Deliver Me (5 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

BOOK: Deliver Me
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Chapter Six


was sitting way too close. Erik was already about to freak the fuck out. Why in
God’s name had he blurted out he would keep Delilah? Was he that lonely? That
desperate for someone to love? Yes. He absolutely was. Seeing children all day
was both a blessing and a curse. Erik longed for a family of his own. Being a
gay man made it hard for the dream to even come close to being a reality. He
became a pediatrician, because he loved kids. Growing up, he knew he wanted to
follow in his father’s footsteps by becoming a doctor. His father had been
proud of him until the day Erik came clean about his sexuality.

that, Torfinn was the only son Calder Henrikson claimed. Their mother had
passed away when Erik and Tor were teenagers, succumbing to the alcohol she
lived off of. When Erik found his baby brother in a pool of blood, he never
felt more alone in his life. Erik was already practicing medicine when Tor was
discharged from the military. Between his patients and his depressed brother,
Erik didn’t have time for a social life. After Tor’s suicide, Erik didn’t feel
like being around people. It took a while, but with the help of Sarah, he
finally pulled his head out of his ass and opened his own practice.

Erik were a woman, he would say his biological clock was ticking. He was closer
to forty than thirty, and he wanted a family. He would take Delilah in, watch
over her, and love her for three months. He knew it would be near impossible to
let her go when Lee came off tour, but hopefully they would make arrangements
at that time for visitation. Who knows? After three months, Erik may decide he
didn’t want to be a father. Yeah, right.

felt Lee move closer, but he was probably watching his niece. Erik kept his
mind on the baby and off the heat of the man sitting next to him. Or, he tried.
When he heard the faint inhale of breath, he knew Lee was sniffing him. Again.
“Are you smelling me again?”

can I say? I love your scent.” Lee made a big production of sticking his nose
against Erik’s neck and breathing in deeply.

couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re an idiot,” he said playfully.

Delilah finished her bottle and was burped, Erik handed her back over. “Here
you go. I’m going to go home and get started rearranging furniture. Where’s
your phone?”

thumbed open his phone, entered the passcode, and handed it over. Erik called
his own phone so he would have Lee’s number. “I will text you my address. Is
noon good for you tomorrow?”

man, that should work. You sure you wanna do this?”

sure. If you have any questions or get lost, give me a call. If not, I’ll see
you tomorrow.” Erik stood and wrapped Duke’s leash around his wrist.

see ya.”

had a lot to do between then and noon the next day. He didn’t want to overthink
his rash decision. He would need to arrange for someone to look after Delilah
while he was seeing patients, but that wouldn’t be as hard as finding someone
to travel the world with a rock band. He would cut back on his patient load
until she was a little older and more settled. By then, Lee would be off the
road and could take over his part in raising his niece.

came sooner than Erik expected. He had moved all the furniture out of the room
that was to be Delilah’s. He texted Lee and asked for a list of items he’d be
bringing, and Erik went shopping for other things he thought she’d need. When
it was time for Lee to arrive, Erik stared out the front window until he saw a
truck rolling down the driveway followed by a newer model Corvette. He stepped
out onto the front porch and directed the driver to the side of the house. It
would be easier to go in the side door than try to maneuver around the living
room furniture.

was surprised to see three large men angle out of the truck. One he knew to be
Cade, the drummer. The other two were either band mates or roadies. They had
that rock appearance about them. Lee got out of the sports car and smiled at
Erik.  His hoodie was gone, and in its place was a t-shirt with a picture of
Jim Morrison on the front. His long dark hair was pulled back into a tight
ponytail. He walked over to the other three men. “Erik, this is the band. Cade,
Pauly, and Sloane.  Band, this is Erik, Delilah’s doctor.” Erik shook hands
with the two new men. Cade didn’t offer his hand, so Erik didn’t make an
attempt. “And this little firecracker is Echo.” A petite woman had climbed out
of the backseat and was holding Delilah.

a pleasure,” she said with a smile.

