Deadly Vision (26 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Vision
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Stop thinking about him!

The voice was loud and bitter in her head and she had to stop her hands from covering her ears in an attempt to quiet the sound. She knew the voice was right, but her heart wasn’t listening. The only man
wanted was Gil.

cleared his throat, drawing her attention. “Look, Fallon. I’m not exactly sure what Jane told you, but I want you to understand something about me. I didn’t come here looking to get lucky. Jane just mentioned you enjoyed riding as much as I do, and I thought it might be nice to talk to someone who doesn’t think going thirty miles an hour down a steep trail overgrown with rocks and logs is crazy.” He touched her hand again. “How about we start with a drink? Jane bought some of those coolers you like. Can I get you one?”

Fallon forced a smile, thinking about how the timing in her life sucked. Here was a guy she could actually see herself falling for, and there was nothing she could do to make it happen. Not as long as Gil was messing with her head. “Thanks, a drink sounds great. But I’d prefer a diet soda if it’s all the same.”

gave her a bewildered look, but nodded and headed off in the direction Jane had gone. She did her best to ignore the way his back bunched and flexed as he sauntered across the floor, drawing every pair of female eyes in his wake. He was definitely all Jane had hinted at and more. But her heart wasn’t looking…or listening.

is one good looking guy.”

Fallon cringed as the voice sounded behind her. She should’ve known Gil would be somewhere nearby. She straightened her shoulders and clenched her jaw, determined not to let him get to her. “Oh, he’s far better than just
good looking
.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “Much closer to drop dead gorgeous.”

Gil shrugged and moved around in front of her. “If you like the pretty boy thing he’s got going.” He gave her a gut wrenching smile that flooded the heat between her legs. “I always figured you for more of the rough and tough kind.”

“He’s a fireman. I’m sure he’s plenty tough,” she bit out.

Gil nodded and looked across the room. “Maybe. Or maybe he spends more time in the bathroom getting ready than you do.” He looked back at her. “Do you really want someone like that, darling?”

“Obviously you don’t know what I want, or we wouldn’t be standing here arguing!”

“Discussing, darling. We haven’t yet escalated to arguing.”

“Urgh…” Fallon threw up her hands and all but stomped her foot on the floor. “What do you want from me? Why don’t you just bugger off and find yourself a big breasted bimbo to be your sex buddy?”

“I’ve never treated you as my sex buddy, and you know it.” He took a step closer and palmed her jaw. “I’ve always cared about you. And I always will.”

“I don’t want someone to
about me,” she snapped, stepping away from his caress. She couldn’t think straight when he touched her, and she needed her mind clear. “I want someone who
me. Who isn’t afraid to let me love them back.” She bowed her head and concentrated on a small patch of flooring. “I’m thirty-two. I need more than just a man in my bed. I need a man in my life. One who’s ready for the same things I am.”

“Such as?” he challenged.

“Such as?” she repeated. “It’s hardly rocket science I just want the usual stuff…a home…a family.”

She grazed her hand across her belly, wondering if her last wish was already coming true. Then she realised Gil was still watching her and quickly snatched her hand away. She looked over at where the other guests had gathered, their laughter ringing through the room. “I guess I want something more to show for my life than just a job.”

“But I thought you loved your job?”

His voice was strangely quiet, and Fallon turned to look at him, despite the voice warning her against it. His eyes were dark and brooding, and the edges of his lips were pulled tight. “All I know for certain is that I’m not happy.” She looked down at her feet again. “Sometimes I think it’d just be best if I started fresh. A new town. A new life…”

“Ah hum.”

Fallon jumped at the sudden deep voice behind her. She whirled around, nearly knocking two glasses out of Jackson’s hands as she spun to a halt. He was standing just off to her left, looking awkward and out of place.

“Sorry. Did I interrupt something?”

Gil stepped forward, but Fallon stopped him with a quick glare over her shoulder. “No. We were just talking.” She pulled at the hem of her shirt, flattening it across her skirt. “Thanks,” she said, taking the drink he held out to her.

