Delivered (The Monster Trilogy Book 3) (13 page)

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Rodriguez was looking
at her with a dark hunger in his eyes, and she shivered. What the hell had she gotten herself into?

I didn’t get myself into this situation,
she reminded herself.
I was forced into it. This position isn’t of my making.

And yet it was becoming harder and harder to convince herself this was the case. The wine had clouded her mind, making her thoughts fuzzy. She’d asked for this once, hadn’t she, with Monster? A man who had appeared cruel, but had woken something else inside her? Perhaps Rodriguez saw that in her—her need. He had, he’d even said he recognized it in her. A craving to be dominated in a purely sexual way. In day to day life, she would never have wanted to have a man be forceful with her in any way, but somehow things were different when it came to sex.

He glanced down at her plate, and then back up at her. “You’ve finished your food. That’s good.” He lifted the bottle of champagne and checked the contents, and smiled. “At least enough for another glass, I believe.”

She was beyond arguing. The warm, hazy feeling that had taken over her body had made her care a lot less about her situation. It wasn’t as though she wanted to be here—she still hated Rodriguez, and planned to escape—but the alcohol had made her relax and it felt good to have a warm, proper meal in her belly, even if she had struggled to swallow the food.

He poured them both another glass, but she was sure he was pouring larger glasses for her than him. He nodded to her flute so she picked it up again, her resolve to fight him wavering. The thought that she was supposed to be getting him on her side flickered in the back of her mind and coiled sickeningly in her stomach. She didn’t want to be nice to this man in any way. He was a control freak who liked to bully women. Just because he was good-looking and rich didn’t make him the kind of person a woman would ever want to be around.

Rodriguez got to his feet and lifted his glass as he stood. He slowly walked the length of the table to come to stand behind her.

Lily froze, her fingers tightening on the stem of the glass, so hard she was frightened the glass would shatter. She was poised for his next movement, knowing what was coming while wanting to deny it with every inch of her soul. What was she going to do? Shut her eyes and pretend it wasn’t happening? Men like him didn’t want to just have a woman around to look pretty—they wanted to use and abuse them, and today Lily was that woman.

His fingers made contact with the side of her neck, brushing gently downward toward her collarbone. “You have a beautiful throat, pet. I’ve always believed a woman’s gracefulness has everything to do with her neck. It’s the most attractive part of a woman. Yours is perfect, long and slender, like a swan’s.”

Lily bit back on the retorts which fought to burst from her lips. She didn’t want to be compared to a god-damned bird. Never mind being referred to as pet. His touch made her skin crawl, but she couldn’t fight him. She needed him to think she’d given in to him, so he’d allow her freer access to the house, so he’d trust her enough to give her the opportunity to escape and take Jess with her.

He leaned down, his breath hot against her skin, and his mouth pressed against the spot between her shoulder and throat. Lily held back a whimper, her body tensing.

“Does this not please you, pet?”

She didn’t need to say anything. Her body said it all.

Before she knew what was happening, he grabbed her by the upper arm and hauled her out of her chair. With the other hand, he pushed aside the expensive cutlery and white porcelain, and shoved her over the table. The champagne glass fell from her fingers, smashing on the floor.

He pinned her down by the back of her neck, her breasts crushed to the table top, so she was bent at the waist. She was horribly conscious of the way her bottom pushed out, the clingy material of the dress sweeping across her curves.

“Rodriguez … Please ….”

His voice growled from above her. “I like the way you say my name.”

His hand left her neck and she remained in the position he’d put her in. Her body trembled, anticipating what would come next. Though she didn’t want it to be him who towered over her, she felt the familiar tingling of her pussy as she waited for the smack she knew would follow. It seemed it didn’t matter who would deliver the punishment, her body craved it nevertheless.

She was in turmoil, her mind screaming that she didn’t want this man anywhere near her, and yet her nipples had tightened, grazing against the white tablecloth. Deep within her core, she throbbed, aware of the male presence behind her. He moved forward, so his groin pressed against her backside, and she felt his hardness, telling her he wanted her. The champagne had clouded her mind, leaving it blurry at the edges. Part of her just wanted to go to sleep, while the other part of her craved the release of an orgasm, knowing oblivion would be so much deeper once she’d ridden its waves.

His hands were rough on her thighs, pushing her dress higher up her legs and over her back, exposing her bottom. The panties she wore were ones she’d taken from the dresser in the room, black and lacy, just, as she assumed, Rodriguez liked. He palmed her cheeks in both hands, kneading and massaging her firm flesh, squeezing and pinching.

“You’re going to be a good girl for me now, aren’t you, pet?” He took hold of the elastic of her underwear and twisted it tight between his fingers, pulling upward so the gusset of the panties cut between her folds.

Lily snatched a breath, the sound somewhere between a sob and a moan.

“You’re already wet. You might think you shouldn’t be enjoying this, but your body is telling you differently. Give me another couple of days, and I’ll have you on your knees, begging me to fuck you.”

She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, but what was the point? He’d take what he wanted, no matter what she did or said.

He released the pull on her underwear, and instead of yanking them between her pussy lips, he rolled them down so they were part way down her thighs. He could see all of her now, every last intimate detail. She felt her body quiver in response, her muscles tightening.

“So you like it rough? Pain and violence over hugs and kisses.”

She didn’t want to respond, knowing she’d never be able to give the right answer.

Rodriguez leaned over her and picked up one of the heavy silver forks from the table, and her breath caught. What was he doing?

He placed the cool metal against her right buttock, and then pressed the prongs down in a slow motion. The feeling was more pressure than pain, but when he ran the prongs down her skin, pain stung her in a way that hyper-sensitized the whole area. She gave a whimper, her fingers bunching into the starched material of the tablecloth.

