Deciding Love

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Authors: Janelle Stalder

BOOK: Deciding Love
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Deciding Love

a novel


Janelle Stalder




Copyright 2016 Janelle Stalder

Published 2016

Black Quill Publishing


Amazon Edition


Cover Design by Black Quill Publishing

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White Hot Formatting


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Table of Contents


Title Page


Other Titles

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

About the Author










































I could do this.

First day. Senior year. New school.

I got this.

Staring at my reflection, I did a quick check. Hair looked okay, make up was subtle but nice, and outfit was as good as it was going to get. Sighing, I gave myself a good mental shake. First day of school was hard enough, but today was different. Today, I’d be attending Bloomfield High, a new school for my last year of High School.

Dad had moved us to Bloomfield this year after his work opened up a new office close by. The whole transition had taken a couple of years, so I’d had some time to get used to the idea of moving. But that didn’t make it any easier now that I was here. Bloomfield also happened to be where his son lived, the half-brother I hadn’t even known about until recently. It was true, my family wasn’t as drama free as I had always assumed, but I had come to terms with it.

To be honest, finding out I had a sibling was actually kind of cool. And my brother, Colt, was a really nice guy. We’d gotten to know each other over emails and phone calls before the move, and since we’d settled in, we had already hung out a few times. He seemed just as interested in developing a relationship with me as I was with him.

I was still having trouble understanding how my father, the guy who had always been kind and doting to me, could have walked out on his family to start another one with my mom. It wasn’t something he was proud of, so I tried not to judge him, but that didn’t mean I understood his decision.

“Chloe! Let’s go.” Speak of the devil. Dad’s voice boomed up the stairs.

“Coming,” I yelled back.

Looking around my new room, the pale yellow walls and lace curtains offering me a sense of comfort I needed just then, I was tempted to stay there and avoid the day ahead. At my last school things hadn’t been the easiest for me. Of course, it had been a small one where everyone there had grown up together, and therefore tended to be meaner to those who didn’t quite fit in.

I didn’t quite fit in.

Not because I was weird or anything, but because I didn’t like to do the things the “cool kids” did. I didn’t party or drink, or sleep around with the sports teams. And that made me uncool to the girls at my last school.

They also made fun of me, calling me a freak, because of my eyes. I looked at them now, wondering if the people at my new school would think the same. One hazel and one blue, my eyes tended to get people’s attention. Mom had always said they were what made me special, and that the girls at school were just jealous. As a kid though, it was hard to accept that was why they picked on me. It wasn’t as if I could change.

I needlessly smoothed down my brown hair, my nerves getting the better of me the longer I stood there.

“Chloe,” dad called again.

Okay. I could do this. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag and left the sanctity of my room, heading downstairs.

The house was an old century home in the heritage part of Bloomfield. In my opinion, it was one of the perks of us moving. I loved the old place, all the rich character and squeaking floors. It was bigger than our last place, and had a more homey feeling.

As I rounded the corner, I headed to the kitchen where Mom and Dad waited.

“There she is,” Mom said, wrapping me in a hug. “My big senior.”

I rolled my eyes at Dad, smiling over her shoulder. This was typical Mom - overly emotional for every milestone in my life. I loved her though, so I put up with it.

“Don’t suffocate her, hon,” Dad said.

“Sorry,” she replied, releasing me and straightening my clothes. “I’m just so nervous.”

I laughed. “Relax, Mom. You’re not even the one that has to go. Unless you want to?” I said with brows raised.

“I’ll pass,” she chuckled. “I’ve done my time in high school.”

A horn honked outside and we all jumped.

“That’ll be Colt,” Dad said. “Better hurry up.”

I had been surprised when Colt called last night offering to drive me to school. And honestly, relieved. If Mom was like this here, I could only imagine what she’d be like at school. Kissing them each, I headed outside, sensing them follow me.

Colt sat in his rumbling muscle car, his tattooed arm hanging out the window. He lifted it in a wave to Dad behind me, who returned one. Things were still uneasy between them, but I was hoping they would be able to work out their issues.

