Death Marks (The Symbolist) (28 page)

BOOK: Death Marks (The Symbolist)
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Chapter 63

Redd paced the length of the yew tree grove. Tess had not made contact yet. Did they have sound jammers in the mansion? Maybe they'd blocked her? Talking into the tiny phone on his lapel, he called Amanda Green. 'Hi Green - any sign of Tess?'

'Yes boss, she's in the drawing room at the back of the mansion at the moment. All seems okay.'

'Right, I haven't heard from her.'

'I will keep her under surveillance. Hang on Sir - I think right now they're making a move.'

'Any communications from the other officers?

'Tomkins has managed to find a cubby hole down in the tunnel. He'll be able to see them go to the church and back.'

'Good. Call terminated.'

At that moment, his phone beeped. 'Yes - Redd here.'

'Sir I have a call from Lugh Roberts .... I am redirecting the call to you now.'

'Inspector Redd?'

'Yes, Lugh - how can I help you?'

'Well I don't know if it means anything to you, but I've had some news through the grapevine. '


'It seems that some of the neo-druids are starting their fires earlier. They forecast rain this evening. They all synchronize the time of the fires, so they all start at once. It's gives more energy to the occasion. '

Redd gritted his teeth
. 'Fuck - doesn't give us much time.'

'Just a point dear boy. The sacred hours are three, six, nine and twelve. I think they may well go with three PM'

'Thanks Lugh - sorry about the language - it's one o'clock now so it doesn't give us much time.'

'Don't worry, only natural. I'll phone if there's anything drastic going on.'

'Thanks Lugh. Bye.'

Clicking off the phone Redd spoke immediately into the lapel. 'Green ... we've got a problem - just had a call that the Solstice fire ritual may be early; three PM. It's one PM now. Communicate this to the others. Any more movement?'

'Boss, Bessie tells me the general public are only being admitted to three of the main rooms today. Our group are now in the library.'

Visualizing the plans, Redd said, 'That means they're on their way to the cellars which lead off the library. Get on it Green.'

'Yes boss, PC Dickens is on the alert in the tunnel. I except they're on their way to the church. We have an officer in the upper gallery of the church Sir.'

'Good work Green.'

Tess followed the others down the steps to the cellars. Lotte clutched her hand whispering, 'Isn't this exciting - this really is a mystery tour.'

The guide called up, '
People be careful, keep your hands on the rail, we don't want any accidents.'

Standing at the bottom of the steps, he waved people through to the main cellar. As the group assembled, chattering, some giggling, the drugs now working through their systems, the guide said, '
These cellars hold a multitude of secrets. This was part of an escape route for priests. Many were persecuted in the Reformation - King Henry the Eighth period. We'll now take you through the tunnel to the Church.'

Tess kept to the back, glancing over her shoulder - not a sign of a police officer. Reaching the Church, she heard Trewitt's excited voice, booming over the babble, '
My goodness - a veritable feast.'

Looking around the derelict church, Tess took the champagne from the waiter, smart in starched shirt and black trousers, Tess held her glass attempting to smile, the blood thundering in her ears. Still no sign from Redd. Something was wrong - very wrong. Lotte grabbed her hand, almost dragging her to a pew. Clinking glasses she cried, '
Cheers - here's to a great day.'

Tess clinked glasses, then as Lotte's head turned, she tipped the contents under the pew.

The young police officer, his spotty face pale, crouched still and silent up on the gallery unaware of a figure moving towards him. In one stealthy move, the figure leapt, pulling the officer's head back by his hair, the knife sliding across his throat. Silently, the figure crept away, leaving the officer prone on the floor, blood spreading on the wooden boards.

'Come on Tess, let's get some of that scrumptious food.'

'You go Lotte. My stomach's still bad.' Holding up the empty champagne glass she said, 'This has helped though.'

She watched Lotte join the others, as she fingered a sausage roll. She wished she could warn her, get her away from here. She took deep breaths, fighting the fear threatening to overwhelm her. She mustn't panic - not now. She just wished Redd or someone would contact her. The babble reached a crescendo, a girl with black shoulder length straight hair sat jiggling the keys of the organ, a young man with small pebble glasses was in the pulpit giving a blasphemous speech. Others crowed around the altar picking up oak leaves, whilst others twirled the yew tree sticks. Still another couple now sat in a tight embrace, lips locked.

'I think it is time now. Let's take them through.' The guide persuaded the young man to leave the pulpit and taking his place, clapped his hands, 'Okay folks, now we have another treat in store for you. Listen everyone - listen.'

