Decker's Dilemma (6 page)

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Authors: Jack Ambraw

Tags: #mystery, #military, #Subic Bay, #navy, #black market

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Decker closed his eyes. Thoughts of Vega, and then of Commander Doerr walking through the door vanquished any natural instinct he had to argue. “Alright,” he exhaled.

“Finish your tea and I'll take you to the gate.”

“Thanks, I'm done.”

Piper pulled into a parking lot behind a row of taxis. She put the car in park and pushed up her sunglasses. “Thanks again for the help. I get depressed living out there at times. You were good company.”

“So were you,” Decker said. “Sorry for the … you know.”

She smiled and put the car in gear. “Hey, don't worry about it.”

“Goodbye,” was all Decker could think of to say as he climbed out of the car. Piper waved. Decker started to raise his hand, but she was already speeding away.

He walked across the Shit River Bridge, numb to the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of Olongapo. He decided to stop at Cal Jam to have lunch and get his mind off Commander Doerr's wife. As he sat in the club, his mind drifted to Kippen and the black market. He pulled out his Book of Dates, added his run-in with Piper, and inserted the note he had found in the car. A waitress took his order, pancit noodles, lumpia, and a beer. He waved at Pong behind the bar and settled into his chair, contemplating what his next move should be.


0720, Saturday, January 4

The three sailors had few opportunities to tak about Kippen the following week. Decker had duty Friday, so Hack spent the night with Lee, having dinner at the Sampaguita Club and going to a movie at the base theater. Despite only a few hours sleep, he awakened early Saturday morning and lay in bed listening to Lee's rhythmic breathing as she slept. He thought about the previous week and the two things that he had done that he hoped he'd never have to do again. On Monday, he had helped Commander Doerr inventory Kippen's personal affects before shipping them to his parents in some small town in Indiana. Everything the man owned—clothes, souvenirs from port visits, letters from home, socks, boots, and books—was sent packing to his relatives.

On Wednesday, he had attended a memorial service for Kippen at the base chapel. Captain Girard said a few nice words, and Commander Doerr spoke eloquently of Kippen's life, a story gleaned from Kippen's personal effects; details of a man that few sailors had known well. The last speaker, the
chaplain, droned on for way too long and came dangerously close to putting the crew to sleep. Midway through the monologue, Hack heard a sailor in front of him whisper to a friend, “Kippen's the lucky one. He doesn't have to sit through this.” Hack frowned at the comment, but twenty minutes later, with no end to the oration in sight, he was in complete agreement with his shipmate.

By Thursday life began to get back to normal in the supply department. The commander mentioned the ship had received orders for a new guy, Petty Officer Swischer, who would transfer from a ship in San Diego next month. Navy life goes on.

Hack squinted at the clock on Lee's dresser. 0720. He gazed at Lee's nude body sleeping next to him, the sheets covering only her lower legs. On her left side facing away from him, her well-proportioned hips and butt were tempting. Hack put his hand on her thigh and thought about waking her but knew he didn't have time. Decker would be off the ship by 0800 and they had promised to meet for coffee, a decision Hack now sorely regretted. He pulled the sheets up to Lee's shoulders, quietly rolled out of bed, grabbed his clothes, and peeked out the bedroom door. Angie was nowhere to be seen so he scampered naked the few feet to the bathroom, holding his clothes in front of him just in case. A quick shower and he was out the door, in a trike, and on his way to Magsaysay.

Hack arrived at Cal Jam and looked at the clock behind the bar. 0750. Pleased with himself that he was a few minutes early, he walked around to the back entrance. He found the place dark and a little creepy this time of day. Pong Dango greeted him as soon as he opened the door.

“Good morning, Mr. Hack,” Pong said. “Your friend is already here.”

“He is?” Hack said, surprised at the news.

“Not he,” Pong said, pointing to a table near the window facing the street. “She.”

Hack spotted a woman at a table near a window. She sat facing the street with her hand wrapped around a large coffee mug. The smoke and beer and music from the previous night had faded. A few people milled around, bar girls mostly, and an old man was in the far corner sweeping the floor, removing any sign that hundreds of people were packed into the place just a few hours ago. A big man for a Filipino, Hack watched Pong shoo the girls away from the bar and then walk over and talk with the old man cleaning the floor. Hack stepped past them and sat down across from Vega.

“I didn't expect to see you here. Mind if I join you?”

“Of course not.” Vega patted the chair next to her. “Sit here. Elliott said he was going to be here so I thought I'd stop by and see him. Sorry if I'm barging in.”

“No, not at all,” said Hack, noticing for the first time how young she looked to be a police officer. “I didn't mean it like that. I'm just surprised to see you.”

Vega surveyed the empty bar. “Where is he, anyway?”

Hack shrugged. “It's still early. He won't be here for another half hour at least. It'll give us a chance to talk.”

