Defying Desire (7 page)

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Authors: A. C. Arthur

BOOK: Defying Desire
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She threw her head back until it gently hit the wall and she sighed. Trent’s forehead dropped to her shoulder as they both kept completely still for a second…two…then three.

Her entire body was trembling, her muscles clenching around his arousal as if to hold on to him forever. Her nails dug into his shoulder and Tia prayed for strength, for oxygen, for anything to keep this moment from ending. Never had she desired a man like this, needed his touch, to keep her mind focused. She’d known it would be this way between them and, truth be told, had been afraid of it. Trent was right, it had happened that first day at the fashion show. The moment she stepped up on the stage and he’d taken her hand, the sparks had begun to fly.

She’d avoided his phone calls for just this reason. Trent Donovan was a powerful man. Not just in his military training or his hefty bank account, but in his allure over women. Surrounding him was this aura of masculinity that was like an aphrodisiac to any woman with a pulse. And she had been no exception.

He began to move inside her, thrusting his hips so that those sexy hollows in his buttocks were pronounced. Yes, in addition to his mouthwatering looks, Trent had a butt that male models would die for. She’d spied it last night and now moved her hands down his strong back to cup them in her hands. He was hard everywhere, tight and tempting and for the moment, all hers.

Chapter 7

rent couldn’t believe this. He was not taking her in a stairwell. It couldn’t be.

He was a grown man. He was educated and privileged and dammit, he had a house with a huge bed. So why did he have this woman plastered to this wall, pounding into her like a horny high schooler ready to scream with the powerful release he could feel building in the base of his spine?

Because she was Tia St. Claire.

And he loved being inside of her. The two times he’d taken her last night had hardly been enough. This had to be the fastest growing addiction on record. One night and he couldn’t get enough. Even now, as his length moved in and out of her, coated with her sweet honey, clenched by her tightening muscles, he wanted more.

She held his buttocks firm in her hands, pushing him in deeper, holding him steady as he pulled out, whispering in his ear as he sank back in.

“Yes, Trent. More.”

The words were a sweet melody in his ear. Not that he hadn’t heard them before, but all the other female voices that had bounced around in his head over the years had mysteriously disappeared. There was only one voice now, one woman.

He gave her what she asked for, lifting her other leg and crossing her legs behind his back. Now cupping her buttocks Trent drove into her with his intense desire. Her head fell back, her mouth open as she panted and moaned. He licked her neck, loving the honey-toned skin. Her breasts were bound in the fitted sports bra she wore but he had only to close his eyes and he saw them bared, moving and bouncing with the rhythm he’d created.

She was perfect. This moment was perfect. Regardless of where they were, being inside her, about to release into her was absolutely perfect.


His mind roared with realization. Tia gripped his shoulders, her moans growing louder. He kissed her, trapping the scream of release in his mouth while thrusting once more, feeling his own orgasm tunnel through his body.

For endless moments they stayed that way, his lips on hers, his sex locked securely in hers. Then Trent reluctantly pulled back, resting his forehead against hers as they both struggled to catch their breath.

When he thought his heartbeat was strong enough to sustain normal conversation he said, “I’m sorry.”

Her lashes, naturally long and untouched by makeup, fluttered, her lids lifting. She had beautiful eyes, hazel with tiny flecks of green and gold that looked almost feline.

“Sorry? For wha…” she closed her mouth, cursed, then looked away.

Trent felt her begin to tense and gently let her unwrap her legs from around him. When he knew she was stable he took a step back and began fixing his clothes. “I should have protected you,” he said as he adjusted his pants. “I’ve never forgotten before.” He cursed himself as she dragged her hands through her hair, then bent forward to fix her shorts.

Stooping down he helped her put her foot back into her shorts then pulled them up her legs. She hadn’t seemed to mind him helping her dress but now she stood there, still and unspeaking.

“Tia,” he began cupping her face with one hand.

She shook her head. “No. Don’t apologize again. We’re both adults. I should have said something.”

