Delta Force (41 page)

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Authors: Charlie A. Beckwith

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at Desert One, 298–99, 302, 305–307, 308–309

Desert One commander, 275

on flight to Desert One, 295, 296

at Masirah, 294

Larson, Corporal (SAS), 14, 17, 26

Ledford, Lonnie, 87, 89–90

Lindsay, Gen. James, 125–26

LLDB (South Vietnamese Special Forces), 60, 61

Knowles, Gen. Richard

McCain, Adm. John S., 1

McKean, Col. Bill, 68, 69

call sign Bulldog, 64–65

described, 56–57

Mackmull, Gen. Jack “Bobo,” 129, 130–31, 134, 139–41, 148, 149, 152–56, 176

described, 119–21

USAJFKCENMA commander, 115, 155–56

MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam), 49, 81

MACV-SOG (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and Observation Group), 98

Manzariyeh, 5, 7, 9

in Eagle Claw plan, 244, 283–84

Masirah (Misery), 293–94

in Eagle Claw plan, 280

Mataxis, Col. Ted, 61, 68

Mathis, Gen. Robert, 1

Mattice, Col. Ed, 41, 42

Mayer, Col. Ed, 53

MC-130 (transport)

in Eagle Claw plan, 280

Meadows, Dick, 208–209, 210

code name Esquire, 264

described, 137

and Iran infiltration mission, 264

Meloy, Gen. Guy S., III

nicknamed “Sandy,” 110

resists concept of Delta Force, 110–11, 113, 139, 173

Meyer, Gen. Edward C. “Shy,” 1, 2, 178, 179–80, 330–31

on Beckwith's role in JTF, 216–17

central role in establishing Delta Force, 117, 152–56, 184–86

CSA, 1, 198, 199


demolishes FORSCOM'S “takeover” briefing, 184–85

described, 102

nicknamed “Moses,” 198

Miley, Col. “Buzz,” 43

advises Beckwith, 183



Mogadishu terrorists hijacking to, 127, 143

Mondale, Vice-President, 4, 5

Moore, Capt. Harold, 72, 75

Moore, Col. Hal, 86, 90

Meyer, Gen. Edward C.

Mountel, Col. Bob “Black Gloves”

described, 131

organizes Blue Light, 134

Murphy, Major, 86–87

Muse, Kurt, 332

networkcentric warfare, 342–43

Newell, Maj. C. E. “Dare” (SAS), 12–13

(CVN 68), 315

in Eagle Claw plan, 280

launches RH-53Ds, 296

on-loads RH-53Ds, 258

No Lips.
Franklin, Sergeant

Noriega, Gen., 332

Norton, Colonel, 148, 149–50, 152

Nunn, Senator Sam, 325–26

NVA (North Vietnamese Army), 70, 73, 75–78, 97, 99

Odorizzi, Maj. Chuck, 107, 114, 131

described, 107

160 Special Operations Aviation

Regiment (SOAR), 337

Operation Manta, 336

Operation Masher, 86–87, 89–90

Otis, Gen. Glenn K., 316

DCSOPS, 202, 215

Owens, Col. Tom, 127, 153, 171

Pasdaran (Iranian Revolutionary Guards:
IRG), 225, 230, 239, 245

weapons of, 225

Patch, Col. Bill, 67

Paul, Captain [pseud.]