All right, let’s get you unloaded. I know how busy you are.” Erik didn’t really
care about the band members, he only wanted to get things unloaded so he could
get Delilah settled. “Echo, if you’d like to go on inside, please make yourself
at home anywhere.”

didn’t take long for five men to unload the little bit of furniture they had
for the baby. A couple of duffle bags held her clothes, diapers, and assorted
toiletries, and the few toys she had were in a box. Erik directed them to the
room she would inhabit for the next few months.

you. I will get everything settled after you leave.” He didn’t mean to sound
rude like he was dismissing them, but he didn’t like the bad vibe coming off
the drummer. He was the one who Sarah said had given her dirty looks. Erik couldn’t
forget the way he had placed his hand on Lee’s back, either. He didn’t need to
be a psychologist to recognize the possessiveness.

of the men took turns loving on Delilah, telling her they would see her soon.
Everyone except Cade. He went outside and waited by the truck.

didn’t say goodbye to Delilah. He surprised Erik by telling his friends he
would see them later. After they were out the door, Lee turned to him, “I hope
you don’t mind. I’d like to hang around and help.”

can certainly help with my cock.
was the only thing Erik needed from Lee, but there was no way he was asking for
it. “Sure. If you would, please watch Delilah while I arrange her things.” He
turned and headed down the hall, expecting Lee to stay in the large living
room, making himself comfortable. Instead, he followed him into her new room,
describing everything to her. Erik had already mapped out the room where he
wanted everything to go, so placing the furniture only took a few minutes. When
that was done, he took her clothes out of the bags and placed them in the
drawers of the small dresser. Her toys he placed in a bright yellow basket he’d
bought just for that reason. An infant her age needed stimulation, lots of
bright colors. There was no pale pink anywhere.

tell me her schedule,” he told Lee as he took Delilah from him.

well, she eats when she’s hungry. She sleeps when she’s fussy, and she gets a
bath before bed.”

how often do you feed her?” Erik had a good idea there was no set schedule.

I said, whenever she’s hungry. Look, Erik, I told you I’m not cut out for this,
but I think I’ve done pretty good so far. Except for that first week, she’s
doing much better. She doesn’t fuss unless she’s sleepy or wants her diaper

could see how much Lee needed him to say he’d done well with her. “Lee, you’ve
done a great job. I will work to get her on a set schedule so when you come off
the road, she’ll be a piece of cake.”

can’t thank you enough for doing this. Being on tour is stressful enough, but
to have to worry about her too? I don’t think I could do it.”

was surprised to hear the lack of confidence in Lee’s voice. He never thought
about what it would mean to be a superstar in the limelight all the time. He
placed Delilah in her bed and turned on the mobile. Her blue eyes focused on the
animals circling overhead. They both stood watching her. Lee’s hands were
holding onto the rail, and Erik slid his own hand next to Lee’s. The contact
was minimal but enough to have Erik wanting more. When he was sure the baby
wasn’t going to fuss, he told Lee, “Let’s go to the living room.” He waited for
the other man to lead the way.

Duke?” Lee asked when they reached the end of the hall.

in the back forty chasing squirrels, I would imagine.”

have forty acres? The place didn’t look that big from the outside.”

it’s just a saying. I have less than five acres. I don’t have time for the
upkeep on anything larger. Why, how much land do you have?”

a hundred acres. I like my privacy.” Lee was walking around the living room,
looking at everything. He stopped at the mantel and picked up a picture of Erik
and Tor when they were little. “This your brother?”

That’s Tor. He was my baby brother. Would you like something to drink?” Erik
really didn’t want to discuss what happened, but he would if asked.

sure. Whatever you’re having. You said was. What happened?” Lee asked as he
placed the picture back in its spot.

pulled two beers out of the fridge. Handing one to Lee, he told him Tor’s
story. “Remember I said Duke was a service dog? Tor was a Marine and did a
couple of tours overseas. He got his leg blown off and couldn’t serve in the
capacity he was accustomed. He was a doer. When they told him he would sit
behind a desk, he couldn’t handle it. Duke was his dog. Tor did okay for a
while, but eventually the depression and PTSD were too much for him to handle.”

I’m sorry. What about your parents? They must be proud to have a hotshot doctor
in the family.” Lee drank half his beer before coming up for air.

and I were the only children. My mother passed when we were younger. My
father…” Erik took a long pull of his beer before continuing. “Let’s just say I
could be the President and my father wouldn’t be impressed. Not as long as I’m
gay.” Erik sat on the sofa and leaned his head back. “Since we’re getting to
know one another, what happened to your parents?”

father killed them. He refused to give my mom the keys one night when he’d had
too much to drink. He ran off the side of the road, down an embankment. The car
flipped trapping them both. Mom died at the scene. Since Dad had so much
alcohol in his system, it took him a few days to finally kick it.” Lee shrugged
and sat down next to Erik on the long sofa. There was plenty of room, yet he
sat close to Erik. He turned on the cushion so he was facing Erik. Lee looked
tired. If Delilah was getting her sleeping patterns down and he had friends to
help, he should be getting at least some rest.

me about life on the road. What’s it like to be a big rock star?” Erik was
curious if Lee would tell him the truth about what really went on.

