Death by Deceit (Book #5 in the Caribbean Murder Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Death by Deceit (Book #5 in the Caribbean Murder Series)
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  “That’s, a weird name! Flan
burst in before she could finish, “Mattheus’s got to be Shelly’s husband, right?”

“Right,” said Cindy.

Flan laughed. “The pitiful loser
she ran away from?”

Cindy didn’t like anything
about this. Flan knew too much about Shelly. He should have been interviewed by
the cops first thing.

“Shelly was one desperate
woman,” Flan went on, “a starving plant needing water! That gal never knew what
a real man was, until she met me.  Then, she couldn’t forget.”

 “She forgot it now,” Cindy
cut him off at the pass.

“What the hell you talking

“Shelly gave her life for it,”
said Cindy.

“Well, maybe it was worth it?”
Flan shot back. “Wouldn’t you give your life for something as terrific as me?”

Cindy recoiled. He was not
only threatening, he was an ego maniac. Women were his toys, he got power from
them, from this.

“The guy Shelly was married to
was a stiff,” Flan seemed to enjoy seeing the revulsion in Cindy’s eyes. “He
led Shelly on too, she expected big things, and the jerk never delivered. I
know guys like that, they taunt their women by promising the world, and when it
comes down to it, when it’s time, they give them nothing! They’ve got nothing
to give. They find a million ways to back away. It’s an old story. Me, I never
back away from anything!”

Cindy felt punched in the

“I’m a little rougher than most,”
Flan grinned at her, “but at least I’m involved. The women know I’m here.”

Cindy wanted to get as far
away from him as possible, but had to stay and pin him down. He had information
and she needed it. And, once he’d gotten started talking, he didn’t want to

“So, exactly what do you know
about Katrina?” he asked then, looking closely at Cindy.

“I know your wife was a
resident at the Shelter,” said Cindy, “and that she’s back living at home now.”

“Damn right she’s back,” said
Flan. “We have our little spats and she gets over them. It’s as simple as that.
That’s what couples do, they fight, they make up. The Shelter gives her a
little breathing room to come to her senses.”

Despite herself, Cindy felt
afraid of telling him she’d actually spoken to Katrina. This guy’s energy left
no room for equivocation. She had no idea what he’d do to her then.

“And by the way,” Flan
continued, “Katrina knew all about Shelly and me. She knows about all of them,”
he relaxed a little then. “She’s used to it, it’s no big deal. A guy needs what
he needs and takes what he takes. But, Katrina’s my wife and no one else.
Shelly knew that, too. They all do.”

“Did that upset Shelly? Did
she make a fuss about it? Get on your case?” Cindy couldn’t imagine how Shelly
could have gone along with this, except for his sensual, animal energy.

“You know you look a lot like
Shelly,” he laughed then, reaching out and stroking Cindy’s hair.

Cindy flinched.

“Don’t run away, it’s cute,”
he said then. “Both of you are gorgeous. Shelly was great in the beginning too.
We were good for each other, but then she became to be too much! Exhausting,
over the top. I could see how rough she could have been on her husband. How
about you?  You doing Mattheus, too?”

Cindy felt nauseous, thinking
of Mattheus sleeping with Shelly and thinking of herself caught up with all of

“Where were you when Shelly
was murdered?” Cindy demanded swiftly.

Flan stopped in his tracks and
stared at her.

“What the hell did you just
ask me?” The question really took him aback.

“Where were you when Shelly
was killed?” Cindy was fed up with him.

“That’s a hell of a
presumptuous question!” his eyes flared.

“No one else has asked you?” asked

“Why should they?” his eyes
narrowed into slits.

“Well, I need to know,” Cindy wasn’t
backing down.

The ocean water lapped against
the boat loudly then and a few sea gulls, howling, flew by.

“Honey, you don’t need
anything, except what I want to give. Get it?”

Cindy looked around suddenly
realizing that the two of them were alone on the deck.

“It’s a routine question,”
said Cindy firmly.

“There’s nothing routine about
it to me,” his voice got deeper. “You’re suggesting that I’m a suspect. Who the
hell invited you on my boat anyway?”

“Why is it a problem letting
me know where you were?” Cindy wouldn’t be intimidated. She didn’t like it,
wouldn’t take it.

“It’s a problem for me being
pushed around by a damn, stupid woman, that’s what!” he threatened. “If I were
you, I’d shut up.” His hands turned into fists, and he bit his lower lip.

