Del's Pirates [Sequel to G'baena's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Del's Pirates [Sequel to G'baena's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“That’s our girl,” Cooper said as he kissed the back of her neck and encouraged her to move a little faster. “Lean forward, Avery-girl. Give me a look at this pretty little asshole.”

Del moaned as her pussy clenched tight around him.

Cooper laughed quietly. “It seems our girl likes that, huh, Del?”

“I–I think so,” Del managed to stutter breathlessly. “But if she does that too many more times I’m going to finish long before you two get started.”

A loud slap sound reverberated around the room and Del moaned at the same time his cock jolted inside her pussy. “If you finish without us, I’ll spank your ass.” Del’s cock twitched again, and this time Avery managed to groan with him.

“I think he likes that idea just a little too much for it to be a deterrent.”

The loud slap on her own ass did nothing to cool the situation down. Her pussy clenched and Del’s cock pulsed.
Holy shit

“My god, you two are a man’s wildest dreams come to life,” Cooper said in a tight voice. “Trust me when I tell you we’ll explore those kinky tendencies soon, very soon. But right now…” He placed a large, warm hand in the middle of Avery’s shoulder blades and pushed her down so that her breasts pressed against Del’s broad chest.

The slick finger against her ass made her sigh. When he pushed a second in beside it she felt a twinge of fear, but it was the third that sent her flying.


* * * *


Cooper could barely believe it when Avery’s climax began. He pushed his fingers to the hilt, thrusting in and out of her ass as she shook, her flesh caressing him and making Del groan. “Don’t you dare come,” he said to his lover, grabbing the Pendarian by his balls, pressing a thumb against the underside of his cock, forcing him into dry orgasm instead.

Del groaned, the noise halting and gasping, but he didn’t release. Satisfied that his man was still hard inside their woman, Cooper returned to stretching her ass, pleased that she was relaxed and apparently capable of taking his cock.

He rolled off the bed, dragged his clothes off impatiently, and then knelt between his lovers’ wide-open thighs.

“Breathe out, Avery-girl,” he said as he slicked up his cock and then pressed it against her tight ring of muscle. She did as he instructed, her body relaxing enough to let him slide in smoothly. He worked his way in carefully, watching her closely for signs of distress or fear or pain. He saw none, heard only pleasure from both of his partners, Del’s deep groans and Avery’s soft whimpers of need spurring him on to even greater need of his own.

He slid out of her ass, almost to the tip of his cock, and then slid back in, the entry even more arousing, more incredible the second time around. He did it again, sighing in disbelief as the feeling got more intense, more amazing, more compelling, more urgent.

“Cooper,” Del said, his tone a desperate plea.

“Come with me, babe,” he said, thrusting harder into Avery’s ass. “Let’s take our girl with us.”

Del nodded frantically, his movements more jittery as he lifted up into Avery’s pussy over and over. Cooper matched his rhythm, trying to make sure Avery was always filled with cock, never empty, always connected to both of them. She gasped, her orgasm drawing a scream from her lips.

“That’s it, Avery-girl. Let us know what you’re feeling. Share it with us.”

She nodded frantically, the only noise to escape her lips a keening cry of ecstasy. Del panted, thrusting harder, his cock rubbing against Cooper as they moved inside Avery’s quivering flesh.

And then, his own need gripped him, the arousal suddenly unbearable, the desire to stamp this woman as theirs unmistakable. Cooper strained to control himself, desperate to take care of both of his lovers before letting go. He ground his teeth, almost groaning with relief as Del moaned and shook with orgasm.

Pounding into Avery now, Cooper could no longer control anything. He thrust harder and harder, growling his own climax as cum burst from him, painting the inside of Avery’s body with the symbol of his possession.

He held his weight off them, scared of crushing Avery between him and Del, but she wrapped an arm behind her, pulling him closer, sighing when he let part of his weight press them together.

