Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya) (11 page)

BOOK: Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya)
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I can’t stop myself even though I’m allowed to. I screech and buck up, the release I’ve been denied cascading through my body as it writhes. Isaac growls, his mouth latching onto my neck while he thrusts deeper. My lust isn’t sated and I shatter again, calling out his name as I arch my spine and beg him to come with me.

He grips my hair and rips my head back, pulling up to watch me as his fingernails dig into my arm. His eyes are feral, fiery, maybe even a little angry as his hips crash into mine. Howling, he fucks me a little too hard through his climax and it hurts, but I don’t care. I stay still and stifle the screech because he needs it. I need it. I’m all his.

The ferocious sex god finishes and by the time he collapses on top of me, my loving boyfriend is the man gently kissing my lips as his body still shudders. He winces, but before he can curse himself my lips dart across his and the rest of his face as I tell him that I’m alright, that I liked it.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he croaks, his jaw trembling a little as he pulls my body on top of his.

“I promise
, baby.”

His lips roll together and he tries to shake it off like I’ve asked him to, but that doesn’t keep a single tear of self-hatred from rolling down his cheek.
“I love you, Maya.”

“I know,” I reassure him. “I love you, too. You didn’t really hurt me.”

Clutching my head to his chest, he strokes my hair and chokes because he knows I’m lying. Maybe I should have stopped him, but giving him what he wants is simply irresistible. I like it. It’s such a satisfying sting.

Isaac is too exhausted for a proper aftercare session, so I insist that I want to be cuddled and held instead. I do. He’s so sweet and snuggly and perfect after rough sex like that, I hope one day we can skip the remorse and move straight to this part. Rising and falling with each breath, I drift off lying on his chest after I’m
sure he’s asleep. A few hours later, I get out of bed quietly for a drink of water. The faint bruises developing on my arm are now from the man who deserves to put them there because I belong to him. I smile at the sight of my teeth marks on his shoulder when I crawl back into his arms. I must have bit him harder than I realized.

Good. I need to mark Isaac and he needs to mark me. I love this part of us. I love
. And I love that Luke is lying in the hospital for trying to take it away.









“You stay sitting down, I’ll get it,” Isaac orders

“No,” I retort. “
stay sitting down,
get it.”

“Maya…” He actually has the nerve to sweep his arm under my knees and put me back on the couch.

“Isaac…” I mimic him, standing up again. “I’m not letting you do this.”

“Too late.” Grinning triumphantly, he tosses me the pen I needed from across the room.

I walk past him and hand it back as I pull a pencil from the cup on the desk. “Aftercare is over.”

“No, it’s not.” His eyes drop to my arm.

“I’m fine. Better than fine, actually. I’ve had my back and shoulder rub, I’ve gotten my scalp massage, you ate me out three times this morning, and cooked me breakfast. It’s over. I’m officially a functional person again that can fetch trivial objects for herself.”

“Objects are never trivial if you need them,
” he says quietly with a hint of that little kid voice that makes me melt.

I sigh and reach out for him, giggling when he tumbles into my arms. “Please stop punishing yourself, baby. Please,” I whisper, kissing him behind the ear as he nods against my shoulder.

Taking my hand in his, Isaac pulls my sleeve up to my elbow and starts kissing the bruises. This part I’ll have to get used to. I let him indulge for a few moments, before twisting out of his grasp and pecking his furrowed brow. He grins at me, his eyes revealing his intentions to take my arm back, so I tickle his ribs and scamper away. With a huff, he lets me get a head start before chasing after me, scooping me into his arms when he catches up with me as I squeal.

“Wanna have some cuddly sex?” he suggests, pinching my ass as he carries me toward the bed.


Our giggling is interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. That big, goofy smile drops off his face as he sits me down to go answer it.

“It’s Glory,” he says warily. “I should probably take it.” To my knowledge, he hasn’t picked up for her at all since we’ve been here, which only makes her call more.

“That’s fine.” I drop my chin and nod, refusing to get upset. “I’ll give you some space.”

“Wait.” He grabs my hand before I’m out of reach. “No more fucking secrets.”

“It’s okay.”

“Hello,” he says coldly, pulling me closer to him by my waist as he turns up the volume so I can hear too.

“What did you do?” Gloria yells. “What the fuck were you thinking?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies as we sit on the couch.

