Death Or Fortune (37 page)

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Authors: James Chesney,James Smith

BOOK: Death Or Fortune
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     “He is my
son too Rosalie.  I know you don’t care about me but do you care about
him? You can’t even protect him from where you live. What kind of life is

     “You think
I like the way we live or where we live. What else can I do?” The frustration
in her voice was clear. Ramanthus started to open his mouth and snapped it shut
again, an idea came to him.  He looked at the woman whom he once loved.
 Her eyes were rimmed with moisture, at the same time Ramanthus was taking
a moment to consider his life.  He could give it all up.  Move
Rosalie and the boy into his old masters home.  He could open the school
back up. Give up his quest to rid the world of evil.  He took another
moment, looking at her big green eyes and decided that this might just be
enough for him.  A simple life but one he wouldn’t mind having.  Let
the others continue the fight without him.

     “You could
move from here, live in my home with me.  I will take care of your every
need.  I will give you anything you want or need, our son as well.
 You wouldn’t have to worry about anything.  It is a large home and
has plenty of room.  You could have your own bedroom if you wish or you
could share one with me.” Rosalie stood there with her mouth hanging open until
a single hand rose up to cover it. “We would be like a real family.  I
would even hire servants so you could just spend all your time with our son.”

“Live with you?” She asked from behind her hand. “By the gods, you are
serious!” Rosalie took a step back from the wizard, just before she started to
laugh. “I would move us into a garbage filled alley before I lived with you.”
With each moment she laughed a little harder than before. “Do you really think
I ever cared about you? All I ever cared about was how much you paid me to let
you stick me with your ‘wand’.  If I was going to bow down and live with
someone it would be with a real man.  Not you, you don’t know what a real
man is.” The last words she ever said were pushed out with laughter.

stood and watched as she laughed at his suggestion.  He was unable to
believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.  He started to feel
something he had felt before in the past.  The mirror like calm on his
face had started to crack.  He had been ready to give it all up for her
and she had laughed. He had begun to speak the words of his spell before he
even knew what it was. She never knew she was in danger, she felt nothing but a
bitter cold before the world turned black.  Frozen solid, in a block of
ice was the one woman Ramanthus had truly loved.

     While he
did love her at one time, he had no time to mourn.  In truth, no one would
ever mourn for the old whore.  Reaching into one of his pouches, he pulled
out a bit of sand and headed towards the back of the house where his son was
still crying and in pain.  Later that day, as he was walking the streets
with his son sleeping in his arms Ramanthus wondered just what it was that he
was going to do with the child.  Soon after he put the boy down in one of
his many empty rooms it dawned on him that he didn’t even know his name.
 Not that it mattered, he had time to spare.  This was the start of a
new life, a new creation.  He just hoped this one did not turn out as bad
as the last.  Pulling a chair over to sit next to the bed Ramanthus waited
for the child to wake up, so he could ask the boy his name.

     “General Malkov, do you see any one?” Ramanthus asked
while trying to keep hidden behind the tree. Every time they tried to move
ahead elven archers hidden in the trees took fire at them.

     “No my
lord! I thought I saw one about a hundred feet away but it was hard to tell.”
Malkov was trying to peak around the tree but every time he stuck his head out
an arrow flew by.

     “Just give
me a direction, I grow tired of this distraction!  Let them see you
again.” Malkov stuck his body out again, waiting for the rain of arrows to come
once again, trusting that his lord and master would keep him from harm.
 Just as he had been doing for most of his life. Ramanthus watched as the
archers once again took aim on the armored man.  As the arrows once again
cut through the air, he saw where they were hidden.  It was enough for him
and his magic. He felt a sick bit of satisfaction hearing the elves cry out
when the fireball exploded.  This was the third time they had run into
elven troops this day.  Each time it ended much the same as it ended now.
 The closer they got to the dragons lair, the more they had found.
 Ramanthus watched as Malkov ran forward, checking to see if the elves
were still alive. When they heard the dragons roar, he ran past the bodies on
the forest floor.  The bond between man and dragon drove him on, ignoring
the fact that the archers could have still been alive.