The group quiete
d. 'That's right - now listen. It's not only Rome has the catacombs - we're going to take you to see some right here, in this very estate - the catacombs holding the mummified bodies of the Medbury ancestors, going back through the centuries.' A dark haired woman with very large breasts shrieked with delight, jumping up and down, 'Catacombs - yes - catacombs.' The others joined her, shrieking louder.

Tess knew they were in trouble, Redd was out of contact. Shafts of glass seemed to cut her stomach, she knew something terrible was happening. Glancing around, still seated in the pew, she drew the penknife from her pocket. Taking a deep breath, gritting her teeth, she jabbed it into her thumb. Pulling her hand from her pocket, she spread some of blood on the seat. To her dismay, there was hardly any. She knew she'd been a coward, she had to slice her thumb deeper. Her head whirled as she put her hand back in her pocket, trying not to cry out or groan, the knife slicing through her flesh. Please Sweetpea - find me - find me.

The guides and assistants guided the guests through an arched door in the side wall of the church. Once through that door, she knew they were lost. Pretending to speak to Lotte now walking glassy eyed towards the door, she whispered, 'Redd - can you hear me? It's the side door in the church, the side door.'

Lotte turned her head, her voice slurring, '
Door ... door - yes.'

Smiling expansively, the guide shouted, '
Take care now; we have lights, but the stones are slippery.'

The noise in the small corridor was tumultuous; some were now dancing along, some singing, whilst others made ghostly noises. Giggling, as she moved towards the entrance, with an insane look in her eyes, Tess danced to the other side of Lotte, away from the guide, stooping slightly; her hand went out knee high onto the wall, the blood mingling with the lichen.


Chapter 64

'They'll be coming for us soon.' Julia raised herself on one elbow. 'I'm sorry Gemma - so sorry.'

Gemma shook her head. 'You did all you

'I would have taken your place if I could, but he's my fucking father. I hate him - hate him.'

Gemma's bones ached from the midnight ceremonies, a nightmare from which she'd thought she'd never recover. She wanted to die as they dragged her spitting and screaming to the effigy. There in front of the huge grotesque form of the Wicker Man she was forced across the altar, her limbs spread out on the stone slab. For an hour, the devils chanted, swaying to the beat of half a dozen drums, men and women dancing, gyrating falling to the floor, copulating. They were insane utterly depraved. When the chief Druid marched up to the dais, she saw the men rise to follow him. Her heart pounded, as she screamed at him, her body writhing when he climbed onto the altar, his tattooed body slick with sweat. Powerful arms held her down as he plunged into her, mercilessly pounding, the rhythm quickening, as his breath changed to short gasps.

Julia interrupted her thoughts. 'One of the guards told me it was going to rain early today, so they've brought the ceremony forward.'

'Oh dear God. Isn't there—'

Two women entered the small cell, 'Time ladies, come you'll have to put these cloaks on.'

Her heart leaping into her throat, Gemma stood; she could take them both out, but what was the use? Beyond the cell was a huge cavern, guards everywhere. Clad in a black hooded cloak, she followed Julia down a narrow corridor to large doors over six feet high. The doors opened onto a lift and a steel walkway high above the cavern with steps down. The lift had a glass wall that gave them a view of the cavern. People were putting the last minute touches to the Wicker Man. Around it, Ovates were busy placing cages in a circle.

As the lift doors opened, Gemma said, '
What are they for?'

Julia frowned. 'They've designed individual wicker cages for each of the guests. Each one will be strapped in. Oil soaked tapers run from the Wicker Man to each of the cages, as it catches light, so will the cages.' She laughed dryly. 'A carousel of fire.

Gemma shivered, as she followed the women to the Wicker Man. A guard, naked, except for a sword, motioned for her to climb the central steps, into the body of the effigy.

Julia followed, her face pale; as daughter of the Arch Druid, she would die in state. She looked at Gemma's eyes, wild with terror. 'Don't give them the satisfaction, they thrive on fear.'

At those words, the earl appeared, naked except for a lustrous blue velvet robe; beside him, Titmouse stroked a stray lock of dirty blond hair across his bald pate.

earl stretched a hand out to stroke Julia's hair; the titian lights glowing. 'You are honoured; you will die with me; you will attain a high place in the other-world. The Gods will look kindly upon you.'

'Oh fuck off.' Julia tried to kick him.

The earl smiled, 'You will be able to choose your next reincarnation, such is the honour bestowed upon you.'

Julia snarled, '
Shut the fuck up.


Tess followed the others into stone corridor, listening to the running commentary from the guide, the assistants waving them through. 'We're now coming to the mausoleum.'

