Defying the Sheikh (8 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Defying the Sheikh
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The sensation was both pleasing and uncomfortable and she moaned softly. She needed something but it was just out of reach. His fingers moving inside of her only made the ache more unbearable and she cried out in frustration. "Armon, please," she begged as her entire mind centered on the unobtainable thing she craved.

He worked his fingers faster, knowing exactly what her body wanted. As her body tensed in passions awakening, he continued the gentle assault until he felt the dam break free as her silken glove pulsed with release

Michaela could barely believe the overwhelming pleasure that flooded through her. Her eyes closed tightly and a soft cry escaped her lips as she felt the first taste of true rapture. She had never known such a feeling was possible and as she floated back down to earth her eyes opened to look into his face with wonder.

The sensual expression on her face was so amazingly beautiful that it nearly took his own breath away. He had lain with women who knew the arts of passion well, but never could he recall feeling the desire his body craved with this incredible lady. His fingers found her again stroking her beautiful flesh until she was ready for him again.

Moving between her thighs, he lifted up on his arms and stared down into her beautiful emerald eyes. "You are so unbelievably beautiful," he spoke in reverence as he entered her tight silken haven in one long stroke, breaking through her maidenhead. Her soft cry of pain hurt him physically and he remained completely still, allowing her body time to adjust.

She had not been prepared for the burning pain and pushed against his chest, seeking escape. His body stretched her widely and the discomfort was very uncomfortable. A single tear slid down her cheek and she glanced up at him accusingly. "End this," she demanded as her hands pushed with greater strength. If this was the cost of the earlier passion, she would have none of it.

"The pain will pass little one," he fought not to drive into her velvet glove as his body demanded release.

Shaking her head no, she cared less what words he spoke. In her mind the pleasure of earlier could only be a trap to make a female agree to this painful act. "I want you to stop," the pain was lessening somewhat but the earlier desire was spent. Lifting her hips in an attempt to push him from her, he slid even deeper inside and she groaned at the feeling of being completely filled.

"I am trying not to cause you more pain little one, but you must remain still." His brow beaded with sweat at the control he was expending to allow her body to amend.

She understood by his expression that she was causing him pain as well and felt her anger dissipate somewhat. If he shared this agony then the crime against her was not as grievous her mind concluded. With that small knowledge she stopped fighting him and attempted to relax. "Finish this then," her arms wrapped around his neck as she prepared to endure this until he found fulfillment.

"Wrap your legs around my waist little one," he entreated, pleased when she complied. His own needs second, as he would only find fulfillment when she found her release again.

She moaned as his body entered hers even more deeply, not understanding how that was even possible. As he began a slow rhythm the pain began to lessen somewhat and she attempted to match his movements again. Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt the familiar tension build again with each long stroke of his silken steel.

As her fingers lowered to his shoulder and bit into the flesh, he could only send out a silent blessing that she was responding once more. He increased his strokes carefully, the feel of her core clenching him so tightly warring with his own need to take her slowly. Each thrust was bliss and the retreat agony, still he paced himself wanting her own tumble over the edge before he found paradise.

The slow building ecstasy that waited just on the precipice forced a soft whimper from her lips. "Please Armon," she needed this more than anything she could ever have craved in the past and would beg if it would bring her to the end faster.

Her soft words were all he needed to finally give over to his own yearning. Increasing his stroke, he unleashed his power and drove into her frantically until he felt her release squeezed his shaft with an undeniable rapture that forced his own body to spill his seed deeply inside her womb. Darkness engulfed him for a brief flash as he came undone, his growl of fulfillment filling the room.

She clung to him tightly as her body bathed in the wondrous act of love they had shared. Her breathing was still shallow and his weight was welcome, she never wanted to be free of him again. They could remain linked this way until the last breath escaped her lips, she thought with a small smile.

Opening his eyes he could only marvel once again at the creature that had conquered his body so completely. Lifting his body, not wishing to burden her, he slowly slid from her silken sheath. With gentleness, his arms wrapped around her and pulled her to lie on his chest as he attempted to calm his own rapid breaths.

She flinched slightly at the minor discomfort as his body left hers, and rubbed her face against his smooth chest as he rolled her atop of him. She felt complete, and could find no other words to describe the peace that filled her. Her hand lightly trailed a path on his bulging bicep and contentment forced her eyes to close after only a few moments.

Her breathing slowed and he held her against him as she slept. This night would always remain in his memories, he vowed silently. He had known pleasure with other women and would fulfill his duties with other wives that must come, but never would he forget this incredible evening with his innocent seductress. The sound of her soft breathing lulled him to his own rest and he surrendered to the call.

The morning light pulled him from his sleep and he gently unwrapped her body from his, as not to wake her. Pulling the sheets over her, he smiled at the inviting image her small form made with her auburn hair splayed softly over the pillow. Reminding himself that she would likely be sore from her first taste of passion, he quickly dressed and moved outside to find his servants. After instructing them to bring their meals and fill the bath, he found his way back to the cabin. She still slept soundly and he would allow her to rest until the water arrived.

He filled the tub himself with steaming hot water as they servants appeared at the door, refusing to allow any inside the room where his wife rested peacefully. When that task was complete, he filled a small basin with water, secured a cloth and approached the bed quietly. Lowering the sheet from her beautiful form, he dipped the cloth into the warm water ringing the excess water from it. Moving on to the bed, he parted her silken thighs gently and tenderly washed away the remains of her lost innocence.

Michaela awoke to the feel of strong fingers caressing her core tenderly and felt her body respond instantly. Her eyes opened slowly and the site of her husband cleansing her sent a flush of pleasure and a slight embarrassment moving through her.

