Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism (158 page)

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Authors: Peter Marshall

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  Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari,
A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
, trans. Brian Massumi (Continuum, 1999), p. 74

  See Erlich, ‘How to Get from Here to There: Building Revolutionary Transfer Culture’,
Reinventing Anarchy, Again
, op. cit., p. 352

  See Séan M. Sheehan,
(Reaktion, 2003), pp. 7–12, 150

  Naomi Klein, ‘Does Protest Need a Vision?’,
New Statesman
(3 July 2000)

  In Bill Weinberg,
Homage to Chiapas
(Verso, 2002), p. 198. See also Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos,
Ya Basta! Ten Years of the Zapatista Uprising
, ed. Ziga Vodovnik (Edinburgh: AK Press, 2004)

  In Subcomandante Marcos,
Our Word Is Our Weapon
, ed. Juan Ponce de León (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)


This select bibliography consists mainly of the works consulted, as a definitive bibliography of anarchism would run to several volumes. Specific details of articles referred to are given in the Reference Notes. As there, the place of publication of the titles listed below is London, unless otherwise stated. ‘n.d.’ indicates that no date of publication was printed in the volume consulted. The broad distinction between ‘General’ and ‘Anarchist and Libertarian Works’ is not hard and fast, but intended as a useful guide.



Berman, Paul, ed.,
Quotations from the Anarchists
(New York: Praeger, 1972)

Ehrlich, Howard J. et al, eds.,
Reinventing Anarchy
(Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979);
Reinventing Anarchy, Again
(Edinburgh: AK Press, 1996)

Graham, Robert, ed.,
Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas
, vol. 1 (Montréal: Black Rose, 2005); vol. 2 (2009)

Guérin, Daniel, ed.,
Ni Dieu ni Maître: anthologie de l’anarchisme
, 4 vols. (Paris: Maspero, 1972)

Horowitz, Irving L., ed.,
The Anarchists
(New York: Dell, 1964)

Krimerman, Leonard I. & Lewis Perry, eds.,
Patterns of Anarchy: A Collection of Writings on the Anarchist Tradition
(New York: Anchor, 1966)

Shatz, Marshall S., ed.,
The Essential Works of Anarchism
(New York: Bantam, 1971)

Woodcock, George, ed.,
The Anarchist Reader
(Fontana, 1977)


Alexander, Y. & K. A. Myers, eds.,
Terrorism in Europe
(Croom Helm, 1982)

Antliff, Allan,
Anarchist Modernism: Arts, Politics and the First American Avant-garde
(Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2001)

Apter, David E. & James Joll, eds.,
Anarchism Today
(Macmillan, 1971)

Arias de la Canal, Fredo,
La Revolución Mexicano fue anarquista: Flores Magón, poeta revolucionaria
(Mexico: G. de Anda, 1977)

Arvon, Henri,
(Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1977)

Arvon, Henri,
L’Anarchisme au XXe siècle
(Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1979)

Arvon, Henri,
Les Libertariens américains: de l’anarchisme individualiste à l’anarcho-capitalisme
(Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1983)

Avineri, Shlomo,
Karl Marx: Social and Political Thought
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971)

Avrich, Paul,
The Russian Anarchists
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967)

Avrich, Paul,
Kronstadt 1921
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1970)

Avrich, Paul, ed.,
The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution
, (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1973)

Avrich, Paul,
Bakunin and Nechaev
(Freedom Press, 1973)

Avrich, Paul,
An American Anarchist: The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1978)

Avrich, Paul,
The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980)

Avrich, Paul,
The Haymarket Tragedy
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984)

Avrich, Paul,
Anarchist Portraits
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1988)

Bachelin, Henri,
P.-J. Proudhon, socialiste national
(Paris, 1941)

Bailie, William,
Josiah Warren: The First American Anarchist
(Boston: Small, Maynard, 1906)

Barber, Benjamin,
Superman and Common Men: Freedom, Anarchy and the Revolution
(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972)

Barclay, Harold,
People without Government
(Kahn & Averill and Cienfuegos Press, 1982)

Barker, Ernest,
Principles of Social and Political Theory
(1951) (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1967)

Barker, Jeffrey M.,
Individualism and Community: The State in Marx and Early Anarchism
(New York: Greenwood Press, 1986)

Barrat, Jean,
What is Situationism?
(Unpopular Books, 1987)

Bayer, Osvaldo,
Anarchism and Violence: Severino di Giovanni in Argentina, 1923–31
, trans. Paul Sharkey (Elephant Editions, 1986)

Bell, Thomas,
Edward Carpenter: The English Tolstoi
(Los Angeles: Libertarian Group, 1932)

Benello, George & Dimitri Roussopoulos, eds.,
The Case for Participatory Democracy
(New York: Grossman, 1971)

Bernal, Martin,
Chinese Socialism to 1907
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1976)

Bhattacharyya, Buddhadeva,
Evolution of the Political Philosophy of Gandhi
(Calcutta, 1969)

Bolloten, Burnett,
The Grand Camouflage: The Communist Conspiracy in the Spanish Civil War
(1961) (Pall Mall, 1968)