For a moment Trent could only stare at her. Into those magnificent eyes he searched for answers, for reasons why she reacted to things in certain ways, why she said what she said. But it had already begun, she was closing herself off to him once more.

“It won’t happen again,” he said finally, then leaned in for a soft kiss on her lips.

She nodded but did not kiss him back.

“I really need to get a shower and leave. I have errands to run,” she said when he still stood in front of her.

“Right,” he said wanting to spend more time with her but knowing it was a mistake. Trent did not spend time with women. He did what was necessary to seduce them and he moved on. He and Tia were not dating, or courting or whatever they called it these days. They were having hot earth-shattering sex.

“I’ll walk you to the locker room,” he offered moving to the side so she could take the steps beside him.

They took the two flights in silence, then Trent opened the door and let her out into the long hallway that led to
the female locker rooms. When they arrived at that door she turned, looking up to him. A few of her braids had escaped the ponytail she wore and he fingered one, loving the soft texture, the beautiful golden color that seemed to enhance her intriguing features.

“I’m okay with this, Trent,” she said finally.

“This?” he inquired.

The left side of her mouth lifted slowly, the smile small but just as potent, tugging softly on something in his chest.

“Yeah, this thing between us. I’m okay with having sex with you.” The smile grew a little bigger and Trent struggled to breathe. “I actually like it. A lot,” she added.

“Good,” he said ignoring any foreign emotions that might be trickling through his body at her words. “I like it a lot, too.”

She chuckled then and Trent could swear he’d never heard anything as sweet. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“So—” his fingers moved from her hair to skate lightly across her jaw “—when do we do it again?”

“Insatiable,” she whispered, then stood on tiptoe to run her tongue along his lips. “I like that, too.”

He couldn’t help it. He tried, he really did. Coming down the steps Trent swore he wasn’t going to touch her again, he wasn’t going to act like a teenager with his nose wide open. Still, one arm went around her waist, capturing her before she could retreat. He touched her lips again, tentatively at first, watching her watch him. He kissed her again, saw the beginning haze of lust in her eyes and kissed her once more, this time letting his tongue touch hers. An innocent swipe, a pleasurable lick and then the kiss bloomed. It was soft, arousing, intimate, enticing. But the clincher was, it wasn’t filled with lust, but some simple thing akin to longing, to need.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and he brought his around her waist. Her body was pressed against his and he kissed her. Simply kissed her. His mind filled neither with desire nor any sexual urgings. Sure, there was some rousing in his pants but it wasn’t the urgent emotion he normally felt when kissing a woman. This exchange was starkly different. Trent recognized it and released it just the same.

She pulled away slowly, then took a step away from him. With their gazes locked she backed into the door leading to the locker rooms and whispered, “Soon.”

She disappeared through the swinging door before he could utter another word. Which worked just fine for him because for the first time in his life Trent Donovan had been left speechless.


Twenty-four hours. That’s how long he’d managed to avoid calling Tia. The last thing Trent wanted was to appear as if he needed her. Which, coincidentally he did.

Getting through the rest of Sunday hadn’t been too bad since he’d already had an appointment to play golf with his brothers. Adam was the one trying to get the brothers and their father hooked on the game. Trent personally needed more of a contact sport like football or basketball, but he’d indulge his little brother for a while longer. Besides, it was time the Donovan men spent together.

The evening was a little more difficult since memories of the previous night kept interrupting his thoughts. During those memories, Trent couldn’t help but think about the times that Tia had appeared haunted.

Finding her in the dark room at Adam’s house had been the first shock. She should have been out mingling, enjoying the party that would undoubtedly lead to even more career prospects for her. Instead she was closed in a
room after apparently drinking too many glasses of champagne. And while she had purposely sought solitude, she hadn’t wanted to be alone.

That’s why she’d invited him in and eventually to stay. Trent had been so focused on getting her into bed that he didn’t give himself a lot of time to consider the facts. Tia had been afraid of something that night. And whatever it was, it had scared her so much she’d resorted to being with him, a man she’d previously acted as if she detested.