"Good morning little one, his fingers continued the gentle assault and he smiled at the rosy flush of color that moved over her cheeks.

"Good m-morning," she whispered softly, the sound turning into a moan at the ache his fingers were causing her. Merciful heavens she thought, how could she survive the pleasure again that he was building with each tender stroke?

As her hips arched up slightly he tossed the cloth away and allowed a single digit to slide into her damp heat. Feeling her tense, he knew she was still sore from last night and he could not take her again, but he resolved to pleasure her.

Sliding his finger from her clenching flesh, he quickly moved between her thighs before she could guess his intentions and his mouth found the sweet honeyed core of her femininity.

Michaela gasped at the intimacy of his kiss and fought between the desire to surrender to the overwhelming pleasure or pull away from the sinful temptation. As his hands lifted her legs upon his shoulders and his tongue devoured her, the choice was no longer hers. Her release was powerful and unrelenting and came upon her with no warning. "Armon" she cried out desperately lost again to pure sensation.

The taste of her on his lips was the sweetest nectar he had ever partaken and he drank from her like a man parched. She surrendered so beautifully and each powerful tremor gave him greater pleasure. When she lay limp underneath him, completely satiated, only then did he lift his mouth. "I would have you this way every morning," moving up the bed he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

The taste of her own passion was strange but she could not resist him. He had overwhelmed her own soul, she thought as she returned his kiss in wanton abandonment. As he pulled away she could only glance up into his beautiful face in awe.

Moving from the bed quickly, the urge to take her body again demanded he give her space. "Your bath is drawn, little one," he smiled, his dark chocolate eyes filled with happiness. "Holding out his hand he waited for her to accept it.

She took his hand and felt her face flush again at being completely bare to his gaze. It was an odd feeling to allow him to gaze upon her body so openly. Following his lead as he walked toward the tub, she slowly stepped inside the warm water and sighed as she sat down. Her body ached in a delicious way and a small smile found her face.

"You are happy?" Kneeling down beside the tub, he lifted a cake of soap and lathered in his hands before moving to wash her back.

Blushing deeply, she nodded feeling a little shy. "I am happier than I ever thought to be," she spoke honestly. In truth, she had never conceived that she could find such bliss in a marriage and was confounded.

His hands kneaded the silken skin of her back then moved slowly to her breasts and caressed them. "You bring me great joy, Michaela," he smiled as the rosy peaks hardened beneath his ministrations. The passion that filled his beautiful wife was a treasure he would always be thankful for.

A companionable silence filled the room as she allowed him to bathe her. Her body once again becoming enflamed by his touch and she shook her head. "W-will it always be this way Armon?" Surely no one could think of little else when desire clouded their every thought, she considered.

"I would will it so," he chuckled softly before rinsing away the lather. There were so many pleasures he longed to share with her, and he could only hope himself that they would always share this desire for one another.









6 Harem




The next several weeks went by entirely too fast in Michaela's opinion. They had loved unrestrained and her need for him had only escalated with each new lesson he shared each night. The daylight hours, for the most part were spent learning about his culture and the new life she would embark on, albeit some days had ended with their bodies entwined as passion overwhelmed them.

She had grown accustomed to wearing the strange burqa, in truth it felt almost freeing to be relieved of the boned corset that was required of her daily life back home. Michaela enjoyed the fact that only her beautiful Armon was allowed to see her face. In those few short weeks she had come to love him deeply and he had professed his own love to her unashamed. There were no more battles of will as everything they both desired seemed to be so well in tune to each of their needs. It had been the happiest time of her life, she thought with a smile. She could only hope that they would remain this close forever.

Her thoughts were pulled away as he walked through the cabin door, his handsome face even more endearing with the warm smile. "I wish to share something with you, hassanna," his smiled deepened as his eyes roamed over her beautiful body languidly.

She had grown to love hearing the strange word from his lips hassanna, as he had told her one night after they made love in his language, it meant sweetheart. Noting his stare she blushed and wondered if she would grow accustomed to the desire that filled her completely with only the smallest of things from him. "I am yours to command, my Sheikh," she winked at him playfully reminding him of the stories he had shared just last night of being owned by his need for her.

Shaking his head at her jest he moved toward the door. Following behind him, she knew that their strange customs would take some adjusting on her part. In private he treated her like the rarest treasure, but in front of others they could not touch and she would always remain in his shadow. Had he not been so willing to allow her the lead behind closed doors she would have protested the arrangement.

Moving with assured steps to the rail on deck, he stared across the Red sea, his own gaze filling with pride as his homeland came into view. He ached to pull his beautiful lover close to his side and share her thoughts as she stood a few steps behind him, but he would not dishonor his traditions, even for her.

Michaela had to force herself not to gasp as the land came into view, the scenery was so breathtakingly overwhelming. The subtle blue of the ocean against the pale yellow sand made a startling contrast but her eyes were drawn more to another vision. The beautiful pink tinged masonry of a mansion that that looked as if it had been pulled from a fairy tale. She ached to ask him about the history of the palace, but knew she must wait until they were alone.

He chanced a small look into her face and was pleased considerably at how her interest was pulled toward his home. For a brief moment he felt unease as he considered how their relationship would change as they entered that fortress, but it was a road that must be traveled he reminded himself. Turning back, he walked to their room. There was little time to prepare before they made land.

She followed him, attempting not to race ahead, there were so many questions that filled her mind and she had little patience to wait for their seclusion. As they door closed behind them she took a deep breath before speaking. "Will you take me to that castle, who owns it, are you friends with them, do you live close to the sea? Her breath finally leaving her she paused.

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