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Authors: Leo Barton

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Deceived and Enslaved (25 page)

BOOK: Deceived and Enslaved
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The loud thwack the shoe made on her bare bottom made her squirm even more, but she remembered, and this was an agony in itself, that she was not permitted to shout out. He belted her again and again with the shoe, until her bottom was red raw.

'Now, my dear, kneel before me. Take off your top.'

Lillian dutifully did what she was ordered, first removing her blouse and then the black lace bra.

Grimaldi pulled his trousers down and then released his erect cock from his briefs. He tweaked her nipples again and then slapped his cock onto her breasts, before bunching them up in his hands and sliding his cock through so that the bulbous purple head prodded against her throat.

He then took his sturdy cock in his hand and began slapping Lillian across the face with it, so that it banged off her cheek, off her nose, off her chin.

'Open wide!'

Lillian opened her mouth as wide as it would go, as Grimaldi stood over her masturbating, the tip of his cock occasionally chafing her lips. With his free hand he pulled hard on her hair so that her neck was angled and her gaping mouth made a perfect target for his seed.

It was disgusting to have this horrible monster standing over her like this. His revoltingly sweaty body over her, his piggy hands clasping her so hard by the hair that her neck hurt.

He shot his seed deep inside her, so deep that the first jet reached all the way to the back of her throat. She knew his eyes were concentrated on her throat, making sure she swallowed every drop of his sperm.

As he tucked his cock back into his trousers he said, 'Now I think it's time you were introduced to our friends in the prison.'

14: A Night in Prison

After Lillian had been allowed to dress again, she was escorted by Grimaldi to the prison cells in the basement of the police station.

'Now, Lillian, this is a secret, and nobody knows you are here, so we don't want to be making a lot of noise, do we?'

'No, Inspector Grimaldi.'

She was led into a communal shower room that was empty.

'I think you had better take your clothes off. You won't be needing them here. There is soap and shampoo to wash with, but don't worry about that. I'll call a couple of guards and they can help you.'

Lillian wanted to tell Grimaldi that she didn't need any guards to help her, that she was perfectly capable of showering herself, but she knew she was not permitted to speak without being told to do so, and that if Lord Willingham ever got to hear of her insolence there would be trouble.

Lillian removed the clothes that she had only moments before put on. Grimaldi stood admiring the view, unable to resist running his hands across her hairless mound, and strumming his fingers against her sex lips.

'Roberto, Mauro, come here,' Grimaldi shouted, and a moment later two hefty Italian men entered the communal shower.

'This young lady is to spend the night here as a lesson for her not to waste police time...'

But she hadn't wasted police time, she thought to herself.

'Only if she is totally obedient and does everything you tell her, will we consider letting her go tomorrow. I would put her in with some of the boys. I am sure they will be very friendly to her.'

Grimaldi then turned to Lillian. 'I'm sure we will meet again soon. There are so many other little games I want to play with you.' He turned and left the room.

Roberto was the bigger of the two men. He must have been in his mid-thirties. He was tall and stocky with black cropped hair and cold, evil eyes. Mauro was younger but even fatter than Grimaldi. Both men in their own way were deeply unattractive to Lillian.

Their hands roamed over her body, Roberto's brushing against her sex lips, while Mauro's hands flattened across her still tingling buttocks.

'Right, over there,' Roberto commanded, pointing in the direction of the washing area.

Lillian went over to switch on the shower, but Roberto tutted. 'No, no, no. Just stand there.'

Lillian hadn't noticed before but there was a rubber hose in one corner. They weren't going to let her shower; they were going to hose her down like an animal.

'Stand still!' Roberto shouted. Mauro had attached the hose to a tap and a jet of water was coming gently out. He turned the tap more fully and then a harder jet of water gushed forth. Mauro aimed it at Lillian. The water was icy cold and it was a shock when it first made contact with her skin. They aimed it all over her body. Perhaps the most humiliating experience was when it was turned fully on her face and she knew that she was not permitted to move. She wanted so much to move out the way of the water but was frightened to do so. The two men stood laughing at her as she stood in humiliation before them.

'Turn around.'

