Defiance (6 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Erotic Romance, Science Fiction, Shapeshifter, Paranormal

BOOK: Defiance
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He chuckled against her neck. “That is kind of a turn on.”

She shivered and used her hand to stroke down his body, gripping his cock lightly and stroking slowly. “It is a fairly uncommon fetish, Zhomos. You might be a bit of a pervert.”

“I will accept that assessment.” He moved down her body, kissing and sniffing from the point where she had stopped him.

A low, throaty chuckle ran through her when he pulled her hand from his shaft. His hands were still sporting the claws as he caressed her hip and belly. The light tingle of the possibility of pain was an extra spur to her senses.

When he flipped her to her belly and pulled her up on hands and knees, she felt a shiver of apprehension. As she was flipped over, she saw his features for an instant and the savagery of his expression was enough to give her a wave of uneasy arousal. He was shifting to more beast than man, and she was guessing that her seeing his face was a little more than he was prepared for right then.

His tongue traced a path up and down her spine. She quivered and waited. The pointed head of his cock worked into her channel with slow prods. She tilted her hips and he slipped in further.

Zhomos’s hands coaxed her thighs apart and with a low groan he slid into her completely.

She shuddered as he sank into her inch by inch until he couldn’t go any further. Teeny gasped when he withdrew and rocked as he slid forward. He set up a rhythm of thrusts that rocked her back and forth as she moved to meet him halfway.

His hands gripped her hips, pulling her into his inward plunges, and she heard his low growl as he sped up his movements, driving her toward release.

Her orgasm approached at blinding speed, swamping over her in a rush and buckling her arms until she rested her head on her forearms with her ass in the air.

Zhomos howled as his cock twitched inside her, a low, throaty noise that rippled loudly in her room and out into the early evening air.

He wrapped an arm around her hips, keeping her sealed to him as he continued to shudder. His other arm lifted her so that his chest pressed against her back with his cock still inside her. With a low grunt, he sat back on his heels and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

“What would you like to do for dinner?” His words were incongruous with their current position.

“Eat. I was just going to the dining hall at the main building.” She leaned her head back against his shoulder and sighed.

“I believe that this requires a little more than simply stuffing food into your face. I will change clothing and be back here in an hour.”

Teeny chuckled. “You will have to slide out of me first.”

He sighed and she felt him shift within her. “I don’t want to. I want to stay inside you until we both die of old age.”

She chuckled and ran her hands down his thighs. “I have to say that at this moment, it seems like an awkward way to get through life.”

“Ah, but what a way to do it.” He slid a hand down her belly and pressed her abdomen.

She could feel the length of his shaft still semi-hard inside her. She groaned as her body clasped his again. “I think if we went through life like this, people would stare.”

He chuckled, and with a sigh of regret, he separated them and sat at the edge of the bed with her in his lap.

“I want you to stay here, Teeny.”

She frowned. “I am staying here. For a month. Then I am going.”

“I want you to stay here with me, with Thakasis, for the rest of your life.” He gripped her chin and stared into her eyes, his own eyes were back to their normal brown.

“I don’t think I can. I am not a free agent. I am under contract to the Alliance.”

“Would you if you could?”

Teeny sighed and ran and hand through her hair. “I don’t know anything about this place. I have little to no idea of the social structure or where I would fit in, if I could fit in.”

“I would find a place for you.” He nuzzled at her temple. “Preferably under me as often as possible.”

She smiled sadly. “That might not be enough for me. I have lived a pretty active life so far. Retiring to Gakkada is not something I considered.”

He sighed but stroked her arm and knee. “I have thirty-three days to convince you.”

Teeny laughed. “You do, but as I said, I can’t choose for myself. It isn’t allowed.”

“Excellent. As long as there is a chance I can let you out of my sight for a few minutes.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and got to his feet, putting her on the bed with a deliberate motion.

She clenched her thighs together, but the semen continued a slow trail out of her.