really want all the sordid details?” When Erik nodded, Lee looked away but
continued. “Okay, here goes. Depending on where we play, we either take the jet
or the tour buses. Sleeping on either is nothing compared to sleeping in your
own bed at home, so for three months at a time, I don’t rest well. We get up,
and we practice. We go to radio stations and do interviews. We sit in
conference rooms and talk to record executives arguing about contracts. We play
a long set then go backstage to meet and greet our fans. In the beginning we’d
take the ladies back to the bus and fuck ‘em after we snorted lines of coke off
their tits. Sometimes they would get out before Echo kicked ‘em out the next
morning. The stints in rehab kept costing us money. We’d have to postpone shows
until whichever one of us was clean again. As we got older, the drugs went

got married, had a kid, got a divorce. Pauly has a couple of kids out there
somewhere he never sees. It’s near impossible to have a relationship in this
business. Even if you’re faithful and don’t fuck around on your partner, the
jealousy gets to be too much. Missed phone calls, the late nights, the
half-naked women and men who throw themselves at you constantly are not
conducive to a monogamous relationship. It’s lonely, man. So goddamn lonely.”

didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. Lee turned to him, “So,
that’s my sordid story. Why aren’t you married? Or at least in a relationship. 
You told me about your ex, but that was a year ago.”

really thought Brad was the one. I found out too late he didn’t want me for me;
he wanted me because of my title. It proved to me that I’m not a very good
judge of character where relationships are concerned. We were together a long
time, and the break-up hurt. Still does.”  Erik needed another beer. He didn’t
want to drink too much with Delilah in the house, but all this personal talk
was making him sad, reminding him how fucking lonely he truly was. When he
rose, Lee grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down.

sat his empty bottle on the coffee table. Before Erik could fuss about it not
being on a coaster, Lee pulled on the wrist he was still holding. He placed his
free hand behind Erik’s neck, sliding his fingers through his hair. They were
so close their noses were almost touching when Lee said, “I’m going to kiss you

Chapter Seven


around Erik, seeing the loneliness, the longing on his face when he talked
about relationships had Tag wanting to pull him in his arms and hug him. That
right there told Tag he was well and truly fucked. The only person he’d ever
hugged in a more than friendly way had been Cade, and that was when he was
coming down from the high after a show. Even when they had fucked each other,
he hadn’t felt any type of connection with the man other than what he felt for
Sloane and Pauly. They were brothers. He and Cade might have been fuck buddies,
but there was no emotion in it. At least not for Tag. As soon as he realized
that, he had a long talk with Cade, and they went back to being just friends
without benefits.

knew kissing Erik was a big mistake. He only had two weeks until he hit the
road, and he had just told the man there was no good in having a relationship
with someone like him. Did he want a relationship with Erik? Not now. It would
be too hard. But he had two weeks. They could give each other something to
dream about while he was gone. And in three months… He pulled Erik to him and
pressed their lips together. Goddamn, the doctor tasted so fucking good. Erik
surprised him when, instead of pushing him away, he pulled him closer. The kiss
started off slow, sensual. It didn’t take long for it to become molten. Erik
twisted his body so he was lying down on the sofa. Tag went with him,
stretching his long body on top of the doctor’s, keeping their lips locked.

parted his thighs giving Tag room to situate himself in between. The fit was
perfect. Tag had been with countless women and men over the years, but never
had he felt like the body beneath him had been designed specifically for him. He
pulled back from Erik’s lips, but didn’t give the doctor room to breathe. Tag
licked along his strong, smooth jaw until he reached that delectable ear lobe.
He sucked the skin into his mouth before nipping it. Erik let out a moan and
thrust his hips into Tag’s. He continued his assault on the doctor, sniffing
his way down his neck until he reached the juncture at his shoulder. With
Erik’s shirt in the way, he couldn’t get to him the way he wanted. He rose up,
keeping his knee tucked in close to Erik’s crotch.

gripped the bottom of Erik’s shirt and began unbuttoning it, never taking his
eyes off the other man’s face. “You’ve got the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever
seen.” When he slid the last button through its hole, he took a moment to drink
in the body before him. Erik worked out. He didn’t have the dips and ridges of
a six pack, but he was lean. The blond hair leading from his navel to the
waistband of his pants was like a beacon, an invitation to better things to
Oh, I hope he comes.

started at the edge of his jeans and licked his way up Erik’s tight stomach.
When he got to his nipples, Tag licked the left one before taking the tiny nub
between his teeth. He bit it just hard enough for Erik to moan. “You like
that.” It wasn’t a question. Tag licked his way to the other one and gave it
the same treatment. He bit it then licked the pain away. When Erik moaned
again, Tag kissed his way up his chest to his neck. He sucked at his Adam’s
apple, careful not to mark him.