His palm replaced the sharp metal and he smoothed over the area he’d just scratched, soothing her, before he lifted his hand and brought it down in a smack. Lily cried out, but her body reacted, more wetness trickling from between her thighs. She felt the old need climb inside her, the desire to be filled.

Rodriguez placed the prongs of the fork against her left buttock and repeated the process, scraping down her skin and finishing with a smack
. I don’t
want him, I don’t want him.
She just wanted this to be over, and yet her desire was building. He was doing everything right, as though he knew her body better than she did. She didn’t want him inside her, knowing how sick she’d feel afterward, how she’d never get over the fact she’d betrayed Monster in such a way, but her need to orgasm combined with the alcohol she’d drunk had wrapped her in its wicked hold.

“Oh, pet, if you could see yourself now. Bent over a table, with your bottom flaming red, and your pussy swollen, and pink, and wet.

His fingers touched her then, pressing against her entrance. Lily whimpered again, not wanting to press down on him, while wanting to be filled. Then his fingers vanished and cool metal pressed against her vagina. She froze. He’d flipped the fork around and was now using the rounded end to slide up and down her slit.

She could hear his smile in his voice. “Yes, I think I’ve got it exactly right with you. And that excites me, pet. It’s one thing taking a woman hard when she’s not enjoying it, but it’s a whole other prospect to fuck a woman who likes it as rough as I do.”

As the end of the fork pushed inside her, she heard a cough.

Rodriguez slipped the metal from her body, and turned. “What?”

“Sorry to interrupt you, boss,” Lily recognized Marco’s voice. She held back a sob of relief, even if it was only a temporary respite.

“What is it?”

“A vehicle has been spotted heading up the track to the west of the house.”

“What kind of vehicle?” he snapped.

“Just a car, boss, but they seem to know exactly where they’re headed.”

“Damn it.” He gave an exasperated sigh and stepped away from her. Lily didn’t know whether to cry in frustration or relief. “Cover yourself up and go back to your room.”

Was he trusting her to go through the house by herself? Who was in the car? Did she dare hope it might be Monster coming to rescue her? Her heart clenched with fear for him. If it was him, they already knew he was coming. They’d be ready with guns, and with the way the property was positioned, in the middle of the desert, with nothing for miles around, there was nothing other than the car for him to take shelter behind.

Lily pulled the emerald green dress back down, her cheeks hot from Rodriguez’s administrations and embarrassment from Marco seeing her like that. But at the forefront of her mind was the idea that she might be allowed to walk through the house alone, and in doing so might be able to find something that would help her situation.

Rodriguez glanced between her and Marco, and his eyes narrowed. He must have seen her hesitation, perhaps even read her thoughts on her face.

“You’re not going to do as you’re told, are you?” he growled.

She nodded. “Yes, yes, I’m going now.”

“Marco, take her back. Make sure the door is locked, and then come to my office immediately. I want whoever is here to be taken care of.”

Her heart sank as Marco stalked toward her and grabbed her arm. He pulled her in close to his body, hard and unyielding. At least Rodriguez had something charismatic about him, even if he was a misogynist. Marco was just a plain, old fashioned son-of-a-bitch.

Rodriguez left the room, and Marco pulled her even closer, so the side of her body was wedged against the front of his. He leaned down and snarled in her ear. “Rodriguez got you wet, didn’t he? I can smell your cunt from here. What’s stopping me spreading your legs and burying my tongue in it?”

Lily felt sick. “Rodriguez doesn’t want you touching me. I’m his, remember,” she managed to grate.

“Yeah, and I see exactly what you’re doing, bitch. Trying to get him on your side so you can manipulate him. All you bitches think you can get what you want with nothing more than a wet mouth and a tight cunt. Well, I’m onto you, whore. I’ll make sure he sees what you’re doing.”

“Didn’t he want you in the office?” she said, trying to be brave, though his words made her blood run cold. Men like Rodriguez might be twisted inside, but they still managed to remain civilized for the most part. “He won’t be happy if you’re not there.”

Marco growled in his frustration, and she knew she’d won, for the moment, anyway, though she was sure he’d find a way to pay her back at a later date. She didn’t know what it was about her that wound Marco up so badly, but he wasn’t the type of man to ever let things drop.

He yanked her from the room, her head snapping on her neck hard enough to cause whiplash. Combined with the alcohol, the movement caused nausea to sweep over her. Part of her felt like she’d take some satisfaction in throwing up all over Marco’s expensive shoes, even if he would beat her for it afterward.

He hustled her down the hallway, through the house, and back to her room. The door was shut, and she assumed locked. She prayed Jess was safe behind the locked door. Marco reached out with a key he must have hidden around his person—
could I steal it somehow without him noticing?
—and unlocked the door. He shoved her into the room, hard enough to cause her to stumble, and she fell to her knees, her head hung.

Movement came from one side, and the door banged closed again, locking behind her.

“Oh, my God,” said Jess, who dropped to kneel beside her, her hand on Lily’s back. “Are you okay?”

Lily nodded and lifted her head. “I’m all right.”

“I’m so sorry I left you back there. I’m such a coward. Did he … hurt you? I’m so sorry.” Tears had filled the girl’s eyes, her face full of remorse.

“He didn’t hurt me,” Lily forced herself to say, though her buttocks still burned, and she was slippery between her thighs. She knew she couldn’t tell Jess the truth about what had happened. She was too ashamed.

Jess threw herself at Lily, her arms around her neck, hugging her tight. “Oh, thank God. I felt awful leaving you there with him. You would have fought for me, but I did nothing.”

Lily untangled herself from Jess’ arms. “Don’t worry. I can handle myself.”

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