     Not that
Ramanthus ignored the bodies he found.  He stopped at each body, checking
for signs of life.  He knew Malkov would stop and wait for him if the danger
became too great. The first two he came to were dead as Toryth Vol.  The
third however was still drawing breath, even if most of his body had been
burned by the magical fire.  He stood over the body of the elf, thinking
of how he wanted to kill him.  Wondering what would be the fastest way.
 He watched as the elf reached out for his white robe, a twisted smile
came across the face of the wizard.

     “How can I
help you noble archer?” The wizard asked the fallen man in the elven tongue.

     “Heal me.”
Were the only words to escape from his scorched lips. Ramanthus looked around
the area and saw what it was that he wanted.  A quiver of arrows was on
the forest floor, not far from the body.  Taking a single arrow from the
quiver the wizard went back to the side of the elf, bending down he once again
spoke to him in near perfect elven.

     “Open your
mouth.” He watched as the elf lifted his head just a touch all the while
forcing his own mouth to open.  Hoping that he was about to receive a
healing potion.  Ramanthus took one look at the arrow head just before he
rammed it into the mouth of the elf.  He let out a laugh of delight as the
arrow passed through the soft flesh and into the neck of the elf.  He
listened for a moment to the elf and his cries of pain just before passing to
the other side.  He wondered how a person could make so much noise with a
mouth full of blood.  He thought about pulling it out again when a second
roar from the dragon drew his attention away.

     As he
continued to walk towards the home of Sa’tilix he continued to find more
bodies.  Trees were cut down by the dragon breath, blood littered the
entire area. When he came to the cave where Sa’tilix lived he saw the last
thing in the world he wanted to see.  General Malkov was on his knees next
to the female blue, Sa’tilix stood over his mate in a rage.  Ramanthus
looked at the living dragon and then the dead one.  He could feel the ball
of twine starting to come undone. “What happened here?” He asked anyone who
cared to listen.  The dragon looked down at the wizard, his wounds were
clear as day.

     “Over two
dozen of them attacked, they collapsed the cave using magic. She was the only
one to get out.  As soon as Taniea stuck her head out of the dirt and
rocks they were on her.  I was on my way to you when I felt her call out
to me in pain.  I came back but it was too late.  First, I killed the
wizard.  Then I killed everything else I could find.” Ramanthus looked to
his human general, he would be worthless for the rest of the day.  His
bond with Sa’tilix made him care about the dragons mate a little too much.

     “Are you
sure the others are dead, they could still be alive in there?” Ramanthus did
not want to anger the dragon but he had to know.  He could afford to lose
one dragon but not the others.

collapsed both tunnels into the lair. The entire earth has shifted in this
area. I am sure. They would have found a way out by now.” Ramanthus shook his
head, this was not good enough, he had to know. No he would know before he had
to return to the White Spire.

I am sorry for your loss. After we rid the world of King Xcavere we will take
revenge for the loss of your mate on these elves.  Are you well enough to
fly; I want you to and Malkov to return to the White Spire.  I have things
I must do before I can return.  I will be back soon though.”

     “My lord!”
Malkov tried to protest. “We cannot leave you alone, what if they come back?
You are too important to leave behind.  You are too important to me.”

     “Go on
General, you have your orders.” Ramanthus placed a hand on the shoulder of his
general and quietly said to him. “I must be sure the other dragons are dead
before I can return to our home.  Go and prepare the men for the coming
battle.  Make me proud.” Malkov gave the wizard a slight smile before
turning towards the dragon Sa’tilix.  Ramanthus watched as the two flew
away, soon as they were out of sight he turned to the collapsed cave. “No
single wizard did all this.” He said to no one at all.  He had been inside
the dragon’s lair before.  A deep and wide cavern that was deep under the
forest floor, Sa’tilix had lived there for close to twenty years without
incident.  This was a massive undertaking to collapse it all.

