Declan + Coraline (9 page)

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Authors: J.J. McAvoy

Tags: #mystery, #organized crime, #J.J. McAvoy, #organized crime romance, #fiction, #romance, #suspense, #thriller, #mafia romance, #mob romance, #prequel, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Declan + Coraline
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“I’m a little past
by now.”


“You’re fine with seafood, right?”

“I love seafood.”

Our waiter motioned to the servers who brought out our dishes on silver trays.

“Grilled lobster tail with chive and ricotta gnocchi.” He presented the plate to her and she smiled so beautifully.

It was a smile I selfishly wanted to keep for myself, but instead, I thanked the man as he placed my food in front of me.

“What would you like to drink, sir?” he asked.

“Two pomegranate mojito cocktails,” I said, and he nodded, walking off. Finally I turned to her and asked, “Why don’t you drink?”

“It’s not that I don’t drink, it’s more of I don’t like the taste of alcohol.” She removed a chunk of the meat from her lobster tail.

“You don’t like any alcohol?”

“I know it’s weird. In school, there was a lottery going for who could make me a drink I could actually enjoy. But at least I can say I remembered everything that happened while in college.” She giggled to herself.

“You’re the eternal optimist, aren’t you?” I liked that about her.

She nodded. “I’m on the beach in Cancun, eating what I’m sure is the best lobster in the city, with a hot guy who has made it his personal mission to make me have fun. How could I not be optimistic about life?”

I leaned in. “You think I’m hot? I was trying to tone it down.”

“Well, you failed tragically,” she replied as she took a bite.

“At least I’m not the only one,” I said, as my eyes drifted down her neck. “I couldn’t think of a word before, but I think
works now.”

“That’s exactly what I was going for.”

Our eyes met again, and if it wasn’t for the waiter who brought over our drinks, I might have cut dinner short. I reached for my ice-cold glass of water and drank deeply in the hopes that it would cool me down enough to make it to the end of dinner.

When her foot brushed against my leg, I jumped slightly and I wanted to both smack and laugh at myself.

“Sorry, my legs are long,” she said.

I’d noticed.
“It’s fine.”

It wasn’t. I was two seconds always from clearing the table and having her for dinner instead.

“You don’t seem fine,” she said, and once again her foot brushed my leg. This time I reached down and grabbed it.

“Are you tempting me, Coraline?” I asked as my gazed focused on the curve of her lip. She smiled at me under the candlelight.

“I have no idea. I’m following your lead now, remember? What happens next is up to you.” She took another small bite.

Letting go of her foot, I stood up and walked over to her. Pulling out her chair, I wiped the food right off the table.

“What are you doing?”

“Leading,” I said before I did what I should have done when I first saw her.

I kissed her hard as her body molded itself against mine. My hand slid under the slit of her damn dress and I cupped the round of her ass. Our tongues brushed against each other, allowing me to taste the sweetness of her wet mouth. We bumped into the table, forcing her to let go of my hair.

“Ahh…” She moaned into my mouth as my hand shifted from her ass to cup the warm space between her thighs.

“Declan…” She gasped when our lips broke apart and two of my fingers slipped inside of her. Her eyes closed, her mouth dropped open. “People…watching.”

“They’ll turn their backs.” I bit her neck softly…people were going to have to turn away because there was no way I could make it back to the villa. My dick was so hard it was ready tear a hole in my pants. But her pleasure came before mine.

Dropping to my knees in the sand, my fingers didn’t slow down, and my tongue joined them as I licked, sucked, and tasted every inch of her.

“Declan!” She grabbed on to my hair with one hand, the table behind her with the other. Ignoring her, I lifted her leg onto my shoulders. I relished the sounds that rolled off her lips as they mixed with my name. She cried out over and over again and as I tongued fucked her, my fingers thrust faster and faster. She was so wet for me…only me. Her legs trembled beside me, but I didn’t stop, I couldn’t, even if I wanted to.

“Oh…yes…Declan!” she moaned, riding her orgasm right against my lips.

It was music to my ears.


