Defending Serenty (6 page)

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Authors: Elle Wylder

BOOK: Defending Serenty
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“Those things’ll kill you,” he says.

“Yeah,” I snap back. “So will illegal, no
rules, no holds barred fights.”

I know about them, of course. Hell, I know
cops who don’t just go to them but participate. It’s a particular
brand of stupid some men seem to be into.

“Serenity,” he says carefully. “There are
some things we probably shouldn’t talk about.”

I stare at him. The man has lost his fucking

“Why are you here?”

“I thought we’d have dinner.”

“And then?”

He turns cold and it makes me hot. Man, I am
so twisted. “Then I thought I’d fuck you until you scream

I shake my head and down another shot. “Not
if you lie to me.”

I want to slap myself this time. I’m supposed
to be shutting this down. Not encouraging him. Not inviting
confidences that put us both in an impossible position.

“Walker said you’re thinking about quitting,”
Trace says. “You do that and we’ll talk.”

It’s my turn to go cold. I can’t believe
Walker told him that. But he does have a point. I don’t need to
know what he’s into. I’m conflicted enough as it is. Still…

“You’ll be careful?”

“So you do care,” he says. I give serious
consideration to slapping the smirk off his face.

“I’d hate to be the one that sends you back
to prison,” I say instead and my words hit home.

If he was cold before this is arctic. “I
won’t go back to prison. Is this how it’s going to be with us?
Veiled threats and innuendos?”

I’m confused and pissed off. I’m not the
criminal here. Why is he making me the bad guy? “There is no us,
Trace. There can’t be. You know that.”

He gives me a look I can’t interpret. “I’m
not done with you yet.”

His words should piss me off but I feel the
same way. One night wasn’t enough to get him out of my system. I
don’t need all this bullshit courtship though. We both know he’s
just looking to get even and I’m trying to exorcise the past. He’ll
get bored before me probably. Before I can lay down ground rules he
sets a plate in front of me. Southern goulash. I haven’t had it in
ages and it’s surprisingly good. Neither of us attempt conversation
while we eat or do the dishes, which amazingly he helps with. But
as soon as the last dish is put away he grabs my shoulders and
pulls me flush up against him.

It’s a soul sucking kissing and I know he’s
been thinking about this all day too. We are the last two people
who should be together but we fit so damned well. It’s explosive.
Addictive. He slides his hands down to my waist and freezes.

“You need to get rid of that.”

I pull my pistol off my belt and set it on
the counter behind me, then my badge. He bends his face back to
mine, hands gripping my hips.

“Much better,” he whispers before he kisses
me again.

He tugs my shirt up and I let him, lifting my
arms over my head so he can pull it free and toss it aside. My bra
goes next and then his mouth is on me, licking my nipple before
sucking it into his mouth. It feels so good I cradle his head and
hold him told me, groaning when he pulls free and reaches for the
snap on my pants.

“You need to be naked,” he mutters.

Just me? How’s that fair? He gets my pants
open and slips his hand inside my panties. His fingers find me wet
and he spears them into my pussy. It’s exquisite and perfect and I
come with a scream. Who needs extended foreplay? Apparently not me
when it’s Trace touching me. He tugs my pants down and I hear paper
ripping. The condom. But he scowls down at me.

“No time for the boots,” he says.

I have no idea what he’s talking about I’m
riding so high. He lifts me and carries me to the table, puts his
hand on my back urging me to lean over it. I get the idea and brace
myself on my forearms. And then there is no thinking as he thrusts
into me hard from behind. God, I want to weep from the perfection
of it. Why does the wrong guy feel so damned right?

I don’t get time to ponder this mystery. He
picks up my hand and sucks a finger into his mouth. It makes my
toes curl and then he moves my hand to my pussy. I don’t have to be
told what he wants. I find my clit and the first stroke makes me
moan. He buries his face in the curve between my shoulder and neck.
Kisses me.

“That’s it, baby. Rub your clit. I want you
coming on my cock when I come.”