want to taste you. Please, Erik, tell me I can have a taste.” He would not go
any further without permission. He looked into Erik’s hooded eyes. The man
licked his lips and nodded. Tag crashed his lips to Erik’s, pumping his tongue in
and out, fucking his mouth like he wanted to fuck his ass. He pulled off and
slid down Erik’s body, quickly undoing the button and zipper of his jeans. He
was afraid if he took his time, Erik would change his mind.

raised his hips so Tag could pull his pants down farther on his hips. The long,
hard cock that sprung out had Tag swallowing hard. He was no stranger to
beautiful dicks, but this was a fucking masterpiece. Probably eight inches,
thick and full of veins. The head was already leaking, and Tag licked the
moisture off the slit before taking him all the way to the back of his throat.

God. Your mouth is… aw, fuck me,” Erik hissed.

Very soon.
words coming from the doctor’s mouth had Tag ready to blow in his jeans. He
licked the underside of Erik’s cock and swirled his tongue around the engorged
head. He had to palm his own erection to keep from coming.

released Tag’s hair from its ponytail and grabbed hard enough to cause a little
pain. He didn’t want Erik coming too soon, so after a few more deep throats, he
pulled off his dick. He reached one hand between Erik’s legs and grabbed his
balls. He rolled them in his hands, but that wasn’t enough. He wanted them in
his mouth. He rose up and pulled Erik’s jeans all the way off. Tag wanted
complete access to everything the man had to offer. He pushed Erik’s knees up
and admired the pretty pink pucker.
I’m going to be in there. Soon, Doc.
Tag pulled one ball into his mouth, licking and sucking the hairy sac. He
didn’t mind that Erik wasn’t shaved. It meant he probably hadn’t been with
anyone else in a while. Tag didn’t want anyone else to have their mouth on this

licked between the balls, rolling one in his hand while he gave the other nut
equal tongue time. Tag loved the heaviness of Erik’s sac. It felt good in his hand,
in his mouth. He gently pushed Erik’s nuts away from his hole and licked his
taint all the way down to the place Tag really wanted to be. As Erik moaned and
pulled Tag’s hair harder, Tag placed the flat of his warm tongue on the pucker
and licked up until he got to his balls again. He lapped at Erik’s body like it
was a melting ice cream cone, not wanting to waste any of the goodness. When
his tongue breached the pink skin of Erik’s hole, the man squirmed beneath him.

hell,” Erik muttered as he pushed his ass into Tag’s face.

continued enjoying the taste and smell of Erik’s body while he took his long
cock in hand. As he stroked and licked in sync, Erik’s hand covered the one Tag
was using to jack his dick. The contact felt more intimate than sexual.

licked at Erik’s hole one last time before turning his attention back to his
cock. He licked at the precome leaking from the swollen head then sucked him
down his throat. When he reached the tip again, he rubbed Erik’s cockhead
across his lips. He loved the softness, the way it felt against his skin. Tag
gripped Erik’s erection tighter and rubbed the head through the spit around his

fucking tease; either blow me or move your hand so I can jerk off,” Erik

laughed, his breath blowing warm air on Erik’s dick as he slid the cock into
his mouth. He swallowed when it hit the back of his throat, moaning around the
head. He slid his tongue up the veins and sucked on the head before sliding his
wet mouth back down. Erik placed both hands in Tag’s hair and held his face in
place, rotating his hips to get the friction he wanted. Erik moaned and
writhed, unintelligible words falling from his lips.

Erik’s cock deep in his throat, Tag buried his nose in the curls at the base,
inhaling as deeply as he could with his mouth full. Erik’s scent was like an
aphrodisiac to Tag. He could die right there, a happy man.

pulled Tag’s hair and growled, “Look at me. I want to see how much you like
having my cock in your mouth.” From that point on, Tag kept his eyes locked on
Erik’s. When the doctor started fucking his face, he knew he’d had enough. He was
ready to come. Tag wouldn’t delay his pleasure any longer. He opened wider and
let Erik take over the pounding rhythm.

