard lots about you, Chet Byrnes. I can see now that many were damn lies. You ever need help you can sure call on me. I'd be proud to help you.”
“Oh, you did lots of work and the rest we did together.”
That evening they told Edie all about finding the ring and watch. Chet added what the bishop said about the ring and swore her to secrecy.
“I guess now I'll lose my boarders?”
“We need to get back to Preskitt, Edie. I imagine someone else will need us to help them at some time.”
“I have heard so much about your home, your wife, and your life I feel like I am part of the family, along with these two men that belong with you. Not many men would trust his life to two young men from Mexico. I know why you do that. You trust them and you know the dedication they have for you. They are not just your bodyguards. You three men are brothers, and thank God for you looking over all the God-fearing people in the territory.”
Chet kissed her forehead and hugged her. “The worry, fear, and distress is over and we so appreciate all the little things you did for us while we were here.”
“Oh, Chet, tell your wife from all of us, we so appreciate her sharing you with us to find this madman.”
“I will, Edie. You know where we live if you ever need us again. We will come riding.”
“It has been a very exciting time in a sleepy town to have three U.S. marshals staying with me. I guess my reputation is safe.”
“Oh, yes. Three married men.”
“Those ladies have lots to look forward to upon your return to them. I will envy them. My husband would go on trips for the church to help somewhere, and I always thanked God when I saw him riding up the lane and we could renew our love and life.”
“Edie, we sure thank you. I am going to pay you for our board and room. We'd have had to pay for a hotel and café otherwise. We get our expenses paid for by the marshal service. What you do with the money is your business.”
“I had no plans to charge you. I will find someone needy to give to.”
“Thanks. Good night, Edie.”
“Good night, my friends, and thanks for bringing some sunshine into my life. I'll have breakfast at six so you can get an early start.” A knock sounded from the door. “I'll go see; it may be for you.”
They waited in the room and when Chet saw the deputy with his hat in his hand, he knew something was wrong.
“I have some news. Thomas and I stepped out of the jail tonight to get a bite to eat. Jennings did not act strange or say anything to make us think something was going to happen. He used a blanket for a noose and strangled himself to death. Sure was a helluva way to die.”
“I am sorry that you had to go through all this, Knowles.”
“Chet, I have to admit I was worried about arresting him. But we had him by the evidence. I know it will leave some people thinking we may have arrested the wrong man, but I want to tell you his second wife Sarah told the bishop and me, tonight, that he came home twice in bloody clothing around the time of the murders. His first suit coat disappeared after the Foresters were murdered. We had the right man. He knew it and took his life.”
Chet had a hard time falling asleep. Criminals upset him, but few of them killed people because they believed their victims were not religious enough in the eyes of God to live. Bad thing to ever happen . . .
They pushed hard and by noon on the second day made Holbrook. Winter let go a little but the calendar said there was still some time left. They stopped and told the new deputy, Joe McCarthy, about the Jennings situation. He agreed it was good to have it settled. Joe had not heard anything about his predecessor's whereabouts. He told Chet he felt Randall Cates was GTT. In other words—Gone to Texas.
The next stop was three days later at Windmill Ranch. Susie and Sarge, along with their crew, sat around the fireplace and Chet told them a less grizzly story about the murders and how they eventually found the evidence. Everyone shook their heads and a few said they should have hung him right away.
“Oh, we need to present a better picture than that. People back east feel we are all as mad as Jennings. We need law and order to prevail if we ever want to become a state.”
Later he and Susie spoke privately in the kitchen.
“Chet, does anyone really know what all you do for the territory?” she asked.
He shook his head. “That doesn't matter. I have ranches to run, and people count on us to provide them a life.”
She shook her head and hugged him. “Brother, I shudder every time I hear that you and your men have ridden somewhere to stop crime or arrest an outlaw gang.”
She put her finger on his lips to silence his protest. “You don't have to tell me someone has to do it. But as far as I am concerned, they need to get someone else besides my brother to do their calling for help.”