at Desert One, 303

PINS (Palletized Inertial Navigation System), 262–63

Pioletti, Sgt. John

in Plei Me battle, 70, 74, 76

Pittman, Col. Chuck

fails to reach Desert One, 313

opinion on number of helicopters needed for rescue mission, 257–58

trains helicopter pilots, 250

Plei Me (battle of), 67–77

Beckwith's nightmares of, 328

Posse comitatus
, 345–47

Potter, Col. Dick, 220

described, 133, 290–91

sets up advance base in Egypt, 273

Powell, Jody, 4

Presson, Col. Dave, 102

Project DELTA.
DELTA Project

Prouteau, Christian, 202

Pusser, Capt. Thomas killed at Plei Me, 73, 76

PVS5s (night vision goggles), 253

Quainton, Amb. Anthony, 202, 206

Quang, General (ARVN), 60, 65, 79

RAND Corporation, 344

Rangers, 4, 5, 7, 106

and Delta Force recruitment, 139, 140, 149, 156

joint exercise with Delta Force, 199

to secure Manzariyeh, 244, 283

RDF (Rapid Deployment Force), 277

REDCOM (Readiness Command)

role in counterterrorism, 130

Renick, Gen. Roderick D., Jr., 171, 189, 220

resources, 348

RH-53D Sea Stallion

crashes at Desert One, 308

described, 240–41, 242–43, 248, 257

at Desert One, 302–309

in Eagle Claw plan, 250, 280–81, 283–84

in Iranian sandstorm, 303, 313

issue of number needed for Iran rescue mission, 242, 257–58, 280, 312

late arriving at Desert One, 300–303

launched from
, 296

pilot training, 248–50, 251

problem of refueling, 250, 255–56, 261

why two failed to reach Desert One, 313, 315

Rice Bowl (code name of planning phase of Iran rescue mission), 1, 216

bothered by rubberneckers, 227, 231–32

Road Watch Team at Desert One, 297, 309

role in Eagle Claw plan, 289

“The Robert Redford Paper,” 142–45

Rogers, Gen. Bernard W. (CSA)

briefed on Delta Force proposal, 116–17

briefing on Delta Force by Beckwith after Mogadishu, 128–29

described, 116

requests Beckwith as SOTFE commander, 201

visits Delta Force, 147–51, 197–98

Ross, Sgt. “Gloom” (SAS), 15–16, 29

Rozniak, Sergeant, 12


Ranger who destroyed
Iranian tanker truck at Desert One, 298

Russell, Col. Clyde, 42–43

Russell, Sen. Richard B., 48

SAS (Special Air Service Regiment—British), 339

Beckwith serves with, 11–40, 340–41, 347

exchange program with Delta Force, 189–90, 334

exercise with BPC, 25

history, 12, 103–104

rigorous selection and training, 15–21, 28–35, 143–44

top counterterrorist unit, 12

SATCOM (Satellite Communications), 291–92

Schaefer, Maj. James

crashes RH-53D into EC-130, 308

at Desert One, 302–303

SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information Facility), 270

Scott, Corporal (SAS), 14, 17, 26, 31

SCUD missiles, 332

SEALS (Navy Sea, Air, and Land Teams), 106, 335

Sea Stallion (helicopter).

Seiffert, Col. Edward, 251

described, 251

at Desert One, 303–305

Delta Force

Shalikashvilli, Othar “Shali,” 104, 138

Shaw, Major, 208

Shumate, Sgt. Walter “Walt,” 60

described, 169–70

at Desert One, 301

as problem-solver/morale-builder, 234–35

Shutler, Gen. Phillip, 249

Meyer, Gen. Edward C.

Simons, Col. Art (Son Tay raid leader)

advises Beckwith, 182–83

Smith, Capt. “Smitty”

Delta Force adjutant, 220

Smith, Sgt. “Gypsy” (SAS), 13, 25–26

Snippens, General, 122, 123, 124

Snuffy, Major [pseud.], 282–83, 303

at Wadi Kena, 294

SOTFE (Special Operations Task Force Europe), 201, 251

Son Tay raid, 264

Special Operations Commands, 336, 339–40, 345

Special Warfare Center (precursor of USAJFKCENMA), 45, 100

Spinks, Colonel, 110

State Department, 345

Stay-behind assets (U.S. intelligence agents)

