Dealing With Discipline (8 page)

Read Dealing With Discipline Online

Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #Erotica, #sex, #bdsm, #spanking, #domestic discipline, #victorian era

BOOK: Dealing With Discipline
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“Up onto the bed,” he said softly.
“On your hands and knees, facing away from me.”

Again he thought she might refuse, but then
she turned, tendrils of golden hair caressing her shoulders, and
climbed up onto the bed. The sunrise colors of her creamy cheeks
had deepened and merged to become a brilliant overall dark pink,
with a few darker tinges scattered across the landscape. He nearly
tore the front of his breeches in his haste to get them

Feeling even more vulnerable than
usual, Eleanor glanced worriedly over her shoulder.  She truly
felt as if she was putting something more than just her body on the
line, giving in to Edwin the way that she was.  Yet it felt so
natural, so right.  But frightening as well.

“Edwin?” she asked, craning her neck to try
and see where he was and what he was doing, feeling a sudden need
for reassurance.

“Stay just like that Nell,” he
rasped, his voice heavy with passionate urgency. “God you’re

The mattress dipped and then she
felt him behind her, caressing the curve of her bottom and making
her whimper a little as his hands brought back little flickers of
flame across the sensitive surface.  She’d almost become used
to the low burn until he’d touched her cheeks and it flared up
again, his fingers feel rough against the sensitive surface of her
skin.  Then the head of his cock brushed up and down the wet
crease of her quim and she moaned as the burning shifted, spreading
from the surface of her body to deep inside of her.

Why did this feel so good?

They both groaned as he pushed inside of her,
her snug passageway gripping the length of his cock in a way that
pleasured both of them as her muscles stretched. Two rocking
thrusts and then he was buried completely inside of her, staring
down at her gloriously red ass which was flush against his groin,
the creamy skin of her unmarked back a stark contrast to her
buttocks. Eleanor’s head tipped backwards and he reached forward,
wrapping his hand around her jaw and thrusting his finger between
her lips. She mewed like a cat, her sheath squeezing him and
releasing as her tongue licked against his fingertip like it was a
small cock.

He pumped his finger into her
mouth and then pulled it away to trail down her back and grip her
hips before he began to withdraw from her body, feeling her shudder
beneath his palms. Leaving just the head of his cock inside of her
wet heat, he paused.

“Tell me you want me

“Edwin…” Her head dropped forward,
thrusting her bottom upwards even further and he knew that she was
trying to hide her flushing face, even though he couldn’t see it

“Tell me Nell.” Running his
fingers over the heart-shaped flaming red of her bottom, he pushed
in and out slightly with his cock, teasing her swollen folds. “I
want to hear you say it.”

She was burning for him, her
entire body on fire for him, of course she wanted him… she just
didn’t want to say it. But the stark desire in his voice called to
her too, the idea that he wanted her just as badly as she wanted
him. Perhaps in more than one way.

“I want you,” she whispered into
the sheets.

“I can’t hear you.”

“I want you, Edwin,” she said,
practically moaning his name and she felt his cock jerk inside of
her as it surged forward, heard the urgent need in his voice as he
groaned her name and plowed into her. Her back arched as he
bottomed out. “Edwin, I want you.”

The rough thrusts of his body as
his hands pulled at her hips were enough to send flaring pain
through her already punished cheeks, his body slapping against them
and causing them to jiggle and ripple with every shove of his cock
into her juicy tunnel. Eleanor moaned and her fingers dug into the
sheets, her body bowed down before him like a worshipper as she
lowered herself to her forearms to brace herself against his rough
thrusts. And yet… he found himself wanting to see her face more
than he wanted to see her red bottom bounce and quiver.

Pulling himself out of her, Edwin
flipped her onto her back before she realized her body was empty,
shoving himself back in between her spread thighs with a force that
took her breath away. Her face was flushed, her pink lips open as
she moaned almost without taking time to draw in new breath, eyes
bright blue and unfocused as her lashes fluttered over them.
Beautiful. Erotic. A woman in passionate heat, freshly punished and
writhing in sexual need.

