Define Me (9 page)

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Authors: Culine Ramsden

BOOK: Define Me
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(I swear this man can read my mind)  He was holding the helmet out to me but the smile on his face told me he knew exactly what I was thinking.  Before the night was over I would be lying pinned underneath him.  

Chapter 11


I had my arms wrapped tightly around Vincent's chest. Every now and then my hands would wonder but it was hard to feel him through the leather jacket. I was craving the feel of his body.  I had my head tucked behind his back as we drove.  Every inch of my body was craving this guy, the way he looked at me, the way his hands touched me so softly leaving a trail of fire behind.  (I love it when he nuzzles his nose in my hair.)  It was amazing and overwhelming to feel all that passion for a man.  I had only known him a few days, yet my heart felt like I had known him a lifetime. 


It was a nice lazy drive; I loved the roar of the engine beneath us.  We got to our destination just under two hours, my ass was killing
me; it was not very comfortable for a passenger.  I did not realize I was rubbing my butt when I got off, only when Vincent walked up to me and placed his hands on my ass. 


"You’re ok? You need me to sort this out for you?”  With that he squeezed my cheeks tight and pulled me into him.  I pushed up against him and whispered into his ear.


"What I want you to sort out cannot be done here and now.”  I can’t believe how racy I was with this guy.  I’d never flirted so openly with anyone before, it was hellishly exciting and I loved every inch of the reaction I got from Vincent. 


"Woman, you are playing a dangerous game with me. If you think I will wait until later to get you, you are sorely mistaken, I will find a place.  You are warned so please behave." 


"Mm we will have to see about that" I turned and walked away when suddenly I received a warm, hard smack on my ass.  I jumped, I didn't expect that. 


"Hey!  Watch it mister" 


We walked through the restaurant towards the patio.  It was a nice little place with some tables inside but the majority were outside overlooking the Ocean.  Vincent knew me well already; it was the perfect place to spend our first date. 


As it was a lovely sunny day, we found a table on the patio. There was a bit of a breeze and every time the waves crashed the wind would carry the spray toward us.  (I am at my happiest when I am close to the sea.)  Heather and I ordered some ice tea and the guys had a coke.  The food at this little restaurant was out of this world, they had their own fishing boat and every morning a fresh load of seafood was brought in.  They also grew their own vegetables in a greenhouse up the road from the restaurant.  (It was my type of place; I would give anything to have a place like this.) 


When the waitress came to take our order I could see Vincent smirking at me again, I wondered what was on his mind.  From the look in his eyes I knew I was in trouble.  After the waitress took Heather and Coles order she turned to me. 


"I would like six king prawns and calamari done in lemon butter sauce with salad, thank you"


She turned to Vincent and I could tell she was just as affected by him as me.  "What can I get you sir?" 


"MM! I would like 24 oysters for the table as a starter and the Grilled Kingklip with a garden salad, thanks" 


I was not sure if she got all that, as she was still staring at him and did not write a thing down. 

(I hate it when woman so openly make a fool of themselves in front of a guy)
Really?  I was sitting right next to him, he even had his arm around the back of my chair and she still stood there. 


"Hello Dolly!  Did you get all that or are you going stand there all day undressing my boyfriend with your eyes?" 


"Oh, sorry!"  She very quickly turned and walked away. 


"Nice one girlfriend! You tell them to stay away from your man. You are the only one that will be undressing that one tonight"


"HEATHER, behave yourself!"


Vincent and Cole burst out laughing, I didn’t know if it was more about Heathers remark or the fact that I turned blood red.  I couldn’t believe the things I had just said to that woman, but he was mine and I would be damned if I was going to let another woman anywhere near him. 


Vincent pulled me closer and kissed me on the head. 


"I liked it, shows me that you do care" 

"I care a lot and I don't share.  Interesting choice
for starters, you know what they say about oysters, don't you?" 


"Yes I do.  So Cole and Heather: sorry I will not be sharing either"


"What! That is not very nice of you" 


It was a magical day; we chatted and laughed so much. It was wonderful to feel so free again, to be myself and to be with someone that allowed me to be silly and make corny jokes and not judge me and tell me what to do.  It was fun having Heather around, I did not realize how much I missed her; I needed to make a plan to insure that she stayed much longer than intended. 


After desert Vincent and I took our shoes off and went for a walk on the beach.  We laced our fingers and we walked hand in hand for a while.  I liked it, the closeness of him.  I felt safe and free all at the same time.  I never knew being in love could feel this good.   We were talking about the photo shoot for Simplicity when it hit me, I had invited the girls for supper and I had not prepared for it. 


"Oh shit, I forgot!  Sam and the girls are coming over for supper, oh hell I totally forgot'


"What did you have planned?"


"I don't know, I was so distracted by you this morning it totally slipped my mind"


"Distracted by me?  Oh so now this dilemma is my fault? Nice one.  So then I better make up for this, let’s get back to the others and then we can quickly brainstorm a plan for tonight. I think we can pull it off as long as I get rewarded for it tonight" 


"What type of reward did you have in mind?" 


