Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya) (29 page)

BOOK: Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya)
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Saturday. It’s finally here. I’ve been looking forward to this for almost a year, since he started teasing me there the very first night he had me. I was starting to wonder if he still wanted to do it, but Isaac seems almost as excited as I am. My butt gets all tingly just thinking about it.

As soon as I wake up, I leap on him, kissing his face all over. I bat my eyelashes and glance down at his excitement, but he just chuckles and shakes his head.

“You’ll have to wait. Let’s eat first,” he says, kissing my fingertips.

“I’m not eating anything!”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, seriously, I’m not. I’m all cleaned out and staying that way.”


“If you want me to eat something, deflower me already.”

“You know…” he laughs. “You can stop being so clever any time now.”

“No, I can’t. It’s just how I am and it’s too much fun to watch you fall for it.”

“Juice. We’re compromising on juice,” he insists. “And you have to be awake for at least an hour first. Two if you really want to make me happy.”

I pout at him. I always want to make him happy and he knows it. He can be just as clever. “But I love sleepy, first thing in the morning sex,” I whine.

“Me too,” he replies, flashing me that tilted smile. “I wouldn’t mind getting off first anyway.”

“Isaac!” I squeal as his mouth attacks my body with a barrage of kisses. I’m so glad pajama season is over.

It’s a quick, snuggly fuck followed by a massive glass of delicious, fresh squeezed fruit juice. The first hour goes by soon enough, so I resolve to wait it out for two. That one ticks by slowly and once it’s up, his earlier enthusiasm has waned and been replaced by nerves. I know I should be grateful considering getting pressured for anal sex by your boyfriend when he doesn’t seem to give a shit how ready you are or how much it hurts is pretty much a standard part of the act, but it would be nice if he seemed at least a little bit excited. I guess most boyfriends aren’t carrying around quite as much baggage. They’re not as sweet and perfect, either.

“We don’t have to,” I murmur, crawling into his lap as he sits on the couch.

“I want to.”

“No, you don’t. I can tell.”

“Maya… I do. It just makes me anxious.”

“I know,” I reply, kissing his furrowed brow. “Let’s just wait. I’m getting hungry anyway.”

Isaac sighs. “I don’t want to wait. Sorry I’m being such a wuss about this, I’m sure that’s majorly turning you on,” he says, his words laced with a touch of self-loathing.

“Would it help if I begged you for it?”

“No,” he answers quickly. “I’d really like this to be a kink free experience, at least the first time.”

“Me too.”

Our hands link and the traditional me too kiss is a little hotter than I’m expecting. Maybe he’s more excited than he wants to be. Without asking, he picks me up and carries me toward the bedroom. I hadn’t noticed that he came back in here and made a pile of pillows so I’d be laying at an angle. He lowers me onto the soft bed, kissing me over and over before he pulls away. His eyes stay locked with mine as he strips bare, standing still in the morning light so I can rake my eyes over his perfect flesh. He really is quite large, maybe I should be a nervous, too.

My heart pounds and I pull the little sundress I’m wearing over my head. I’ve
probably been laid out before him, naked and willing, more than a thousand times by now, but this feels different. My stomach fluttering, I blush as I watch him get harder and his eyes widen. He crawls in bed with me, stroking my hairline gently as his lips slowly worship my face everywhere. His breathing isn’t as controlled and steady as it normally is, but he wants to do this, I can see it in his eyes.

“Are you scared?” he asks softly, tracing his fingers over the goose bumped skin of my belly.

“A little bit,” I admit. “But I’m more excited.”

“You promise to tell me if it hurts.”

“I promise, Isaac,” I reply. He squeezes my hands reassuringly before rising to his knees and crawling away from my flank, leaving the skin chilled and craving his warmth. “Shouldn’t I be bending over?”

“No,” he whispers. “I need to see your face so that I know you’re alright.”

“You mean I get to look at you while we do it?” My voice squeaks a little in that nervous but excited way that always makes him smile.

