Deadly Obsession

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Authors: Mary Duncan

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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Chapter One

Dexter Crane worked at Jack’s Mechanics, a local company in the small town of Felton, Georgia. Dexter was well-known, and liked by most; especially the women. His handsome physique could have very easily landed him a modeling career but Dexter had a love for mechanic work.

He was easy on the eyes to say the very least; sleek brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. Every inch of his gorgeous body was well-defined with sexy smooth muscle tone. Dexter was also well-mannered. His mother had taught him great respect for women in general. She had raised him alone without contribution from his father at all, neither financially nor otherwise. Most women would probably be set back by the unfortunate circumstances but it only caused Ada Crane, Dexter’s mom, to gain exceptional will and determination. She refused to give up no matter what.

Dexter was in a monogamous relationship with Carmen Haines, his high school sweetheart, but things had become somewhat rocky between them lately. He loved Carmen deeply but he wasn’t ready for marriage. Though he felt they would eventually end up at the alter one day, he also felt they were too young to take on the responsibility of marriage right now.

Carmen, like Dexter, was a picture of sheer beauty. She had medium brown hair and eyes that were the most beautiful shade of hazel Dexter had ever seen. She was 5’6” and her figure was absolutely flawless causing the boys to flock to her side with great anticipation to win her affection. Though Carmen was the captain of her cheer team in high school never once was she unfaithful to Dexter. She was hopelessly in love with him. He owned her whole heart and soul. She had never imagined herself with anyone but him. When she thought of marriage, Dexter came to mind. When she thought of children, he was their father. She would always love him; forever.

Neither Dexter, nor Carmen had ever engaged in a serious relationship with anyone else. They lost their virginity to each other at eighteen. The bond between them had seemed unbreakable until lately; something had changed. Dexter’s eyes had begun to wonder. He was growing restless. The strong desire to explore his sexuality with strange partners, was nagging at him. He didn’t know how much longer he could overcome the urge.

Carmen on the other hand, felt totally opposite. She knew without a doubt how strongly she cared for Dexter. She had an infinite desire to be with him in every way. Inside her was an endless longing to feel his strong, yet, gentle hands up and down her slender figure as he eagerly explored every inch of her body. Dexter completed her. She would be lost without him.

It’s Friday night and Dexter and Carmen have plans to meet at The Border. Friday night plans are a tradition, only this one’s different as it is Dexter’s twenty-first birthday and Carmen has planned for him a surprise party. She’s invited their closest friends and so far, has managed to keep it a secret.

Dexter was pulling into the parking lot

at work when his cell phone rang.

“Don’t forget our date tonight and don’t be late. I’ll be waiting for you inside.” Carmen reminded.

“I know; I won’t forget.”

“Okay, I love you.”

Devious thoughts of betrayal were running through Dexter’s mind. Tonight’s my twenty-first birthday; I should be getting drunk, he thought bitterly. He loved Carmen but would rather be with buddies tonight and given that chance, it could very well be his opportunity to explore his sexuality with someone new. Dexter felt his and Carmen’s sex life was boring; it lacked spontaneity.

Work was finally done for the day. Carmen could barely contain her excitement for a minute longer. She felt she might explode soon. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Dexter’s face when she gave him the black leather cowboy boots he wanted so badly. He would be pleased.

Meanwhile Dexter was busy cooking up

a few plans of his own but they didn’t involve Carmen at all. He and some friends were meeting after his get together at The Border and do some partying of their own. He had heard that Carol Avery would be there. He hadn’t seen her since high school but if she still looked the same, she was absolutely stunning. She had attempted to hook up with him once before but back then he was totally committed to Carmen; he turned her down flat.

Just thinking about Carol was building excitement for Dexter. He could envision their bodies lying parallel on the ground as they passionately discovered each other with enthusiasm. He had no way of knowing if her desire for him still burned but was hopeful that it did.

When Dexter pulled into the parking lot at The Border, Carmen’s car was parked out front. He pulled up beside her and went in. He was immediately bombarded by a host of people loudly shouting surprises. He was unsuspecting of what was obviously a party in his honor and disappointed as well, although, he would never let on to Carmen. He knew she had planned the party out of love and consideration for him but this only caused his plans at the lake to be postponed.

“Happy birthday, baby, I love you.” Carmen shouted as she warmly kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you, dear, I love you too. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me.”

“I know but I wanted to.”

Three long hours of mingling and catching up with friends had finally brought the party to an end. Everyone was leaving and Dexter was relieved to see them go. He walked Carmen to her car and kissed her good-bye. He watched her taillights fade out of sight and then headed to the lake to join the real party. Upon his arrival he was approached by his good friend, Henry.

“Hey buddy, I see you finally made it. There’s someone waiting for you on the other side of the lake.”

“Who is it? Who’s waiting for me?”

“Go, see for yourself. I think it’s safe to say you’ll be pleased.”

Dexter’s heart began to pound as he trudged the vines and thick tall grass to the other side of the lake. He was certain it was Carol Avery. Surprisingly, he was overwhelmed with nervousness. He’d known her all his life and yet was overanxious as if this was their first time meeting. What if she had planned to play a joke on him as pay-back for refusing her in high school? He would be terribly embarrassed if that turned out to be the case.

There she stood; blonde wavy hair, golden brown complexion, and long slender legs. Just the way Dexter remembered her in high school. She hadn’t changed a bit. He waited for her to speak first as it would make her intentions clear.

“Hey handsome, you’re still good looking as always. How’s life been treating you?” she asked as she checked him out from head to toe.

“Been good; how about yourself?” he

replied with a shaky voice.