He looked down at her and his cock jerked. His chest swelled as he inhaled sharply. “I had better get going before we stay in all night.”

Teeny wrinkled her nose at the heavy scent of sex in the air. “Yes, you had better get going. I am getting hungry and if you aren’t here in an hour I will simply head out and start without you.”

He nodded sharply and took his clothing in to the bathroom. “I understand.”

Teeny chuckled and wrapped herself in the bedspread to avoid catching more of his attention when he emerged a minute later.

“See you in an hour, Zhomos.”

He looked at her and chuckled. “That will be a mental image I call out when I need a good laugh.”

She grinned. “Whatever, now go.”

The bedspread was covering her from head to toe, only her face was showing. She kept herself in the fabric igloo until he was gone, and then, she got up and hit the shower. He may enjoy his scent on her, but the stickiness was something she could do without.

She was going to wear her new dress, now where did Zhomos put that parcel?





Chapter Nine



Teeny checked out her gown in the mirror and sighed when she saw her serviceable-heeled sandals. This dress really cried out for something with more style.

She checked her messages and was shocked when there was one waiting for her.

“Retriever Montague, we have an urgent matter that needs to be discussed. A female has been taken from Hecate. Reports have shown the ship to be heading to Gakkada, and we want you to know that this young woman is in a very susceptible state.”

Teeny looked at the image of the young woman on the screen, noting how close she was to blooming. Damn.

Teeny tried to make a call, but the security screen popped up. She grimaced. She would have to go to the main building to make her call.

She grabbed the wrap from the night before and wound it around her shoulders. She wished she could leave a message for Zhomos, but there was no paper anywhere and she didn’t have his room code.

Teeny closed her balcony door and latched it. If she was suddenly recalled to duty, she was going to have to act like it.

The sunset was casting a warming glow across her skin and the surrounding buildings. Instead of cutting across the green, her heels forced her to walk the path the long way around.

Her skirt swished and tangled around her legs as she moved. She could feel people watching her but made a minor note of where the gazes were coming from while continuing her beeline to the main building.

She walked up to the desk and smiled. “Hello, I need to make a private call.”

The clerk smiled. “Of course, Miss Montague. Come with me, please.”

Teeny was led around the desk and to a private office that held a familiar scent. “Zhomos’s office?”

“Yes, Miss Montague.” The clerk opened the com unit and left her alone.

Teeny sighed and entered the secure code that would trigger a relay to her dispatch office. “Make it fast, Neijish. I am on vacation.”

“And you look lovely, Officer. There is an urgent situation that you can help us with. A Hecate girl has left her home in the company of two friends whose destination was Gakkada. She is due to bloom in a few days, and her family is sending a shuttle to get her home, but they can’t get clearance to pick her up.”

Here was the most important question. “Does she know she is blooming?”

Neijish scowled. “No. Her family did not want to cause any unease in her before the big day, but now they regret it deeply.”

“I need names, images, anything you can give me.”

“Streaming now. The shuttle should be reaching Gakkada this evening, so they will be ready when you are.”

Teeny watched the images, an Azon girl, a Nyal half-breed and the beautiful and green Hecate. Sarnfra was her name, and when she bloomed, she would transform into one of her people’s oracles for ten years. If she did not set down roots on her home world, she would die. No other planet could give her what she needed. Teeny was now on the clock.

She closed down the com unit and scrubbed the call history. She walked around the front desk and ploughed right into Zhomos’s chest.

He caught her by the arms. “I thought I was going to meet you at your room?”

Teeny pressed a hand to his chest. “I am afraid that I have just had a work call. Dinner will have to wait.”

He didn’t respond, merely lifted her with one arm and carried her into his office, locking the door behind him. “Tell me.”

She looked up at him and asked, “If there is a woman here whose presence is endangering her life, would you help me get her home?”

“How is her life endangered?”

She patted his chest. “That was not the question. Would you help me get her home?”

He nodded. “I would, unless she has already bonded to a male.”