“Carl called me, completely losing his shit. Luke is in intensive care, Isaac. He might not even fucking make it.”
Oh shit. That will cause more problems than it solves.

“That is unfortunate. Give him my regards.”

“Cut the shit. What the hell is wrong with you?” She really does sound like his mother.

“Nothing. I’m doing great. Thanks for asking,” he shoots back sarcastically.

“Isaac, that was a world class blunder! You
messed him up. His jaw is wired shut, he’ll probably never use his hand again, and let’s not even get started on the genital trauma.” Is it fucked up that I find that part really sweet?

“Do the authorities have any leads?”

“No, they don’t,” she answers shakily. I can tell she’s worried. She really cares about him and it makes me sick and relieved at the same time.

“What do they say, Glory? The first 24 or 48 hours are critical?”

“That’s for a missing person, you little shit,” she snaps.
Don’t fucking talk to him like that.
“The cops aren’t your problem, your father is your problem. Luke was in the middle of orchestrating a hostile takeover for him. Your timing left a lot to be desired, he is beyond furious. This could cost him millions of dollars, not to mention his pride.”

“Oh.” Isaac’s foot starts tapping as he draws in a hitched breath. “Perhaps the attack was related. Business can be brutal, survival of the fittest.”

“You said her name. You said her fucking name.”

“Shit,” he whispers.

“Yeah. So drop the act and tell me what’s going on.”

“What do you want me to fucking say, Glor? Over the phone, I might add. Hi, Carl,” he exclaims dramatically. “I know you’re there.”

“Dammit, Isaac! This is a clean line. Stop fucking accusing me and start fucking trusting me.”

“I can’t. I’ve tried and I fucking can’t.” Isaac’s jaw is clenched like he’s angry, and I’m sure he is, but that’s not all there is to it. He’s hurt too. He wants to trust her, he wants to fix things between them. They sit in silence for a while and my ears start burning. I despise the attachment he has for her, it kills me. It’s not romantic and he can’t help it, I know that, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

Gloria finally breaks the silence. “I loaned your father one of my best guys.”

“You what?”

“Hopefully, he’ll transition seamlessly and that takeover will work out. That should help, but your dad…”

“Glory, tell me you didn’t…” Isaac trails off. My stomach twists into a knot. Is he feeling protective of her?

“No, but it was really fucking awkward to see him. He asked how you were doing. I didn’t know what to say, so I just pretended that everything was normal, that you were still here,” her voice cracks.

Isaac smiles sadly and sighs. “Thank you.”

“I miss you,” Gloria sobs. “I
miss you, I can’t believe how much. And I’m sorry.” She breaks down for a few seconds while Isaac scrambles for something to say. “I’ve spent too many years of my life missing you. I miss having you around the house, arguing with the cook and the gardener. I miss you falling asleep on that chair on the deck and finding your experiments in the fridge. I miss going out and I miss staying in. I just fucking miss you.”

Isaac’s eyes flutter shut. He wants to say it back and it’s probably true. “Glory…”

“I’m sorry that I let my stupid pride get in the way. I’m sorry that I let myself get hung up on the sex, on having some young hot guy on my arm, making me look so special and desirable when all you ever wanted from me was to be normal and I never could. Now it’s too late.”

“Yeah,” he whispers, choking up a little himself. I wish he hadn’t let me hear this.

“How is Maya?”


“I can tell you’re happy. She’s good to you, isn’t she?”

“She is.”

“She better be,” Glory laughs, making Isaac chuckle back. “I’m not going to lie, I’m a little jealous.”

“I know.”

“You’ve kicked a lot of ass over me, but never anything remotely close to that.”

“Do you really think he’ll die?” he whispers.

“No. He definitely won’t be fine, but he’ll pull through.”

“What about my Dad?” Isaac asks. I can’t believe she gets to hear the little kid voice, too. I think I’m going to puke.

“I’ll handle him. I’m assuming you have something that resembles a plan here?”

“Sort of.”

“Well, Carl is terrified that your father will figure out that it’s you, so consider him an ally and use him.”
Like you used him, bitch.

“That’s good to know.”

“Will you please take my calls, Isaac? I’ll only call if I have to, I swear. I know you want space, but we need to go see those investigators soon, we don’t have time to fight. So
, just pick up the phone. Please.”

“I’ll try. I have to go.”

