Deadly Race (2 page)

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Authors: Margaret Daley

BOOK: Deadly Race
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With each floor they passed, her bottled breath expanded in her lungs until she thought they would burst. The air in the small elevator tensed with each second that lapsed, as if a time bomb was ticking away and at any moment would detonate.

King Kong remained in the back, his eyes trained straight ahead. Riddled with guilt, Ellie couldn’t stop thinking of different scenarios. What if King Kong tried something in the elevator? What if she was responsible for Slade Calvert getting hurt? What if …

The doors opened, and Slade tugged on her hand to indicate they should exit. King Kong followed them off the elevator. Slade might be oblivious to the man behind them, but Ellie felt the goon’s gaze on her back. The hairs on the nape of her neck stood straight out. Her legs trembled as she placed one foot in front of the other. She clutched Slade’s arm to steady herself as they neared the end of the hallway.

Slade stopped. Her pulse pounded as she listened to the goon’s footsteps behind her pause for the space of a breath, then continue on past them. Slade inserted his key into the door, then opened it. Ellie never realized how long it could take to get inside a room until she was inside Slade’s with the door closed. She was safe. For the time being at least.

Slade put his key on the dresser and turned toward Ellie. The frankly admiring appraisal in his eyes crushed any relief she felt. Her actions and words had handed her over to him on a silver platter, and now she must pay. She certainly couldn’t blame him if he thought she was easy. This was not the first, nor would it be the last time she wished she didn’t have an impulsive bone in her body.

“I’ll take a T-bone steak, thick and juicy, French fries, and a large chef salad with lots of tomatoes and cheese. And for dessert a big piece of chocolate cake,” she said in a rush as she braced herself to fight him off if need be.

“You are hungry.”

“Yes,” she breathed the word. Tension made her back ramrod straight while she waited to see what he would do next. She had to trust this man to a point because the alternative was facing the two goons, who she knew would drag her back to her employer, but she wouldn’t let down her guard.

“I wouldn’t mind having a steak, too.” He picked up the receiver and placed his order with room service.

When he finished, Ellie was still standing two feet from the door, poised for flight.

He smiled. “It’ll be at least half an hour before they bring up the dinner. Relax. Sit. Stay awhile.”

She had to pass him to get to the set of chairs that he indicated with a sweep of his arm. Masking her wariness, she moved cautiously toward one and nearly jumped when his hand snaked out and caught her wrist. Fear blossomed anew. She was trying to think of all the self-defense classes she’d taken, but at the moment not one move came to mind.

“We can always cancel room service and eat downstairs in the restaurant.” Deep amusement shone in his eyes.

“No, we can’t.” There was a frantic ring to her words while her body reacted to this man’s nearness.

His brow creased, his eyes narrowed. “What’s going on?”

“There was a man who followed me from the marketplace today. All I tried to do was help him with a selection he was making, but he obviously took it for much more,” she explained, realizing she was leaving out big chunks of the story. “Even though I couldn’t understand what he was saying to me in Spanish, I knew what he meant when he pinched me and winked. That’s when I decided to go into the bar and …” She let her voice trail off and have him come up with his own conclusions. She didn’t want to dig her hole any deeper than necessary. How could she tell him her reaction to that man drew the goons’ attention to her? How could she tell him that the man who wanted to overthrow the government was her recent employer? How could she tell him she didn’t know who to trust in Bella Isla, including him?

“Why didn’t you call the police?”

How could she tell him she had overheard her employer talking with the chief of police about their plans for taking control? That she knew what their strategy was? “I’ve heard such horror stories about the police in these foreign countries.”

“So instead, you approach me, a perfect stranger.” Skepticism laced his voice.

“You look like a gentleman.”

Slade tossed back his head and laughed, a low, husky sound.

“And you are a fellow American.”

“An American gentleman to the rescue.” He bowed, inclining his head. When he looked up, his regard snared hers. “What you did could have gotten you killed, or much worse.” Steel ran through his words as his gaze sharpened.

She swallowed hard, realizing she had been foolish ever to think she could have handled this man. Danger vibrated in the air between them, and she stepped back, her hand covering her heart. “Could have?” she squeaked out, her throat and mouth parched.

He relaxed his predatory stance and a self-mocking grin appeared on his harsh features. “You’re safe, Ellie. I would never force myself on a woman. Besides, you’re not my type.”

For a few seconds his words, meant to reassure, stung her. Then she chided herself. She was in enough hot water at the moment and certainly didn’t need any more complications. The rigid set of her shoulders eased, and she returned his smile. “Thank you.”

“We’ll eat dinner and discuss your options.”

“I do have another problem.”

“What?” he asked patiently.

“I don’t have a room for the night.”

“Why not?” he asked, again surprise flashing into his eyes for a few seconds before he masked it.

“I was supposed to leave today, but when that man started following me. I tried to lose him in the marketplace and managed instead to get lost. No one understood me when I tried to explain my problem. You should have seen the horrid place where I ended up. I’m lucky I’m here now.”

“What does that have to do with you not having a place to stay tonight?”

“I missed my plane.”
Boat and any other mode of transportation off this island

“I see.”


Ellie’s gaze flew to the door. She tensed, mentally readying herself for a confrontation with King Kong, or worse, both men.

“Must be our dinner,” Slade said.

She looked frantically around for a way to escape as Slade opened the door. She remembered the expression on Mr. Martinez’s face when he had discovered her in the hallway after his meeting with the chief of police. All she had wanted was a book to read from the library, and she had ended up running for her life. Even as a bellman wheeled a cart into the room, Ellie couldn’t shake the fear that crawled up her spine. King Kong and Godzilla were out there, probably plotting right now on how to storm the room. Come to think about it, why were they not storming the room? Who was Slade Calvert?