“Edwin!” she cried out in
surprise, her hands coming up to rake across his chest. Nails bit
into his skin and he groaned, the shock of her sharp attack almost
making him lose control. It felt good, too good. He grabbed at her
wrists and held them down above her head as he lowered his mouth to
hers, giving her the fleeting image of an avenging dark angel
looming over her before he began to plunder her lips.

With her hands trapped in his,
Eleanor felt so incredibly small and vulnerable beneath his hard
body. It reminded her of when they’d been in Paris and she’d
fulfilled one of his fantasies, which had involved tying her to
their bed while he’d pleasured and filled her. Only this was far
more intimate than a cravat, far more dominating to feeling the
strength of his fingers wrapped around her delicate wrists, holding
her securely in place. Pain in her bottom flared as it rubbed
against the fabric of their covers with his thrusts slamming her
into the bed, her legs wrapped around his with her ankles digging
into the backs of his thighs as she tried to draw him deeper into
her. His cock seemed to fill her completely, over and over again,
her helplessness against his hard hands, the complete surrender of
her body to his as he held her down, had her screaming his name as
she climaxed in a burst of heat and light.

He felt his wife shatter beneath
him, encouraging his strokes to become harder, more ruthless as his
own release came upon him. The pump of his hips surged as his
ecstasy rose and he burst, sending jet after jet of frothing seed
deep into her body. The convulsions of her climax throbbed around
his cock as it pumped its offering into her womb. They cried out
together, lost in a sea of sensual bliss, their bodies jerking with
the force of their passions.

Collapsing on top of her, Edwin
rocked his hips more gently, savoring Eleanor’s breathy cries as
her climax slowed and softened, her body beginning to relax beneath
his. He propped himself up on his elbows and brushed the tendrils
of hair from her forehead, staring into her blue eyes as they
slowly came back into focus. Red-rimmed eyes, from the crying she’d
done when he’d taken the spoon to her bottom. If not for those eyes
he could have almost forgotten that he’d just punished her, quite

With a small sigh Edwin kissed the
tip of her nose. “My beautiful, rebellious Nell. Why did you run
from me this morning, sweetheart?”

“I don’t know,” she said rather
miserably, pouting as she closed her eyes to him.

Knowing that he wasn’t going to
get any better answer than that for the moment, Edwin let out a
little chuckle and withdrew from her body, turning her on her side
so that he could curl himself around her and hold her close in his
arms. She was so soft and warm, and right now it was as if he’d
beaten all the snippiness out of her and had been left with his
sweet Eleanor. Holding her tight, he wallowed in the

More confused than ever, both at
her reaction to being spanked with a spoon followed by Edwin’s
obvious need for her and tenderness towards her, Eleanor wondered
what kind of marriage she’d gotten herself into. Would Edwin ever
say the words she wanted to hear? At moments like this she was sure
that he must feel something more for her than mere affection. Or
was she reading too much into his actions?

Was she putting too much
emphasis because that’s what she
to believe? Was she already
dooming herself to be her mother?

She had a moment of pure envy for
Irene. If Hugh wasn’t in love with his wife already, he was more
than halfway there and she knew her brother wouldn’t hesitate to
express his feelings for the woman he loved. He’d probably never
spank her either, she thought sourly as the press of Edwin’s hard
stomach against her poor, abused bottom made her wince. But not
because Hugh didn’t know how to be a disciplinarian, she just
couldn’t imagine Irene ever transgressing so badly that he would
feel the need to.

Of course she could do the same
thing. If she chose to. Still if she ever behaved badly enough that
Edwin sent her away, the way she’d originally planned, then his
feelings towards her would be rather clear. While he obviously
wished that she wouldn’t need discipline, there was no denying the
effect it had on him. She thought wistfully back to the rather
playfully pleasurable spanking that he’d given her in

Somehow she just didn’t think it
was in her to behave well enough to only ever receive that kind of
punishment to her poor bottom. Besides, being spanked and kept
close rather than banished from his presence… well, strangely, it
made her feel loved.