"You will have to wait and see" 


"I look forward to that" 


"Let’s go, before I take you for another swim again." 


We walked back to the restaurant to find Heather and Cole in a lip-lock of note. 


"Do you lovebirds need a room or something?" 

Heather pulled away from Cole she had this look on her face.  Oh I knew what they would be doing later and here she was lecturing me.  


"I forgot I invited the girls over for dinner tonight. We need to get back home"


"You did what? Come on Caitlin, did you not have enough of them already?  Really, you know that Samantha doesn't like me at all and now I need to spend the night with her again"


"Stop being such a drama queen.  I don't think it is her that has a problem I think it is you that doesn’t like her.  Come on, they are my friends and I would like you to get on with them.  Please help me with this tonight."  


"I am going to pretend you did not just call me a drama queen.  Just because I love you and I have had the best
day of my life so far.  So what do you want to do tonight?" 


"I was thinking we do a bonfire, seafood platters and some wine” I looked at Vincent so see what he thought. 


"Great idea, once we get back I can take you to the market I shop at.  We should be able to get some decent seafood there.  Cole and I can do it for you on the open fire if you would like" 


"That would be great, Heather can do some salads and I will make us desert.  Great can't wait, now let’s get back" 


Vincent settled the account and we headed back home.  The trip back home went a lot quicker, I was almost disappointed.  I had, had such a wonderful day, floating on cloud nine that I did not feel like going back.  I had my arms wrapped around Vincent; he took his hand off the bars for just a second and placed my hand over his heart and then lifted it to his mouth and kissed it.  That sent shivers down my body; he knew all the right moves, not just the reaction of my body but also my mind.  I was totally and utterly captured by this man. 


The guys dropped us at my place and then went to fetch their cars.  Couldn’t go shopping on the bikes, there is no ways I was not going to carry fish in my backpack.  We quickly got dressed into something more comfortable.  I wore my white sundress with a thick brown leather belt and my denim jacket and sandals.  The outfit would work well for the evening.  I was very careful in choosing my underwear; I needed something that was sexy.  I settled on a cream colour strapless bra and matching boy shorts. 


Heather and I were downstairs making shopping lists what we needed when the guys got back.  We decided that Cole and Heather would sort out the decor and the music and Vincent and I would look after the food.  


I was so excited because I got to ride with him in the Corvette, I loved that car and he looked super sexy in it. 


"You ready? I know of a nice fish market nearby and then I can take you to the farmers market where I do all my shopping.  It shouldn't take us to long, we will be back by three and then I can help you prep the food, I'm not too bad in the kitchen you know" 


"I would love that. Let’s go, I want to go for a ride in your car." 


"You’re only interested in my car, I see" 


"Sure whatever, let’s go."


We managed to get everything we needed for supper in less than two hours and was back home before Heather and Cole.  As we parked the Corvette in front of my house I noticed a Military vehicle outside Simplicity.  I wondered why they had been spending so much time in the area; it must have something to do with the harbour. I didn't know, I didn't really care, but would have loved to know if one of those guys could have been Brent. (I never really got to say thank you to him.) 


"Hey, what you looking at?" 


"There have been a lot of army guys in the area lately; do you know what’s happening?" 


"No, I saw that too, not sure what that is all about"


"Well, we better get going, got lots to do before the girls get here tonight. Hey don't you know a few guys we can invite, going to be strange with just you and Cole." 


"Yeah, got a few buddies I can call, let’s get all your shopping into the house then I will call them" 




Vincent carried all the food into the kitchen while I went to the living room to set up some music, (I love cooking and listening to my music.)  I put the IPod on shuffle and went back to the kitchen to find Vincent with my apron around his waist busy cleaning prawns.  OMG! He is looks so hot, a man that knows his way around a kitchen what more could I have wished for. 


"Now the only thing sexier than this would be you only wearing only my apron and nothing else", Shit I couldn’t believe I just said that to him and from the look on his face neither did he. 


"Oh, really? Let’s see what we can do about that" 


He started pulling his shirt up to take it off. 


"NO, NO, I was just joking! We’ve got people coming, can’t have you all naked in my house"


"Oh come on now, I thought we were going to have some fun" 


"You are crazy you know that" 


"Crazy for you yeah" 

, ha yes sure" 


We made quick work of prepping all the food we bought for that evening. Vincent cleaned all the seafood ready for the barbecue and I made some salads and my grandmothers very special fruit punch.  The music was playing loud though out the house while we worked .I sang along to all the songs, danced and twirled around, forgetting that there were people around.  A song I loved started playing so I ran to the lounge to turn the stereo louder and then went back to the kitchen to finish cleaning before our guests arrived. 


“Love this song, I have been to one of his concerts, he is so cool" 


I was dancing around the kitchen cleaning as I went, I felt so free and happy it was just the best day ever.  The song really just captured how I felt right then.  I was lost in my thoughts, standing in front of the basin rinsing the dishes before I loaded them into the dishwasher.  Vincent walked up to me from behind; he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into him, trailing kisses from the back of my neck to behind my ear. Then he whispered into my ear.

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