Defeat Cancer (45 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

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There are other ways of processing trauma, and people need to take an inventory of their personal histories to discover what they are carrying around from the past that might be contributing to their cancers. Hypnotism is another way to heal trauma in alternative psychology.

I don’t have faith in just talking with a therapist. I think that if people just keep rehashing their personal stories with a therapist, over and over again for years, then it just reaffirms those stories in their minds, making them heavy, real, and difficult to leave behind. It’s not good to be constantly reminded of traumatic past experiences.

Support groups can be helpful for some people. Scientific evidence has demonstrated that people with cancer who are involved in support groups have much better outcomes than those who aren’t. On average, they live twice as long. People need to be with others who are sympathetic and with whom they can talk about their struggles. It’s not always best, for instance, for women with breast cancer to talk about their feelings with their husbands, because they are too close to them. It may be easier for them to talk to other women who have breast cancer.

Finally, it’s important for people with cancer to be able to just say “no” to things that they don’t like, and “yes” to things that they do like. Many studies have been done which demonstrate the benefits of assertiveness for those with cancer. The classic cancer patient is often characterized as the obedient, submissive wife who can’t assert herself and who puts everyone else’s needs above her own. So it can be helpful for such people to learn to say, “No, I don’t want to do that,” or, “Yes, I’m going to go on holiday (vacation), so you will have to cook for yourself.” Assertive behavior increases survival dramatically. Assertive people don’t feel crushed and hurt by life because they feel free to express themselves, so their immune systems aren’t suppressed by others’ burdens.


In summary, healing is about nutrition, cleansing the body of toxins, and dealing with emotional trauma. The number one anticancer remedy that I know of is detoxification, and getting everything that’s toxic to the body, out of the body. The specific protocols that I would use in my practice to accomplish this were different for each of my patients. I can’t say that all people should eliminate red meat from their diets, because some things work for some people, some of the time, but not everything works for everyone 100 percent of the time. If the body’s stressors and toxic load are reduced, then the body will heal almost anything, including deadly melanomas and pancreatic cancers. No matter how dangerous they are.

I have also used other strategies in my practice to treat cancer. These are described in the following sections.

Homotoxicology for Detoxification

Homotoxicology involves combining several homeopathic remedies together to make a single remedy. Such remedies stimulate chemical and cellular detoxification and increase cellular energy. In the 1970s and 1980s, some doctors, including me, began to realize that you can have a great detoxification program in theory, but if the cells don’t have the energy to throw out their toxins, then they will
remain poisoned, and that’s a huge barrier to healing. The cell can’t detoxify unless it has energy. Many researchers and others who write about detoxification don’t realize this.

Homotoxicology remedies consist of homeopathically-potentiated minerals and herbs. There can be 10-30 different constituents in a single mixture, all of which function to support a specific organ. For instance, Hepar Composition by Heel targets the liver, and a product called Cerebrum Composition aids in brain health. Burbur is used for bowel detoxification and Populus assists with kidney function. These are very dilute, gentle homotoxicology remedies which nudge the body along in its healing and I have observed amazing results in people who have used them. There are various ways of getting toxins out of the body, and I wish more practitioners in the United States used homotoxicology because of its effectiveness. Forty percent of doctors in Germany use homotoxicology remedies, but in the United States, it’s still considered to be quackery, even though it works.

Herbs are also useful for detoxification. I’m not an herbal practitioner, but there are lots of good herbs that can be used for detoxifying the body, such as schizandra, global artichoke, and milk thistle, all of which are well-known in the medical community.

Although I preferred to administer homotoxicology formulas in my practice, I believe that many herbs are in the same league as complex homeopathy or homotoxicology for their ability to detoxify the body.

Finally, I discovered that administering intravenous Vitamin C, along with two or three homeopathic mixtures, would often produce dramatic results in my cancer patients. I would watch them become invigorated after these treatments, right before my very eyes. It was wonderful to see, and the positive, evidence-based results that I witnessed in my clinic—seeing people get rejuvenated after an IV, and continually improving with each subsequent IV treatment—were more meaningful to me than the results of any
double-blind, randomized trials. These are commonly used in conventional medicine to prove the so-called positive effects of certain cancer treatments, but such tests often prove nothing.

Homotoxicology for Releasing Miasms

Homotoxicology remedies are also useful for releasing miasms, which are shadows, or non-cellular energetic imprints of disease, that get passed down from one generation to the next. The classic one which the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered was called psora, which dates back to the Black Death. (The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in history, peaking in Europe in the mid 1300s. It claimed between 30-60 percent of Europe’s population). Today, some people still carry the energetic imprint of psora from their ancestors, and are influenced on an energetic level by it. Sycosis is another important miasm which is linked to gonorrhea, and a third is tuberculosis, which was a major problem in the 19
and 20
centuries. These were three of the most important miasms which Hahnemann discovered and which have been carried forward from one generation to the next. These miasms continue to influence people today. People are exhausted and their immune function is low because of these miasms, so discovering and treating them can be very important. In general, tuberculosis is one of the more severe miasms that’s commonly associated with cancer, but the most degenerative miasm is called luesinum (also known as syphilinum). It used to be a miasm that was associated with syphilis, and it has been with us for centuries. It was brought to America by Columbus and is characterized by tissue decay. Cancer is now a modern-day manifestation of that miasm. Other diseases, such as myotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS), can sometimes be traced back to this particular miasm.


Ukrain, or mistletoe, is a remedy that I didn’t use in my practice, but I believe that it’s very useful for treating cancer. The science behind it makes sense to me and I know one doctor who has had
great results using it on his cancer patients. It’s a recognized form of natural chemotherapy that can keep people alive for years. When mixed with Chelidonium majus (giant celandine), it’s especially powerful, because Chelidonium is one of the most potent anticancer herbs there is, and it has a long and honorable history of effectiveness. Furthermore, it’s good for the liver, which is important, since the liver does half the job of healing the body.

