Debutante (2 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Debutante
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‘Liar. You and your pals having a circle jerk watching us “make love”? We're ruined, Luke. You ruined us!'

‘No! It's just that you work so many nights and I'm so horny for you and I can't watch porn any more, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't do anything.'

‘You said you never watch porn.'

‘I don't. I did, long ago, I guess. But –'

Emily held out her hand.

Luke ejected the tape from the camera and placed it in her palm.

Emily swung her knapsack up onto her back. She opened the door to his room but, instead of leaving, she stood for a moment, facing Luke, her legs slightly apart. She forced some of the confusion and hurt and betrayal and heartsickness to abate so that the rolling rage in her belly concentrated into a dense black ball of hate that she could hurl at Luke and when it was ready, she did.

‘I never want to see you again. Don't come to my work or I'll call the cops. Don't ever come to my place. Don't come near me, Luke. We're done. You hear me?'

She raised her fist and shook it at him. The look on his face was one of disbelief. And, yes, fear. Emily squinted her grey eyes and sneered, thus, she hoped, contorting her features into those of an ugly crone.

‘If you ever come near me again, I'll tear your balls off and stuff them down your throat.'

She slammed the door behind her when she left.

Chapter Two

Electro house music blasted so loud the old hardwood floors shook. One keg was empty and the second well on its way. This was the last bash before the semester ended and finals, be they on paper or disc, loomed large.


Luke emptied the big red cup in his hand and burped. He sat hunched in the left corner of the old maroon sofa, once plush velvet but now matted and in places threadbare, that had been pushed against a wall to make room for dancing. He wanted another beer but the distance between him and the keg seemed vast. He tried to crush the cup and when it merely cracked in his hand, threw it on the floor in disgust.

Disgust. One word encapsulated everything: the house he'd lived in for three years, everyone in the house including his roommates, his stupid ideas for stupid, pretentious movies that would move stupid audiences all over the world. Maybe he needed two words. Stupid. Disgust. He should get the camera and set it up on the scarred wooden coffee table, aim it at himself and press record. ‘Self-portrait of a Stupid, Disgusting Moron.'

The camera, property of the University, was upstairs, hidden from stupid drunks who wouldn't recognise a digital HD camcorder if they fell over it, which they easily could, because they were a bunch of stupid drunks. He'd like to be one of them. Not stupid, he was already that. He'd like to be drunk.


‘Special delivery.' Marion plopped down beside him and offered him one of the two cups she held. She took a swig from the other. ‘Beer. Good.'

Luke gulped a couple of mouthfuls, burped, and agreed. ‘Beer. Good.'

‘C'mon, Skywalker, let's dance.' Marion nudged him shoulder to shoulder.

She looked every inch the red-hot temptress in a shiny party dress with a pleated skirt and spaghetti straps, its pale green nicely complementing her soft green eyes and henna-red hair. One of those straps slipped down her right shoulder, exposing a little more of her ample cleavage.

Luke's lizard brain woke up with a start. It'd been asleep for three weeks and almost resented the intrusion. Almost.

Marion kicked up her heels, which were ridiculously high for a kegger in a house with uneven floors.

‘Nope.' Luke gulped his beer.

‘You keep drinking like that and you know what's going to happen.'

‘I'll pass out?'

‘You'll have to pee which means you'll actually have to rise up from the sofa and move your legs.'

‘True.' Luke leaned over the frayed armrest and slowly poured the rest of his beer on the floor.

‘Hey,' protested Marion, ‘who do you think is going to clean that up in the morning?'

‘I dunno. But it won't be you.' Luke almost laughed. Marion did not do housework.

She shrugged. The second spaghetti strap slipped down her left shoulder. More cleavage. Lots of cleavage.

Lizard likes cleavage.

Marion drew her knees up and rested them across his thighs. She leaned in close, her thick red hair caressing his cheek, her breasts soft and sexy against his shoulder, her cherry-red lips just touching his ear, ‘C'mon, Longfellow, let's go upstairs.'

Luke sighed. Otherwise he didn't move a muscle. Only the slight thickening of his cock down the right side of his jeans let on that Marion was having an effect on him.