I climbed in the car, waving at my mom again as she stood on the porch.

“Is she...crying?” Colt said, sounding slightly horrified.

“Probably,” I replied. Sure enough, I caught her wiping at her eyes. Yup, it was definitely a good thing she wasn’t driving me today.


Bloomfield High was massive. My last school had a population of four hundred students. This school looked like it had at least a thousand, if not two. Suddenly my nerves started to increase, my palms sweating as Colt drove us up to the front, parking along the curb.

“You ready for this?” He asked.

“If I said no, would you help me skip?” I asked, turning to him with a hopeful look.

He chuckled. “I don’t think Dad would appreciate that.”

I slumped in my seat. “Probably not.”

“Hey,” he said, nudging me with his elbow. “You have nothing to be scared of. Everyone knows you’re my sister, so no one will bother you.”

Somehow I doubted that. There was a group of girls already giving me a dirty look as I sat in Colt’s car. I glanced over at him, figuring that was why.

Colt and I were polar opposites if you looked at just our physical appearance. Where I looked like your typical girl-next-door type girl, clean cut, good student - Colt was definitely your bad-boy type. His dark hair was cut short around the sides, but messy on top, his grey eyes hard and intimidating as he watched the other students. That, paired with all his tattoos and lip ring, it didn’t surprise me that people would be scared of him. Maybe it would work in my favor.

“Well,” I said, taking a deep breath, “I guess I should be going.”

He nodded. “Have a good day.”

As I got out, he called my name, leaning over the seats to look at me.

“I won’t be able to pick you up today. I have a shift at the shop, and then I have to pick up Olivia. Do you think you can manage to get home okay?”

“Of course,” I said. The last thing I wanted was to be a burden to him, or his girlfriend, Olivia, who had been nothing but nice to me since I got here. And I definitely didn’t want to make Colt feel as though he needed to babysit me.

“I’ll drive you again tomorrow,” he said.

“Are you sure?”

He gave me a,
don’t argue
, look.

“Okay,” I said instantly, “see you tomorrow.”

When I turned to head toward the doorway, the same girls were still watching me, their noses lifted high in the air. Great, I thought, holding my bag tighter against me as I went inside. Five minutes into the year and I had already made enemies. Wasn’t that just my luck?


This place was a maze. After finally finding the office and getting my schedule, it had taken me forever just to find my class. I hustled into first period, eyes down, as I made my way to the far end of the room, picking a seat near the front.

Chatter surrounded me as people talked about their summers. No one approached me, which suited me fine. I didn’t know what these kids were going to be like, but if I could get through day one without anything bad happening, I’d consider it a success.

Someone plopped down in the seat beside mine, making me look up in surprise. A girl with strawberry blonde hair, so straight I had to assume it wasn’t naturally that way, and eyes bright green, sat with a wide grin directed at me.

“Hi,” she said.

I looked around just to be sure she was speaking to me before returning her smile, somewhat tentatively. “Hi.”

“You’re Colt’s sister, right? Chloe?”

Surprised, I nodded.

“Cool! My name’s Cat,” she said, holding out a hand.

I took it. “Chloe,” I said with an easier smile. There was something about Cat that came off as genuine and friendly. I decided I liked her already.

“Look how adorable you are,” she said with a giggle. “You have dimples when you smile! And these little freckles on your nose.” She shook her head. “Are you sure you’re related to Colt?”

I laughed. “We’re pretty different, huh?”

She nodded. “But that’s okay, I don’t think you’d look as good with a lip ring.”

“Probably not. How do you know him?”

“Colt? He and my brother are good friends. I’ve grown up with all those guys,” she said, scrunching up her nose.

I chuckled. “Sounds fun.”

“Not really.” She leaned over the aisle her eyes switching back and forth between mine. “Are your eyes different colors?”

“Uh, yeah.”

She snapped back, her eyes wide. “That’s so awesome.”

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