Deeper [The Underground 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (6 page)

BOOK: Deeper [The Underground 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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He could see the urge to disobey him on her delicate features. She wanted to go against the grain, but what Stella Vincent didn’t know was that he was determined to have her. If she knew nothing else about him, by the end of these two weeks she would know what it was like to be fully and completely possessed by him.

“Take it off my fingers, Stella.” His cock was harder than the granite that lined his kitchen. He ached to be inside of her, to feel her tight, hot, and wet pussy clenching his shaft. She leaned forward almost as if he frightened her. She was a smart woman, but she would still give him what he wanted.

When her lush, ruby-red lips opened, he could feel the little pants of her breath brush across the tips of his fingers. His cock gave a hard jerk. It took all his self-control not to move his hand under the table and adjust the aching length. The sight of her lips wrapping around the red flesh of the strawberry had his mouth going slack. Had he ever seen a more erotic sight than that?

Hell. No.

Her gaze was trained on his and she let out a little moan as her teeth sank into the berry. A bit of juice slid out of her mouth and down the side of her lips. A groan left him and he saw her mouth curve. Yeah, the little minx knew exactly what she was doing. Driving him fucking mad.

She pulled away slightly and he moved fast. Taking hold of her chin with his fingers, he tilted her head to the side and caught the bead of juice with the tip of his tongue. He moved slow, savoring the taste and feel of her. A small mewling cry left her and he pressed his mouth to hers. He swallowed her gasp and trailed his tongue along the seam of her lips, tasting the wine and strawberry she had just consumed. It was an addicting combination and he couldn’t stop himself from fully pressing his mouth on hers. Her moan was a sweet sound, and when she opened her mouth, allowing him access to the hot, wet tempting cavern, he gladly slipped his tongue inside.

She pressed her tongue along his, moving it in a slow cadence that had him growing impatient. She was hesitant, careful. The fact that she was so unsure had something inside of him waking. He wanted to take that innocence for himself, claim her like no man had ever claimed her. He would take her in every way possible, and when she didn’t think she could take any more he would give it to her, making her take it all. He wanted her complete and utter surrender more than he wanted anything else. And dammit, she would give all of herself over to him.


* * * *


Stella didn’t know what the hell had gotten into her. She hated Tate Wessen, hated everything he stood for and what he was forcing her to do to save her father. Of course, a small voice inside of her told her he really wasn’t forcing her to do anything. He had given her a choice and she had accepted the one that would benefit her the most. Of course to an extent maybe she didn’t have a choice, but there was a part of her that had wanted Tate the moment she saw him. He was dangerous and violent and stood for everything that was wrong, but by God she wanted to feel him touch her. She wanted those strong, long fingers stroking over her flesh, those lips caressing the most sensitive parts of her. To have all that raw power wrapped up in a six-foot-five frame and over-two-hundred-pound package was almost too much for a woman to handle, but she wanted to try. Desperately.

The way he kissed started off almost gentle, but as if he caught himself acting out of character it became demanding. She felt his hand slide along the back of her neck, gripping her nape tight and pulling her forward. Hands on the table to brace herself, she let him fuck her mouth. And in all honesty, that was exactly what he was doing. He was fucking it fast and hard, and she could almost picture him above her, his cock thrusting into her with all that aggression. God, had she ever met a man that had raw sexuality pouring off of him like it was from Tate?

He tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Her heart pounded hard and she heard it in her ears, felt it in her throat. Her pussy was wet, so incredibly wet that she felt her panties become saturated. He used his teeth to bite her lip, causing a flash of pain before he smoothed the sting away with his tongue.

“I want inside of you, Stella. So. Fucking. Bad.” He broke the kiss and she was left feeling bereft. A chill coasted over her and cooled her overheated flesh. The feel of her nipples poking obscenely against her shirt wasn’t lost on her, and the way Tate zeroed in on them made her painfully aware that it wasn’t lost on him either.