Bondurant, Joan V.,
Conquest of Violence: The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1958)

Borkenau, Franz,
The Spanish Cockpit
(Faber & Faber, 1937)

Brailsford, H. N.,
Shelley, Godwin and their Circle
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1945)

Brenan, Gerald,
The Spanish Labyrinth
(New York: Macmillan 1945)

Brissenden, P. F.,
The I. W. W.: A Study of American Syndicalism
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1920)

Brogan, D. W.,
(Hamish Hamilton, 1934)

Broué, Pierre & Emile Témine,
The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1970)

Brown, Barratt A., ed.,
Great Democrats
(Nicholson & Watson, 1934)

Brown, Bernard E.,
Protest in Paris: Anatomy of a Revolt
(Morristown, NJ: General Learning, 1974)

Bury, J. B.,
A History of Freedom of Thought
(1913) ed. H. J. Blackham (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1952)

Cahm, Caroline,
Peter Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism, 1873–1886
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989)

Cahm, E. & V. C. Fisera, eds.,
Socialism and Nationalism
(Nottingham: Spokesman, 1978)

Carlson, Andrew,
Anarchism in Germany I: The Early Movement
(Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1972)

Carnes, Alice & John Zerzan, eds.,
Questioning Technology
(Freedom Press, 1988)

Carr, E. H.,
Michael Bakunin
(Macmillan, 1937) (2nd edn., New York, 1975)

Carr, E. H.,
Studies in Revolution
(Macmillan, 1950)

Carr, E. H.,
The Romantic Exiles
(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1949)

Carr, Reg,
Anarchism in France; The Case of Octave Mirbeau
(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1977)

Carroll, John,
Break-out from the Crystal Palace: The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky
(Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974)

Carter, April,
The Political Theory of Anarchism
(Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971)

Casas, Juan Gómez,
Anarchist Organization: The History of the FAI
(Montréal: Black Rose, 1986)

Caute, David,
Sixty Eight: The Year of the Barricades
(Hamish Hamilton, 1988)

Cohn, Norman,
The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists in the Middle Ages
(1957) (Paladin, 1984)

Cole, G. D. H.,
A History of Socialist Thought
, Vol. I:
The Forerunners
(Macmillan, 1953), Vol. II:
Marxism and Anarchism
(Macmillan, 1954)

Compte rendu analytique des séances du congrès anarchiste tenu à Amsterdam, 24–31 août, 1907
(Paris, 1908)

Compte rendu du VIIIème congrès général, Berne
(Berne, 1876)

Confino, M.,
Violence dans la violence: le débat Bakounine - Necaev
(Paris, 1973)

Conquest, Robert,
(Fontana, 1972)

Creagh, Ronald,
Histoire de l’anarchisme aux États-Unis
, 2 vols. (Paris: Didier Erudition, 1986)

Crowder, George,
Classical Anarchism: The Political Thought of Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, and Kropotkin
(New York: Oxford University Presss, 1992)

Crump, John,
Origins of Socialist Thought in Japan
(Croom Helm, 1983)

D’Agostino, Anthony,
Marxism and the Russian Anarchists
(San Francisco: Germinal Press, 1977)

Damico, Linda H.,
The Anarchist Dimension of Liberation Theology
(New York: Lang, 1987)

Davis, J. C.,
Fear, Myth and History
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986)

Day, Richard,
Gramsci is Dead: Anarchist Contributions to the Newest Social Movements
(Pluto Press, 2005)

De Jasay, A.,
Against Government: On Government, Anarchy and Politics
(New York: Routledge, 1997)

De Leon, David,
The American as Anarchist: Reflections on Indigenous Radicalism
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978)

De Souza, Newton Stadler,
O anarquismo da Colônia Cecília
(Rio de Janeiro, 1970)

Dirlik, Arif,
Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1989)

Doctor, Adi Hormusji,
Anarchist Thought in India
(Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1964)

Doctor, Adi Hormusji,
Sarvodaya: A Political and Economic Study
(Bombay: Asia Publishing House, n.d.)

Dolléans, Eduard,
Proudhon et la Révolution de 1848
, (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1948)

Dostoevsky, Fyodor,
Notes from the Underground
(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977)

Dreyfus, Hubert L. & Paul Rabinow,
Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics
(Brighton: Harvester Press, 1982)

Drinnon, Richard,
Rebel in Paradise: A Biography of Emma Goldman
(Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1961; new edn. 1982)

Dubofsky, Melvyn,
A History of the Industrial Workers of the World
(Chicago: Quadrangle, 1969)

Dubois, Félix,
Le Péril anarchiste
(Paris, 1894)

Dulles, John W.,
Anarchists and Communists in Brazil, 1900–1935
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1973)

Ellmann, Richard,
Oscar Wilde
(Hamish Hamilton, 1987)

Eltzbacher, Paul,
Anarchism: Exponents of the Anarchist Philosophy
(1908), (New York: Libertarian Book Club, 1960)

Esenwein, George R.,
Anarchist Ideology and the Working Class Movement in Spain, 1868–1898
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989)

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