Ramanthus moved past the trees and other brush until he saw the sink hole that
spread out over an area the size of a small town.  He waited and listened
for some sign of life from under the ground.  It was then that he saw the
eagle, sitting just above the head of the wizard, watching his every move. “Oh,
now I see. Did you get sent to spy on me? I am sure your master is asking
himself why and how.  Why I would be allied with that dragon, how did I
get him to agree to help me?  Well if you must know, you will just have to
come ask me yourself druid.” It was then that Ramanthus could hear footsteps
behind him.  Three elves in all, druids of the highest order. Three elves
in all who would soon begin to battle with a wizard.  The forest exploded
with magic, for the rest of the day and then the entire night, yet they were
just three elves who in the end would just be three more victims of Ramanthus
the mad.

66.  Reunion


After the fight with Malkov and the dragon, time seemed to drag. I sat and
watched as the sun went down and the stars filled the night sky.  There
was so much tension in the air you could see it, it was like a thick fog that
filled the room.  It was that or smoke from the burnt buildings still
hanging in the air around the White Spire.  We took our turns resting but
the night just seemed to drag on and on.  No one would say it but there
was an axe hanging over our collective heads.  If we did not escape on
time, the axe would fall.  Not that Zackary seemed worried.  We had
to stop Lomark from attacking him twice.
'How can I work while he is there
' I was worried about the wizard and what he might do.
 Everything he tried to remove the barrier around the Rod failed.
 Well, everything short of blowing the tower up which is what he wanted to
'The Rod will be safe, it will outlast any of us here. Dropping the
tower might just free it.'
It was only the fear of the wards Ramanthus had
in place that kept us from letting him try.
     When I did sleep, my dreams were strange and vivid.
 The first dream that I had that night was about my wife.  I could
see her in that yellow dress she had on the first time I saw her.  It was
as if she was behind some great glass wall.  I could see her but not touch
her.  I could hear her words but she could not hear mine.  No matter
how hard I pounded on the wall, I could not make her see me.  I stood
helpless as she turned and walked away from me.  When the glass wall
started to crack under my pounding fist I woke up.  I sat up from where I
was sleeping and looked down at my hands.  I expected to find them covered
in blood and broken from pounding on that glass wall.  Yet they were
unharmed. I looked around the room, Zender was on his knees near one of the
windows around the top of the tower, lost in prayer.  Zackary was still
out cold and snoring the night away.  Lomark, lost in one of the many
spell books in front of him did not even see me stir.  I knew it was still
several hours until morning so I laid back down to get some rest, no point in
all of us going without.  Before long I could feel myself slipping down
into the black.  Not that it stayed that way for long.