 “I have no intention of
shutting up,” Cindy said, standing taller and looking straight at him. “I’m
doing my job. You tell me where you were!”

Amazed, Flan reached out and
grabbed her shoulders.

“You go to hell, little
bitch,” he said, “no broad talks to me like that.”

Cindy tried to pull back. He
wouldn’t let her.

“Now you tell me you’re sorry,
nice and slow,” he said, his face up against hers, his hands digging into her

Cindy tossed her head. “I’m
not sorry for anything.”

He drew back his hand and
suddenly slapped her hard on the face. Cindy was stunned. It burned like hell. She
struggled harder to get out of his grasp.

“You see this ocean, it would
just take me a minute to flip you into it, and nobody would know where you
were, nobody would care! One of my sharks would eat you for dinner. Then he’d
get indigestion.” And he slapped her again.

Cindy shouted in pain. “Get
the hell away from me!”

“You shut up, or I’ll dump you
in the water! You’re asking for it.”

Cindy shouted louder then and
suddenly heard sounds of footsteps rushing up to the deck. She squirmed around and
to her tremendous relief, saw Mattheus.

Mattheus raced up and yanked
Cindy out of Flan’s arms. The he flipped Flan from behind and threw him down
onto the ground, stamped his foot on him and held him there, as he dialed for

“The police know we’re here, they’re
waiting to hear,” Mattheus muttered.

 Flan struggled to get up, but
Mattheus knew how to keep him locked down.

“Who the hell are you?
Mattheus?” Flan mumbled, his face squashed down onto the ground.

“Damn right,” said Mattheus.

“Yeah, well, I did your wife,”
Flan gurgled. “She loved it too. Boy, did she love it. Said you were the pits!”

Cindy saw Mattheus face grow
red and ferocious. She put her hand on his shoulders to calm him.

“Don’t take the bait, don’t
take it,” Cindy whispered to him.

“I’m going rip this guy limb
from limb,” Mattheus muttered.

“Not now,” said Cindy, “calm
down. You were here all the time, you were watching me?”

“Hell, yes,” said Mattheus.
“Think I’d let you see this scum bag alone?”


 Three policemen, including
Alex, came running up onto the deck in what seemed like seconds and grabbed

“We got the right one this
time,” Mattheus hissed, the muscles in his cheeks trembling. “The bastard was
about to throw Cindy into the water when she asked about Shelly.”

Alex, unbelieving, looked back
and forth between Cindy and Mattheus. His eyes darting, looked scared.

“Thank God you’re alright,” he
said to Cindy.

“You guys messed up, big time,”
Mattheus murmured. “You held the wrong guy. Never checked out the real shark.”

Cindy watched them handcuff
Flan, and pull him off the deck into the police car.

“What’s his alibi?” asked Alex
quickly, before he left with them.

“I have no idea,” said Cindy,
“he refused to tell me.”


Cindy and Mattheus walked to
the Police Station together, letting them take Flan in the car.  The light was
dimming, as early evening was coming.

“You did an amazing job,” said
Mattheus, his arm around her, protectively. “I’ve never known such a brave

Cindy wanted to put her head
on Mattheus’s shoulder, but wouldn’t let herself. She had to stay strong,
remember who she was, and what she was doing down here in Key West. It was too
easy to get lulled into a false sense of comfort. That was the last thing she
needed. She had to stay sharp.

When they walked into the
station, the police were surrounding Flan, who was pinned down on a chair.

“Where were you when she was
killed?” Rodney was demanding.

“Out in the boat,” Flan said,
flummoxed, “fishing as usual.”

“Out in the boat at night?”
Rodney asked, jeering at him.

“They didn’t find her in the
night,” Flan objected.

“No, they didn’t,” Rodney
pushed up against him, “but the time they found her and the time she was
murdered were two different times.”

Flan tried his best to re-group.

 “No big deal,” he said
vehemently. “I thought you were asking where I was when they found her?”

“Where were you at the time of
the murder?” Rodney insisted again.

“Hell, probably in bed with my
wife,” said Flan, “if it was the night. Katrina will tell you, that’s where I

Cindy walked in, closer to
them. Flan’s head shot up and he glared at her. If they were alone, it looked
like he could have killed her on the spot.

“I was sleeping in bed with my
wife,” he repeated louder, “when Shelly was killed.”

“Katrina was in the Shelter when
Shelly was killed,” Cindy informed them.