“No problem,” replied Jackson, eyeing Gil with a look of apprehension. “So. Jane told me you’re registering in the national cross country race a couple of months from now.” He shook his head and sighed. “Man. A friend of mine raced last year. He said it was the nastiest competition he’d ever been in. A lot of blood and tears.” He nodded in the direction of her drink. “So that’s why you’re not drinking any alcohol. You’re in training.”

Fallon could almost hear the wheels spinning in Gil’s head, as his gaze levelled on her. He knew all too well she wasn’t abstaining from alcohol because of her training. Not when she’d downed more than one cooler that first night, before she’d fully come to terms with the fact she might be pregnant. It wouldn’t take much for him to come up with another alternative, especially if he’d seen her caress her stomach a few moments ago. She held back a curse and simply shrugged the question off. “Something like that.” She stepped closer to Jackson, hoping Gil would get the hint and leave. “Do you race?”

opened his mouth, but then closed it again as he looked over at Gil. He seemed uncertain of his next move with Gil just standing there, glaring at him. Fallon felt another curse form on her lips. Damn it if Gil didn’t look like the possessive boyfriend right now. Hell, he all but had
she’s mine
written across his forehead. She closed her eyes and wished she could just jump in her car and go home.


extended his hand. “The name’s Jackson. I work with Brad.”

Gil nodded and shook the man’s hand, silently measuring the man’s strength. It looked like the guy had a few pounds on him, but Gil suspected he’d come out ahead if things got ugly. “Brad mentioned it earlier. I’m Gil.”

“Do you work at the dispatch centre too?” asked Jackson.

Gil hid his smile as he glanced over at Fallon. “No. I’m with the Bureau.”

“Ah. A Fed. That suits you more.” Jackson looked over at Fallon but seemed oblivious to the anxious twitch of her hands. “Have you two known each other long?” he asked with an arch of his brow.

“Nearly three years,” answered Gil.

smiled and began to nod when his eyes widened. “Nearly…Oh. You’re

Gil couldn’t help but chuckle as Fallon’s face turned a deep shade of red, nearly matching the fiery tone of her shirt. “I see Jane told you about me. How sweet of her.” He took a step back. “Good to have met you…Jackson.” He knew he’d injected too much bite into the man’s name, but hell, the bastard was all but caressing Fallon’s arm. “I’ll leave you two alone.” He walked behind Fallon, stopping at her shoulder. “Just let me know when you’re done, and I’ll drive you home.”

He heard Fallon mumble something under her breath and smiled. He’d made his position clear, and for now, that was enough.

Chapter Seventeen




Fallon walked into the kitchen, hoping no one would follow her. Between Jackson and Gil, she hadn’t been able to sneak a moment alone since arriving at Jane’s. And if the ache spreading across the bridge of her nose was any indication, she had a killer headache on the way.

“Hiding, are we?”

Fallon cursed and turned to face Jane. The woman was worse than Gil. “Just taking a break.” She picked up a plate and spooned a few ribs onto it. “I am allowed to eat, right?”

“Of course, darling. But you could have asked Jackson to get you something.”

“Now why would I ask a man to do something I’m quite capable of doing myself?” she countered, sinking her teeth into the soft meat. Damn, it’d been a while since she’d tasted anything so good—other than Gil, of course.

“It’s called courting, Fallon. You should give it a try.” Jane moved over beside her, picking a rib off her plate. “So what do you think?”

“I think Brad should come over and cook for me. These ribs are amazing.”

Jane snorted and rolled her eyes. “Not the food, the man!”

“Oh.” Fallon fumbled with one of the bones. “He’s nice.”

“Nice?” Jane grabbed her by the arm and twisted her around. “He’s more than just
. He’s fucking hot!” She gave an exasperated sigh and shook her head. “I don’t suppose this has anything to do with Gil?”