How Naturopathic Treatments Benefit Those Who Do Chemotherapy

I didn’t always tell my patients to avoid chemotherapy. I felt they should decide for themselves which therapies to do. I wouldn’t want to do chemotherapy, personally, but I can say for certain that my therapies prevented chemotherapy from hurting my patients who also chose to do this type of treatment. During two decades of treating patients, not one of mine ever lost their hair from chemotherapy, as long as they also did my treatments. That’s what alternative healing methods can do for people. I would tell my patients, “If you want to do chemotherapy, don’t be scared of it. Just do something to stop it from hurting you.” Everyone is scared of chemotherapy because their hair falls out, they get diarrhea, and their blood cell counts drop, but that doesn’t have to happen if they take the right steps to prevent such reactions.

Patients who have done chemotherapy, along with my nutritional program, have often been able to survive terminal cancers. Of course, I lost some people, but doctors lose patients, no matter what they do. The most important thing that I could do for my chemotherapy patients was protect them from the harmful effects of their chemotherapy, mostly through intravenous infusions of 50 grams of Vitamin C, which I sometimes gave them daily, until their cancers turned around. Complex homeopathy was also useful for this purpose.

Treating Dental Problems

Treating dental problems, and not just root canals, is important for boosting immune function and therefore, for healing from cancer. Many adults with cancer have foci, which are pockets of infection in the mouth, from childhood. Dental foci are dangerous. People like to rave about how bad root canals are, but it isn’t just root canals that are a problem. Tonsils can carry a certain energetic focus, much like the imprint of an old disease, which can linger in the body for years. Homeopathic remedies can address these foci. When I was in practice, tonsil problems would show up in my patients, time and time again, and I found that treating these problems also helped my patients to heal from their cancers.

Erasing the Harmful Effects of Vaccines

Childhood vaccinations are another problem which can complicate healing from cancer and are often the body’s original insult that really upsets the immune system for life. The harmful effects of vaccines may not show up for 20-40 years, but homeopathic remedies can erase the effects of these, too. It’s important for doctors to treat the whole person, not just the cancer, so that the person’s immune system can more effectively fight the cancer. To do this, doctors must ask their patients what they were doing, ten or twenty years ago, and treat them for whatever previous insults might still be upsetting their bodies. The more that I learned about my patients and their histories, the easier it was for me to figure out how to help them.

Balancing the Hormones with Herbs and Homeopathic Remedies

Chemicals in the environment create hormonal imbalances in the body which then stimulate cancer development. This makes chemical clean-up around the home and workplace important. Hormonal imbalances are a stumbling block to healing from cancer.

The medical community knows that a large number of cancers are hormonally-influenced, but I don’t like the hormone-blocking drugs
that are commonly prescribed to people with these types of cancer; aromatase-inhibitors, and others, like Tamoxifen, because the science behind them isn’t very good. One of the most effective estrogen-blocking herbs is called puerarin, which is from Thailand. It’s sometimes jokingly referred to as HRT (Herbal Remedy from Thailand). It blocks natural estrogenic activity, and is three times more powerful than soy isoflavones. Breast cancer is unknown in the region of Thailand where puerarin grows, and studies from universities all around the world have demonstrated the powerful estrogenic properties of this herb. It functions by attaching to estrogen receptors on cancer cells, so that these receptors are blocked from receiving natural estrogen, but it doesn’t have estrogenic effects upon the body. This herb has more solid science behind it than any other that I know of and can be used in lieu of hormone-blocking drugs in people with hormonally-influenced cancers.

One of the problems that men with prostate cancer face is estrogen excess. As part of men’s aging process, testosterone gets increasingly metabolized into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which isn’t actually testosterone, but a type of estrogen, the effects of which can be blocked with puerarin. I know men who take this herb as a prophylaxis to block the effects of male estrogen in their bodies.

Looking at and addressing other hormone imbalances in the body with homeopathic and other remedies is likewise important. There’s a strong association between thyroid insufficiency and cancer. Thyroid insufficiency impacts the immune system, and I would prescribe supplements, such as homeopathic thyroid extracts, which stimulate the thyroid gland, to my patients with this condition.

Similarly, people with cancer also suffer from adrenal exhaustion, which also impacts the immune system. Their adrenal glands can’t cope with stress, but these glands play an important role in healing the body from cancer, so restoring them is important. I found homeopathic remedies such as phosphoric acid, argentum nitricum,
and gelsemium, (just to name a few) to be useful for supporting weak adrenals.

Finally, pancreatic shock ranks high on the list of triggering factors for any disease, including cancer, so I would commonly prescribe my patients homeopathic pancreatic formulas for this problem, as well. I would also attempt to discover what disease processes were impacting their pancreases. Sometimes I would find old diseases, such as scarlet fever, that were still exerting an influence, like a shadow, over their organs. I would then prescribe them homeopathic remedies to remove that influence.

Treatment Outcomes

People used to come to my clinic because I had a reputation for being a successful nutrition and food allergy doctor, but people with cancer also came to see me because they heard about the good results that I had with others who had cancer. Many people’s cancers would halt when I gave them the right nutritional substances. Some would survive for years, even decades, as a result of my treatments. Their tumors wouldn’t always shrink, but they would live for years, without getting worse. Others would see their tumor markers decrease. I produced many cancer arrests in my patients, even in those with late stage cancers, just by addressing their nutrition and food allergies alone. Many with stage three and four cancers lived for many years past their initial diagnoses as a result of what I did for them.

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