“Go to hell,” Flan hissed at
her. “And if you don’t go on your own, I’ll make sure you do.”

Cindy turned away from him.
“Call Katrina,” she said to the cops. “Get her in here immediately.”

“Alex has already called her,”
said Rodney.

Cindy full well knew it could
be dangerous for Katrina to come in, but she belonged here. There was plenty
she could fill them in on. She had to be here, safe or not.

Alex came over to Mattheus and
Cindy then.

“You two have done incredible
work,” he said. “We’re booking Flan. He’s got no alibi at the moment and we
need him here for further questioning.”

“You got your man,” Mattheus
growled. “Lots of people saw him and Shelly together, including his wife.”

Alex shook his head. Cindy saw
that he felt embarrassed that this went on under their nose and they had no

Just then Katrina came flying
into the station, yelling at the top of her lungs.

“Flan, Flan, where are you?”

“Calm down,” Alex said to her.

“Don’t you tell me to calm
down, you punk,” she said. “I want to see my husband, immediately!” Then she
saw Cindy. “You did this, you bastard,” Katrina flailed out. “I talked to you
in private.”

“I had to speak to Flan,” said
Cindy. “I told you I was going to.”

“You didn’t!” Katrina shrieked.

“Yes, of course, I did. A
murder was committed.”

Katrina spun around. “Where is
he? I want to see him.”

Alex led her to the room Flan
was in and Cindy walked slowly behind them. She leaned against the door and
listened in, while they talked fervently.

“It’s not going to happen,
I’ll get you out,” Cindy heard Katrina saying.

“Nothing’s keeping me here
long,” Flan reassured her.

“I love you, Flan.” Katrina

“Go to hell,” he shouted.

“I love you more than Shelly
did. Believe me, I do,” she howled.

“No one loved me more than
Shelly,” Flan spat back at her, his voice suddenly cracking. “And you go to
hell. Say what you want, the truth is the truth.”





Cindy couldn’t get the
conversation between Katrina and Flan out of her mind or the way his voice
cracked when he said that Shelly loved him better. What could that mean? Cindy
wanted to know more.

After Flan was booked at the
Station, there was nothing further for Cindy and Mattheus to do there.

“This is going to take some
time to pin down,” Rodney said to Mattheus, “we’ve got a lot to go over here.
You guys can take off now. We’ll keep you informed about everything.”

It was getting late and Cindy
was relieved to get out of there. Mattheus seemed to feel the same way.

“Let’s go to the beach,” he said
to Cindy as they were leaving. “We can walk along the water, like we used to.”

It sounded like a good idea.
Cindy didn’t want to be alone now and walking at the water with Mattheus would
calm both of them.  It was also her favorite time of day as the light was fading
and the first stars coming out in the sky. A particularly beautiful time to be
at the ocean.

They got down to the water in
no time, took off their shoes, and holding hands, walked together along the
sand. Cindy held Mattheus’s hand tight and looked up at the sky. It had been a
huge day, twisting and turning in all kinds of directions. But, even with
Mattheus’s hand in hers, Cindy felt alone.

Mattheus murmured something to
her, but she couldn’t make out what he silently for a while, their steps
matching, down to the reef at the edge of the sand.

“Pretty soon Anthony will be
let free,” Mattheus said as they walked.  ”I gave the cops all the new
information I found about him; that plus booking Flan, will get him out.”

“That’s wonderful,” said Cindy.

“Finally, they’ve got the
killer!” Mattheus’s voice tightened. “Finally. You know how long I waited for
this day?”

“There’s no direct evidence
yet,” said Cindy.

“For years I never thought the
day would never come.”

Cindy knew Mattheus was eager
for this to be over, and that a lot pointed to Flan. “Looks good, but we still
can’t be sure,” she said.

“Nah,” said Mattheus waving a
hand, “Flan’s a live wire.  He almost killed you on the spot. I saw it with my
own eyes, I heard him threatening. If he did it once, he’s done it before.”

“Yes, he’s done it before,”
Cindy agreed.

“And this creep’s been hanging
out with Shelly! She must have done something that night to trigger him, take
him over the edge. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that out.”

“Things point that way,” Cindy

Mattheus stopped walking as
they got to the edge of the water, and pulled her to him.

“The case is over, Cindy. We
both have to realize it.”

Cindy was stunned being so
close again in his arms. It took her breath away and her heart started reeling.