He licked his lips right in front of me as I gasped for air. My chest rose and fell, and my legs were still spread as he stood into between them. He kissed me, allowing me to taste myself on his lips.

“I want to not just fuck you this time,” he whispered when he broke away and rested his forehead against mine. I pulled at his pants, and his dick saluted me the moment it was free.

“Too bad, that’s what I wanted.” I stroked him…he was thick, hard, and hot. He jerked in my hand.

“Can you tell how much I want you?”

Nodding, I squeezed.

He groaned as he kissed me again, softly this time. “Condoms are in the room.”

“I’m on the pill.”

“Thank God.” He brushed the tip of himself against me, teasing me, but torturing us both. His face was no more than an inch away from mine…He held on to my thigh tightly, and with one hard, thrust forward he was in me and I wrapped arms around his neck as I braced myself.

“Fuck,” he hissed. “You’re…so…tight.”

My back arched and he lifted me up as he rammed himself into me deeper and harder.

“God. Please don’t stop. Please.”

He didn’t. His mouth parted and he took me savagely. I enjoyed the wild look on his face. Laying me back down on top of the table, he spread my legs wider and thrust forward so hard that I had to grab my own breasts to keep them still.

“Declan! Yes!” I cried out not caring who heard me.

“You have…no idea…how badly…I’ve wanted to be…in you again,” he said to me between thrusts. “How badly…my cock…missed your pussy.”

If I didn’t know before, he was certainly making sure that I was aware of it. He wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted my hands above my head with one of his hands, while the other pulled open the cut of my dress, and pulled my bra down. I clenched on to him as I met his every thrust.

He took one of my nipples between his teeth as he fucked me.

“Oh…” I moaned as my eyes closed. My body hummed as he licked around it once more and then bit down hard.

“Declan….AH!” He lifted one of my legs onto his shoulder, and this time when he slammed into me, I came as I called out his name.

“Fuck,” he grunted without stopping as he hugged me to him.

I kissed him, and enjoyed how sweet he tasted. His hands shifted once more as he grabbed my ass.

“Harder, Declan,” I whispered. And he did. “Fuck me, Declan!”

“Jesus, Cora!” he hissed glancing downwards as his breathing staggered.

“Come inside me, Declan....”

Biting my lip I tried to calm myself down. But I couldn’t, his lips were everywhere, and I could feel all of him inside of me, thrusting, forward harder…harder…harder. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to walk straight when the sun came up, but I was fine with that if it meant I could have all of this

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

I couldn’t speak, each time I tried, a moan burst forth from my lips. He kissed me deeply, as I kept my hands on his chest.

“Declan!” I cried out again.

“Cora!” He grunted, his body shaking as he came.

I could live a hundred years and I knew that I would never get tired of hearing him call my name.


In the time it took us to recover from our beach escapade and come inside, I was already ready to take her again.

I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I wanted to fuck her until the sun came up, and hear it as she cried my name in pleasure. Good God, she was a screamer and it made me so hard. And to think that this was only day one. How would I make it through the week? I could feel myself being pulled in deeper and deeper. I felt like any other human being when I was around her.

“I’m going to take a quick shower.” She kissed my cheek and I smacked her ass.

“Go ahead. It’s the only break you’re going to get from me.” I meant it as joke, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed to be the truth.

She turned around for me and I pulled down her dress. She let it fall to the ground right at my feet, and within seconds, her undergarments joined her dress on the floor. She turned to face me and the moonlight kissed every part of her smooth skin.

My cock hardened and she smiled as she noticed.

She really was going to kill me

“Coraline.” I wasn’t sure what I was going to say next.


“Get into the bathroom quickly.”

“No.” She shook her head.

Fuck me.

She took a step forward and placed her hand on my chest. “I don’t know what you’ve done to me, Declan. I used to think I was pretty sweet and innocent.”

“And then?” I swallowed as I tried to focus solely on her eyes, but it was worse than looking at her body.

“And then I met you and I become this…overtly sexual woman. I think about how I want you inside of me almost every day now. In that elevator, I wished…God I wished you’d pushed me up against the wall and buried yourself inside of me. I wanted to taste you on my tongue…to feel you in my hands. I’m on fire whenever you’re around and I have no idea how to stop.”

