Defenseless (12 page)

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Authors: Corinne Michaels

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Military

BOOK: Defenseless
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“They won’t hesitate to kill you.”

“I’m not scared.” And I’m not. It’s a chance I take every time I go on assignment. There are times I’ve seriously wondered if I would make it out alive, but that’s when my training comes in. That’s when I strip down the situation and let my instincts take over.

Khalil has been feeding me small bits of information for six months. I realize he’s reached the maximum of what he can discover. Someone must go inside to learn more. He’s not willing to do what needs to be done—and I don’t blame him. If he’s caught, he’ll lose his life. I have no plans to blow my cover.

“They will want you to cook and clean . . . I can’t protect you.”

“Trust me,” I implore. “I know how to be careful. I’m Fahima Salib, and it’s time for me to help the family the only way I can.”

Khalil nods as we walk down the street toward Mazir’s last known location.

The heat is absolutely ridiculous. I’m sweating like a pig. I open my eyes to see why the air has stopped working only to find something—someone—has me pinned against the mattress. My heart accelerates when I realize it’s Mark’s arms. The moonlight shines through the window and across his face.

He’s peaceful, calm, and for once—quiet. His arms encircle me as he lies on his side. I twist cautiously in his heavy embrace until I face him. I hate being spooned or being cuddled. I don’t like to feel trapped, but it’s different in his arms. I’m careful not to wake him as the desire to touch him mounts. My hand lifts and I gently push the hair off his face with my fingertips. The silky strands glide back and his arms tighten. I smile and wish things could be different for us.

In another life, I’d date him. We could stroll down the street, hold hands, and laugh. But I have a red target on my back. I’ll forever be watched, possibly even hunted. I can’t bring someone else into this mess. Not until I feel safe.

The pads of my fingers brush the stubble on his chin. “I wish,” I whisper. “I wish I could let myself get lost in you.” I continue to touch him. I allow myself a minute of normalcy. A few seconds where I’m only a woman and he’s only a man. It would be nice to believe that is the case, but our lives are complicated. There can be no dating because at any moment, when I go back to work, I might need to disappear. “If only you knew just how much I wish it could be.”

I lie this way, looking at him, hoping that maybe I can find love. Hoping that some day I’ll be able to put my past behind me and sleep in my husband’s arms, unafraid of what tomorrow will bring. I close my eyes and pretend that someday is today as I drift back to sleep.

“Charlie.” Mark’s voice seems far off. “Don’t fake sleep just to get a kiss.”

My eyes flutter open, and I scan the room. “What? What time is it?”

“We gotta move,” he says as he leans back off the bed. “Now.”

I bolt upright as I take in Mark’s alert demeanor. “What happened?”

“Erik got a location on the team. I don’t have time to explain.” He throws some stuff in a bag. “He was able to get their tracker working and thinks they’re hunkered down in a safe house. We have to move quickly.” He races around like a tornado but leaves nothing in his path. Mark stills and eyes me with confusion. “Are you coming or are you staying here?”

I scramble from the bed. “I just need a minute to freshen up.” I grab my bag and head into the bathroom.

I spend a few minutes making myself presentable and reflect on last night. I’m confused and unbalanced. Everything with Mark is so damn complicated. I’ve never allowed myself even a little bit of freedom with this kind of thing. Sure, I’ve had superficial relationships, but with him, it feels like . . . more.

“Charlotte!” Mark bangs on the door. He has the best timing. There goes my ‘more.’ “Let’s go! Either you’re out in thirty seconds or I’m leaving you.”

I throw open the door with my eyes narrowed. What I wouldn’t give to kick his ass. “I’m coming!”

“You can bet on that,” he mutters under his breath.


He smirks. “I said I’d like to beat you with a bat.”

“Uh huh.”