The next morning, he kissed her forehead good-bye, picked up her son, Erwin, and told him to take good care of his momma. He'd noticed the close relationship the toddler had with Sarge, but he sure looked like his real father. Mounted on his roan horse he waved good-bye to Susie, and his three-man outfit, along with their packhorses, rode for the Verde Ranch.
Rhea and Adam met them at the front door of the big house. Jesus told her that he and Miguel would put up the horses and be back.
She hugged him, and with Adam in his arms they went inside the house. The boy jabbering about some lamb he rode and Rhea filling him in on the latest ranch news. Almost home . . .
Tom came over and had to hear the stories. Asked about his daughter and son-in-law. Chet gave him a good report on them. Nothing wrong at the Verde River Ranch. Rhea made them supper and they slept, overnight, in the big house. Up at dawn, they rode up the mountain and by mid-morning they were ringing the schoolhouse bell. The boss was back and everyone hurried out to welcome him home.
Lisa came on the run for her husband. They hitched a team to the buckboard to take Jesus to his wife Anita who was waiting in town. Smiling, and looking great to Chet, his wife came to hug and greet him.
“Oh.” She swept a curl back from her face. “Good to have you back, big man.”
Monica was on the back porch, arms folded, and when he waved she shook her head and went back inside.
Chet shook Raphael's hand and answered him when he asked how the new man was working out.
“Super. He's learning the way fast. We had lots of work to do and many miles to cover, and Miguel did very well. I will tell you more about it and how we solved all the problems.”
Chet thanked everyone still standing around, told them he was glad to be back at the ranch, and for God to bless them all. Then hand in hand he went into the house.
“How was the trip?”
“Long and tough, but we solved the crimes at both places. They were two different crimes. One at Holbrook was a neighbor killed a man for his wealth and ranch. At Snow Flake the murderer was one of them and he committed suicide after we arrested him. Both were very black crimes and hard to understand. One stole and killed, and the other thought God had sent him to kill less religious people. With the second, we found that he probably murdered his first wife years earlier in Utah. If that crime had been solved back then he'd not had a chance to murder four other families.”
“I am sure glad you are home.”
“Liz, I am, too. Anything wrong?”
“Lands no. I simply missed you.” She squeezed his arm.
“I did, too. I'll tell you more after a while. No problems here?”
She threw her head back and laughed. “Nothing that you can't solve later.”
“Good. I can do that. How is Cary doing?”
“Fine. She writes she is helping teach children down there, found that she can teach. Last Saturday, for the first time, she attended a dance and young men danced her feet off. None of them had danced much with her before at other dances, so she felt she was now being accepted back in the community.”
“We figured she'd recover. Sounds good, doesn't it?”
“You stopped and saw Adam. How is he doing?”
“Fine. He talked about riding sheep the whole time. Rhea is raising him right, I guess. No. I know it. She tries hard and of course he is her pride and joy.”
“Did you ever think maybe we should have both your boys together, here, at the ranch?”
“I say no. In the first place, you'd break both women's hearts. Second, you'd be tied down and couldn't do all the things you get done with the help, or come riding with me.”
“Can we can talk about it more, later?”
He agreed. He realized she said this out of the feeling of guilt that she might be neglecting him not having the boys there all the time. Shame they lost the baby, but there was nothing anyone could have done about that. The boys were fine where they were.
“Well, stranger, I see the cat came back,” Monica said, putting a plate of food before him.
“Yes, ma'am, how are you?”
“My usual self.”
“No big cowboy came to court you while I was gone?”
“One big cowboy is enough. I damn sure don't need another.”
Liz put in, “We share you. She gets to feed you and I get to do the rest.”
“You ladies are the diamonds in my life. You both sparkle.”
“Eat your food before it gets cold. This is a lonely house when you aren't here to upset it. I am as always glad when you tromp back here from God knows where and she doesn't have to worry about you being shot or hurt on your travels.”
