Deadly Seduction (14 page)

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Authors: Selene Chardou

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery & Suspense, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Deadly Seduction
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He strolled over and embraced his mother.


“I was worried as usual but you always seem to prove your father right and me wrong,” she murmured in his ear.


“Well, you know what Da’s like.” It wasn’t until he took my hands, I realized I was trembling all over.


He kissed my forehead before he held me in his warm embrace.


“I love you,” I whispered.


“I love you too, babe.” His large hands cradled my face delicately. “Just know that nothing and no one will ever keep us apart, you got it?”


I nodded my head and finally allowed myself to shed a few tears and a small smile spread over my lips.


He was mine and I was his…finally.


But how long would it take for the other shoe to drop?




Part Two



Trials & Tribulations


Six Months Later


Chapter Nine





Cillian climbed on the back of his Harley, and set off from his famous brother’s house in L.A.
He hadn’t come to the city of Angels to see Kaz anyway but the missus of the house, a beautiful and wealthy heir to a Norwegian cruise line, helped keep him company.


Sydney Landvik was a perfectly nice woman and also great in bed but she wasn’t Gisela and that is precisely why he hated these long runs. No matter how hard he tried, he could never stop himself from acting like a fucking douchebag.


His woman at home was a dream come true.


Not only had she postponed the trial once the Feds got their asses in gear and charged him with the murder of Riley, she got him granted bail damn near immediately due to the lack of space in prisons. As a good faith gesture, he’d handed over his American, British and Irish passports to the court to prove he wouldn’t be a flight risk and the judge agreed to the $2.5 million dollar bond the Federal government demanded.


He’d spent almost a week in L.A., and had accomplished everything that needed to be done.


He checked on the Glendale chapter only to find out both the VP and Prez were full blown coke heads who were getting high on the Club’s supply.


He had a long chat with his brother Kaelan—aka Jaden—about making a decision where Talia Viaro and his unborn child were concerned.


Kasper “Kaz” Gillian, his half-brother, had left town for Vegas on a business trip concerning his extremely famous and popular rock band, Scarlet Fever. He’d left Cillian alone with his fiancée, Syd, and one thing had led to another.


Not only had be fucked her but he’d done it bareback and ate her out too.


All the while Gisela was stuck in Birch Tree, caring for his children since their mother no longer had any interest. She was also looking after his case along with various others, and waiting patiently for this whole nightmare to be over. It was only then he would be able to divorce Brianna and make a true old lady out of the one woman he loved with all his heart.


If his fucked up brain could just communicate this information to his dick, everything would be grand.


Fortunately, the woman he’d decided to be so careless with wasn’t a health risk but it was the principle behind the deception. He’d done things with Sydney he hadn’t done with anyone but Gisela, and it honestly frightened him.


All these years, he’d blamed Brianna and not having Gisela for the reason why he cheated and couldn’t stay faithful. However, no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he was more like his father than he cared to admit.


He loved pussy and he also craved variety.


Not that there was anything wrong with his sex life with Gisela. She could have fucked him more than she did but it was pretty hard to ask a woman with ten-to-twelve hour a day job to lay on her back and spread her legs after a hard day at work. Plus, she was also doing double duty as the primary guardian for his kids too. Although she had help because the Club was one big family, she shouldered the vast majority of the burden on her own.


Cillian could try to justify away why he did what he did but all that managed to do was remind him of what a world class git he was for doing something incredibly selfish and stupid. Who knew how long he would have to go without sex once he told her? They’d promised no lies or deceit, and that meant he would have to bite the bullet, and tell Gisela the truth. She would figure it out sooner or later anyway and it was best she heard it from him rather than a stranger.


“You’re fuckin’ stupid, man.” Kink climbed off his Harley and continued to smoke his cigarette.


The two men had met up at a gas station in Barstow across the street from a Burger King.


They had a chapter there and Kink’s ex-old lady, Miranda, lived there with their two sons, Braedan, and Killian. Her father was Irish and Sicilian while her mother had been Mexican, black and Japanese. Both their sons were beautiful and somewhat exotic looking with their olive-toned skin and black hair. Braedan’s eyes were aquamarine, just like his old man, while Killian had gorgeous hazel eyes with golden striations.


“Says the man who let his old lady take his boys to Barstow.” Cillian stood and stretched his back. “Couldn’t you get the bitch to move to Yreka or Mount Shasta? It wouldn’t be this fuckin’ long ass trek across the goddamn desert.”