And then, as his body jolted with the final drops of his orgasm, Cooper realized he felt more complete, and more content, and more “at home” than he’d felt in a very long time, perhaps ever. He caressed them with his lips, kissing and nuzzling both of his lovers as they panted for breath. Eventually, he rolled to the side, taking Avery with him, dragging at Del’s arm to get him to roll into their combined embrace. They’d clean up in a moment. For now he just wanted the pleasure of pretending that they weren’t running from the fleet of a homicidal slave trader and that everything was absolutely right in their world.

Chapter Six


“Cooper,” Devlin said with a tilt of his head toward the area he laughingly called his office, “got a minute?” It was more like a corner behind a bulkhead than an actual office, but it did give a modicum of privacy.

Cooper nodded and stepped toward his boss. Nobody on the crew really “had a minute,” so if Devlin wanted to speak to him, Cooper would bet his ass it was for a damn good reason.

“The captain has agreed to land the ship for repairs.” It was unusual for Devlin to refer to his longtime friend, Jordan, as “the captain,” so Cooper was fairly certain they’d argued back and forth over the decision that had been made. Landing the ship was probably the easiest way to effect repairs, but it also left them vulnerable. If even only one of Keytark’s ships found them on the ground, they were as good as dead. “We’re hoping that we’ll be able to identify the traitor when we make the announcement. Chances are whoever is feeding information to Keytark will want to be off the ship before we land.” Cooper nodded. It was a damn risky decision, but until they could pin down how Keytark kept learning of their whereabouts and defensive capabilities they didn’t have much choice. “It’s also been decided that once we’ve neutralized the traitor, nonessential personal will be transferred onto a different planet. We need to prep the vessels we have in the cargo hold—including that hunk of junk that Bae and our family limped home in a while back—for a landing on a planet’s surface. We’re planning to find an atmosphere suitable for breathing, but we need to be ready if we can’t.”

“Understood,” Cooper said, his mind already filtering through the repairs they would need to make. The “hunk of junk,” as Devlin called it, was actually in fairly good condition now. It had been one of those projects they’d tinkered with when everything else had seemed calm and quiet. Cooper could barely remember what calm and quiet felt like, but he was damn glad they’d done much of the work already.

“They’re going to need a good engineer to stay on the planet with them and do running repairs if necessary.” Cooper could see where this conversation was going and started shaking his head before Devlin even got the words out. “You’re the best engineer I have. If I can’t be there myself I trust you to look after my family for me.”

“No way in hell,” Cooper ground out. “Jesus, Dev, ‘nonessential’ probably covers just about everyone you love. Bae and your daughter, Bae’s sisters and her mother. Where will Kam be? Is he staying on the ship?”

“Not if I can help it,” Devlin said with such determination that Cooper knew it didn’t matter how much Kam argued he wasn’t going to win that fight.

“You go with them,” Cooper said quietly. “You go protect your family. I kept this ship together while you were away. I can do it again.”

“But we weren’t under constant attack then,” Devlin said tiredly. It was obvious that he was torn between his duty to protect the ship and the need to protect those he loved.

“Dev,” Cooper said, trying to find the right words to convince Devlin that his place was with his family, “I can do this. I know this ship almost as well as you do.”

“I know you do,” Devlin said, “but what about Avery and Del?” Cooper raised an eyebrow waiting for his boss to explain. “Tee-ani, Ben, and Trey are staying on the ship, so Del will be needed on the planet. With a skeleton crew we won’t need anyone cooking meals for us, so Avery won’t be needed on the ship, either.” Cooper shuddered at the memory of the freeze-dried meals they’d eaten before the rescued slaves had come aboard, but he could see Devlin’s point. He could also see what the man was doing—protecting everyone around him like he always did, this time including Cooper.