We finish packing the room faster than I imagined possible. Instead of taking the front exit, Mark chooses the side. The energy around him is different. It’s as if he’s wound tight, ready for battle, and part of me feeds off it while the other is nervous. He’s always so calm and collected; whatever information he received has him rattled.

Once we’re in the car, I decide to ask. “What was the information?”

He sighs and his fingers tighten on the steering wheel. “They think they’re dark for a reason, but my office heard chatter of a possible location of the safe house they could be at. I can’t confirm it with him because if they are there, it could be a trap.” He faces me, and I nod.

My hand slides across the center console and grips his forearm. He relaxes slightly and shocks me by grabbing my hand. “Your guys are trained. It’s only been a few days. I’m sure they’ve survived worse.”

“The safe houses in the regions are stocked. If they’re there . . . they’re fine.”

His fingers lace with mine, and he keeps hold of me. “Mark,” I start but I don’t quite know what to say. Do I tell him how good it felt in his arms? How maybe when this is all over we could talk?

“You know, one day you’ll realize how perfect we are for each other. You’re going to look back and see how much fun we could’ve had.”

Damn him. “Do you have to ruin any moment we have together?”

“I’m just pointing out the obvious that you’ve failed to realize.”

“I don’t know why I’m asking, but what’s the obvious?”

He smiles without answering.

I wait.

And wait.


“That you’re falling for me. I can’t blame you.” He pauses. I’m sure he’s waiting for some smartass remark from me. I’m going to keep him on his toes. “I’m prime real estate, princess.”

“Yet you’re not even under contract.”

“Simply waiting for the right buyer.”

“I assure you, I’m not interested in your property.”

He laughs. “Keep lying to yourself.”

I roll my eyes and look out the window. I try to yank my hand back, but he tightens his grip. Since taking his hand, he’s back to the same guy. The warmth and humor I’ve come to know is in place. We’re both reeling from our pasts. He’s lost friends while I’ve lost my father due to our careers.

We spend the next thirty minutes driving in silence. It’s nice to have someone who doesn’t need to fill the air with noise. He’s comfortable just being. Mark starts to slow the car and lets go of my hand.

He surveys the area. “I’m going in first.”

“The hell you are. We’re partners. Let’s think about this rationally.” He looks over while I start to form a plan. “If we go together we can play the part of a married couple lost in the area. Hell, we can be missionaries for all I care, but having a story gives us credibility. Your guys will know it’s you.”

“They have cameras at the perimeter. They won’t hesitate to shoot if they think you’re a threat.”

I smile. “I’m not worried. If they’re in there, wouldn’t they have used a secure line to call you?”

He rubs his hands down his face. “They wouldn’t risk it. Not with who they have in their protection.”

My mind starts to race. Who the hell is the company protecting that would require no contact? Of course, a lot of private government contractors do high asset transports. It’s common not to want to alert anyone, so they hire outside people. It gives them the secrecy they want, but whoever it is must be a lot higher than I originally assumed.

“So, what do you want to do?” I surprise myself by asking. I don’t normally sit on the sidelines, but this is his part of the trip.

“I need them to see me first, then they’ll know. So you need to look madly in love with me. Hang on me. We’ll get close enough to the camera, and then we’ll be in.”

“Why did I agree to this?” I ask myself more than anything.

“Because you wanted to be close to me.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

His eyes flash but he recovers so quickly I’m not sure I really saw it.

We exit the car and start to walk the area. It’s a larger city, filled with people. There’s no cover. No place to hide, except in plain sight. Kids run around outside and the streets are lined with cars. This means we’ll be able to blend in easier. I lift my scarf over my hair and walk beside Mark. We move around easily and unnoticed. I stay close to his side, and keep my eyes lowered. Once we get closer to the safe house, Mark’s hand grips my arm.

“Stay close,” he warns.

We pass through two small alleyways while my mind flashes to the last time we were in an alley. Once again, we’re playing the part of lovers. I wonder how much of this act is his way of getting to kiss me.