‘Mmm. We used to be so good together, remember? You with your big fat cock and me a size queen with my big mouth just made to suck?' She rimmed his ear with her tongue. ‘We were the perfect friends with benefits. Don't you agree?'

He nodded. There was no point trying to deny it. They'd been a good fit, sexually.

She wriggled onto his lap. Her pleated skirt covered both his legs but she was only interested in the right one, the one with his long cock rising to life against it. Marion split her knees so that they hugged each side of his leg. She rocked, ever so slightly, just enough to caress his denim-covered dick with her naked pussy and press her hard little nipples against his chest.

‘Remember when you'd fuck me up the ass? That was my favourite. You liked it, too, didn't you? Man, it wasn't easy getting that mega-cock of yours all the way up my little pink hole but we did it, didn't we?'

hissed the lizard, fully awake now.

Luke was mesmerised. Before Em he'd either had sex or masturbated every single day. Otherwise he couldn't concentrate. Sometimes it was fun and sometimes it was spectacular and sometimes it was as mundane as brushing his teeth. When Marion had moved into the house, in his second year, it'd been like a gift from the gods. A free-spirited, horny little bitch who had a thing for big cocks. They
been a good fit. She took the pill but he'd always worn a condom and she'd never complained. Not even when he split her ass cheeks and targeted her puckered hole with his hard-as-a-helmet dick-head.

‘Good time …' she whispered. She licked and kissed his ear, then started her way down the side of his face to his neck.

He shuddered. He always shuddered when a girl kissed his neck. His cock strained against the fabric of his jeans. Damn. Her hot cunt felt great. She was already so wet he could feel it dampening his jeans and his hard-on beneath them. He needed it so bad. Maybe it was time to face facts. Emily was gone. Gone for good.

‘Yesssssssssss,' hissed the lizard.

‘No,' said Luke.

‘Please, baby, I'm close. Please …' Marion arched her back, exposing her nipples, bearing down on his leg and the erection trapped against it, tipping up her ass.

‘Anal slut.' Luke slipped his hands under her skirt and parted her ass cheeks. ‘Beg some more.'

‘Please, Luke, please, please.'

He pushed his left index finger into her asshole, ignoring the resistance. ‘More. I'm an anal slut and I want more.'

‘“I'm an anal slut and I want more …”' Marion's words slurred together. She pressed her pussy down, jiggling just enough to rub her clit against his cock. ‘More you fucking … fucking … fuck …'

Luke bounced his leg and she rose a little. His hands still held her ass cheeks apart but as she bore down on his cock again his second index finger joined the first.

Marion fell forwards, her breasts bracketing his face. ‘Uhhhhhhh …'

‘Quiet,' Luke said.

He bounced her again, jamming both fingers as far up inside her as he could. One more little bounce and she'd probably …

He felt the clenching contractions of her empty pussy through the veil of skin that separated it from her ass and his punishing index fingers. He kept up the rhythm of his fingers but let her grind her cunt against his cock until the spasms slowed and stopped.

‘Fuck,' she moaned in his ear.

He tumbled her sideways off his lap.

‘Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzze …' moaned the lizard.

‘Shut up,' said Luke.

He made his way through the crowd and up the stairs.

Two minutes in the bathroom and three weeks of pent-up need spilled into the bowl. He flushed it, washed his hands and lay down on his bed.

Disgust. Stupid. Shut up, Luke.

He buried his face in his pillow and pulled another one over his head to muffle the hateful sound of drunken revelry.


Chapter Three

It was a quiet night at Bailey's, the fine dining restaurant where Emily worked, so she spotted Marion as soon as the hostess seated her. Emily had made sure to tell every hostess she worked with to seat a single girl with hair the colour of red velvet in her section, if and when such a person showed up.

Now that Marion was here, Emily was terrified to talk to her. The last time it'd been easy, she'd just sat and shook her head while Marion tried to make various points in Luke's favour.

‘Guys his age are always horny. They wake up that way and they go to bed that way. They can't help it,' Marion had said.

‘I don't care. He had no right shooting me without my consent.'