Erik cursed, throwing his head back. Tag was ready for it. He felt the first
spurt of warm jizz hit the back of his tongue, and he swallowed down every last

Erik’s cock was no longer pumping, Tag pulled off, placed a kiss on the head,
and slid his body up alongside the doctor’s. He pulled Erik into his arms and
touched their lips together. Erik didn’t hesitate to open for him, tasting
himself on Tag’s tongue. When Erik broke the kiss, Tag nestled his face into
the doctor’s neck. He was enjoying the serenity of the moment when a cold, wet
nose touched his arm. He looked up to see Duke sitting there. “Well, hello to
you, too,” he told the dog with a laugh. Duke whined once, and Erik said,
“Delilah’s awake.”

moment was over. Tag’s dick was still hard, but he was used to having blue
balls. He had refused all of Cade’s advances and hadn’t even entertained the
idea of going out to find someone for one night. Not since he’d met Erik. Yep,
he was fucked, just not in the way his ass was aching for. He waited for Erik
to freak out, to tell him the blowjob was a mistake, and tell him to get the
fuck out. Instead, he sat up and kissed Tag on the lips. “Thank you,” he
whispered before he stood and pulled his jeans back on. Tag sat mesmerized as Duke
trotted off down the hall and Erik washed his hands in the kitchen sink before
going to check on the baby.

was a little dazed at how Erik could go from lover to caregiver with no time
needed to recover. Tag hadn’t been the one to get off, and he wasn’t ready to
bounce up and look alive. Ready or not, he went to the kitchen and washed his
hands, too. By the time he was finished, Erik was back with Delilah and some
sort of seat. Erik set the round holder on the floor and placed the baby in it,
buckling her in. Connected to the seat was a row of toys at eye level. With
Delilah content, Duke stretched out next to her, settling in to babysit. “Are
you hungry?” Erik asked. “I didn’t eat lunch before you and your friends got

I could eat.” Tag wasn’t really hungry, but he was interested in seeing what
Erik would offer. He didn’t give a shit if it was peanut butter and jelly as
long as the doctor prepared it for him.

have leftover beef stroganoff, or I have stuff for sandwiches.”

you make the stroganoff yourself?” Tag couldn’t cook. He’d never had time to
get in the kitchen and learn. Most of his meals were room service.

Don’t worry, I won’t poison you.” Erik laughed as he took the casserole dish
out of the refrigerator. Tag kept his eyes on the doctor as he moved gracefully
around the kitchen. Sitting on the sofa watching this man prepare a meal for
him felt domesticated. Tag felt at home in the smaller house, more so than in
his own mansion. His house was somewhere he crashed between tours. Somewhere to
write and rehearse music. Even filled with his band mates and Delilah, it
hadn’t felt like a home. He imagined Erik walking around barefoot and shirtless
in his state of the art kitchen, Duke making himself at home running around the
open fields of his hundred acres. He thought of Delilah a few years from now,
her blond curls bouncing as she ran toward him. One side of his mouth curled
into a smile. Damn, that felt good.

are you okay?” Erik was standing in front of him, holding a couple of bottles
of salad dressing.

I’m good. Ranch.” He took a chance that Erik had asked him what type of salad
dressing he wanted while he was off dreaming of things he couldn’t have. Yet.

cocked an eyebrow at him but let it go. Delilah started fretting. Her face got
red and then she began crying. From the kitchen Erik asked, “Will you please
change her diaper while I finish getting lunch on the table?”

unsnapped the harness keeping Delilah safe in her seat and picked her up. He
caught a whiff of poop and laughed. “How did you know?” he asked the doctor.

have a magic nose,” he joked, winking at him.

took the baby to her room and cleaned her up. He might not be good at reading
her moods, but he was an expert at changing her diaper. So far no one but Echo
had changed her. The guys all freaked out when it came to bath time as well.
Tag sang softly to Delilah, and just like that, she was back to being a cute,
quiet infant. He continued rubbing his finger along the soft skin of her cheek
as he got to the chorus of a new song he’d been working on. He didn’t stop
singing when he felt heat at his back. When the song was over, Erik said, “I
don’t know that one.”

looked over his shoulder. “You listen to my music?”

shrugged, “I may have bought a CD or two. I wanted to know you from a different
perspective. What better way than to listen to the lyrics you write?” Too soon,
Erik moved away from Tag and took Delilah out of her bed. He kissed her on the
cheek and snuggled her neck. Tag’s heart clenched. Erik was falling in love
with the little girl. At the end of three months there was no way he’d give her
up. Maybe he wouldn’t have to.

they got back to the kitchen, Tag had to smile at the table. It was set as if
they were expecting the fucking queen. Placemats were under the plates.
Coasters were under the glasses of what he guessed were filled with tea. The
fork was sitting atop a neatly folded linen napkin. “Wow, all this for me?” he

trying to keep you in the luxury to which you’re accustomed.” Erik wasn’t
joking. He wasn’t smiling either. He brought Delilah’s seat to the table,
placing it between them.

look at me.” When he did, Tag continued, “I’m a simple man. We could eat
sandwiches on paper plates, and I’d be happy. You don’t have to go out of your
way to impress me. You did that the first day we met.”

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