DECEPTION vol.1: A promise made A promise broken (Turbulent Desire Series) (2 page)

BOOK: DECEPTION vol.1: A promise made A promise broken (Turbulent Desire Series)
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I looked up at her and smiled. “I loved them, they’re just so beautiful, Mommy.” Her eyes glowed, and I kissed her forehead.

She sat beside me at the dining table and began to chatter. “I have a surprise for you, Skylar, and it’s a big one …” Biting her tongue, she abruptly stood up and opened a small drawer taking out an envelope.

I curiously looked at the envelope, but instead of handing it to me, she slipped it into her apron and served me breakfast. I began to eat my pancakes, but I was bursting with anticipation.

“Mom, is that envelope part of the surprise? Give it to me, please?” After I’d given her my best desperate/pathetic expression, she finally took the envelope out of her pocket and slid it to me. “What is it?” I asked excitedly. As I picked up the envelope, I began to shake. What could it possibly be that almost made my mom spoil the surprise? I gently tore open the envelope and pulled out the contents. The tickets hit the floor, and before I could think twice, I could hear myself screaming with excitement.

“Mom! I can’t believe this! How …?” I jumped up and down hugging my mother. We both beamed with happiness.

“We leave tomorrow at six a.m. We’ll be spending two nights in Rome, then …” my mother started then trailed off with a gleam in her eyes.

I squealed in response, trying to get more information out of her. I could feel myself start to tremble with excitement.

My mom giggled. “You’ll see when you get there. I’ll give you a clue though, Skylar,” she said. “Pack a few bikinis; you don’t want to wear the same one twice.”

Just then, the doorbell rang.

“I got it!” I jumped up from the table, ran to the front door and peeked thru the peephole. When I saw who it was, I unlocked the door and swung it open.

“Baby Sky isn’t a baby anymore!” my best friend Madi screamed in my ear, wrapping me in my second bear hug of the day.

“Happy birthday, Sky!” Alessandro said, standing behind Madi. He gave me a big hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Thank you, Alessandro!” I grinned at him.

“Madison! Alessandro! Come in! Breakfast is on the table!” my mom yelled from the kitchen. Madi ran past me to the kitchen, hitting my face with her blond curls on the way. Alessandro went directly to my mother, giving her a gentle, loving kiss. Even a blind person could see how much he loved her.

Madison Lombardo had been my best friend since before I could remember. Her father, Alessandro Lombardo, was one of the most prestigious criminal defense lawyers in California. Ever since I could remember, Alessandro and my mother had been in a relationship, but for some reason, they had never married. Madison has always been Daddy’s little girl; she got away with almost anything, as long as Daddy was there.

Madi and I were inseparable but total opposites. While I was shy and quiet, Madi was loud and social. She was friends with everyone, and all the boys loved her. Anywhere she went, her charisma and good looks were enough to grab everyone’s attention. Her naturally blond hair cascaded to her lower back, a perfect complement to her hazel eyes. We were both tall, with tiny waists and slender figures. All the girls in school were envious. That, of course, went straight to Madi’s head.

I followed Madi into the kitchen and watched her stack pancakes onto her plate. For such a slender girl, she had an enormous appetite.

“Don’t think I forgot your gift, Sky!” Madi said loudly as I cleared her empty plate from the table. She reached into her purse and after going through everything, finally pulled out a small box. “It’s nothing big, just something … mmm … cute.”

I accepted her gift with a grin. Silver giftwrap covered a black leather box with the Rolex logo on top. I gasped in anticipation and slowly opened it.

A small silver diamond wristwatch flashed at me. “Madi, it’s beautiful …” I whispered.

Madi laughed and said, “And
not your style. No returns, you better wear it.”

I rolled my eyes at her then slipped on the wristwatch and held it up to the kitchen light.

“I don’t know what to say, Madi. I’ve never had anything so delicate and expensive.” My mom giggled and winked at Madi.

Madi smiled and changed the subject. “So what time does our flight leave, Skylar?”

I looked at her in amazement. Going on this trip was exciting enough, but going with my best friend was going to make it even better!

“You’re coming with us?” I exclaimed. “Oh my gosh, Madi!” I jumped out of my chair and thanked my mother once again.

“Well, Alessandro paid for the trip to Rome,” my mother responded immediately.