Tate pushed his chair back, the wood scraping against the tiled floor. It took him two steps to get to her, and she straightened when he was right in front of her. His height and muscular width had her feeling small. The white shirt he wore was crisp, accenting his toned body just beneath the thin cotton. The urge to reach out and touch him, to just run her fingers along the stretch of skin that was revealed at his neck, was strong. He wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her flush with his body. All his hard, defined lines were flush with her softer ones. A gush of moisture left her at the contact, and when she felt the impressive outline of his erection pressed against her belly she had to clench her thighs together to stem her intense arousal.

Tate wasn’t slow and gentle, just like he claimed. He ran his hand along her side, over her belly, and cupped her breasts. Acting totally out of character, she arched her back, thrusting her chest further into his grasp. The slow glide of his lips along her jaw had her closing her eyes and letting her head fall back, giving him better access. His other hand pressed against her lower back and slowly made its way lower until he cupped her ass.

“Oh, God.” She hadn’t meant to say anything, but the feel of one of his hands covering her ass and the other cupping her breast was driving all common sense out of her. When he started moving his thumb over her hard nipple, back and forth, using slight pressure, she would have given him anything he wanted at that moment.

“Stella, you feel so good against me.” He breathed against her throat, and as if to emphasize his point, he thrust into her, grinding his dick into her belly and reminding her exactly why she was here.

“It feels good, Tate. Sooo good.”

“Yeah, it fucking does.” His voice was so deep and rough it was like a wild animal growling and she turned her head to the side, needing to feel his mouth on hers. He dragged his mouth back up her neck, over her jaw, and ran his tongue along the corner of his mouth. “You know what I want from you, baby?” He continued to kiss and lick the side of her mouth, not giving her what she really wanted.

“What?” She didn’t admit that she wanted him, in the way he wanted her. She wanted pure, unadulterated sex with him.

He pulled back and looked down into her eyes. Her breath caught at the look he gave her. He searched her face, all the while his thumb teasing the puckered flesh of her nipple and his hand caressing her ass. “I want you to strip, get on your knees, and suck my cock.”

Chapter Nine


Did he just say what she thought he said? By the look on his face she had to assume she had heard correctly. Swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, Stella didn’t move as Tate took a few steps back. His fingers went to the buttons on his shirt. Eyes still watching her, Tate released each button and shrugged the material off. Stella took in the tanned, hard flesh that was revealed. The rolls of muscles that made up his six-pack, his defined pecs, and his bulging biceps were jaw dropping, but that isn’t what had her heart pounding in awe. The head of a massive dragon snaked over his left shoulder, its jaw wide open, its teeth razor sharp. The eyes almost seemed to glow gold against his tanned flesh. A clawed leg wrapped around one of his thick biceps. She wanted to see the rest of the fearsome creature’s body and knew that the rest of it must cover Tate’s back. The dragon represented Tate, all animalistic power and violence.

God, but was she turned on.

Tate stood there, his black trousers hanging off his lean hips. “Stella. Strip for me.” Hearing him say those three words after her name had her pulse throbbing between her thighs. It was as if his words alone elicited something deep inside of her, drawing out her needs and wants and combining it all in one hard package that represented Tate.

“Sweetheart, I’m going to see every square inch of you before the night is over. There isn’t any need to be shy, not when you’ll have my cock in your mouth in a few minutes.”

His dirty words angered and excited her all in the same breath. Her hands shook as she lifted them and gripped the hem of her shirt, slowly peeling it up and over her head.
Why did you forego wearing a bra?
When the air hit her bare chest she shivered. Her fingers gripped the fabric of her shirt and she kept her head lowered, afraid to look at him. It had been years since she had been naked in front of a man. She was very self-conscious of how she looked, especially to a man like Tate. A man that was physically perfect, like a statue carved out of marble.

“Now the pants and panties, Stella.” The way he spoke had her lifting her eyes to his. His voice hitched and she could see his chest rising and falling a bit faster as he looked at her breasts. As if his gaze alone could draw the tissue taut, she felt her skin pull tighter, felt the blood rush just below the surface of her skin. Hands now on the button of her jeans, she slid it through the buttonhole and drew the zipper down. She hooked her fingers under the edge of her pants and panties and started to push them down her thighs. Even though the chilled air hit every part of her, the very knowledge that he was staring at her had her body hot. Did he like what he saw? Was he scrutinizing every flaw she had?