Vega scooted her chair closer to the table. “Okay, want do you want to talk about?”

“Let me ask you something about Decker.”

“I'm afraid of what you're going to ask.”

“No, it's nothing like that,” said Hack. “What's the deal with Rusty?”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember when Decker introduced me to Rusty a few days ago? He told Decker that ‘Emil can see everything.' I asked Decker about it at work, but he changed the subject. It made me curious.”

Vega leaned back. “Ah, that. You're right. He doesn't like to discuss it for some reason.”

“Are we talking about the same Decker? I didn't think there was anything he didn't like to talk about?”

“I'll tell you,” Vega said, turning serious, “But you've got to keep it to yourself.”

“I won't tell a soul,” said Hack.

“Okay, here's a brief version. They met when we were going out. Rusty would give Elliott a ride to and from work when he'd stay overnight with me.”

“He's told me that much.”

“I hope not in too much detail!”

Hack laughed. “Not about spending the night, but about Rusty giving him trike rides all the time.”

Vega grinned. “Good. Anyway, Rusty had an accident with his trike about eight months ago. Ran into the back of a jeepney stopped in front of him. He had Emil riding with him and the kid hit his right eye on a piece of metal in the sidecar. Punctured it pretty badly. Rusty took him to the hospital, but he couldn't afford medical treatment. They were going to just sew it up and the kid was going to have to live with only one eye the rest of his life.”

Hack grimaced. “Damn, that's awful.”

“I'm sure it was and I felt sorry for the little guy. Elliott felt the same way and offered to pay for Emil to have surgery in Manila. It was a lot of money, but still a lot cheaper than it would've cost in the States. Even an enlisted guy could afford it if he wanted to, and Elliott wanted to.”

“Why doesn't he talk about?” asked Hack. “That sounds like the kind of thing Decker would brag about.”

“You've got to hear the rest of the story. The kid ended up needing two more surgeries. Elliott had to take out a loan, and he never told Rusty he was forced to do that. I pitched in a little money, but I don't make much. Elliott ended up paying ninety-five percent of the cost of the surgery, and he still owes the bank quite a bit. It's why he's no longer renting an apartment in town, and it's probably why he changes the subject whenever it's mentioned.”

“I still don't see what the big deal is,” said Hack. “I'd tell people if I did something nice like that.”

“Well, number one he doesn't want Rusty to feel bad, but there's more to it than that. Has he told you about his cousin?”

“Rusty's cousin?”

“No, Elliott's cousin. I think he was two years younger. He was killed one day when they were kids out riding their bikes. He must've been around Emil's age. They were riding along a busy street and, of course, Elliot's showing off, riding with no hands and pulling wheelies and stuff like that. Then his cousin swerved into traffic by accident and got hit by a car. Elliott saw it happen.”

“Damn,” Hack mumbled.

“He doesn't talk about it often, but sometimes when we'd be alone in the middle of the night, I'd wake up and see him staring at the ceiling. Sometimes he'd want to talk about it.”

“He probably thought of his cousin when Emil had the accident,” said Hack.

Vega nodded. “Probably so. Elliott thinks he should've been able to prevent the accident. I told him it wasn't his fault, but he's still carrying around a lot of guilt. I think Emil gave him a chance to do something to help and, you may not see it behind his bravado, but that's why Elliott's always trying to fix any wrongs. He's still reliving the bike ride.”

“Damn,” Hack said again.

Vega reached across the table and put her hand on Hack's arm. “Please don't tell him I told you, okay?”

Hack smiled. “I won't.”


“I promise. You can trust me.”

Vega squeezed his arm. “I know I can. That's what I like about you.”

Hack blushed. “Why aren't you and Decker still going out? I know he likes you. He talks about you a lot when we're at sea.”

“I like him, too,” Vega said. “We've become close friends, and I like hanging out with him, but, I don't know, I think I'm ready for a more serious relationship. Maybe someday I can see Elliott like that, but not now. He's a sweetheart, but he's got too much of a wandering eye.”

Hack laughed. “It's hard not to be like that around here.”

“He just needs to find the right kind of girl. I've been trying to think of someone I could set him up with, but I haven't found the perfect girl for him yet.” She let her hand drift down Hack's arm until she took hold of his hand.

Goosebumps made the hair on his arms and the back of his neck stand at attention.

“Your girlfriend's lucky.” She squeezed his hand and he found himself squeezing back.

At the back of the bar, Decker appeared carrying a plastic bag. Pong poured him a cup of coffee, and Decker waved to a gaggle of girls while he waited.

Vega let go of Hack's hand and abruptly stood up. “I need to find the ladies' room. Be right back.”

Hack nodded wordlessly and watched Vega walk across the empty nightclub and disappear through a set of double doors.

