Read Debauched (Undone Book 3) Online

Authors: Jennifer Dawson

Debauched (Undone Book 3) (35 page)

BOOK: Debauched (Undone Book 3)
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I bow off the bed, letting out a cry. He raises his head. “You might or you might not, but either way you’re going to come your fucking brains out.”

I have no idea how that’s possible, but Chad has never once not delivered what he’s promised and I trust this is no different.

“Don’t move.” He straightens, walks over to the nightstand and brings out a bottle of lubricant before returning to me.

I stare at him and he smiles. His features gentling. “Trust me, okay.”

“I do.”

And then cold fingers are circling where I want and fear him most. He meets my gaze and pushes one finger inside. This is something he’s been doing for weeks and my body accepts him without protest. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“There’s something else I want.” He slides two fingers in and with his other hand presses down over my pelvic bone.

To my shock, it sets off a violent wave of pleasure and my head falls back and rolls, my neck arching as he continues. “Anything.”

“Anything?” His voice is amused.

“Yes.” I gasp. “Just don’t stop.”

Another finger slides inside me, and it’s full. Impossibly tight and stretched. I’m not sure it feels great, but with him grinding the heel of his hand over my pelvic bone it creates a sensation that blurs my vision. He moves his fingers, at the same time he pushes down and I cry out.

“Play with your nipples.” His voice is gruff.

I release my death grip on the comforter and stroke over the aching buds.

“Harder.” His tone is all demand now.

I pluck them between my fingers, and combined with all the sensations rioting through my body, I get lost. I roll them, becoming more aggressive as he murmurs, “That’s right, girl.”

It doesn’t take more than a minute before it becomes too much and I yell, “I’m going to come.”

“No, you are not.” He gentles his touch, slowing everything down. “Not until I’m inside you.”

And then he’s gone. My hands fall away.

He strips down until he’s gloriously naked, takes the bottle, and liberally coats his hand. With hooded lids, he strokes his cock, eyes dark. Intense. His cheekbones in stark relief. He’s never looked more gorgeous. More dangerous. And I thank the heavens that someone was smart enough to give him to me.

This man loves me.

Loves me like nobody ever has or ever will. Unconditionally and ruthlessly. Without apology.

He flicks his gaze down my body. “You ready?”

I lick my lips. “Yes.”

He climbs onto the bed, adjusting me up and crouching on his haunches between my legs. I go to turn over but he stops me and shakes his head. “No. Face-to-face. So I can watch you.”

My brow furrows. I didn’t know it could be that way.

“Trust me.” He presses my legs farther apart, and lines up, the head of his cock nestling at my opening, both a promise and a threat. He keeps one hand on his cock and moves the other to my clit, using his thumb to stroke in slow circles.

I nod. Suck in a breath.

“Breathe, girl.” He pushes the tiniest bit before he retreats. “I’ve got you.”

I attempt to breathe, unsure what to expect, but trusting him.

He pushes again. Pauses, then retreats. Over and over. Again and again. Until it’s nothing but a tease and I find myself straining to get him closer.

His touch between my legs is featherlight. Excruciating. I break out into a sweat.

“Chad.” I arch when he retreats again. “Please.”

“Soon.” His teeth are gritted, the cords on his neck, coiled tight.

He surges forward, only to retreat. Picks up the bottle and trickles lube where we’re joined, then starts again.

My muscles quiver. And somehow, even with everything impossibly slow, I’m about to come.

He leans over me, putting his hands on either side of my shoulders. “I’m going to push past your muscles and it’s going to hurt, but then it will be over and I’ll be in. And you’ll be claimed.” My core contracts at the word and he bites back a vicious curse. “I can’t wait until you come on my cock.”

Another clenching and his eyes grow darker than I’ve ever seen and he pushes completely inside.

It doesn’t hurt as much as it’s uncomfortable, like pressure, and I’m stretched far too tight. I suck in a breath and he whispers, “I know.” But he doesn’t stop. He just keeps going. Pushing past my discomfort. Just when I think I can’t, he pushes, something releases and the pressure eases.

I slowly exhale and he brushes my hair off my cheek. “You okay?”

I nod. “I think so.”

He slowly pulls out and pushes back in and my breath catches on a gasp. I’m not sure what I feel, but it’s dark and forbidden, irresistible. He does it again.

“Look at me.” His voice is gruff.

I snap my gaze to his.

“You are mine.” He thrusts, and then grinds his pelvis over my clit.


“You belong to me.”

I nod. My throat grows tight.

He begins to move in earnest, each time making sure he hits the bundle of nerves between my legs. Pushing me closer and closer to an orgasm I thought impossible to achieve.

Although I should know better than to doubt him. He’s always right. Always.

His movements pick up speed, and the darkness grows, threatens to consume me.

“I love you, Ruby.”

“I love you too.” My words are a gasp.

I’m on the precipice of something extraordinary. It builds and coils. I flutter my lashes up at him. “Chad.”

“You’re a good girl.” His thrusts become pounding, punishing, and I can’t pretend I don’t like it. How can I not? It has all the components that drive me mad with lust. There’s something dirty and taboo about liking it. About being this kind of girl.

My nails clutch his back. Drag down his skin as my need increases. “Please.”

“You can come.” My body clenches. Strains. He leans down and whispers darkly, “But only because I own every fucking part of you.”

The orgasm rolls over me, rocking through me, crashing in on me in a pounding blur where all thought ceases and all I can focus on is the pleasure raging through me. My body clenches around him, rippling down his cock and I can feel it—more acutely somehow—greedy and hungry and desperate.

He growls, slams inside me and comes, triggering another intense orgasm, right on top of the last and it goes on… and on… and on… until I collapse into a helpless heap and float mindless and blissful on the orgasm to end all orgasms.

I have no idea how long we drift like that before coming back to reality. I stir, and he raises his head.

He looks down at me, his hair flopping down over his forehead, making him look boyish and angelic instead of the devil he is. He grins. “You did it.”

“I did.” My eyes sting with tears I don’t quite understand.

He kisses me—long and slow and soul deep—before he raises his head. “I’m proud of you.”

I beam, my throat tight. And suddenly I get it.

Everything I’ve been struggling with comes into crystal-clear focus, sharp and defined. I finally understand what all this dominance and submission stuff is all about. The yin and yang. How he fits with me, and how I fit with him. The perfect, beautiful symmetry of it all.

I want to please him. I want to rock his world and give him everything. I want to surrender. He’s mine. And I’m his.

who I am.


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Take A Chance on Me

The Winner Takes It All

The Name of the Game

As Good as New

She’s My Kind of Girl (Coming September, 27
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Is this your first book in the Undone series? Read on for a special sneak peek at Crave, the 1st book in the Undone Series…

BOOK: Debauched (Undone Book 3)
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