Deadly Liaisons (34 page)

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Authors: Terry Spear

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Deadly Liaisons
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“I think you should tel him yourself.”

“I’m sure he’s as busy as I am.” Tezra knew if she saw him again, her resolve to stay with Katie would melt away. She headed back down the hal , but when Katie didn’t respond, she stopped and turned.

Katie’s pink, glossy lips tightened.

“Wel , Katie?”

“He keeps asking me how you’re doing. If you believe he’s going to vanish from your life, think again.”

She didn’t want him to vanish from her life. Besides, she was just his ward. Her focus had to be on Katie’s welfare.

“He went after the staff in charge of the home for troubled teens.”

“What?” Tezra couldn’t contain the surprise in her voice.

Katie lifted her chin. “Yeah. He registered a complaint against the home—targeted the staff, the fact they wouldn’t let you see me when I was in the hospital, and outlined sixty-two other human rights violations based on entries in the diary you kept back then. The SCU has started a big inquiry into the home’s procedures, and heads are already rol ing.”

“My diary?” Tezra shook her head, her knees weak. It must have been mixed in with the investigative files she had hidden in the wal .
She couldn’t believe he’d go after them for her. To think she’d filed complaints for the last eight years with any new SCU senior staff member after she’d been released from the home but no one had listened, and one vampire had made al the difference. Wel , not any vampire, but Daemon, prince of the American clans. God, she loved him.

She motioned to the open door. “Shut the door, wil you, Katie? Our neighbor across the hal is a very uptight old guy. I’m sure he wouldn’t like seeing me parading around my living room in a towel.”

Katie snorted. “He’s probably got his eyebal glued to the peephole.”

“I thought you had school today.”

“School holiday. Seriously, Tezra, Daemon’s worried about you.”

Tezra ignored her and headed down the hal to her bedroom, not wanting to think about the seductive vampire. For the twelve days, two hours and thirty-two minutes since she’d left Daemon’s house, Katie had abided by Tezra’s rules. If Tezra didn’t think about him, her heart couldn’t ache for him, right?

That’s why she couldn’t sleep, and why her mind shifted from her work to thinking about him twenty-four, seven.

The front door shut with a clunk. “It’s not his fault he turned you, but mine. And dammit, Tezra, he’s worried about you.”

“He needn’t be.” After al , she wasn’t his mate! Tezra whipped around and stalked back into the living room. “And it is
your fault he turned me.”

“Okay, you’re right. If you want to take credit for Dad’s screw-up, so be it.”

“What?” Tezra tugged the bath towel higher.

“Daemon discovered Dad was a crime investigator too.”

Tezra frowned, wondering where Daemon had ever gotten such a ridiculous notion. “Dad wasn’t. He worked in accounting at the hospital.”

Katie shook her head. “No, wel , yes he did do that, as a cover for his real job. He was a deep-cover SCU investigator, but he was also moonlighting for the city police force on the side for extra money-hunting vampires, il egal as hel as far as the SCU

was concerned without proper licensing. And, guess what he discovered?”

Knees buckling, Tezra leaned against the back of the sofa, her stomach churning with upset. “He was not looking into the police officer kil ings.”

“He was, Tezra. The Chief of Police knew al about it but since no one had ever thought to question him about Dad, he didn’t want to give our father and our family a black eye. He didn’t realize you and I have both felt responsible for our parents’ deaths.”

Katie took a deep breath. “So, because Dad was investigating and apparently getting close to proving Krustalus was the one who had kil ed the police officers, the renegade vampire targeted him. As for Mom, maybe he assumed since she was a hunter, Dad and she talked about the case he was working on. Or maybe Krustalus figured she’d come after him next for murdering her husband, and that’s why he kil ed both Mom and Dad.”

Tezra’s thoughts swirled with the implication.

“He didn’t figure you were real y a threat to him, but he’s played with your mind al these years. Not only that, but he wanted you to replace the woman he’d lost, but you were too young yet. And why not want you? You were the perfect chal enge. Because I

…wel , I wasn’t in any shape to respond to much of anything, he didn’t bother me.”

“It wasn’t my fault he came after Mom and Dad,” Tezra whispered, her mind tackling the twist of events. The moisture in her throat al but evaporated.