“Ha-ha, real funny. What was I supposed to do when her family is here, man?”


fuckin’ family together instead of fuckin’ eighteen year olds, bro.” Cillian slapped him on the back as his face turned lobster-red.


“That’s why I know what I’m talkin’ about. How do you think I ended up without a family? I wanted to be all about the goddamn truth and where did it land me? My old lady took off and fuckin’ took my boys with her.” Kink chugged the last of his Bud Ice and dragged on his cigarette.


“You know, Miranda might be willin’ to come back if you weren’t shacked up with Candy or whatever the hell her name is.”


“It’s Carla and she’s like a fuckin’ birthday cake—everyone’s had a piece of her. She ain’t nobody special.”


“Then move her the fuck out of your house and get your woman back.” Cillian smiled wryly. “Although you have successfully talked me out of tellin’ Gisela. I don’t want to be sleepin’ in an empty bed.”


Both men laughed as they enjoyed their cigarettes before they flicked them to the asphalt and got back on their bikes. They had a long ride back to Birch Tree, and Cillian wanted to get home to Gisela as soon as possible.


He slid his helmet on and looked over at Kink. “Let’s roll.”


“Right on, brother, till the wheels come off.”



Cillian drove into the driveway shortly before five in the morning.
He backed in and turned off his Harley before he closed the garage on the way into the house.


Brianna was still in town but she lived in a condo in Reno after Cillian gave her a wad of cash and told her to vacate the house.


Gisela had made sure the place was thoroughly cleaned before she and the kids moved in, and now that she was in charge of their home, the house was always immaculate. He entered the house to the smell of baked cookies. Chocolate chip and oatmeal by the mélange of smells but the place was quiet as a tomb.


The kids were still sleep and didn’t have to wake for school for another couple of hours. She dropped the kids off and usually went straight to work but lately, she’d been working from home as well because it was easier than making the trek to Lake Tahoe every day.


Cillian walked up the stairs after he shed his shit-kickers downstairs and headed straight for their bedroom. Gisela had gotten rid of the previous bed he’d shared with Brianna and had a brand new bed set installed along with ultra soft pillow top mattresses. She slept on and he had no wish to wake her up but he desperately needed a shower and a shave.


He walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him before he started the shower and stripped out of his clothes. They went into the dirty hamper and as he stepped under the warm water, he began to scrub his body of any evidence he’d fucked another woman.


It didn’t matter he’d taken a shower before he left Kaz’s; his world suddenly seemed so tiny and fragile. He couldn’t lose Gisela because his cock had no conscience even if he did. He braced the walls with strong arms as his palms flattened against the tiles. The water ran down his body, including his hair while his head was bowed.


Why had he chosen to play Russian Roulette with his relationship now? He was in the middle of a trial and with the woman he wanted to be with more than any other woman but he couldn’t stop himself from fucking up time and again.


Cillian rinsed off and cut off the shower before he got out, and dried off with a towel. Afterwards, he brushed his teeth, walked into the bedroom nude, and slid under the covers. He settled under the warmth that was Gisela’s body and inhaled her scent as he pressed his nose into the crux of her neck.


She stirred and turned over to face him but buried her head in his chest. “I missed you. Please tell me you won’t be going anywhere else anytime soon. I know I told you to go on these runs but I get so scared with you out there…on the road.”


He kissed her forehead and pulled her into his warm embrace. “I will try to stay closer to home, baby. I needed to take care of some shit but I won’t be leaving you or the kids anymore. I promise.”


“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She kissed his lips, her own lingering longer than necessary. “Your mother stopped by and she told me to tell you to call your dad when you got back into town.”


“Shit. I know what that’s about.”


“Do you?” Her amber eyes glowed in the dim light. “Promise me it has nothing to do with anything illegal. You’re being watched, baby. You don’t think the Feds knew you left the State? I’ll get a call and will smooth everything over but you can’t do anything to make this more difficult than it already is. They want to put you in prison for
, sweetie, do you understand that?”


“Yeah, babe, I do. Remember, my head is on the choppin’ block. You know what’s so fuckin’ hilarious? It’s for somethin’ I didn’t even




Cillian yawned before he flipped her flat on her back. “Nothin’, baby. I’m just tired. I still wanna fuck you though because I’ve missed you like mad.”


“Don’t bother.” Gisela laughed as she pushed him off her. “I know what you consider a fucking and I’m not really up for a ten minute session. Approach me when you’re not drunk with sleep.”

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