Carol had been waiting for this moment as long as she could remember, she was infatuated with Dexter. He was everything she wanted in a man and this was her opportunity to make him love her. The feelings she had for Dexter wasn’t just a crush. She’d had crushes before; this was something entirely different. Her need to be with Dexter burned deep inside and the flames weren’t likely to burn out as they had been sweltering for so long now. Her marriage had even failed due to her obsession with him. She tried extremely hard to redirect her feelings for Dexter towards her husband but quickly learned that it just wasn’t possible. There’s only one Dexter Crane and no one could take his place.

“So what brings you to town?” Dexter asked.

“Just wanted to see some old friends, I’ve missed you guys. My husband and I are in the process of divorce; nothing to keep me there. How about you; where’s Carmen?”

“She’s at home. I didn’t tell her where I was going. She thinks I’m home also. She’d have an absolute fit if she knew I was here with you but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” He replied.

“I agree with you Dexter, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. She shouldn’t let a fine man like you out of her sight for a minute.”

The lake cast a beautiful light from the moon, the wind was almost nonexistent; the night was perfect. Carol slowly moved closer to Dexter, firmly pressing her delicate body against his. Overflowing with desire, he gave into seduction. There was nothing but silence between them, except the heaviness of their breathing. They became totally indulged in the moment. Their bodies were in perfect sync as they quenched their sexual desire. They were drained; sweaty from head to toes. They lay on the ground, next to each other, utterly exhausted. Then Carmen came to Dexter’s mind. What if she found out about this? Would she leave him? He didn’t want to lose her.

The night had been exactly as Carol had dreamed. She felt complete in a way that she never had before. Until now, she hadn’t realized how great making love could be. This is the way it should be every time; she was unwilling to settle for anything less from now own. Dexter Crane would soon be hers she vowed.










Chapter Two

The bright sunlight in Dexter’s face woke him. He rolled over and looked as his clock; it was seven a.m., almost time for the alarm to sound. He cut it off as he needed to leave for work by eight this morning. He threw the covers back and got out of bed.

As he headed for the shower, last night weighed heavily on Dexter’s mind. He felt terrible for what he’d done. He had fantasized about making love to another woman but ironically, Carmen was all he could think of. He loved her deeply; it was her he wanted to be with, no one else. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her, especially now that it was a definite possibility. She was his soul-mate; he was sure of it now. He was finally ready to ask for her hand in marriage.

The sound of his cell phone ringing startled Dexter. It was Carol Avery. He didn’t want to talk to her but knew he had to. He’d made a huge mistake sleeping with her and now had to tell her. He owed her that much.

“Hey handsome.” Carol said.

“Hey Carol, how are you?”

“I’m fine. I can’t get last night off my mind. You’re the first thing I thought of this morning. You were amazing Dexter. I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Listen Carol, about last night, it was a mistake. I didn’t mean to lead you on; I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I love Carmen. Last night helped me realize that more than ever.”

“What do you mean? We made love Dexter. I’ve never felt that way before. I love you; I want to be with you. If you love Carmen so much then why did you do it?”

“I’m sorry Carol; I told you that I made a mistake. I plan to spend the rest of my life with Carmen. I could never love you as I do her. You deserve to be with someone who can love you back. I can never do that. My heart will always belong to Carmen. I’m sorry.”

“So once again you’re rejecting me, is

that it? Only this time you’ve gone too far. You used me for a moment of pleasure and now you’re throwing me away as you would a piece of garbage? I let you get by with humiliating me once Dexter Crane, but not this time. You’ll be sorry; I’ll make you pay for this. Do you hear me Dexter? You will pay.” she shouted loudly and hung up on him.

The sound of frustration in Carol’s voice was obvious to Dexter. He feared the worst. He’d be sorry; what did she mean by that? What was she planning to do to him? She’s absolutely crazy, Dexter thought. There’s no telling what she might do. He had no idea what to expect from her. It suddenly occurred to him that Carol might be planning to sabotage his relationship with Carmen. He refused to stand back and allow her to do it with ease.

As Dexter went out the door his cell phone rang.

“Are you at work yet?” Carmen asked.

“Not yet, why?” Dexter fished.

“I just wanted to tell you how much I love you; I miss you.”

“I love you too. Can you meet me for lunch today? I really need to talk to you; it’s important.” He pointed out.

“Sure, is something wrong Dexter?”

“I’ll explain over lunch. Just meet at the park at twelve. I’ll see you then.”

Wow, that was weird, she thought. Carmen wondered what could be so urgent. The uncertainty of not knowing caused a strong feeling of nervousness but she would have to wait until her luncheon with Dexter to find out.

Over and over in his mind, Dexter silently rehearsed his confession to Carmen. He was hopeful that she would find forgiveness for his stupidity and agree to give him another chance. Last night wasn’t worth losing her; nothing was. If he could retrace his steps, he would never even look at another woman but unfortunately there was no way to undo his infidelity. It was entirely up to Carmen if she could forgive him.

All of a sudden he felt a tap on his shoulder and much to his surprise when he spun around he discovered Carol. He couldn’t believe it; she was here at his work place. What did she want? He’d already explained to her that he didn’t want her. He told her it was over between them; she was the biggest mistake he’d ever made.

“What are you doing here Carol? I don’t want to see you. I told you that. Why are you here?”

“I know what you said but I don’t believe you meant it. I love you Dexter. I want to be with you.” She said, moving closer.

Carol leaned in and ardently kissed Dexter on the neck. She pressed her body against his as she fervently moved her hands down his back. She desperately hoped he would be receptive of her seduction but quite opposite, he angrily pushed her away.

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