Decker sauntered up, threw the bag under the table and plopped down across from Hack. “What's going on? You look like you just lost your best friend.


0800, Saturday, January 4

“I think I'm still half asleep,” Hack said. “Vega's here. Had to go to the head.”

“I was hoping that wasn't your lipstick on the coffee cup,” Decker said. “Were you talking about me.”

“There are more interesting things in Olongapo than you to talk about.” Hack looked his watch, wanting to change the subject. “How'd you get here so early?”

“Trick of the trade, shipmate,” Decker said. “At precisely 0730 I told the officer-of-the-deck I had to take some trash off the ship. Which was not a lie. I did have to take some out. But as soon as I got to the dumpster, I made a bee-line to the machine shop next to it.”

“The machine shop?”

“The machine shop. The view from the quarterdeck to the pier side entrance to the shop is blocked by the dumpster. I walked behind the dumpster, threw the trash in, and slipped into the shop. A few seconds later I exited the shop on the other side of the building.”

“How did you know how to do that?” Hack asked.

“It was easy,” Decker said. “Unlike most of my shipmates, present company included, I never like to waste my time. I noticed the shop's door one night when I was on quarterdeck watch a few weeks ago. I watched shipyard workers coming and going from behind the dumpster so I assumed there had to be an entrance on that end of the building.”

“What about your uniform? Weren't you wearing it when you left the ship?

“I had two bags of trash. One bag was the real trash, the other bag had my civilian clothes in it. That's why I have this trash bag underneath the table. I changed in the bathroom at the Spanish Gate cafeteria. I'll stash my uniform at Vega's.”

“All that for a half hour?” Hack asked.

“A half hour to the rest of the world, but precious weekend time to me,” Decker said.

“I don't like taking those kinds of risks,” Hack said. “At least not yet.”

Decker took out his Book of Dates and began writing. “You'll learn. Just takes time.”

“I suppose,” Hack said, watching Decker scribble into his notebook.

Decker had made it all week without telling Hack about his run-in with the commander's wife. Though he wanted to keep it a secret, the story was too good not to share, and now he was dying to give Hack the scoop. He stopped his writing, took a sip of coffee, and spilled the whole story.

“She's the boss's wife!” Hack said. “What about the ‘don't look at that' stuff?”

Decker pulled an envelope from his back pocket and handed it to Hack. “She sent me this two days ago.”

Hack read the note, shook his head, and flipped it across the table. “It's a thank you card.”

“With her phone number.”

“Even more of a reason to steer clear. So what's their house like?”

“Typical navy housing,” Decker said, sliding the card into his back pocket. “And she was driving an old Thunderbird. Quite a mess.”

“What's she like?”

“Nice woman. Intelligent as well as attractive. Grew up in Malibu and you know what they say about Malibu girls, don't you?”

“No, what?”

“I don't know either, but I'm sure they say something about them,” said Decker, looking through the dim light at the back entrance. “Enough of Piper, here's Mo and Vega.”

“Look who I ran into,” Mo said as he pulled up a chair at the table and spread a
Stars and Stripes
newspaper in front of him. Vega, back from the bathroom,kissed Decker on the cheek and sat next to him.

“How was your week? Was anyone talking about Kippen?”

“Everybody was talking about him,” Decker said. “And it gave me an opportunity to assess the situation.”

“Crap. I was hoping you'd forget about it,” Mo sighed, studying his paper. “Now let me check the scores before you go all Magnun P.I. on us.”

“Not a chance I'd forget,” Decker said, looking around the bar. “In fact, I've given the situation a great deal of thought and I'm back to where I left off last weekend. Which is nowhere.”

Mo didn't take his eyes off the newspaper. “My vote is for an accident.”

“Maybe,” Decker said. “But there are a few things that don't add up.”

“I agree,” Mo said, excited. “Like this. The Hawks have won three in a row.”

“I'm not talking football,” Decker said.


“Whatever,” Decker said, exasperated. “Let's focus on Kippen.”

“What doesn't add up?” Mo grunted. “If it was foul play, there's no motive. Everyone liked him.”

“The inventory,” said Vega.

“That's hard to believe,” said Mo. “Would someone really kill over missing nuts and bolts?”

“Not just nuts and bolts,” Vega protested. “We're talking big ticket items that are impossible to find in the civilian world. People pay big money for this stuff.”

“So you've said before, but I think you're jumping to conclusions. You don't even have any suspects.”

“The guys topside that night are suspects,” Hack said. “And the people in the supply department who have the ability to order repair parts.”

Decker raised his eyebrows. “I overheard Agent Bogen tell the captain that Chief Fray and two boiler techs were topside the night Kippen went overboard.”

“Forget the boiler techs.” Mo folded his paper. “They don't have access to the supply system.”

“That leaves Chief,” Decker said.