 “Let’s leave Key West and go
back to Grenada,” Mattheus spoke fast.

The invitation was unexpected
and came too abruptly. Cindy said nothing.

“I don’t want to go back there
without you,” Mattheus insisted.

Tears filled Cindy’s eyes. She
couldn’t speak. Too much had gone on, she was uneasy. She took a deep breath
and pulled away slightly.

“I’m not sure the case is
over,” she murmured, grasping for time.

Mattheus looked upset.  “Come
here,” he pulled her over to a reef at the edge of the water. “Let’s sit down
and talk.”

It was a wonderful spot to sit
at. Their feet dangled in the water which came lapping up against them.

“The case is over,” Mattheus
said again then, with more conviction. “Not only the case - my relationship
with Shelly is completely in the past.”

That was good to hear, Cindy
was happy for him.

 “I’m not blaming her either,”
he went on, “I see plenty of signs now that she gave me. Hindsight -didn’t pay
attention then. Now they float up in my mind. There were all kinds of strange
little lies she told, like she’d say she was going out with friends in town,
and I’d find out later on that she’d been somewhere else. It registered, but I
didn’t push it. Never wanted to be that kind of guy, closing in on someone.”

Cindy nodded. She’d always
experienced Mattheus giving her lots of space. “You aren’t that kind of guy,”
she said.

“Thanks,” he answered. “It’s
good to hear that. Sometimes I have no idea who I am anymore.”

Cindy wanted to tell him he
was wonderful, but held back. He needed time to discover who he was himself,
and she needed time as well.

“I was shocked when I heard
that Shelly felt trapped in our marriage,” Mattheus went on, “I fought it, 
cursed,  even threw up one night after I left Rancher’s Bar. But hell, I should
have felt her drifting away.”

“Did you ever ask her about
it?” said Cindy.

“Once or twice, and she gave
me some stupid answer, like she needed her space. I thought it was just a
passing phase, that things would go back to the way they’d been.”

“Everybody always thinks
things are going to go back to the way they’ve been,” Cindy remarked.

“And they don’t always, do
they?” asked Mattheus solemnly.

“They don’t ever,” said Cindy,
“they can’t.”

“Now I know,” said Mattheus sadly.

“Change happens, and things
have to be different. They can be better or worse, but time always goes forwards.
I learned that the hard way,” said Cindy.

“I know you did,” said
Mattheus. “Hell, after Shelly disappeared I spent years blaming myself, stayed
away from women, was terrified of love. I was sure something terrible would
happen again with the next woman I got close to.”

Listening to him, Cindy felt
her old respect for him returning. He was manning up, looking at things

“But when I met you it was
different,” Mattheus voice grew softer.

Cindy wanted to cry again, but
wouldn’t let herself. Her feelings were all mixed together, love, desire, fear
and sorrow. And, the words of her sister also rang in the back of her mind. You
don’t really know him, only think you do.

“What are you thinking?”
Mattheus turned to her then.

“That it takes time to know a
person,” said Cindy.

“What else?” Mattheus wanted

“Cindy said nothing.

“I love you, Cindy,” Mattheus
cried out suddenly, “and I want to give it another try.”

The waves seemed to grow
stronger against the reef.

“Will you come back to Grenada
with me?” asked Mattheus.

“Not now, not yet. We’re not
finished here,” Cindy managed.

“We’re finished, we’re
finished,” Mattheus intoned loudly. “The case is over. Shelly’s dead. We found
the killer.”

“I’m unsettled about it,” said
Cindy. “I want to speak to Katrina again.”

“Why in the world?” Mattheus
seemed agitated.

“I have a gut feeling there’s
more.  It will help in the long run.”

“Listen,” Mattheus pulled her
closer, “we can leave the rest in the police’s hands. They’ve got the right
guy. They’ll dig up whatever supporting evidence they need.”

“I just want to speak to Katrina
one more time. It was something about the way she kept telling Flan she loved
him, and the way he said he loved Shelly more. It bothered me.”

“It was the ravings of two
crazy people,” Mattheus declared. “They’re both totally out of their minds.”

“They are,” said Cindy, “and that’s
why I’m going to visit her one more time.”

Mattheus began stroking Cindy’s
face. “If you have to visit Katrina once more, you have to, but first you need
a good, long sleep.”

Cindy smiled. He was right
about that. Waves of exhaustion had started coming upon her.