“Thanks, Monica. I had Susie tell me what to do for years, and you fit her shoes just fine. By the way, I stopped and saw her, Erwin, and Sarge coming and going. They are doing great. Tom's daughter, Sandy, and Cody are making it fine with Sarge herding cattle to New Mexico. Don't ever tell anyone, but Erwin really looks like his father. He and Sarge are real close buddies, but I could not get over the resemblance.”
“You look tired,” Liz said. “After lunch why don't you take a
? There is nothing pressing on your desk.”
“Sounds good. Your food is still the best, Monica.”
Good to be home, too, that was for sure . . .
Home. For a week they had some light snow, nothing the sun wouldn't melt by noon the next day. He'd ordered mowers for all his ranches and Ben Ivor promised him he'd do all he could to get them there. Kathrin, Ben's wife, was there with both of their small children. They chatted a bit before she ran off with them to do something.
Ben shook his head. “I never dreamed at forty I'd have a new family. I'm so glad you found her, that you saw the saving graces that woman has. Chet, my business exceeds most mercantile stores in the territory thanks to people like you. And I thank God every night for you, it, her, and the kids.”
“Ben, you treat everyone of your customers like family. She is the star in your crown, and it is no shame for a man to have a lovely wife and children.”
“She said she never had any life before she married me.”
“God did that, huh?”
“He must have. My first wife and I never had a child. Come to think of it, she did lose some. I hate to think bad of her, but that might have been intentional.”
“You did good this time.”
“I hope I can get all this mower gear for you by haying time.”
“All you can do is try, Ben. I trust you.”
“If I can't, I might be able to get some used equipment to get you by on.”
“We have to do what we have to do. Thanks.”
He found Bo was his usual smiling self when he caught him in the land office next. “I found that nephew of yours, Ty, some more land out there.”
“Worth the money?”
“I think so. It has an artesian well to water twenty acres of alfalfa. The whole eighty is close to him and costs eight hundred dollars.”
“You buy it?”
“Yeah, because I can sell it for more than that if you and Ty don't want it. But what do you think?”
“I'll buy it. He can farm it. He gets on his feet, he can pay me. I'll need the location. How did you ever get it?”
“A guy in Illinois inherited it. He wanted a quick sale and I made one by mail.”
“Thanks. I know the place. I'll go tell Ty.”
“Thanks. Your family doing all right?”
“Yes, except my poor wife is pregnant again. Guess that happened like on the tenth day you breed a mare, huh?”
“I don't know, Bo. I am not that lucky.”
“Sorry. She was married to her first husband for ten years and they never had anything. Now—”
“Like Ben Ivor when he married Kathrin and now they have two. She'd never had any kids before she married him nor did he have any with his first wife.”
“I am pleased. Hadn't been for you sobering me up, I'd probably died of exposure out behind Whiskey Row. When do you get possession of this eighty?”
“The lease on it ran out first of the year. You and Ty can have it now.”
“I better go see how his mowing equipment is. I ordered a dozen mowing outfits for several places today. He may need one, too. Where's Liz?”
“Teaching school with Lisa out at the ranch. They are teaching English to the children so they can attend regular school.”
“If it isn't reforming drunks you are into that. My buddy Chet Byrnes. Come by and visit and bring Liz with you.”
“I will do that.”
Chet finished up his business and stopped by to talk to Jesus and Anita. Jesus was splitting firewood for her range and welcomed the break. Chet quickly noted how Anita had taken on the role of wife and not servant.
As they enjoyed a cup of coffee, Jesus teased him about when they stayed with the Mormon folk and not having coffee to drink.
“Tell him what we talked about, Jesus?”
“Anita and I went to see Bo about getting a place of our own. He asked if we had money to buy a place. I told him maybe not a big place, but we could afford a ranch and we wanted it between here and your place.”
“I think it shocked him that a Mexican family our age had that much money,” she said.
“Does he have a place listed?”
“We get to go look Friday at a place he said that is like what we described.”
“I will still be here then?” Jesus asked.