“Yes, but Pinto, Commander Doerr, and Ensign Limpert also have access to the system. They can order parts,” Hack added. “Where were they that night?”

“We know Chief was topside the night Kippen went overboard. But we don't have anything on the other two.”

“I can't see Chief Fray doing something like that,” Mo interjected.

“Maybe not, but,” Decker turned to Hack. “Remember last Saturday when you had duty? He came down to Supply Support in a huff. He kicked me out and told you to stay clear of the place. Said he was working on something important before he left on vacation.”

Hack sat back in his chair. “He gave me some work to do in Alpha Storeroom. I guess he thought it'd keep me busy long enough. I didn't go down to the office the rest of the day.”

“Sounds farfetched to me,” Mo said. “Chief's a decent guy, and if you think something fishy is going on, you guys should talk with him first.”

“Not if he's a suspect,” Decker said. “Besides, if I stick my nose in this business, I want to take an indirect approach.”

“What do you have in mind?” asked Hack.

“We can take a look around the office ourselves. Chief has a safe under his desk that I've always been curious about it. No one else has the combination. Not even the supply officer. I sit directly behind Chief and I've been watching him open it over the past few months. Helps pass the time at sea.”

“Do you have the combination?” asked Mo.

“I think so,” said Decker. “I'm not positive about the last number, but I think I have it. He opens it too fast. I can't exactly determine where he stops the dial.”

“You should open it when you have duty,” Hack said.

“Not a chance,” Decker said. “Too many people could walk in, including Chief or Suppo.”

“Do it late at night,” said Mo.

Decker shook his head. “There needs to be a lookout.” His eyes widened as if he just had the most brilliant idea in the world. “Hack, you could do it.”

“Why me?” asked Hack. “I'd be worried about getting caught, too.”

“Uh oh, here it comes, Hack,” Mo said with a laugh. “This is where he wrangles you into doing his dirty work.”

“I don't mean on your duty night,” Decker said, ignoring Mo. “Stop by the ship when I have duty. Tuesday night I'll be on the quarterdeck watch from 2000 to midnight. That'll be a perfect time. I'll be able to alert you if anyone comes on board.”

“How are you going to do that?” Hack asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

“Easy enough. I'll call Supply Support if Chief or Commander Doerr come aboard. It'll take either one at least three or four minutes to get to the office. And that's if they walk straight there. Chances are they'll stop off at the wardroom or chiefs' mess first. That'll give you plenty of time to close the safe and get out of there.”

“Where am I going to go? It'll look suspicious if I'm sitting in the office when I don't have duty. And if I leave Supply Support to head to the berthing, I might run into them.”

“There's a storeroom directly below the office. It's a hatch so you'll have to unbolt it before you open the safe. If need be, just jump down there and close it behind you. If someone walks in, it's highly unlikely they'll notice that it's unbolted.”

“I don't like the sound of ‘highly unlikely,'” said Hack.

“Go aft,” Mo said. “The emergency diesel generator is back there. Go straight aft from Supply Support, stay on the port side and you'll run into it. I've been on the ship three years I've yet to see a supply type back there.”

“Perhaps,” Decker said. “If you have enough time you can go aft. But it's a clear shot along the passageway from Supply Support to the diesel room. Someone could easily spot you. If it were me, I'd use the storeroom. That way you never have to leave the office.”

Hack thought it over for a few seconds, looking dubious. “Why don't
come to the ship when
have duty?”

“Won't work,” Decker said.

“Why not? It only works if I'm the one breaking into the safe?”

“I'd be more than happy to do it, but you're still new on board. It's not just Chief Fray and the commander we have to worry about. I know everyone on board and can warn you if I suspect any trouble.”

“Don't listen to him,” Mo said.

Vega had been silent, listening to how the conversation unfolded. She reached across the table and put her hand on Hack's arm. “It'll only take a few minutes. Maybe we'll learn something about a connection to the black market operation. I don't know if there's a murderer on board the ship, but what if there is? You'd be doing Kippen a favor.”

Hack sat back and rubbed his eyes, obviously deep in thought. A few moments later, he dropped his hands. “Okay, I'll do it,” he said, avoiding Vega's stare. “But you've got to be sure you keep an eye out for me.”

Decker raised his beer bottle. “Believe me, you'll have nothing to worry about. I'll be on the lookout. It'll give me a reason to stay awake while I'm on watch.” He turned to Vega. “Do you have something to write with? I've lost my pencil.”

Mo laughed and finished the last of his beer. “You guys are nuts. This is crazy.”

“It's not crazy at all,” replied Decker, taking a pen from Vega she had dug out of her purse. He glanced behind him to see if anyone was standing nearby. Satisfied that they had privacy, he pulled his chair close to the table and wrote a series of numbers on a napkin. He handed it to Hack and cleared his throat. “Okay, here's the plan.”

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