“Good,” I whispered. If she was going to be honest then so was I. “I want to dominate every part of your body, Coraline. I have so many questions I want to ask. Like how deep can my cock can get lost in you? How many times can I make you come in one night? How loud can you get? How rough do you want it? How far do you want go? I want you turned on all the time because I need you at all times.”

She kissed me and I just knew that this was going to be a long night.






Letting go of her, I rolled over and reached for my phone.

Shit. I had forgotten to call Sedric when I landed.

Getting out of bed, I grabbed my boxers and slipped outside, making sure to close the door behind me so as to not wake Coraline. I smirked as she automatically reached for the empty space on the bed.


“Sedric!” I said quickly.


Though I was really only his nephew, Sedric always called me his son no matter what. I was nine when my parents were murdered, and he took me in. I could still remember being in the car, with my mother’s body slumped over and shielding me as the bullets shattered the windows.

Sedric took me home, stripped me down, and washed the blood off of me. It had been eighteen years since I’d lost my parents, and the only reason I didn’t call him father was because I didn’t want to let go of my parents and he understood that.

“Enjoying your vacation?” he asked me emotionlessly.

“It’s not really a vacation, now is it?”

“I’m glad I don’t have to remind you. The woman you’re with, she’s not going to be a distraction, is she? The phone rang four times before you answered and you didn’t call me when you landed.”

“No sir, we’re just having fun.”

He paused for a moment before speaking. “You’ve never taken a woman anywhere further than a hotel room, Declan, let alone out of the country.”

“Sedric, it means nothing. What did you need me to do?”

“The dealer supplying to Seven Bloods. His name is Emilio Guerra, street name, Slasher. I sent backup down, in case you need it, but I’m not expecting you to need it. Do you understand?”

Meaning he wanted didn’t want anyone to know it was us.

“Yes. I’ll call in once it’s done.”

“Be careful, son.” He hung up without waiting for me to reply. Like always.

I took a deep breath and turned to go back inside. It was only when I entered our room once more that I realized she hadn’t been exaggerating. She really did snore…loudly. But she looked cute.

I walked over and pulled the blanket up and over her since the air conditioning was on. Grabbing my laptop and headphones, I sat beside the dimming light and searched for Emilio. I needed to get away while she was sleeping sometime this week to take care of him. I also needed to send proof to Sedric. He would take me at my word, but I wanted him to know that I could be with her and at the same time make sure that the family work was being taken care of.


“Let's take a walk. You can show me some of your memories and I'll show you some of mine.”

―Adam Berlin



It was mid-day on our third day in Cancun, and she held onto my arm as we walked barefoot along the beach. Somehow we found ourselves in the midst of our version of twenty questions.

“What is the best gift you’ve ever received?” she asked me.

I thought for a moment. “I’d have to say the broken Microsoft computer I got when I was eleven.”


“Yeah. Liam had broken his, but he put in a wagon, brought it down to my room, and begged me to fix it before his dad found out. I thought he was crazy but he told me that I was good with technology and promised to do my chores for a week.”

“You did chores? Didn’t you guys have maids or something?” She sounded so amazed.

“Yes, we did. But Sedric, my uncle, said that he didn’t want slackers for sons and that our future wives would all blame him for not raising us right. So the maids were instructed to clean everywhere but our rooms. We did our own laundry, vacuumed our own rooms and even had to use the ladder to wash the windows on the outside. Since Neal was the oldest, he usually went up and did it while Liam and I held the bottom of the ladders. I’ll never forget when Liam demanded to be paid for all this work. Sedric had everything stripped out of his room and demanded that Liam pay for everything in order to get it all back, plus extra for his ‘pain and suffering.’ ”

She laughed outright and tears built up in the corner of her eyes.

“Oh God, what did he do?”

“Liam’s hardheaded. He refused to admit that he was wrong. So instead, he stole Sedric’s golf clubs and his wallet, and held it for ransom. Liam got his stuff back but not before getting a few lashes on his arse. So I’m not sure if it was a victory or not.”

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