“No. And another thing? Dad had a bad gambling habit. That’s why he had to sneak around to do the other job. He needed to pay off his debt or lose the house. Anyway, so no reason to carry the guilt around any longer, ’kay?”

Tezra couldn’t believe it. But when she studied Katie, her red hair dangling over her shoulders in a fiery mass, her green eyes sincere, Tezra realized something else didn’t add up. Katie was wearing the typical training school garb—black martial arts-style pants, black turtleneck, leather boots concealing the hunter’s blade, wrist blades. “I thought you said school was out.”

Katie’s eyes sparkled, and her lips curved up. “Caught me. I took a brief break. You’re right. Need to get back to classes.”

Tezra scowled at her. “I’m paying good money to have you trained and—”

“Yeah, thanks for everything. See ya later.” Katie bounced out the door and slammed it.

Tezra stood staring after the door. Her father had been the one to bring their home crashing down around them, and both Katie and Tezra had felt it was their own fault for al those years. She couldn’t believe it.

As for Daemon, this concern he had that other ancients might want her for their mate was utterly ridiculous. Hel , most of his people were furious with him for taking up with her. And now, no one wanted her as a mate, vampire, human or hunter. Wel , Bernard maybe. And occasional y a desperate vampire who turned up at her door, expecting an audience.

Craving Daemon’s touch, she shoved her wet hair out of her face, wishing she had a crystal bal that would reveal whether Katie would be al right if Tezra returned to him. She longed for his spine-tingling kisses and wished she could have everything else he dished out.

Walking back into the bathroom, she intended to get on with her day. Time to discover who was stealing financial files from police headquarters, then make plans for a night of margaritas with Mandy Salazar. She wondered then if Mandy had known anything about her father’s work with the police. Nah. She didn’t start working as a police dispatcher until a few years later.

After drying her hair, Tezra returned to the bedroom. When she reached for her lingerie drawer, Daemon said, “No need to dress.”

Her heart racing and her head spinning, she whipped around. Lying in her bed under the pale blue sheet, Daemon rested his head in the crook of his arms. His black diamond eyes looked admiringly at her nude body. His obvious ful -blown erection reached heavenward.

God, he was beautiful, but cold chil s snaked down her skin, and her heart throbbed with a deep ache. She wanted him, lusted after him with such overwhelming need it scared her. “That sneaky little sister of mine! She invited you in when I was halfway down the hal !” she said, trying to get her emotions under control and distract herself from wanting to devour him whole.

He grinned satanical y. “Katie got tired of my asking about you,
she says your mood has been out of sorts. She thought I might be able to…help. You know, you are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met. I had intended to intervene several times over the last few days…wel , in truth since the minute you left me, but I wanted to see how long you’d attempt to resist me.” He raised a brow, his mouth lifting in a self-satisfied smile.

Conceited vampire.

“You shouldn’t be here.” Tezra jerked her panties and bra out of the drawer. She fought the tears that threatened to spil at the sight of him. “I have to be here for Katie.” She choked on the words. She quickly brushed away tears, her heart sinking like an anchor into the darkest depths of the Mariana Trench.

In a flash, he stood behind her. His rough hands caressed her arms, sending a rush of warmth through her. “Tezra, love.” He pul ed her hair away from her neck, exposing the sensitive skin, then nuzzled her shoulder. “You haven’t fed.”

, trying to ignore the way his touch undid her. Even now the sound of his heart hammering made her own pick up its pace. The blood rushing through his veins cal ed to her, pleaded with her to consume her fil . The friction of his warm skin rubbing against hers stoked a fire deep inside her. He smel ed of Irish soap and pure musky Daemon.

“I’m al yours, Tezra.” His fingers stroked her nipples, sending sparks of erotic sensations through every nerve ending.

She dropped her panties on the floor. His velvet lips mouthed her shoulder, distracting her, making her crave what she knew she shouldn’t want. “But Katie—”

“She wants you to return to me. It’s al she’s told me the last few days, once she realized how attached you were to me. How you couldn’t bear to be without me.” He gave her another conceited smile.

She ground her teeth. The blood pulsing in his veins cal ed to her, begging her for satisfaction. He rubbed his erection against her bottom, and her short curly hairs dampened.