I ran to Alessandro and gave him a huge hug. “Thank you, Alessandro! I can’t thank you enough,” I replied emotionally.

“You’re very welcome, Sky,” he answered with a broad smile. Alessandro loved making my mother—and by extension, me—happy.

I gasped and slammed my hands on the kitchen table, pointing my right index finger at Madi. “You knew about this and you didn’t tell me!”

Madison grinned and got up from the table, stretching her arms. “Are we going out for the day or not? I don’t know about you, but I’m not leaving here without a proper wardrobe.”

I beamed at her, and then turned to give my mother my cute puppy face. She looked at Alessandro, who laughed at her.

“Let her go, love. My driver is taking them and will be with them all the time.” My mother took a long, deep breath and then nodded in acceptance.

“Please bring her home before six, Madi,” she said then turned to me, but Madi and I were already halfway to the front door. “Dinner time! Don’t forget, Skylar Marie Parker!” I heard my mom yell as Madi and I darted out of the house. I was going to come home to a boring dinner, the one we always have on my birthdays, just my mom and I, but I was determined to make this day count.


Madison then surprised me with the black town car. It was regally parked in our driveway, and her handsome driver Emilio was ready to drive us anywhere we wished. He proceeded to open the door for us. We squealed in delight, jumped in and made ourselves comfortable.

Madi then leaned into the front to turn up the music. She sat back and smiled. “Where do you want to go, Birthday Girl?” she yelled. “It’s your day, and I have Daddy’s credit card!”

I could not believe what an amazing day I was having and it was still only ten a.m. “First stop, Gunther’s Ice Cream!” I yelled. The best ice cream in town! I just could not resist getting my hands on some yummy, creamy, fudge brownie ice cream.

One hour, two thousand calories and five pounds later, we could hardly breathe. We felt full and were wired on sugar. After our ice cream fix, we were full of energy. We got back into the car and Emilio drove us to the mall. Madi was ready to spend her daddy’s money and I was ready to help.

Hours later, our hands full of shopping bags of all colors and sizes, I tried pressing Madi for clues to where we were going on our trip, but she would not budge.

“My lips are sealed, Skylar, I’m sorry.”

I groaned at her and we both looked at my new watch.

“Five-thirty!” Madi and I screamed at the same time. We rushed back to the car and gave Emilio our bags. He organized them in the trunk.

“Madison Elaine Lombardo!” I exclaimed, as I kept glancing down at my phone and saw the minutes ticking by. “My mother is going to kill me,” I whispered. We hopped into the car as fast as we could.

“Back to her house, please, HURRY!” Madi directed Emilio in a panic.

I winced as my ears rang and my stomach knotted. I was so worried we wouldn’t make it back on time. “Fifteen minutes till six, we can still make it,” I prayed, although I knew we would probably be late.

The ride on our way back was faster than when we left, and when we finally arrived home, Madi pushed me out of the car and quickly followed to help me with the bags.

“Please open the trunk, Emilio,” she said in a sweet voice, and he nodded.

When the trunk opened with a pop, Madi sorted through the shopping bags. She thrust my bags into my hands and hurried back into the car. I was puzzled when I realized Madi wouldn’t be accompanying me inside.

“You’re late, Skylar, and I’m not staying for the ‘Be on Time’ speech. I’ll be back with my father.”

I laughed. “Thanks, Bitch,” I jokingly responded. I kissed her on the cheek and thanked her for the amazing, fun-filled day. As Emilio drove away, I turned to the front door with the shopping bags in my hands, took a deep breath and ran inside. My mother, of course, was waiting, but to my relief, she let me go to my room without giving me a hard time.

need to get a trim,” I thought to myself as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and ran my hand through my hair.

I could hear something happening downstairs, but the music from my stereo was too loud to be able to tell exactly what was going on. I blew myself a kiss in the mirror and danced all the way to my closet. A simple blue blouse, some dark skinny jeans and my white Converse would do it. Mom always said blue looked great on my pale skin; I held the outfit to my body, smiled and finished getting ready.

Before I walked downstairs into the dining room, I took a deep breath and thought:

“Dinner, cake, presents, packing, bed, airport,
.” The last word made my stomach twist with a nervous, exciting feeling; I closed my eyes, calmed myself down, and ran downstairs. My mother and Alessandro were dancing to a slow melody, while Madi was on the sofa, playing on her cellphone.