“I’d love to hold you in my
arms all night long,” Mattheus whispered. “Will you stay in my room with me

Cindy quivered deeply. There
was nothing more she’d love than to be nestled in Mattheus’s arms. But it was
too soon, too much had gone on. She couldn’t go yet.

“Not tonight,” she said softly.
“I need to keep my head clear.”

Mattheus started kicking the
water with his feet. “There were plenty of nights we slept together and your
head was clear the next day. You got up and worked on cases.”

“That was then, Mattheus,”
said Cindy.

“I get it,” said Mattheus, “now
things have changed.”


Cindy slept later the next
morning than she’d planned to and ordered in an early lunch in her room. Not
only did she need the rest, she needed time alone.  It would take a while to
sort everything out and she didn’t want to be rushed. Her feelings for Mattheus
were a jumble, love, fear, longing, aversion. Her time at the Shelter also
jarred her, gave her a larger perspective on everything.

After lunch, Cindy called a
cab and took it back to Katrina’s home. She didn’t want to call or let her know
she’d be coming. It would be better to surprise her; she’d be less able to

As the cab wound its way back
to Katrina’s home, Cindy decided to check with the Police Station a call to see
if Katrina might be there with Flan.  

Alex picked up the phone right

“I’m on my way to Katrina’s
house,” Cindy told him, “just checking to see if she’s at the Station?”

“There’s no reason for you to
go there,” said Alex, “we got things covered.”

“I want to,” said Cindy.

“Leave Katrina alone,” Alex
advised. “She’s a loose wire and tremendously upset that Flan’s in custody. I
told you, we’re on the case. We’ll handle everything.”

“Is she still at the Station?”
Cindy repeated, suddenly wondering if it were foolish to go.

“Man, you’re relentless,” said
Alex. “Katrina was here all morning and left a little over an hour ago. She’s
devastated. She really loves the guy and really cared about Shelly. Shelly was
her counselor.”

“I know that,” said Cindy.

“They were like sisters,” Alex
continued, “What more do you want to ask her?”

Sisters? That jolted Cindy. Katrina
was lying through her teeth. That wasn’t the story she told Cindy. Looks like she
fooled the cops big time. They’d bought right into her little show. Cindy was
more convinced than ever now that she had to go.

“We talked to her for a long
time and Katrina gave us just what we needed,” Alex continued. “She didn’t pull
any punches either. Flan tried using her for an alibi, said they were together
when Shelly was killed. Katrina denied it flat out. Told us she had no idea
where he was when the killing took place. She also said that Flan made up
stories, was rotten to women, had a short fuse. He’s busted. We got him. This
lady deserves a prize. If you do see her, give her some comfort, okay?”

“Okay,” said Cindy shuddering,
thinking that comfort was the last thing Katrina needed.


The taxi pulled up to
Katrina’s house. A thunderstorm was expected and it was even more airless here.
Cindy paid the driver and got out. A storm would be good, Cindy thought, clear
the air, brush low hanging cobwebs away.

Cindy walked to the front door,
once again expecting it to be ajar. To her surprise it was locked tight.

Cindy rang the bell loudly a
few times.  No response. She knocked hard with the knocker. No response either.

“Katrina,” Cindy called out
loudly into the darkening afternoon.

No reply.

Cindy kept calling, her voice
echoing through the palms and coconut trees.

In a little while a woman,
dressed in casual slacks, came walking up the entrance way.

“Katrina’s gone for the
week-end,” she said to Cindy. “I’m her next door neighbor.” The woman pointed
through a thicket of trees, “I live back there with my dying father.”

“Thanks for letting me know,”
said Cindy.

 “I saw Katrina a little while
ago today,” the woman went on, “we had a few minutes to chat and she said she
was leaving for a few days. No need for you to be standing here yelping like a banshee.
 Storm’s coming. You’d better get home.”

Cindy thanked the woman, who
turned and disappeared behind the house.

There was no reason to stay, it
probably made sense to leave, but Cindy couldn’t.  Why would Katrina leave town
just when her husband had been taken in custody, especially if she was so upset
about his being locked up?  It didn’t make sense. There was one more piece
waiting for her and Cindy wanted to rummage around and see what she could find.

She decided to walk to the back
entrance, to see if it might be open. The back of the house was covered in
shrubbery that looked as if it hadn’t been cut or tended for years. Vines grew
in all directions and two huge garbage cans stood, half opened, off balance. A
few cats wandered around aimlessly, in and out of the bushes.

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