“Maya, you are so fucking cute.” Isaac dips down to kiss the tip of my nose. “Yeah, we get to look at each other. And…” he starts trailing off, so I prompt him by biting my lip and widening my eyes. “Okay, I’ve never actually done it this way and I’ve always wanted to.”

Wow. So it’s kind of a big deal for him too, in a first time sort of way. “I love you.” Our big, nervous smiles press against each other as I melt inside.

“I love you, too,” he breathes into our kiss. “More than anything.” He rises to his knees again and pushes mine together. “Put your feet on my chest.
Don’t forget to breathe. Just relax.”

I bring my knees up, resting my feet on his pecs and wiggling my toes. “Make sure you use a lot,” I tell him as he opens the bottle of lube. He nods and covers his fingers with the silky liquid. Isaac confessed a few days ago that this kind of sex usually hurts his scar more than normal, no matter what. It doesn’t make the experience less enjoyable because it only stings for a second, but I absolutely despise the idea of it hurting him.

His fiery gaze stays with mine as he teases my clit, ensuring I’m aroused and ready before his hand moves lower. The corner of his mouth lifting into that cocky grin, his fingers circle my anus and slip inside easily. I gasp and arch my spine, my knees spreading on their own accord. “Maya,” he laughs. “Keep your legs together and your feet up, baby.” His breath warms my toes as he dips down to kiss them.

“I’ll try.”

My pulse races as he lowers more of his weight down on top of me until my knees hit my chest. One of his hands holds his body upright as he uses the other to guide himself slowly inside of me. It spreads me more than I’m used to, but doesn’t hurt, the fullness is so satisfying. Isaac’s breath catches in his throat for a moment as I run my fingers over his collarbone. He pushes in deeper, watching me the whole time and smiling in relief once he’s all the way inside. I’m accustomed to the sensation and I like it, but I’m not used to the warmth. The plugs are always a little cool at first. This is so much better. It’s

“Okay, that was easier than I thought it would be,” he murmurs. “I guess you have been ready for a while.”

“I really like this,” I say, blowing him a kiss because he’s too far away for a real one.

“Me too.”

Our hands linked, he thrusts gently at first, constantly checking my reaction. It’s even better than I expected. It feels more intimate too, seeing his face and how much he cares. The view of his carved shoulder muscles and biceps is a nice bonus as well. Lust soon overtakes the concern on his face and he fucks me a little faster until both of us are breathing in soft moans. His hand leaves mine, disappearing behind my thigh and finding my clit. Oh,
, that really takes it up a notch and my squirming becomes nearly impossible to control.

“Spread your legs, baby,” he tells me. “Slowly.” Supporting my ass with
his hands, he lifts me off the bed a little as he lowers his body onto mine until our chests touch. I like him this close. He pushes deeper into me slowly. “Does this hurt?” he asks, resting his forehead on mine

“No,” I moan.

He barely fucks me, wordlessly asking me if it’s still okay. It’s tighter and there’s more pressure, but that’s definitely a good thing. I nod excitedly and grin at him, coaxing him to give me a timid smile and a gentle kiss.

“I love you so much,” he rasps.

Before I can say it back, he’s kissing me deeply as he picks up speed and depth. His arms surround me, one of his hands resting on the base of my spine, the other wrapping into my hair. My stomach flutters as my skin flushes. This feels so good, so right. I groan into his mouth, spreading my legs further as I relax in his grasp.

“You can go harder,” I whisper when his lips finally leave mine for a few seconds to dance across my face.

“Does that mean you want me to?”

“Yes. It doesn’t hurt. Not even a little, I promise, baby,” I assure him.

Isaac growls and sinks deeper in one sudden thrust, surprising himself. My eyes widen from the pleasure of the incursion as he plunges into me again, faster and faster until he’s almost at a normal rhythm. He keeps checking my reaction which I make sure conveys just how amazing this is.

“Maya,” he gasps, kissing me.