Mark stops and turns to me. He pulls the scarf down, cups my cheeks, and leans in close. “Behind you is the camera.” His hands tilt my face to the side as he peers up at it. “I’m going to turn you so they see your face.” I nod.

He turns me back to face him and presses his lips to mine. I grip his wrists as he holds me there. Suddenly, he breaks the kiss.

“Mark,” I say. My breathing is shallow. “We can’t stay here.”

“I know. Let’s move.”

We head upstairs to the apartment and the door opens. The man on the inside of the doorway is tall, dark, and appears ready to kill anyone in his way. There’s a gash on the side of his cheek, and he has a bandage around his leg.

“What is going on with these missions, Dixon?” One of the guys asks as soon as we come into view.

Mark visibly relaxes as his gaze lands on everyone present, but continues to search. “Where’s the ambassador?”

I gape at Mark, and he returns my stare as if waiting for me to say something.

“He’s fine and in the back room. He has his meeting tonight so we’re completely silent until that’s over. Then we can get him the hell out of there.”

Mark looks around before he finally asks the leader, “What happened?”

The guys all settle around and describe how the mission went down. When things started to feel off, they decided for the safety of the ambassador to go into hiding. The team had set up to take him a roundabout way through Egypt so he wouldn’t be detected.

I listen in and form my own suspicions. It seems unlikely that there was someone seeking out the ambassador, even though he’s been in hot water regarding a bombing that happened a few years ago. Mark watches me while they talk; I observe the questions that churn in his own mind. Why them? Why would this small, covert mission be targeted? It still doesn’t make sense. There’s something behind all this. Someone is repaying a debt they never collected.

I think it’s time someone gets answers from Jackson.

ark arranges for a private jet again and we leave Egypt once he ensures the ambassador is secure after his meeting. Instead of heading to the Middle East as we planned, we go back to the States. There are some things that need to be handled right away. I also need to check in with the agency, since I’m pretty sure they know I disappeared. Plus, it’s time for me to do some digging to determine exactly what Mazir’s last known location is. We agree there’s no point in heading somewhere if we’re already ten steps behind.

The flight so far has been uncomfortable. Mark is withdrawn and seems lost in thought. We don’t say much to each other, each of us working through whatever is rolling around in our heads.

I head back to the bedroom to change. I haven’t been sleeping well since I was drugged. The only time I really rested was last night in his arms. It pisses me off. Stupid boy. I don’t have time for this; I have a terrorist to find, but the notion of how safe I felt doesn’t evade me. I’m in so much trouble.

Removing my clothes, I contemplate how easy it could be once all of this mess is behind us. We could have something—maybe? Once everything is done, I can determine if there’s more than friendship between us. I mean, he’s known me more than a year, and he’s still interested—as am I.

Someone is after them, and Mark isn’t immune to the possibility that he’s next. Jackson’s been shot, Aaron’s been kidnapped. It would only make sense that Mark is the next target.

I’m in only my bra and underwear when I hear the click of the door. I quickly use my shirt to cover myself. Mark’s eyes stay locked on mine. “What are you doing in here?”

“I’m not sure.”

He looks a little lost. I know the feeling well. “You should’ve knocked.”

He takes a step closer but keeps his gaze firmly on me. “I knew you’d tell me to wait.”

“Mark,” I say cautiously. He’s standing so close my chest touches his. Our breaths mingle and the energy around us is electric. “We can’t do this.”

“You’re so beautiful.” His eyes close. “Every time I look at you, it literally takes my breath away.” When he returns his gaze to me again, I melt. Every part of me becomes liquefied, and I want nothing more than for him to take me in his arms. I’m falling for him. Against my will. “I see you, Charlie. I see it all.”

I don’t doubt he does. He seems to have a way of breaking me down and seeing who I really am. Right now, I’m worried about him. I also feel vulnerable at the prospect of what’s to come, and for once, I want to forget. “And what do you see?”

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