“Be careful, Isaac. And remember, you can always come home, sweetie. Just say the word. I love you.” She waits for him to say it back. I wonder if that’s how their phone calls always end. “Bye.”

“Bye,” he croaks. Isaac doesn’t look at me for a while. I try not to burst into tears when his eyes finally meet mine, but I can’t help it. “I’m so sorry, Maya.”

“Do you love her?” I ask, pushing the hurt away to make sure it’s a momentary outburst, not a cry fest.

“She never says that to me. Ever.”

“That’s not what I asked you.”

“I’m in love with you,” he replies, kissing my fingertips.

“I didn’t ask that either. Do you love her? It’s okay if you do, I understand.”

Isaac drops my hand and gets up, striding over to window. “I’m not really sure,” he whispers. “But I think I do.”

Of course he does. How couldn’t he? It’s not his fault, but I’m still pissed. “Why did it have to be her?” I snap. Shit. I did not mean to say that out loud, but since I did, I may as well keep going. “Of all the fake moms you could have had, why the fuck did it have to be her?”

That angered him. He’s trying not to be, but he’s failing miserably. We stare at each other for a few tense moments, both of us dreading the impending argument that is way overdue. “Why didn’t you tell me, Maya?” he asks as calmly as he can manage.

“I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to make it harder on you.”

“Bullshit. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know,” I lie.

“Stop lying to me,” he snarls. “Why?”

I don’t answer him, turning away because I want to flee even though there’s nowhere to go. I make my way towards the bathroom because everyone is entitled to a little privacy there and I may, in fact, still throw up. Now that I’ve heard them talking, I can picture them together so clearly. It makes me sick. I’m not sure what part bothers me more, the sex, or the obvious, deep, familial attachment that will probably never go away. That viper will always be a part of my life, I’ll never be rid of her.

Isaac grabs my arm, stopping my retreat. I wince as his fingers wrap around those new bruises and his eyes widen in horror. Letting go, he takes a deep breath and a few steps backwards before looking up at the ceiling and covering his face with his hands. The composure posture. I haven’t seen that one in quite some time.

“You kept critical information from me and I just don’t understand why. And to be honest… it really hurt me, Rookie. A lot.”

At least I’m not the only one, but that only makes me feel better for an instant. “I’m sorry.”

“If I had gone through with it… Maya that would have fucking ripped my heart out.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because I love
. I couldn’t even get hard. I decided to just start out with a blowjob so I could pretend it was you, but… I just couldn’t do it. And I didn’t even have to try. How could you let me even
such a shitty choice when I had other options? How the fuck could you do that to me?”

“I said I’m sorry.”

“Sorry isn’t good enough!” he yells, making me jump. “I need to understand this. All that time we spent apart… it was probably unnecessary. She would have helped us. The minute Glory figured out it was you, she… well, she was pissed, but she stopped being a threat. We went through hell, and we didn’t fucking have to. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want her to throw it in my face again!” I scream back. “I knew it was only a matter of time until you needed to prove your ‘loyalty’ and I didn’t want to see that sick fucking smile on her nasty fucking face. I didn’t want her to put any extra
into it when you finally fucked her or when she sucked your dick, and believe me, she would have.”

“What do you mean?” Isaac isn’t that mad anymore, but I’m fuming.

“That whole monk plan you had wouldn’t have worked, Isaac. You still would have gone over there to keep up appearances and she
would have stopped coming on to you. And yeah, maybe I was a little scared your resolve would crumble. Even if you didn’t want to. She might have threatened to tell and she would have meant it!” I try to calm down, but I just can’t. I fucking hate her. The only reason I can stop myself from calling that bitch ever dirty word she deserves is because he’ll get pissed off at me on her behalf and I won’t be able to forgive him. “Hell, she probably would have told Luke and got me fucking killed just to get me out of the way, because
, she is
attached to you. If you think for a second she would have been our greatest fucking ally, you’re wrong. She wouldn’t have been last fall and she isn’t right now. She’s still a fucking threat.”

“Maya…” He takes a step toward me, but I back away. “I know you saw some fucked up shit, but—”

“That has
to do with it.”

“Piper’s dad is just as guilty as Glory is.”

“Guiltier,” I snap.

“Baby, I…” He’s so confused. And so sweet, like he always is.

“I’m not mad at you, Isaac. I’m just still angry at her, I guess.”

“I’m mad at her, too. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I blame her for validating all that shit your mom used to tell you. Do you?”

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