in revolutionary Iran, 217–18, 222

need for, 329

Stearns, Col. Larry, 215

Stirling, David his theories behind design of SAS, 112

Delta Force, headquarters

Stockton, Col. John call sign Bullwhip Six, 78–79

STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft)

secretly tests Desert One site, 261–62, 273–74

Stotser, Colonel, 153

Stringham, Joe, 139

Strongpoint Eliane, 24

Sydnor, Capt. Bud, 44

Terrorism, 13, 30, 35, 127, 128

See also
Delta Force, as a counterterrorist force

at Munich Olympics, 143, 193

political considerations, 206, 329–30

prediction of, 330

spurs formation of Delta Force, 112, 128–29, 143, 193

Sun-Zu (ancient Chinese general) quoted on use of terror, 27

Thomas, Col. G. G., Jr., 110, 178

Thompson, Maj. Charlie “Tommy,” 59

call sign Big Bear, 62

in Plei Me battle, 74, 75

Thompson, Maj. Harry (SAS), 13, 28–29

Timothy, Gen. James S., 82

Timothy's Traveling Troubles, 82

Tomseth, Victor, 225

TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command), 100

Training and Doctrine Command.

Transportation Command, 336

Trinquier, Col. Roger (BPS), 24

Tut, Major (LLDB), 61, 65, 69, 70, 71, 76

TWA flight 847, 334

Urban warfare, 344–45

USAJFKCENMA (United States Army John F. Kennedy Center for Military Assistance;
JFK Center), 100, 101

USAMILPERCEN (United States Army Military Personnel Center;
MILPERCEN) aids Delta Force, 132

UW (Unconventional Warfare), 98

Vail, Jim, 83

Vance, Cyrus, 4

Vaught, Gen. James (CJTF), 1, 2, 290–91, 312, 316, 318

accepts six helicopters as minimum for mission, 258, 259

briefs President Carter on Eagle Claw, 4–5

call sign Hammer, 215

described, 3, 4, 210–11, 215–16, 221–22

Joint Task Force Commander, 2, 4, 210

nicknamed “Neanderthal Man,” 215

proposes Delta Force proceed with only five helicopters, 306–307

Victor, Mr. [pseud.], 300

Vinh Loc, General (ARVN), 61

Waananen, Ron, 223

Wadi Kena

Delta Force at, 290–94

Walter, Maj. Peter “the Rat” (SAS), 13, 22–23, 26

in joint exercise in U.S., 45

War Lord.
Kingston, Gen. Robert

Warner, Gen. Volney, 147–48, 150, 185

conducts first evaluation of Delta Force, 172–79

described, 129–30, 155

XVIII Airborne Corps commander, 125

REDCOM commander, 278

Watson, Major [pseud.], 208

Watts, Brigadier John (SAS), 142–43

Weapons of mass destruction, 332, 346

Weber, Sergeant, 61

Wegener, Ulrich

GSG-9 commander, 143, 202

offers aid to JTF, 247–48

Westfall, Sgt. Edward “Fast Eddie”
“Fast,” 268–69

described, 163–65, 191, 233–34

Westmoreland, Gen. William, 79, 89, 94

White House, 3–4, 322–23

briefing on Eagle Claw mission, 3–10

Whitman, Colonel [pseud.], 171, 172

Wilson, Col. “Dare” (SAS), 13, 18, 26

Wilson, Gen. Sam

advises Beckwith, 181–82, 202, 206

Woodhouse, Col. John (SAS), 45–46

helps devise SAS-Green Beret exchange program, 11

Yarborough, Gen. William P., 45, 48

Zais, Gen. Melvin, 97

ZSU-23-4 (Russian self-propelled gun) in Teheran, 228, 269, 276


. Copyright ©1983 by Charles A. Beckwith. Epilogue copyright © 2000 by C. A. Mobley. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

This book was originally published in 2000 by Avon Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.


ISBN 978-0-06-224969-2

EPub Edition © FEBRUARY 2013 ISBN: 9780062268181

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