“We were waiting for you, Sky. Let’s go to the dining room and have dinner,” my mother said.

Dinner was the usual: a tender, juicy pot roast, savory mashed potatoes, fresh garden salad, and my favorite part—red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, decorated with red velvet roses and pearls on top. While at the dinner table, we chatted and joked. At times I caught my mother contemplating me. Her gaze was a combination of worry and resignation.
Maybe she’ll stop being so overprotective now that I’ve turned eighteen?

When dinner was over, my mother brought the cake from the kitchen and Alessandro helped her to light the candles—all eighteen of them! As soon as all the candles were lit, Madi hurried to turn off the lights. I felt blessed as they sang Happy Birthday to me. As I got ready to blow out the candles, I closed my eyes and wholeheartedly wished for excitement, adventure and romance.

To top it all off, my mother gave me one last present, a beautiful string of pearls. I thought my heart would burst from happiness.

After dinner, Madi and I rushed upstairs. “Let’s get you packed!” Madi shouted.

I grabbed the biggest suitcase I could find and stuffed it with every piece of clothing I had bought that day. I wasn’t going to go to the other side of the world only to realize I’d forgotten something. Madi “helped” by pointing at items of clothing and giving orders. By the time I was done, my shopping bags were empty and my suitcase was so full it could barely close.

There was a knock at the door. “Madi, we need to leave. We need to pack as well,” said Alessandro.

“Okay, Daddy! See you tomorrow, Bitch!” Madi exclaimed as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I put my bags by my door, washed up, and jumped into bed.

Tomorrow was going to be the start of something amazing, I could feel it!

Before I knew it, it was morning and we were on our flight. My heart was pounding, my palms were sweating, yet all I could do was smile.

“Twelve hours, and we’ll be in Rome!” my mom whispered to me. I got goose bumps just thinking about it. I turned around and smiled at Madi and Alessandro, who were sitting together in the next row. I had everyone that mattered here to celebrate with me. I felt both content and exhilarated. My life was about to change. I had no idea in what way, but I felt it in my heart. The excitement was almost too much to bear.

The flight was long; it felt like it took weeks to get to our destination. We finally landed at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in the afternoon. When we walked out of customs and had the chance to breathe the fresh Rome air, I almost cried. The sun was shining and the streets were busy. Everything was so beautiful—it was breathtaking. I tried to soak it all in.

Our cab was waiting for us outside; the driver held a cardboard sign with the name
in capital letters.

The drive to our hotel was longer than I expected, but the chauffer pointed out awesome sights on our way. When we finally checked into the Grand Hotel De la Minerve, we were exhausted. Madi and I ran to our room and jumped into our beds for a quick nap.

I opened my eyes after what seemed like seconds and gasped. My mom was inches from my face, smiling from ear to ear. Madison was in front of the mirror, applying her makeup, and Alessandro was pouring himself a drink at the wet bar. I could see from the window that the sun was setting.

Madi came and jumped on the side of mine, “Get up, Skylar, Daddy is taking us to Pizzeria da Remo!”

I smiled and jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready. Alessandro knew how much I loved pizza, so of course he would take us to a pizzeria tonight. I chose a simple dress and flip-flops, pulled my hair into a loose bun, and I was ready to go.

“Mom!” I called out, “do I look okay?” I stepped in front of her and spun around quickly.

“Beautiful, princess.” She smiled as I walked away.

Dinner was delicious; I ate four slices of pepperoni pizza. By the time we left the pizzeria, I felt like I’d have to be rolled back into our room. On the drive back to the hotel, sleepiness began to come over me again. I put my head down on my mom’s lap as if I were a small child. I could feel her playing with my hair, making me even drowsier.

“Where are we going this week, Mommy?” I asked. Without hearing her response, I fell asleep. I woke up an hour later, still in my dress and shoes but tucked into bed. I wondered vaguely if Alessandro had carried me up. I was too exhausted to change, so I shut my eyes again and drifted back to sleep.

The smell of fresh bacon woke me up and I sat directly up in my bed.

“Yummy,” I said to myself, my eyes still closed.

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