When Lillian's back was turned, the water spurted against her again. Mauro went closer to her and shot a jet against her bottom and then across her sex. It was obvious that the two men were enjoying themselves immensely.

The water was turned off and Roberto approached Lillian with a bar of soap. He lathered first her breasts and then her middle, tweaking her breast and laughing at her. He then pulled her to him by the ear and kissed her on the lips, parting her mouth so that he could slide his tongue inside her.

'Are you going to be a good girl?' he said, still tweaking her nipple as he withdraw his tongue from her mouth.

'Yes, sir,' Lillian managed to say, trying desperately to hide her sense of disgust at what was happening to her.

'I hope so. Now bend over and touch your toes.'

Lillian obediently did as she was told again. She felt the bar soaping first her legs and then her thighs and then her buttocks. Roberto was sliding it along the crevice of her bottom. He lathered a couple of his fingers and sank them deep inside her anus. 'We have to make sure you are clean everywhere, don't we?'

Lillian didn't answer.

Roberto slipped another finger inside her. 'Don't we?'

'Yes, sir,' Lillian answered, hoping that if she responded in the way they wanted they might not hurt her.

'Now spread your legs.'

Lillian spread her legs a little more.


The bar of soap was now playing along her sex lips, rubbing against her clitoris, and against her will, making her feel excited, although she could not think of two men, perhaps with the exception of Grimaldi, that she would less like to have sex with.

'You like that, don't you? Yes you do. Well remember you are not here for fun. You are here for our fun. Mauro, over here.'

Mauro brought the hose over, placing it right between Lillian's legs so that the water squirted up inside her vagina. It was so cold and made Lillian's body go rigid. They made her touch her toes again. Oh no, she thought, as she realised just what they were going to do. As Roberto spread Lillian's cheeks Mauro shot the water deep inside her rectum, the nozzle positioned on the tip of her anus.

When that humiliation was over it was time to clean her face and hair. Roberto was ruthless, lathering her face and hair together so roughly that sometimes she found it hard to breathe. It was a horrible sensation to feel his soapy hands all over her cheeks, in her mouth, on her neck. Then Mauro turning the hose full on again, washing all the lather off.

'Now into the locker room to dry off.'

Lillian walked ahead and grabbed hold of a towel in a vain effort to cover her naked body.

'Hurry up! Quicker, come on!'

Lillian dried herself as quickly as she could with both the men standing over her, watching. But before she felt she was completely dried the towel was snatched from her hands.

'Now, miss, you've come at the right time. It is recreational hour.'

Lillian didn't really know what they meant, but she couldn't believe that recreational hour was going to provide her with much recreation. Still, she nodded her head.

'Do you like table tennis?'

Lillian didn't really know what response they wanted her to make, so she nodded again.

'Good, because me and Mauro here love it. That is why we keep these table tennis bats in our locker. The only problem is that we don't have a ping-pong ball.'

'We don't have a table either,' Mauro chirped in.

'True enough. So we are going to have to practice on something else.'

Lillian knew exactly what they had in mind.

'Touch your toes again, that's right, get that bottom up.'

Roberto smacked her first and quite hard, catching her on the meat of her bottom. He smacked her again and again. Lillian, as she had done with Grimaldi, so much wanted to cry out with the pain, but she just about managed to restrain herself.

After Roberto had hit her several times more it was Mauro's turn. But he decided to take her over his lap and give her a good spanking. The bat fell lightly at first, but Mauro soon gathered pace so that he was slapping the bat quickly off her rear while Roberto looked on approvingly.

Lillian felt tears forming in her eyes. It was so terribly humiliating. Whatever Lord Willingham wanted her to do in the future she would do, to avoid been sent back to this horrible place with these horrible men. Her bottom, which had already suffered from a good spanking from Grimaldi, felt red raw by the time Mauro had tired of spanking her with the table tennis bat.

'Look at that, what a beauty!' he said approvingly as he looked at his handiwork.

'Yes, my friend, I think one good deed deserves another, don't you?'