“I have no plans for now. Hold his feet to the fire. Other words don't pay the first price he tells you.”
She laughed. “We told each other that.”
He went on back to the ranch house and his bookkeeping chores, still amused by Anita's response. Those two, in time, would make a great team if not ranchers on their own. No matter they would rise to the occasion.
Jesus and Anita would get themselves a ranch. But for now he had two good men to support him. He was still busy looking at invoices and bank deposits when Liz came in.
“How are we doing?”
“All right. JD is selling more beef. He makes his own way now, selling enough beef to cover his costs. I think by next year they will find even more markets for their cattle than they have now. And in the future his citrus and grapes will make money, too. The upper ranch at Hackberry has made money. The Windmill Ranch and our sales to the Navajo Agency is the greatest source of our income. Tom's big operation has moved ahead of the other ranches since it is the largest. The Hereford division will really make us money now we have the bulls we need. Toby's ranch and the Oracle place will take a few years before they even make a nickel, but they will make it and be good sources of income.”
“Good. You need to go to Oak Creek and do something nice for them. They send us peaches, apples, strawberries, and vegetables all summer long.”
“I will ride up there and see what they need. They do make money with that operation.”
“I think the fruit and produce they bring us is worth a lot.”
“That is all my end. I see you and your school project have moved six students to the real schoolhouse and they are all doing well there. Everyone is making a big fuss about them and that will encourage more to go there.
“You seem to have something on your mind, Liz. What is bothering you?”
“I am just tired of winter I guess. I know you have lots to do to keep you busy and the telegraph business is waiting offstage. But I'd like to take a trip somewhere with you.”
“I'll see what we can do. Just give me a few days to catch up here.”
“Oh, I am not rushing you. You get time, I'll be ready.”
“I am thinking I want to go up and see Toby and Talley. They have been pushing hard to make that place a ranch and I don't want them to quit. We can go down to the Verde and spend the night at the big house, then get up the next morning and ride to Toby's before dark. Does that suit you?”
“Wonderful. When?”
“Next Monday.”
She kissed him on the cheek and left him to deal with the rest on his desk.
Monday rolled around quickly. That morning his men were ready and had packhorses loaded in case they had to camp somewhere along the way. The weather looked open and mild. The four rode out the gate with three packhorses and the trip began.
By noon they were at the Verde Ranch. Rhea and Adam welcomed them to the big house. Miguel and Jesus rode off, after unloading the packhorses and grabbing her flour tortilla–wrapped beef and
frijole burritos
, to go look at the Herefords.
Adam and Liz talked about sheep riding. Chet walked down looking for Tom. Millie came to him and said, “Tom's went somewhere to check on something. He never said where or what, but he'll be home by dark. We'll come over to talk to you both when he is back, but I want you to know something. Tom and I have talked about it. Today, we think you did the right thing for Cody and Sandy, but I could have killed you when they got married.”
“I wore a steel vest that day.”
She broke out laughing. “You needed one. Chet, that girl of mine writes me a nice letter every week. And she is learning a lot of things about cooking and how to do things from Susie. I am pleased with her and him—growing together.”
“That would be great. Do come over. Liz was fed up with winter lockdown and came along to check on Toby's progress. As for Sandy learning from Susie—You know Susie was my mainstay in Texas. I knew you two became close friends when she lived here at the big house. I have nothing for Tom; just was going to visit.”
“He loves to talk with you. I recall coming back here when you took this ranch back from those crooks. I never thought you'd get it done. But you prevailed and thank God for all of us. Tom, Hampt, and Sarge were the only help you had.”
“We've come a long ways.”
“Oh, much more than that. I'll be up there to the big house when Tom gets here.”
On the way back to the house, he spoke to a few cowboys coming in.
“We've begun calving and so far this open weather sure helps,” a hand called Ruff told him.
His partner agreed.
“Keep after them, guys. Thanks.”
“Hey, we all like this outfit. You keep it going and we'll worry about calving.”