Tess jabbed the knife into her finger, the thumb still throbbing from the other cuts. Squeezing it, lightly, she touched the door, as they entered a small dank dark room, the only light coming from a tiny window of stained glass. Coffins lay on shelves reaching almost to the moss-covered ceiling; even the drugged guests became silent, cognizant they were in direct contact with the dead.

The guide's voice boomed over the crowd, 'Now we're entering the British version of the catacombs.'

A woman squealed as they went deeper underground, '
Oh my God, these aren't in coffins, look, there's a mummy.'

Tess peered at the sides of the deep tunnel, her heart almost leaping into her throat, as she saw the body of a small child, shreds of skin clinging to a small skeletal face, the hair a dry mass of yellow curls flowing down a mildewed grey silk dress.

More of the group cried out in horror, others laughing hysterically as they passed more bodies, brittle old men, other bodies wrapped in decaying cloth. Tess wondered how they would have reacted without the drugs; this was one morbid tour. Slipping to the back of the throng, her finger dripping blood, she forced herself to stroke the bony fingers of what once was an elderly matron, clutching a mouldering bible, the skeletal grin revealing blackened teeth, a mop lace cap tattered and musty, the skin scabrous. She nearly retched as the smell of old roses wafted up, covering a deeper darker smell of decay. God, she was mingling her blood with the dead.

Up ahead, the catacombs ended in a stone
wall. The guide stepped into a circular space. 'Gather round people, come along now.' As the guests assembled around him, he grinned, lifting his hand. 'Now ladies and gentlemen for the coup d'état, this will amaze you. Let me introduce you to the eighth wonder of the world - a subterranean cavern. You are now about to witness an ancient ceremony.

Grinning, his voice trailed off as he pulled a lever to one side of a stone arched wall. People up ahead gasped as the wall slid sideways, to reveal a lift door of gleaming glass with a smaller glass door to one side.

The young man with the bow tie, cried, 'Look at that - a bloody great big cave, underground - never heard about it.'

A gravel coarse voice, shouted, '
Hey what's that down there?'

'It's a bloody big wooden statue,' a woman shrilled, stretching her dark head forward.

The guide corrected her, 'It's the Wicker Man ma'am.'

Tess dug the knife deep into her finger, as she saw Lotte look around, waving her forward. She shook her head; she was determined to stay at the back. It was her last chance to leave something for Sweetpea.

'Now those of you who would like to go down in the lift, please step forward, we only have room for fifteen of you; the others can take the steps.’

'So come in - come in.' The guide led the others into the lift with two assistants following. Tess decided to take the steps, but she had to leave more blood at the arch; it was perhaps the only sign that she had gone through this way. An assistant smiled, as she approached.

Tess suddenly winced. 'Oh, my side - I've got a stitch.' Holding a hand to her waist, she stumbled forward, grasping the arch with her right hand.

The young woman frowned in concern. 'Just take it easy. I think you'd better take the lift don't you?'

'It's gone now, just missed it.'

'We can wait for it to come up again.'

'No - no - it's easing now.' Tess tried to smile. 'Phew; that was awful. I think I twisted my side further back there, stumbled on some stones.'

'Okay then, look, I'll walk before you, just in case you fall.'

Tess felt as if a scalpel picked at her brain, at least the woman hadn't sussed anything. Then she looked at the Wicker Man; it must be over twenty feet high. Her fears were true; sacrifice by burning. No one would find the bodies here. Where was Redd? It had all gone terribly wrong. Would he even think of a subterranean cavern this huge?

Trewitt's voice boomed, '
What a sight. Hey, are those people naked? Now who would have expected that?' High on the drugs, he caught hold of Sandy, as he did a little jig.

A thin lanky man in stonewashed jeans, stroked a dread lock. 'Why is everyone naked?'

His companion, a young woman with waist-length sandy tresses and a long printed skirt said, 'All part of the show.'

Yeah - nature man - nature. I wonder if we're supposed to get our kit off.' Trewitt laughed, '
Too true young man.' Without hesitation he peeled off his tweed jacket. Sandy watched simpering, a hand over her mouth, as he shucked off his trousers, then his white y-fronts.

A couple of the other guests followed suit, one, the woman with the big breasts stripping
to her thong. 'I ain't taking that off.'

The guide seeing them divest themselves of their clothes, encouraged the others to follow. 'Come on folks, let's join in the party. We're now ancient Britons, so let's dress like them, or should I say undress.'

Tess looked up to the Wicker Man, to see two women naked with tattooed bodies standing in the loins of the effigy. Would the guests realize what was happening, could they save themselves? As she looked at the people working on the cages, she noticed they wore swords hanging from leather belts. No chance, they were prepared. Redd where are you?


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