After the bellman left, Slade lifted the covers from the dishes, and the aroma of the food drifted into the air, spicing it and arousing Ellie’s hunger. Her stomach rumbled.

“Come on, Ellie. I’m sure the man who followed you gave up. Let’s eat. After dinner, I’ll call down and see if the hotel has an extra room.”

“I’ve already tried that before I came into the bar,” she said, knowing she wouldn’t be safe if she left this room. Safety in numbers, she decided, even if the number was two.

“And they don’t?”

She shook her head.

“Then we can try another hotel in the area.”

“No, they said everything is booked up.”

“Well, then,” he paused, thought a moment and said, “You can stay here tonight. I’m leaving tomorrow. We can work something out.”

* * *

Ellie sat next to him and practically attacked her food. Slade looked at her, amazed at how much she was eating. Her jump suit hid nothing, revealing a perfect figure. He was surprised to find himself curious about this woman. He couldn’t believe he was interested in her, because she certainly wasn’t anything like he was used to in his circle of friends in Boston. The lady he was currently dating, Elizabeth Hanson, was the opposite of Ellie. Elizabeth was reserved, quiet, with a hard edge to her.

“What do you do for a living, Ellie? You said something about teaching English.”

“I’m a governess to Mr. Martinez’s two children.”

His mouth fell open. “You are?” Mr. Martinez was a powerful, wealthy man in Bella Isla and couldn’t see him hiring someone like Ellie.

“I know I may not look the part, but I love children.” She took a big bite of her cake. “I just love anything chocolate. But I do limit myself to one chocolate thing a day. I have to watch my figure.”

Along with a lot of men, Slade thought, trying to keep his gaze off that perfect figure. Was that why Mr. Martinez hired Ellie. He’d heard rumors about the type of man he was. He clenched his hand around his fork. “I can call Mr. Martinez. I’m sure he is worried about you.”

“No!” Her chest rose and fell rapidly. “My last day with him was yesterday. I can’t bother him.”

“Did he bother you?”

Her eyes grew round. “What makes you say that?”

“Just a hunch.”

“He did make it clear he was interested in me.” She locked gazes with him. “But I am not interested in him.” She ate some more cake. “Men are so lucky.”

“Why so?”

“They don’t have to worry about their figures like women do.”

“A man can be just as obsessed with a good figure.” How had they gone from talking about Mr. Martinez to a woman’s figure?

“Yeah, but it’s the woman’s he’s obsessed with,” Ellie said with a throaty laugh.

Slade chuckled, liking the sound of her laugh. “You’ve got me there.”

“I found girl-watching was still a national pastime here in Bella Isla.”

“It hasn’t lost its appeal back home, either.”

A tiny frown furrowed her brow. “Speaking of back home, how in the world am I going to get home?”

“We have room for one more on my company’s plane for tomorrow morning,” he said before he realized he was committing himself to caring for her beyond the night. But her helpless vulnerability made a man want to protect her. If he wasn’t here to help her, no telling where she would end up.

“You mean you’ll take me back to the States?”

“Sure. I’m going to Boston.”

“Thank you again.” Impulsively she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. She started to pull away when his arms encircled her and his smoldering gaze roped hers.

“You’re welcome,” he murmured, his eyelids drifting half closed as his gaze lowered to her lips. He raised his hand to her face, marveling at its perfection. As he had stated, she wasn’t his type, and yet he felt himself drawn to her and didn’t understand why.

When he reestablished eye contact with her, he rubbed his thumb across her lower lip, then traced the outline of her mouth, a soft brush that sent shivers down the length of her. Slowly he brought her toward him, giving her time to pull away if she wanted to

* * *

Ellie remained motionless in his arms, her eyelids sliding closed. His lips brushed across hers so gently at first she wondered if she was imagining herself in his embrace. Then his mouth fastened onto hers, and she knew she was being held, being kissed—expertly, thoroughly.

She forgot why she was there and let herself feel, to give in to the sweet sensations his kiss was producing within her. She felt an irresistible tug toward him and didn’t understand why. She never threw herself at any man. It had to be the situation she was thrust into the middle of. He was her way out of Bella Isla, and she felt a connection to him because of that. Nothing more.

As he began to nibble a path down her neck, her eyes opened slightly, and she saw the bed behind him. Her position came crashing down on her, and she drew back, her hands flat against his chest to hold him away from her. Suddenly she didn’t trust herself if he tried to kiss her again. Of course, it had to be the life and death situation she found herself in that generated these feelings that was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She had to squash them.

His heavily veiled look encompassed her whole face and made her feel as though he was continuing his kiss in his mind. Her common sense wavered in its determination to put an end to their kiss. She had to do something fast or she would be lost.

“Wow! You certainly know how to kiss.” She forced herself away; she forced a light, carefree tone into her voice when she felt neither.

He smiled, a positively sexy smile. “You aren’t too bad yourself.” He liked her honesty. He had found very little of that in his life. It was refreshing.

“Well, I have to tell you right up front I’m not that type of girl.”

“What type?” He thought he knew what she meant, but with her he needed to ask to make sure.

“Who sleeps around.”

“I understand.”

“Oh, good. I was worried you got the wrong impression of me because of my little situation.”

Slade busied himself by wheeling the cart just outside the door. He checked the hallway to make sure the man Ellie had told him about wasn’t lingering around. If the truth be known, he needed some time to cool down. Ellie appealed to him. He couldn’t deny he wanted her. He normally was very reserved, especially in relationships with women. With Elizabeth it had never been a problem. He knew she liked going out with him because of the people she met in his company. He understood that and accepted it, because she kept the other women at bay.

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