“Why hasn’t she told me?” But then again, she had. And Tezra hadn’t believed her. Hadn’t felt her sister would truly be al right without her guidance. If Tezra had only been there when their parents had faced Krustalus…

“Come to bed.”

“I don’t know that I can do this yet,” she hissed, unable to keep her canines from extending.
, she silently pleaded, but he was a drug she couldn’t resist, addictive as hel .

He chuckled against her ear and nibbled the lobe. “Come, use that pent-up frustration on me. You can give my people hel tonight at the bash I’m having.”

“Not another—”

Licking her jaw, he wrapped his arms securely around her waist and pul ed her against his hard body. “The last one, wel , that was to bring Krustalus and Mustaphus to their just rewards.”

She ran her hand over his arm in a loving caress. “And Lichorus.” When he held her like this, he felt so right, and she never wanted to let him go.

He lifted her in his arms, and she dropped the bra on the floor. Carrying her to the bed, he said, “It’l be different this time.”

She shook her head, not believing his words. “They hate me. Though al that real y matters is my sister’s emotional stability.”

He raised his dark brows. “My people wil love you, or else. And your sister wil be fine. You are my mate, for now and always.

But I wil give you more time to realize this.”

“Your mate?” She socked him in the shoulder. “You sound like some bigheaded barbarian.” But she couldn’t believe he’d say she would be his mate. What if she turned out like the other women in his life? Rogue vampires he had to destroy?

He laid her on the bed, grabbed her ankles and shoved her legs apart. Grinning, he sank into her. “That’s what you love about me, Tezra. I’m your barbarian. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I’m your ward, you said,” she reminded him. “You would never take a mate.”

“The minute I saw you crouching at the police crime scene, I was compel ed to make you mine, vixen.”

His erection stretched her to the limit, and his hands massaged her swol en breasts. But it was his blood cal ing to her at a fevered pitch that distracted her most. When his neck was in reach, she didn’t wait a minute longer to satisfy her bloodlust, the need as grave as if she’d crossed the desert without a drop of water to quench her thirst. Only this time, she used the utmost restraint—though it nearly kil ed her to show moderation—and bit into his skin more gently. His moan of pleasure fil ed her with orgasmic delight, and she sucked with enthusiasm. Her spirits lifted, and she knew then she couldn’t resist him ever.

She raised her hips and met his plunges, concentrating on the feel of him bearing down deep inside her. She wanted him like this, forever, making love to her, sharing their blood, caring for one another like soul mates did. She knew then they were bound to each other in ways she couldn’t fathom.

Another orgasm rippled through her, taking her to that higher plane as he came, his seed warming her, his hard body rocking her, his thoughts reaching out to her.
“I love you, Tezra, for all time.”


The second bash was as wel represented as the first, but this time only vampires were in attendance. Katie had a date with a hunter in Portland while Patrico and Bernard watched over her there. And she’d convinced Tezra she wanted to live in the hunter’s dorm, to be with hunters her own age. To enjoy life to its ful est. Tezra wouldn’t deny her that chance to regain her life.

This time the amount of blood drinks being offered at the bash was in short supply. Several drank wine instead. Was this going to be a typical vampiric party then? Fil ed with debauchery?

Butterflies fluttered in Tezra’s stomach at the sinful thought, though after the earlier love-fest with Daemon, she was prepared for anything. She stiffened her spine and moved away from Daemon, who greeted his guests with aplomb. Atreides, Voltan, Maison and ten other extremely loyal vampires Daemon had pointed out to her earlier stood nearby, watching for any signs of revolt or any threats to her safety.

Anatola was the first vampire to greet Tezra, bowing politely, her blonde hair piled on her head in swirling curls, a black satin dress clinging to her curves, her blood-stained lips turned up in a smal smile, but her eyes held no warmth.

“Daemon has made you accept me,” Tezra stated, trying to keep the anger out of her words.

The ancient vampiress’s smile broadened. “As was necessary. You do not think any of us would easily bow to a fledgling vampiress, do you?”

“Because I’m an investigator with the SCU and before this trained as a hunter.” Born as a hunter, first and foremost.

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