Hugh studied his bride from across
the carriage where she was looking out the window as if the scenery
outside was the most fascinating thing in the world. That had
seemed somewhat plausible while they were in London and perhaps a
bit plausible for the first hour in the countryside, but they’d
literally been riding past the same scenery of meadows for close to
an hour and a half now. The silence that had lengthened throughout
the ride was making him uncomfortable. After all, he could have
chosen to ride beside the carriage out in the open air – which he
would have preferred – but he’d thought it would be more
considerate to ride in the carriage with his bride.

“Well… Irene,” he said, reaching
across to take her hand, deciding that she’d had long enough to
gaze out the window. She started in surprise, those wide green eyes
finding his and blinking rapidly as if she’d truly expected to ride
in silence the entire trip. Then again, thinking about her mother,
it wouldn’t surprise him at all if Irene was used to riding in
silence – it was probably better than starting a conversation with
that harpy. He gave his new wife his most charming grin and had the
pleasure of seeing her flush in response, her fingers fluttering
against the palm of his hand the way a frightened baby bird might.
“Are you looking forward to seeing Stonehaven?”

Stonehaven, the great house
located in Harrington, center of his father’s Earldom. Irene
swallowed, trying to focus on the conversation rather than on the
way Viscount Peter-
’s fingers were caressing her
palm. It was his family seat and their first stop on their
honeymoon. Although he’d asked if she wanted to travel abroad,
Irene had insisted they stay in England. Secretly she’d always
wanted to see more of the world, but that was when she’d had hopes
of marrying Alex. Now she preferred to stay in England, close to
her family and her childhood love, the white knight that she could
always count on to protect her when the situation called for

So she’d informed Hugh that she’d
like to stay in England for their honeymoon and he’d suggested that
she see her new lands. He’d told her that they’d visit two other
estates, the last one being his primary seat in Westingdon until he
inherited the entirety of it upon his father’s death. Westingdon’s
lands were the ones which abutted her family’s, although she’d
never visited the great house there, known to the locals as the
Petersham Seat. Named after the heir’s title of course. The house
was called Stanley House. Now it was her home. How very, very

“Oh yes,” she said, a little
breathlessly and she told herself it was at the thought of suddenly
becoming such an important lady and not because of the warmth of
his hand on hers. It truly was strange how her body always reacted
to Hugh’s gentle touch in such an odd manner. “I do love to be out
in the country. It will be such a relief after all the bustle of

“Ah, but I did see you enjoying yourself at
some of the balls,” he teased gently and she looked up into his
sparkling blue eyes before her glance skittered away as if
frightened by what she saw there.

“I do love to dance,” she
confessed. “But the socializing was a bit… overwhelming. And the
crush of people! Sometimes I thought I might be squeezed to a tiny
sliver of nothing in the press.”

“I certainly won’t miss it,” he
said with a chuckle, and her breath caught as he turned her hand
over in his and stroked his thumb along the center of her palm.
 Even through the glove she was wearing, she felt the caress
like a hot brand across her flesh. "I look forward to showing you
around your new home."

The warmth in his voice should
have increased her guilt over her love for Alex when she was
married to Hugh, would have at any other time, but she was too
distracted by his touch and the nearness of his body as he leaned
forward.  His eyes caught hers again and held, the way she
imagined a snake's might hold a mouse, as he undid the buttons of
her glove one by one. Had such an act ever been so strangely
exciting? The baring of the skin on her arm made her feel
vulnerable, anxious…  The jerking carriage seemed to disappear
as her heart pounded in her chest, her mouth suddenly dry.
 Her corset was too tight and yet she couldn't ask him to stop
even if she wanted to.

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