‘True. But he's sorry. He's a mess, Emily. A total disaster. I think he might not even get his projects finished in time to pass the semester.' (This part was not true; all Luke did was work on the short movie due by mid-April. But Marion had never had any trouble making up stories and the lie was for a good cause.)

‘What about me? I'm doing a double major and I can't concentrate. All I can think of is Luke and his friends watching us fuck.'

Marion had set four more discs on the table. ‘He wouldn't do that. Here are the rest of the movies he made of you two. He wants you to have them all. He says he can't stand having them around.'

‘He probably already has someone new and he just doesn't want –'

‘Nobody new.'

‘Because he hasn't had the opportunity.'

‘Oh come on. The poor guy's in love with you. I bet he wouldn't have sex with a girl if she threw herself into his lap.'

Which was when they'd made their agreement. Marion was to do her best to try to seduce Luke and report the result back to Emily.

It'd been a tough ten days but now she was here.

Emily delivered the entrées she carried on her tray and gave Rhonda a nod. She hadn't taken many breaks on her last few shifts, with the understanding that when the redhead showed up, she'd take a break immediately.

Rhonda nodded back. Emily slid into the chair opposite Marion.


‘What, no how-do-you-do?' Marion grinned.

‘Sorry. How are you?' Emily picked up the linen napkin on the table and started absently-mindedly twisting it.

‘Fine, thank you. But I can't say the same for your poor old ex. I think all the sperm he's not expelling might be slowly poisoning him. Hey –' she tilted her head sideways, as she always did when she had an idea ‘– that's not a bad idea for a short.'

‘It's dumb.' Emily looked down at the tortured napkin in her hands. When she looked back up, her eyes brimmed with tears.

‘C'mon, kiddo,' Marion whispered, ‘stop your suffering. And Luke's. Just watching it is painful. Listen, I threw myself at him at that kegger we had. Seriously. I offered him anal –'

‘Sssh.' Emily looked around but no one seemed to have heard. ‘Really?'

‘I gave it everything I've got. No kidding.'


‘He was nice about it, you know. A real gentleman. I kissed his neck, you know? I even climbed into his lap.'

Emily's eyes narrowed. The visual was not appealing. ‘Was he drunk?'

‘He'd had a few. Any other guy would've been begging for it. But in this case it was me doing the begging. I had him cornered, on that funky couch we have, and I was all over him. I was like, “Please, Luke, I'm desperate, I need that big cock of yours so bad, baby, I'll do anything you want” and –'

‘Get to the fucking point already.'

‘He turfed me off his lap and said, “Shut up.” Then he went upstairs and never came back.' Marion held out her hands, palms up. ‘The dude's in love with you, Emily.'

Hope bloomed like a rose in Emily's heart. She felt the heat of happiness rise from her chest until her cheeks flushed with it and it her eyes overflowed with it and she wept into her shredded napkin.

‘So can he come see you?'

Emily nodded. ‘Tomorrow. My place. Eight p.m.'

‘Good girl.' Marion slid from her chair. She patted Emily awkwardly on the shoulder.

Emily looked up at her. ‘Thanks, Marion.' She wiped her cheeks.

‘Aw,' muttered Marion, seemingly embarrassed by her good deed. ‘It was nothing.'

‘I owe you one,' said Emily. But before she could stand up and give Marion a hug, the other girl was gone.

Some people were funny that way; couldn't handle gratitude. But she wouldn't forget. She owed Marion and someday, somehow, she'd pay her back.

Chapter Four

Luke stuck his key into Emily's lock. He tentatively tried the door and, when it opened, heaved a sigh of relief so complete it caused a full-body shudder. He'd hardly dared hope Marion was telling the truth when she'd said Emily wanted to see him. But she hadn't locked the dead bolt to keep him out.

Dead Bolt. Not a bad name for a short.
He gave his head a shake. He didn't need to think about film any more. He was finished, as far as third year was concerned. But, more importantly, he wasn't all that interested in the subject. For the first time in his life, something mattered more than making movies. Right here. Right now. This was the most important moment of his life.

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