“Why would you say that?”

“Oh, I don’t know? Maybe because he hasn’t strayed more than ten feet away from you since you got here.”

“He’s on assignment. After the break-in, he’s worried this creep may be following me.” She tried to shrug Jane’s concerns away. “You know how obsessive he is about his case.”

“Nice try, but it’s more than that. And I’d bet money that it’s you he’s obsessing over, not the case.” She stepped back and gave Fallon a slow sweep. “Oh. My. God!”

“What?” Fallon’s heart was racing as her friend surveyed her again. “Is something wrong?”

“You’re sleeping with him!”

Fallon scowled at her and stepped back. “Says who?”

“Says your body, girlfriend.” Jane waved her hand up and down the front of Fallon’s shirt. “Just look at you. You’re all relaxed, and you skin is practically glowing.”

“I just rode for five hours. My body is exhausted and my skin’s always glowing. It’s called sweat.”

“Oh no. This is totally different. You’ve got that ‘just fucked’ look.” She shook her head again and Fallon had to stop from smacking the knowing smile off her face. “You’ve been fucking him. And more than once.”

Fallon sighed and put the plate down on the counter. “So? You were the one who told me to get laid so I didn’t come across as needy.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t mean with Gil.”

“I don’t see how it matters who I get my sex with,

Jane sighed and reached for her hand. “Hey. You know I’ve always liked Gil. But…he broke your heart. And after all you’ve been through, I just don’t think he’s the best person for you to get involved with right now. It’s not like anything has changed. And you’ll be the one who gets hurt when he walks away again.” She gave her fingers a squeeze. “Don’t you think it’d just be best to move on, and put Gil and your past behind you?”

Fallon pulled her hand away, doing her best not to cry. Hearing Jane say her deepest fears out loud was more than she could handle right now. “It’s not that simple.”

Jane moved forward and pulled her into a gentle hug. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just…you’re still in love with him, aren’t you?”

“So what if I am,” she snapped, pulling out of Jane’s arms. God, her emotions were all over the place. If it weren’t too early, she’d blame it on her hormones. “Look. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.” She huffed at Jane’s frown. “I know what I’m doing, okay?”

Jane threw her hands up just as Jackson walked into the kitchen. “Everything okay?” he asked, looking at Jane back to her.

Fallon sighed and put the phony smile back on her face. “Perfect.” She grabbed a rib off her plate. “Hungry?”

flashed her a wicked grin and bent down, nibbling the edge of the rib as she held it out to him. Then he ran his tongue along her finger, licking away the drips of barbeque sauce. “Depends on what you’re offering.”

Fallon gasped and dropped the rib, pulling her hand back. She’d only meant to distract him and hadn’t figured he’d take her offer as sexual. Not that he wasn’t perfect sex material. His lean, impeccably honed muscles, the way his lips were soft and smooth. She could tell by the way he carried himself, he’d be a compassionate lover, with more stamina than a seasoned racehorse. The kind of man who could last all night, either in the bed or against a wall. But there was something missing. Maybe it was the sincerity in his eyes. She just couldn’t imagine him tying her up or giving her a spanking. Not the way Gil had the other night.


She stepped back and looked down at the floor. “Sorry, Jane. As I told Jackson earlier, I’m just not in the groove today.”

laughed and seemed to miss the mild trembling of her hand as she tucked it against her waist. “I’ll clean it up.”

He bent down, but as he looked back up at her, his face faded, replaced by the glare of wet pavement. Fallon shook her head, watching as his image washed back into focus.

“Fallon? Are you okay? The colour just drained from your face.”

“Huh? Oh, fine. Perfectly fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” Damn, she sounded lame, but it was the first words she’d been able to form right. She felt off kilter, but wasn’t sure why.

stood up and took her hand. “Are you sure your leg is the only injury from your ride today? Maybe you hit your head?” He rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand. “Why don’t you go sit down and I’ll bring you some more food?”

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