Deceived and Devoured (2 page)

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Authors: Lyla Sinclair

BOOK: Deceived and Devoured
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I took several tentative steps forward and put my hands up.

When I felt the pixie hair and button nose, I knew exactly who it was. “It’s Tiff,” I said.

Something brushed against my back. I reached behind me to feel who it was, but all I found was empty air.

“Wrong,” someone said.

This was obviously Tiff. I reached forward again, but this time, I encountered long damp hair and a Roman nose. “Alexis?”

Suddenly, I had the feeling of being in a crowd. Someone was in front of me and on each side. One of my bra cups slipped down. My nipple felt the chill of air conditioning for a brief second before it was covered with moist lips. I tried to move away, but hands pressed on my back, holding me in place.

My other bra cup went down and a second set of lips found a nipple. This reminded me of the night on the yacht, except instead of acting in unison as Alexis and Eric had, these two were making different movements, one sucking, one lapping and twirling.

I whimpered as a rush of cream moistened my pussy entrance. A hand slid inside my pajama bottoms to massage my needy crotch.

” I moaned. A finger dipped inside me, then slid over my clit. “
” The situation was completely out of my control now, and the thought of that was as big a turn-on as the physical sensations.

The finger made little circles on my clit, while lips tugged at my breasts, and hands roamed up under my top, caressing my stomach. I was ready to come if the finger would just speed up a little mo—


All hands—and mouths—left me simultaneously. Instinctively, I pulled my top up over my breasts. “No need for that, “the voice said. I realized it was Paris. “Take your clothes off, Tanya.”

“Huh? No.” I replied.

“Maybe she doubts your authority.” I could hear the taunting tone in Alexis’ voice.

My blindfold was pulled off. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Paris was wearing a black leather corset with black, thigh-high boots. The heels definitely put her over six feet tall. As I tried to make sense out of what was going on, I noticed she was wearing no underwear. I hadn’t been that close outside, but now I could see her crotch had been waxed, except for a very sinister edging of black that outlined her pussy lips.

“Paris is a professional dominatrix,” Alexis said. “I thought it might be fun to have her here with you tonight.”

Chapter Two

With me?
I tried to process what Alexis had just said.

“Now take off your clothes,” Paris said.

Another round of liquid coursed to my pussy. Why did this excite me? I didn’t even like Paris.

“Now!” she commanded.

I reached around and unclasped the hook. Pia and Tiff each took a strap and gently removed the top from my body. I put my thumbs in my shorts, but hesitated. Did I really want to allow Paris to master me tonight? Not Paris specifically, but…

She placed her hands on her hips intimidatingly. I swallowed hard and lowered my shorts until they dropped to the floor.


To my surprise, Pia and Tiff each dove for a breast. Pia’s hand skimmed down my torso and found my wet pussy. She thrust her finger inside me and I moaned loudly.

Alexis chuckled. “At this point, I’m sure Tanya would want me to inform everyone that she is
a lesbian.” She was throwing my words from three weeks ago back at me.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Pia’s finger retreated, then plunged inside me again, and I couldn’t remember what I was going to say.

“And she’s right,” Alexis continued. “She’s not lesbian, but I know what she is.”

“Bring her to the dining room,” Paris said. Tiff grabbed my arm and dragged me with them.

The dining room contained a long, sleek table made from dark wood. It was so glossy, it reflected the lights from the chandelier almost perfectly.

Paris moved two chairs a little more than shoulder width apart.

“Help her up there so I can examine her.”

“Oh, I…” I tried to refuse, but instead, I allowed them to help me up onto the chairs, my legs splayed. Tiff and Pia supported me by my elbows on each side. Paris turned on a floor lamp in the corner nearest me, then flipped off the chandelier lights.

She adjusted the cone of the floor lamp until it became a spotlight on my body. She picked up what looked like a stiff riding crop and used it as a pointer.

“Lovely round little breasts…” She traced the curve of my breast with the crop. Then it trailed down my torso. “Nice flat stomach.” Her instrument moved down to trace my lower lips.

“Nice bare pussy.”