His words, coarse and harsh, turn me on. He’s
never spoken to me like this before. A lot of years have gone by
but I think this is because he’s losing control. He can let loose
with me now and damn I like it. I’m not young and naïve anymore and
he knows it. I do as he asks and rub my clit as he slowly thrusts
into me. He takes his time. Long, slow, tortuous strokes. The head
of his cock drags across my G-spot over and over again. It feels so
damned good and I rub my clit harder. I want to come now. I can’t
stand the anticipation any longer. I’m almost there when he grabs
my hand and stops me.

“Not yet,” he pants. “So good.”

And I agree it’s way beyond good but I can’t
hold off my climax anymore. It rushes through me in a wave starting
at my core and spreading out. He groans as my muscles spasm around
him and when I begin to come down he starts to fuck me. It’s fast
and hard. A little rough. Incredible. He strums my clit and
whispers in my ear.

“I’m so close, baby. Come with me. Come

Oh god. His voice. It’s gruff and needy and
everything I always dreamed of. I have to remind myself this isn’t
real. It’s sex. It isn’t emotion. It isn’t the beginning of
something strong and lasting. But it’s impossible to hold my body
back. I respond to his order, to his fingers and his cock. I come
in an orgasm so fierce I know I’ll never be the same again. He
fucks me a few more strokes as I shudder in the aftermath and then
with a long drawn out grunt he comes too.

I drop to my chest across the table. Worn
out, last night catching up to me hard, I’m not sure I can walk to
the bedroom much less get out of the rest of my clothes. I should
be mortified--I will be later--about having crazy monkey sex on my
kitchen table. Now I’m too blissed out to care. He pulls out
drawing a low moan from me and chuckles. I think about getting up
as he moves away but he’s back too quick for me to get myself

He picks me up and carries me to my room,
laying me down gently on the bed. He removes my boots and pulls off
my pants and underwear. Taking care of me and I’m not sure what to
make of it, but I’m so damned tired I refuse to think about it. The
last thing I’m aware of before I drift off to sleep is Trace
spooning up behind me, but I don’t have the energy or the will to
send him away.

Chapter Four



I shut the door to my office and pull my cell
phone out of my pocket. I didn’t get a chance to call Grace last
night but I know this early in the morning she’s probably in her
office. She answers on the second ring.

“You are a bad bad girl, Serenity Lynn
Jameson,” she drawls.

I sink into the chair behind my desk and
swivel to look out the window. “Talked to Honor, huh?”

“Yep. It’s decision time, cuz.”

“I know.”

We’ve been talking about this for weeks. My
life and what I’m going to do with it. I have few options and
honestly I don’t have a clue what I want to be when I grow up. I’m
twenty eight. How did this happen? I was a cop in a big city for
six years and got this job because no one else will do it for the
crap pay I get. Money isn’t an issue for me. I have a trust fund
from my grandmother that I’ve never touched. I’m not stinking rich
but I definitely won’t starve. I can give notice to the chief today
if I want to. And I want to.


I sigh. “I’m doing it. Today.”

“Then what? You should take a few weeks at
least, figure out what to do. Hell, go back to school.”

That is something I do want to do. I’d
dropped out of college to join the police department. There’s a
four year university in River City I can go to. I’ve already
downloaded the application.

“Yeah that’s part of the plan.” I laugh.
“That’s the only plan actually.”

“You can always go into business with me,”
she says and this is something we’ve talked about also.

Grace is a private investigator in Atlanta,
and like me she’s ready to come home. She’s planning to set up shop
in River City in a few months. I’ll be happy to have her close but
I’m not interested in the offer.

“I think I’ll leave that to you.”

She sighs. “I know. Sooo. Trace? What are you
doing, honey?”

I groan. “I wish I knew. I mean, the sex is
phenomenal but he isn’t going to change. Even after I leave law
enforcement I’m not sure if I can live with that.”

She’s silent a long time and I begin to
worry. “You’re thinking long term.”

It almost sounds like an accusation and I

“That would be crazy, right? I’m certifiable
but I can’t seem to help myself.”

She sighs. “I wish I knew what to tell you,
Lynn. Just be careful okay?”