“Okay, first point—I’m assuming Sarah will stay on the planet with her son, and I suspect Judge and G’ntriel have already convinced Jordan to stand down as captain.” Devlin gave him a brief smile that suggested that was exactly what had happened. “Sarah’s medical skills are more than adequate to handle the needs of the crew who stay on the planet.” Devlin nodded in agreement. Sarah was almost as skilled as Tee-ani when it came to most medical concerns. “And second point—can you imagine either Del or Avery walking away from this mission just because someone told them to? Del has more reason than any of us to want Keytark stopped. He grew up a slave. This mission is very personal for him. He’s also a damn good engineer—you of all people should know that. He can back up engineering if Tee-ani doesn’t need him in medical.”

Devlin nodded. “What about Avery?”

“She’ll never leave Del.”

“Not even to go with you?” Devlin asked.

“Not even then,” Cooper said. It wasn’t that she felt any less for him than for Del, but she and Del shared a bond that went deeper than even they realized. Avery might love them both, but if she had to choose, she would stay by Del’s side simply because the Pendarian needed her. Far from being upset, Cooper was actually pleased that things had worked out that way. It meant that even if life pulled the three of them apart, Del and Avery would still have each other. “But don’t underestimate Avery’s skills, either. She’s organized, efficient, and fills in wherever she sees a need. She’s got a good brain in her head and learns very quickly. She’ll be an asset when the situation is constantly changing.”

Devlin stared at him for what felt like a full minute before a smile broke over his face. But just as Cooper thought he was going to agree with his assessment, Devlin’s smile faltered.

“What about you, Coop? Wouldn’t it be easier to do your job knowing that your family is safe?”

In some ways, it would have been easier to bundle both the people he loved into a transport ship and hide them away until this mission was completed, but it would be denying the very things that made Del and Avery the people they were.

“I fully intend to keep them safe,” he said, smiling confidently, trying to ignore the small voice that suggested he might fail. “Dev, stay with your family on the planet. Go watch your little girl grow up. Who knows, we might even make it back in time for her first birthday.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Devlin said as he stuck his hand out in a typically human gesture.

Cooper gripped his hand, shaking on their agreement, before stepping back and giving his boss a mischievous grin. “It might even give me a chance to iron out the bugs in your half-assed guidance system.”

Devlin laughed, throwing a mock punch at Cooper as he left the area. They both knew the guidance system was perfect. Devlin had designed it himself, building it from scratch when the ship’s original systems had failed. Over the years Cooper had helped maintain it, and to this day had never come across a system more accurate or user friendly. Devlin truly was an amazing engineer. Considering that most of the people who would leave the ship were innocent victims of Keytark’s slave trade, it seemed fitting that they would have the best engineer in the universe looking out for them.

Cooper spared a moment to watch Devlin as the man headed back to the bridge and then turned to the repairs he’d been doing earlier. He’d keep the ship running, he’d protect his family, and one day he had every intention of following in his boss’s footsteps.

But first, he had a slave trader to wipe from existence.

Chapter Seven


Devlin gave Cooper a questioning look as he came into the engineering bay. Cooper nodded casually. It hadn’t taken longer than a few hours to devise a plan and put it into motion. Everything was in place to trap a traitor. At least they hoped so. They were fairly certain that whoever was betraying them had access to the ship’s technical specifications and probably owned more than a little experience in engineering. With a ship full of talented people with dark pasts it could literally be just about any of them, but in the end it was the placement of the invaders’ ship when they’d managed to board them that gave them the biggest clue.

The invaders had cut through the hull directly over the hallway where most of the engineering staff were quartered. Everyone from that living area had been scheduled on duty, except one. And he’d conveniently been somewhere else. It wasn’t exactly a solid lead, but hopefully the trap they’d set would confirm their theory.

Cooper carefully avoided looking at their target. What he wanted to do was grab the guy and shake him until he confessed to betraying them and putting all of their lives in danger. If Calvin hadn’t returned to his quarters to grab his “lucky” spanner, they wouldn’t even have been aware of the threat until it was too late.

As it was, the intruders had known how to bypass the myriad of security measures even after the ship had gone into lockdown. It was how they’d made it all the way to the kitchen to hurt Ruth and threaten Avery, and how they’d gotten close enough to kill Peni.

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