They made her kneel on all fours on the bench. Mauro removed his uniform and then fed Lillian's mouth onto his hard cock. Roberto positioned himself behind her and sank his cock deep into her quim. They created a see-saw effect so that as Lillian slid up Roberto's cock, she would slide down Mauro's oiled shaft. Mauro had tight hold of her hair as she sank on him, while Roberto's thighs hit firmly against her already pained buttocks. Lillian could feel the mounting pressure of an orgasm building inside her, but both men emptied their seed before she found any release.

When it was over Roberto turned to Mauro. 'Look, she's all sweaty and dirty again. We'd better hose her down...'

After all the pain and exertions that Lillian had undergone, she felt very tired. If they would only put her somewhere where she could sleep and then she could forget where she was and Lord Willingham might come tomorrow and take her back to his house, but something inside told her that they weren't going to just let her rest in the prison. Hadn't they also said something about putting her in with other prisoners?

After they had cleaned her again they attached a blindfold to her, and then much worse, they put her in ankle chains and fastened her wrists in chains too, as she had been at Lord Willingham's.

They led her into a room. Lillian assumed it must be a cell. She heard the door bang after she entered. It must have been quite a big cell, judging by the number of men who cheered when she entered.

This really was terrible for Lillian. She was chained and completely naked, and unlike at Lord Willingham's, she didn't have to please just one or two men, here there must have been at least ten, maybe more.

They mounted her on a chair in a kneeling position. The chair appeared to be fixed to the floor. Her arms and legs were clipped to it so that she could not move, and her bottom was up high in the air. Surely they couldn't leave her like this all night.

She was aware of a group of men standing around her. Hands were casually stroking, petting her as they might pet a dog, brushing her hindquarters, stroking her rump or tweaking casually at the breasts.

'Now boys. Don't worry.'

Lillian recognised the voice was Roberto's.

'You've got all night. She's not going anywhere. We don't want any damage, mind, and you can see we have already tanned her bottom pretty good, but if you insist then that is up to you. If you look closely here, you can see that you have three holes to play with...'

Lillian could not believe that she was being talked about in this way, but she was still too frightened to protest. If only Lord Willingham was here, she strangely thought, Lord Willingham who had let her free to wear clothes and walk around the house, then this wouldn't be going on. She would just have to serve him as best as she could so that she never ended up in this kind of mess again.

Roberto continued. 'You see at the front there is plenty of room for those who like a good blow job. Mauro had the pleasure of that not so long ago and he said that the girl was pretty good. I myself went the conventional way and I can certainly recommend it. Nice and tight. The bum I don't know. I've just stuck my fingers up there, but it seemed adequate enough to me. Now if things get out of hand, I've brought the gag as you can see, so no problem there, but just make sure that you tidy up after yourselves and you don't leave a mess. All right. Now this is a special treat and it won't happen again if you cock up. Got it?'

A series of 'thanks' and 'we won't cock up' went around the room.

As soon as Roberto had exited she felt the same number of hands stroking and nipping at her. There was a lot of hushed conversation, some of which she didn't understand because it was in a dialect she didn't know. But she got the gist all right. They were arguing about who should go first and how they should work it. If somebody went now could they also go later on? Could they swap holes? She heard the clink of coins on the floor and released they were deciding who was going to have her body first.

The next sensation was feeling fingers opening her mouth and then a thick cock being slid in. Somebody else was entering her through her sex lips, and yet another had sneaked a finger inside her bottom. They rode her steadily, but it was so frustrating for Lillian for she couldn't even derive any physical pleasure because her constraints meant that she couldn't grip herself on the men. That tended to make the men even more ruthless when they fucked her.

A pair of hands were massaging and kneading her breasts. It was terrible. She didn't even know whether these hands belonged to the man that she was sucking or whether they belonged to somebody else altogether.

Maybe, as Roberto had said, because some of the men hadn't had sex for a long time they came inside her very quickly, but as soon as one man had finished the next one began, and not all in the same place. She felt a tremendous pressure in her bottom as one cock was stuffed inside her. It hurt her so much. Nobody had bothered to adequately lubricate her, and the man didn't seem to be bothered. After he had come inside her and probably seeing the affect that anal sex had had on her another man entered her there.

BOOK: Deceived and Enslaved
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