I don’t tell her careful went out the window
the minute I saw him getting out of the car two days ago. We say
our goodbyes and I type up my letter of resignation effective
January 15. It’s a huge relief. I carry it to the chief’s office
myself. His eyebrows rise as he reads it.

“You’re sure about this?”

“I am,” I say. “Give the job to Franklin.
He’s qualified.”

Franklin runs our small patrol division. He’s
a few years older than me and resents the hell out me taking the
job he wants. I’ll be glad to be done with him. We say our goodbyes
and I head out. I have two things I want to wrap up before I
resign: whatever is going on on the river and finding a missing
man. Magee. I’m pretty sure he’s dead and Tim Monroe is responsible
for it.

A week after Magee disappeared, Tim says
Magee called him from Mexico claiming he was fed up with his life
and was starting over. Magee’s wife claims that is a crock. I
agree, since I was supposed to meet the man the same day he went
missing. He’d claimed he had information on Tim’s business and then
just ups and leaves? No fucking way.

I know Tim is dirty but he’s damned careful.
So far I haven’t found any proof. I think he’s responsible for
bringing drugs into the county, maybe more than that. He’s capable
of anything: dealing, trafficking, extortion, murder. If only I can
prove it. I’ve tried to get closer to him to find a crack in the
façade but so far no luck.

Which reminds me of Trace’s reaction to
hearing I’ve been dating Tim. Walker obviously told him but he
doesn’t know why. I have a feeling if I explain things to Trace
he’ll blow a gasket. I have no idea what’s going on between us but
there’s no mistaking the possessiveness.

My phone rings and I groan when I see the

“Yeah,” I answer.

“We need to talk. Come to the gym,” Hunter

“I’m not one of your boys, Hunter,” I say.
“What do you want?”

“Not on the phone.”

“Fine. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

I wonder what he wants. It probably has
something to do with Trace. I’m sure he doesn’t approve of us. Even
though the gym isn’t open yet, the parking lot is half full. Hunter
is waiting towards the back next to a ring where two people are
fighting. As I draw near I see it’s Trace and Lake. Damn. I know
instinctively he’s not going to appreciate my being here.

“I’m here,” I say softly to Hunter. “What do
you want?”

“Where’s Honor?”

The question blindsides me and I stare at
him. “You could have asked me that on phone.”

“And you would have avoided the question like
you’re doing now.”

I cross my arms over my chest and turn to
study him. He actually looks worried.

“She’s fine. She went out of town for a few
days for work.”

He nods and is quiet for a long time,
ostensibly focused on the fight. I reluctantly turn back to it and
wince as Lake lands a punch to Trace’s kidney. If this keeps up he
won’t be of any use to me until after the damned fight. I called
around and found out there’s one New Year’s Eve in Panama City. I
bet that’s the one he’s training for.

“So this thing with you and Trace,” he says.
“It’s serious?”

“I don’t know,” I murmur. Is that the real
reason he called me here?

“It’ll never work. Not with your job.”

“That won’t be an issue after the fifteenth.”
I can’t believe I tell him that. He cocks an eyebrow.

“So it is serious.”

I shrug. I have no idea what it is.

“And Monroe?”

“What about him?”

“Does he know he’s history?”

No he doesn’t. But he will soon enough.

“Be careful, Lynn. He’s dangerous,” he warns

“You know if y’all would help instead of
warning me off, I might actually get to lock him up.”

He gives me a stern look. “You know I can’t
do that.”

“Honor among thieves, huh?” I ask

It’s a mistake to taunt him but I don’t care.
Fortunately before he can retaliate, Trace climbs out of the ring
and joins us. He’s perfected an indifferent mask and I have no idea
what he’s thinking. He doesn’t touch me and only glances at me

“What’s up?”

Hunter and I stare at each other a minute. I
get the feeling he doesn’t want to answer that anymore than I

“I was just asking about a stolen Lexus,” I
say, saving us both from one awkward conversation at least.

And I really do have a report of a stolen
Lexus on my desk. I know I won’t find any evidence of it in
Walker’s garage. They take care of that someplace else. I mentally
run through the list of properties Hunter owns around the county.
If I can find out where the chop shop is it might be worth a trade
to him. My smile makes both men narrow their eyes.

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