“She probably did it for
,” Alexis chuckled. “But I’m sure King Dong will like it when

Was she teasing me or was some strange man really coming here to do who knew what?

Paris walked around behind me. “Ah, gorgeous,” she said.

Embarrassed, I glanced back just as Alexis grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them. The cool air rushed into my crack, and I nearly lost my balance, but Tiff and Pia steadied me.

“What an adorable tight little ass hole,” Paris said.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Alexis replied.

Had they really been discussing me in that much detail?

“Yes, Alexis. Excellent job.”

This reminded me of Eric’s sheik fantasy, when he’d complimented Alexis on her excellent slave procurement skills. I supposed that was one way to get in good with the right people. I wondered if Paris came from money like Eric did.

“Get down,” Paris said. As I stepped off the chairs, she motioned to the end of the table top.

“Sit right there.” I complied. “Now lie back on the table, but don’t scoot up.” As I followed her instructions, she moved the two chairs again and motioned to Tiff and Pia. They each took one of my feet and placed them on a chair so my legs were wide open.

Paris raked her crop up my bared clit and my ass jumped an inch off the table.

“Who wants to eat pussy?” she asked.

“Me!” Tiff exclaimed.

I was shocked and horrified at the thought of sweet little Tiff down there. But she was already between my thighs.

I watched as her pixie face lowered toward my pussy. I propped on my elbows, thinking I might get up…or at least argue. It just seemed wrong. “No…I…”

“You are not in charge here, Tanya,” Paris said. “This will be your only warning. Any further argument from you and you’ll be punished.”

Tiff smiled sweetly, then lowered her face to me. Her eyes met mine as she slowly put out her tongue and traced my pussy lips. Since they’d been waxed clean, they were ultra-sensitive.

The sight of that angelic face at my crotch was confusing to my senses. But then she ran her tongue up my clit and I collapsed onto the table. The sensation was fabulous.

She swirled round and round.

My eyes fell closed. I moaned.

Her lips nibbled at my clit in the most frustrating tease. I thrust my hips upward, needing more.

Something touched my collar bone and I opened my eyes to see the tip of Paris’s riding crop there.

It snaked down between my breasts, then raked across each nipple.

Though the crop didn’t provide much physical pleasure on its own, it represented Paris’s control over me. Flashes of heat super-charged my skin everywhere it touched.

Tiff’s wet lips enclosed my clit and she sucked.

“Oh my g—
” I said. My muscles tensed for orgasm. My shoulders came up off the table.

Paris laid the crop across my neck and applied pressure as if she were holding me down against my will.

That did it. Electric pleasure coursed through me. My muscles twitched uncontrollably. I cried out.

Tiff grabbed my ass and held me there, sucking for all she was worth until she’d pulled the last spasm from my body.

I lay on the table, eyes closed, spent and too embarrassed to face the women who’d watched.

What kind of sick puppy got off on being bossed around and restrained with a crop?

“Stand up.”

Stand up?
Was she talking to me? I realized she must be, since the others were all standing.

But how was I supposed to stand on the noodles that had replaced my legs?


I struggled to sit up and pull myself off the table. Once on my feet, I found it hard to make eye contact with anyone.

“Look at your new friends, Tanya.” Paris motioned with her crop.

I let my eyes skim over the three naked women standing a few feet away. When I got to Alexis, her taunting expression caused my face to flush. She was
enjoying making a fool of me. She knew how uncomfortable I was with the idea of touching other women sexually, yet she’d invited me here.

A wave of anger washed over me. I considered grabbing my coat and leaving.

“Now that you’ve taken a good look,” Paris continued. “Choose whose pussy will have the honor of being the first you ever eat.”

“No!” I said. The idea of pleasuring a woman
down there
was way out of my comfort zone.

I really wasn’t attracted to women. “I can’t…I’m not a—I can’t do that.”

“It seems Tanya needs a lesson on who’s in charge,” Paris said. “I want her face down on the table.”

Alexis and Pia shoved me toward the table until it pressed against my hip bones. Then they pushed down on my back until I was lying face down, my cheek against the cold lacquer finish.