     I found
myself standing on a hill overlooking a town.  It was tucked down in a
valley, just out of the shadow of the towering peak behind me.  I could
see a wide river not far from the east side of the old city.  The entire
land was covered in green grass and other plants.  In fact, the closer I
got to the city, I could see plant life had taken over everything.  Walls
had been pulled down by creeping vines.  It was as if the people who built
this city had left it behind for nature to take over again. Yet, this was the
only life I could see. A city that should have been home to a few thousand
people, was quiet as any untouched meadow.  The only sound I could hear
was the wind blowing between the long forgotten buildings.  I traveled
what should have been busy streets, having to watch my step or be tripped by
the vegetation.  I had no idea where I was going but for some reason my
feet seemed to know we were heading.  I just wish they would have taken
the time to tell my head.  As I continued to walk the streets I kept
seeing a large building, I somehow knew this is where I had to go.  Yet
the reason for going there was lost on me.
     I stood outside of the large building, one of the
exterior walls had fallen away from the rest of the building.  It was like
a little girls doll house.  I could see each of the floors and items that
had been left behind.  This had been someone's home, right in the center
of the town.  Perhaps they had been important at one time.  While the
furniture I could see was weathered from years of exposure to nature, I could
see that most of it was very well made.  Before I knew it I was standing
in the building, looking to explore inside the abandoned walls.  I reached
down to pull out my sword and noticed that I didn't even have it with me.
 I was just in plain clothing, no armor, no weapons at all.  I
continued to search the old home and only found more of the same. Dust and dirt
had claimed this home and the only life to be found was green and growing out
of the ground.  Just as I was about to give up on this home I saw
something strange.  A single set of tracks, leading up a wide stair case.
 I followed them up to the top floor of the house where they lead to a
huge room.  I assumed that at one time it was a bedroom.  The roof
was missing from this part of the house.  It was then that I saw him
there, sitting on a chair just waiting for me.
'This will be the fate of every town and kingdom
should Ramanthus get his way.'
Hetaron stood up from the chair but did not
make any other moves.
'This is where it will all start. Here in Toryth Vol
he will drive out the evil of Xcavere. From here he will spread his power out
to every corner of the land. Driving back the evil he can only see in his mind.
At first things will be fine, he will be pleased with the people and start to
make the world a better place.'
Hetarons robes changed from black, to grey
and then to white while he spoke.
'Then he will start to see evil where
there is none, in the end he will decide there is only one way to save this
From white back to black went his robes.
'People are the problem
he will say and destroy every man woman and child. The entire world will look
like this poor town. The town where Ramanthus was born and raised.'
lifted up my sword, feeling its weight in my hand put me at ease.
'Not a
single soul will be able to stand in his way once he has all the power he
needs. That power is in the Rod of the Arcane.
' I could hear my armored
feet on the stone floor as I crossed over to Hetaron, my sword still in hand.
must be stopped now, bring me the rod and I will let you live Kromwell.
' I
felt nothing resist me as I thrust the point of my blade deep into Hetarons
'I will see you soon, my friend
.' Those were his final words to
me just before I woke up.
     I laid there awake for the longest time.
 Wondering if what I had seen in my dream had been real.  If there
was any chance that it could happen that way.  Wondering if I had really
seen Hetaron or if that was just my mind playing tricks on me.  I looked
around the room, nothing much had changed since I fell asleep the last time yet
when I looked out the eastern windows I could almost see the coming sun.
 It wouldn't be long before it once again shared its light with us.
 Trying to push the dream back into the dark corners of my mind I set
about getting ready for whatever the day might hold.  Then something
Zender said came back to me, this was the day. This was the day that Xcavere
was going to attack, to claim the Rod for his self. Digging into one of my
packs I found the spy glass we had been using during our hunt for the spire.
 I looked off to the east, trying to see a sign of the coming army.
 There was no sign of anything moving this way over the ground.  It
wasn't until I removed the device from my eye that I saw the danger right under
my nose.  Just above the outer wall above the gate was a flying carpet.
 It carried three figures, two of them dressed in black robes.  The
third was a woman in armor.  I turned and told my friends that they needed
to prepare for a fight, Hetaron the dark had arrived.
     While they were all awake, this news brought them to
life.  I asked what the plan of attack was, how we should handle this.
 Lomark, looking rather pleased with himself as he stood there and
whispered to us,
'Hetaron is mine, do with the others what you will.'
held his staff in hand, the griffin claw at the top held a crystal, most days
it was just white.  For one small moment it seemed to be red in color, it
could have just been a trick of light but I don’t know.  Zender took out
his medallion of Solarth and held it high.  He asked the god to protect us
from evil and bless us during the coming fight.  Zackary lifted up his
sword and started to smile, in my mind I kept going back to that dream.  I
questioned if I was still sleeping, if any of this was real. I then reached down
and grabbed one of my packs, it held all the potions I carried with me.  I
figured at some point I might need one or two.  If only I had known just
how true this would be. We filed out of the top of the tower one at a time.
 I went forward to meet with Hetaron one last, final time.

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