When she kicked the garments free she stood there, eyes locked on his, trying to decipher what was going through his head. She let her eyes travel down the length of his body again, stayed a little longer admiring the tight
of muscles that disappeared beneath his slacks, and then swallowed hard when she saw his erection pressing against his zipper.

“Come here.” Voice low and deep, Tate crooked his finger at her. She swore he could hear her heart beating, could see it slamming against her ribcage. That first step toward him was the hardest and soon she found herself right before him, her breath coming in short, hard pants. His eyes seemed to be riveted to her chest, but she saw him lower them until she knew exactly what he was looking at. Just knowing that he was looking at her pussy had a shudder leaving her. She felt soaked and squeezed her legs together, praying that her thighs weren’t wet and he couldn’t see it if they were.

“Why, Miss Vincent, you’re full of surprises aren’t you?” He sounded out of breath and she knew exactly what he was referring to. The fact that she kept her pussy completely bare except for a thin strip of hair down the center of her mound was a decision she had made after her first sexual encounter. She hadn’t had many lovers, and it had been far too long since she had, but it was now a routine for her to keep everything down there smooth. It had always heightened the sex, and with the men she had been with anything that heightened it was welcome.

She hadn’t realized she dropped her head until she felt Tate lift her chin with his finger. She was caught up in his liquid-amber stare and found herself drowning in the depths of it. Their combined breathing was harsh and she knew that there had never been a point in her life when she had wanted someone as much as she wanted him.

“On your knees.” His hand landed on her shoulder and he gently pushed her down. His command may have been demeaning, but she couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t the most erotic thing she had ever encountered. Tate knew what he wanted and he wanted her. That thought alone was empowering.

The cold, hard wood beneath her knees sent a flash of discomfort up her body, but the sight before her had that pain vanishing. His erection was right in front of her, straining against the material, insistent on being free. Lifting her head, she looked into his face and held her breath at the expression he had. It was haunting and she didn’t think she had ever seen anything so beautiful.

“Stella.” Her name from his lips sounded pained. He cleared his throat and dropped his hands so they hung at his sides. “Take my cock out and suck it.”

She took a shuddering breath and pushed all her uncertainty aside. As much as she hated the very idea of Tate Wessen, she couldn’t deny that she wanted this also. So, feeling a bit of strength rise inside of her, she lifted her hands and undid his belt, sliding it through the loops and then going after the button. When everything that could have obstructed her access to his dick was out of the way, Stella licked her lips. Tate groaned above her and she cut her eyes up to his. Gaze heavy lidded and face a little flushed, Tate looked fierce from his need.

“Go on, Stella, take my dick and suck it into that pretty little mouth of yours.”

She didn’t waste another minute. Reaching into his pants and boxer briefs, Stella wrapped her hand around the hard, impossibly thick length of his shaft. He grunted from the contact but she didn’t stop her task at hand. When his erection was free and she got the first look at it she knew her look was one of surprise. Tate was a large man, and that went for everything on his body. It was a little ridiculous to think it, but she couldn’t help but wonder if something that size would fit comfortably inside of her. She squeezed her thighs together, as if that would solve her current problem.

His cock was just as tanned as the rest of him and the bulbous head was flushed red with a drop of pre-cum dotting the slit at the tip. Her mouth watered and she found the thought of her hungering for the taste of him absurd, but then she found herself leaning forward and engulfing the crown into her mouth. He groaned above her and his hands speared into her hair, his nails digging into her scalp. The sting of pain had her sucking in more of his length and running her tongue along the underside of his penis. His taste was slightly salty and had a hint of something more masculine, more potent. Stella moaned around him, trying to get even more of him in her mouth until she felt the tip of him hit the back of her throat.

BOOK: Deeper [The Underground 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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