Teeny winced. “Right. Well, let’s hope for their sake that she hasn’t or he will be a widower in the next week.”

“The problem is not social?”

Teeny shook her head. “Biological. Some races are not designed to leave their homes no matter what the young think. Biology is a cruel teacher.”

“Tell me what you know, and I will help get her home.” He ran his hands up and down her arms, and he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

Sighing but knowing that he was her only chance at getting guest records, she told him what she knew.

He sat behind his desk, and she leaned over his shoulder, reading the display as his fingers flew over the keys. He was a two-handed typist and that alone got her hot. “I love a man who can handle his data retrieval.”

He paused and tilted his head. “You should see what I can do with the resort accounts. You would never leave my side.”

She chuckled and watched as the images of the new arrivals appeared on the screen. Two young women looked eager, but the third had a stunned and dazed expression on her face. “That’s her. Is there a way to find out where she is right now?”

He nodded. “Her bio-sign has just entered the spa restaurant with the other two. You can observe them while we go for dinner. If another male is staking them out, I cannot interfere, but I will support you in any decision you choose to make regarding the best plan of attack.”

He paused and asked her carefully, “Would you leave with her?”

She shook her head. “No. I was asked to do an extraction only, not an evacuation. Her people will be waiting at the shuttle landing. Oh, can you see if they are here or have requested landing permission?”

He nodded and checked the spaceport traffic. “They are on their way in. Touch down in an hour.”

“Good. We have time for dinner then. Suddenly, I am famished.”

He sighed, and the moment they were out of his office, he offered her his arm. “You look lovely this evening.”

She stepped out with him into the evening air and took a deep breath. She had really been hoping for a nice, quiet vacation.

“Does this happen often?” He asked her casually as they made their way around the path toward the spa.

“What? My getting a call? Often enough. If I am on an assignment, I send them to the next retriever in line. There are quite a few of us. Some are better than others.”

“When Thaka went missing, you were recommended most highly.”

“I am very good.”

He grinned. “I am aware of that.”

She rolled her eyes and felt her cheeks heat. “Shut up and keep walking.”

His chuckle was deep and heartfelt. As they walked to the spa, she looked around, taking in the location of all support operatives in the area and her means of escape. Whether Sarnfra was willing or not, the girl was going back to her family. She literally needed to put down roots.

The staff was eager and diffident as they entered the restaurant. They were seated at a table that allowed them to overlook the room, and it only took seconds for Teeny to find her target.

The young woman was picking at a salad and rubbing her forearms nervously. The other two girls were laughing loudly, and three Gakkada males were sitting with them.

The rubbing of the forearm was not a good sign. Her root buds were starting.

Teeny ordered quickly and fidgeted through the meal.

Zhomos sighed. “You aren’t going to relax until she is where she belongs, are you?”

Teeny looked up in surprise. “No. I am sorry. This was supposed to be a romantic evening. I apologize for ruining it.”

“You haven’t ruined it. Those rich females who wanted to haul your target along on an adventure are the problem.”

The males were speaking earnestly to the young women, one leaned forward to touch Sarnfra’s hand and she jerked back.

Teeny had two Hecate retrievals in her history, and if her guess were right, it would be forty-eight hours or less before Sarnfra put down roots. With a day of travel between Gakkada and Hecate, she had to move.

“Please excuse me, Zhomos. I have to go to work now.” She stood, walked around and gave him an intense kiss before she stroked his cheek and moved toward the young women and eager men.

The women looked at her warily as she approached, and the males scowled at her.

She smiled brightly. “Sarnfra. How are you feeling?”

Sarnfra blinked. “You know who I am?” She rubbed at her arms again.

Teeny could see the root nubs that were beginning to show.

“Of course. I am Retrieval Specialist Montague. I am here to get you back home before anything bad happens.”

One of the males got to his feet and loomed over her. “She isn’t leaving. The hunt is tomorrow night and she will be mine.”

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