And I didn’t resist.

“Tiff, go to the kitchen and get me a spatula, preferably a metal one.”

My clit pulsed, reignited by the idea of punishment. Alexis and Pia were pressing the backs of my shoulders, ensuring I stayed put. It was frightening to have them all ganging up on me.

But it was also arousing.

I couldn’t see the kitchen door because of the position of my head, but I heard it squeak and knew Tiff had returned. “Will one of these do?” I heard a clatter of what I assumed were kitchen utensils being dropped on the side table.

“I think this one will do nicely.”

Cold metal eased across my backside, raising goose bumps on the skin there.

“Would you like to do the honors, Tiff?”

I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. While Paris was rather scary, I couldn’t imagine Tiff giving as effective a punishmen—


My whole body tensed at the pain. There was obviously a lot more to Tiff than met th—


Damn! That really stung! Reflexively, I lifted my shoulders off the table, but Alexis and Pia pushed me back down.

Heat surged through me at the thought that I was truly at their mercy.

Thwack! Thwack!

Tears sprang into my eyes from the pain. How much more of this could I take? And why was my crotch tingling?

“Wait Tiff,” Paris said. “Look how red her little round ass is turning. She may have changed her mind…Tanya?”

“Hmmm?” I said, stalling for time.

“You can stop this now. All you have to do is say, ‘I’d love to try some pussy please.’”

I couldn’t imagine those words coming out of my mouth. I was silent.

“Tiff?” Paris said.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Four in a row and each harder than the last. The pain seared through me even as fresh cream dampened my pussy. But, I couldn’t take any more.

“Please stop, please!” I cried.

“Those weren’t the magic words.”

Thwack! Thwack!

I had to make it stop. What was I supposed to say?

“I’d love to try some pussy,” came out of my mouth in a quick jumble.

“I didn’t hear ‘please.’”



The hands that had been holding me down now helped me off the table.

When I was standing again, my ass burning like I’d sat on a hot stove, Paris stepped over and leaned her naked ass against the end of the table.

“I think she needs an expert demonstration if she’s going to do this right,” she said. “Tiff?”

Paris lay back on the table and put a foot on each chair. Her Amazonian crotch seemed so menacing compared to my tiny one. Her labia and clit were super-sized.

“Watch and learn, “she said. “Nobody eats pussy better than Tiff.”

“Thank you,” Tiff said cheerfully. She bent down and ran her tongue up the crease where Paris’s thigh and hip joined.

Paris sighed. “Look at her. We should call her ‘Kinkerbell.’”

Tiff paused and gave a naughty-pixie grin, then continued. She teased Paris’s lips with her pink tongue. She taunted her by skimming the insides of her pussy lips without contacting the clit.

Paris stretched her arms above her head and undulated her hips. Tiff blew her warm breath into Paris’s pussy.

Paris’s breathing became more and more ragged.

Finally, after several minutes of teasing, she reached down and grabbed a handful of pixie hair.

“Enough! Suck me off, you fairy bitch!”

Tiff chuckled, then began to make out hot and heavy with Paris’s pussy.

Was that what they expected
to do? I couldn’t imagine myself between another woman’s thighs, much less tonguing her crotch.

Fuck…oh-oh-oh, fuck!
” Paris screamed. Tiff’s movements came fast and furious as Paris shook on the table and screamed “fuck” one last time.

She took a moment to recuperate, then she was on her feet and back to business

Pia, lie down on the table.” She turned to me. “You wouldn’t choose. So I’ve chosen for you.”

“But—”Alexis began. Had she wanted me to do her? Paris gave her a stern look.

Alexis closed her mouth as Pia lay down and placed her feet on the chairs.

Alexis and Tiff each took one of my arms and placed their other hands on my back. They maneuvered me into a standing position between Pia’s thighs.

I looked down at Pia’s crotch. It was fully waxed like mine and not nearly as intimidating as Paris’s.

But surely I couldn’t go through with what they expected. I had no desire to come in contact with another woman’s pussy.

“Alexis, get a throw pillow from the living room,” Paris aid. “And my bag from the closet.”

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