His two men were still off looking at the Herefords. Rhea and Liz were playing with Adam when he walked in.
“See Tom?”
“No, he's off checking on things. He'll be back later. I'm taking a nap.”
Liz stood up. “We are planning a meal and Adam is helping us.”
“You have things under control. How is Victor?”
“He's fine. Went to check on his fencing project at the new farm.”
“Okay, all is good. Just wake me up when Tom comes.”
She winked at him and he went to find their bed upstairs. His boots and gun belt off, he lay down and soon he slept.
Over supper Tom and Millie joined them. He'd gone to look at some cut fencing his men reported. They'd fixed it and came in and told him they thought someone probably wanted to ride across their fenced pasture as a shortcut. No cattle had been driven through the opening.
“Made me mad that someone cut my fences. We have gates at intervals. A guy cuts your fence thinks he can. We only have fences on land that we own.”
“That sure has you stirred up,” Chet said.
“If I catch him I'll kick his butt, hard.”
“No idea who he was?”
Tom shook his head. “Just some jasper passing through I'd bet.”
“We're going to see our man at the eastern division and how he is making it.”
“He told me next time he came to town, he was bringing his wife to visit us.”
Chet smiled. “I told him to go easy on the work and do that.”
“He is real serious about making it a good ranch.”
“He and Spencer are both trying too hard. I told him not to push too hard. Told them they need to take time with their wives.”
“Spencer's is Hispanic, isn't she?” Rhea asked.
“Yes. She has two small children. Her husband was killed in a horse wreck last year at the Diablo Ranch.”
“I thought he took a woman out of a—a house?”
“He did. She didn't want to live on a ranch so he gave her the fare to go back home. She never left Preskitt and now takes care of some man who is in bad health.”
“Lucinda Marcos is Spencer's wife and she is beautiful,” Liz said. “I met her. You'd love her, Rhea. Her children are very sweet and they love Spencer.”
“Did you like the site they are building on?”
“Yes. But I don't want to live down there. Preskitt's summers have spoiled me.”
All around the table laughed.
Chet spoke up. “Rhea, you fixed a great supper and we appreciate all you do with Adam.”
Everyone agreed.
* * *
They rode out early. Chet was feeling good. Miguel's horse bucked some. Nothing fancy, simply feeling he had a few kinks in his back to get shed of. Miguel could ride almost anything, never got mad at an animal and somehow managed to make it behave. A good sideman to ride with. He matched Jesus.
They made the T Bar X Ranch, but when they came in sight of it no smoke was coming out the chimney. Chet held his hand out and stopped Liz. “Something's wrong here. That front door is wide open.”
“I'll go check it,” Miguel said, and jobbed his horse to charge up there. Chet and Jesus drew their handguns. They looked to the pine-clad slopes for any sign of threat. Liz had her .30 caliber Colt in her hand.
Chet shouted to Miguel, “Watch yourself. They may be lying in wait.”
“Where is Crystal Hayes at? She usually stays home.”
“No one seems to be here. But they trashed the house.”
“What do you think is wrong?”
“I have no idea. Something is bad wrong here. I hope Miguel doesn't find any bodies.”
“Oh, that would be horrible.”
“Liz, you and I know this is still a raw country. Anything can happen, isolated as this place is.”
“Ain't no bodies. But they sure made a mess of the house,” Miguel said, reaching them. “Looks like the work of some drunken Indians to me.”
“Good enough. Jesus is checking the rest of the place.”
Just then Jesus came from the back of the house. “Whoever they are they stole the horses that they had.”
“Oh, my.”
“Time to move on. Nothing we can do here. Better see how Toby is getting on up ahead. Liz, bring the packhorses. Someone needs to ride point. Let's hustle. I don't like this one bit.”
“Go,” he said to her, and went to beating on the packhorses to run.
Jesus took the point and Miguel dropped behind him. All four of them were looking everywhere while loping their horses for the ranch road that led into the old rustler's place.

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