The hand in my hair tightens into a fist as the one on my back slides around until it’s between us, easing a finger inside me and curling it upwards into my G spot while his thumb presses against my clit. Classic Sex God tricks. His thrusting hips move his fingers in sync with him as I moan, staring up at his beautiful face. Holy shit. There’s so much sensation, he’s everywhere.

Eyes darkening into that familiar primal glare, his jaw squares as he watches me writhe beneath him. I can hear his loss of control in his breathing as he plunges his tongue deep into my mouth and adds another finger. His thrusts get longer, pulling out until he nearly exits and driving back in again. I didn’t think he’d be so rough the first time. I buck my hips up to welcome him and slide my fingers into his hair, relaxing my jaw. Isaac has never had so much of his tongue in my mouth. He is absolutely loving this, filling up every piece of me that he can at the same time. He must have wanted it for a while. It’s so sweet that he was too afraid to hurt me.

My moan is muffled by his kiss as I climb higher, but he holds me steady, making me pour out onto his hand. I am completely his, he can have me however he wants now, there’s nothing I can’t give him if he needs it and no one has ever given it to him like this before. I latch onto his tongue, sucking it like it’s his dick as I let my body go limp under his. I can tell by his sharp inhalation that almost sent him over the edge and he fingers me harder, his thumb twitching against my clit, telling me that he needs me to come now because he can’t wait much longer.

My body listens to him like it always does and I scream and shudder, bucking wildly as it ripples through me. I love being full of him, giving him every piece of me. A heartbeat later he joins me, the convulsions that rock him making it impossible to keep me from wiggling and as much as I try to hold still, it’s entirely pointless, it just feels too good. He grunts against my lips, his tongue withdrawing
as his jaw clenches. It’s an unusually long climax for both of us and we’re perfectly in sync. It’s so connected. My head is spinning, the only sound in the world is him groaning my name.

We’re pant
ing, gazing into each others bewildered eyes when it hits me. I am completely, entirely his. Not just my body, he’s had that for a while even before this and as thrilling as it is, it’s nothing compared to how much the rest of me needs him. Every breath I take is a countdown to the next time I’ll see his precious face. My heart beats for him now, if he ever leaves me it will stop pumping and there is nothing, not a single thing I can do about it.

I never wanted to be one of those girls who could get so wrapped up in a guy that she would disappear if he did, but I didn’t have a choice. I would collapse if Isaac stopped wanting me, disintegrate if anything ever tore us apart forever, fade into oblivion if I had to go too long without falling into his arms or feeling the heat of his laughter against my flesh. The word love doesn’t even come close to covering it. He is everything.

Tears fill my eyes and I pull my body close to his as he moves to exit, burying my face into his neck as I fail to stifle a sob.

“Maya?” he whispers, trying to pull away to see my face but I can’t let him go. “Are you okay? These are happy tears, right?”

“Sort of,” I whimper.

“Baby, what does that mean?” he asks softly, his beautiful voice so tender and concerned. I kiss the scar my teeth left on his shoulder as he falls out of me. Isaac cradles my body in his arms, kissing his special spot beneath my ear while his fingers soothe my hair.
“Talk to me, Maya. Please. This sounds like your don’t-leave-yet cry.”

He draws back to kiss my face everywhere and I calm down a little when I see the worry contorting his perfect features. “It’s an I-can’t-believe-how-much-I-love-you cry,” I murmur.

“Oh.” His lips roll together before they press into mine and he hugs me tighter, burying his face in my neck for a few breaths. He’s wiping his eyes when he lifts his head and rests it on mine. “Okay, this is your cue to say something witty to keep me from choking up.”

“I’ve got nothing,” I say. “Sorry.”

Isaac laughs out a sniffly sound that melts my heart and makes me giggle at the same time as I nuzzle under his chin. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks.

“Of course I am. You’re here.”

“I meant your butt,” he clarifies.

“Oh,” I laugh. “Yes, that’s fine too.”

BOOK: Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya)
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