Trent had always been the inquisitive brother. His habit of investigating any and everything had caused more than one disagreement in his family. But that had never stopped him before.

So first thing Monday morning he had run a complete background check on Tia Marisal St. Claire. The results hadn’t been what he’d expected. In fact, it had taken him hours to come to grips with it and the way it made him feel.

He’d wanted to call her that night but couldn’t figure what to say to her, especially with his newfound information. However, he needed to talk to somebody to decide what his next move should be. Outside of his brothers and his father the only other person Trent would ever seek out for advice—advice he would actually listen to—would be his mother.

Beverly Donovan was the glue holding the Donovan men together. She was their rock, their strength, the first woman any of them had ever loved. The only woman Trent loved. While to most men their mother was the light of their life, to Trent, Beverly was so much more.

When he’d gone into the Navy he didn’t have any girlfriend left at home to write him sappy letters laced with perfume. His brothers were in college and had lives of their own. His father wasn’t all that pleased that his son had
decided to enter the military but had tried valiantly to respect Trent’s wishes. But it was Beverly who had written to Trent weekly. It was she who would wait on the third Sunday of every month at precisely six o’clock in the evening for his phone call. Only she knew of the times he’d doubted himself and how best to kick his butt into gear. She was one of his best friends and the only honest woman he’d ever known.

Late Tuesday afternoon he’d decided to go and see her, to get her take on the information he’d found on Tia.

“She’s having a girls’ night with Camille, Jade and Noelle. They’re talking about that baby shower again,” Linc said with a sigh and a shake of his head in answer to Trent’s question as to where their mother was. “Man, I’ll be so glad when Jade delivers. Don’t get me wrong, the most beautiful sight a man could ever see is his wife pregnant with his child. But damn, I can’t take these mood swings much longer.”

Adam and Henry Donovan laughed as they sat in the pool room at the Donovan estate. Trent had heard them talking and come in, asking where his mother was.

“I can’t wait for Camille to get pregnant,” Adam said rubbing his hands over his legs. “Camille is going to be a great mother.”

“Slow down, son,” Henry chuckled. “Enjoy some alone time with your woman first. I tried to tell this one that but he was too fast for me. Once those babies get here, Jade won’t remember your name.”

Linc looked horrified and Trent couldn’t help but chuckle himself. They all looked happy and content, talking about their women and babies and such. Trent felt like an outsider, but then he’d always felt that way. So different from Adam and Linc he’d always been. While they
were college and business suited, Trent was more hands-on, physical and dominating.

“So what brings you by, Trent?” Henry asked. “We don’t usually see you during the week.”

“Yeah, when’s your next assignment?” Linc asked as he unhooked his cell phone and looked at it. Probably checking for a call or text message from Jade.

His big brother was so whipped, Trent almost laughed again. “I’m free of assignments for a while.”

“After Connecticut you should be taking a hiatus. I heard that was a close call with the explosion and shooting at Bennett Industries, then the arrest of the stalker lady and that lieutenant from the Marines,” Adam added.

“I read about that.” Henry lifted one of his favorite cigars out of the box and stuck it in his mouth. He would keep it there, unlit for at least fifteen minutes before eventually lighting and smoking it. “Terrible shame. I hope the family’s doing okay.”

“They are,” Trent said. “I spoke to Sam last night.”

“Really?” Linc looked up from his phone. “Did you also talk to his sister?”

Trent shook his head. His brothers didn’t forget a thing. “No I didn’t talk to Lynn because we have nothing else to talk about.”

“My boys,” Henry shook his head. “Just over a year ago all of you were breaking hearts across the nation. Now only one remains. When are you going to settle down, Trent?”

“I’m not,” Trent answered quickly, adamantly.

Adam was first to laugh while Linc went back to whatever he was doing with his cell phone. “He just hasn’t been caught yet,” Linc mumbled.

“Or has he?” Adam asked, his annoying chuckling
finally ceasing. “Camille was pretty upset when she couldn’t find Tia after the party Saturday. She called her house a couple of times but didn’t get an answer.”

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