Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) (6 page)

BOOK: Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.)
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Chapter Nine

Sitting in her car with Des in the passenger seat, Scarlett looked at her list before typing the next address into the GPS she’d bought after nearly getting lost the other day. She looked at the list again. Only four more places left to see. There didn’t seem to be many choices available. She was beginning to think she might have to widen her search for a house. Sharing with other people wasn’t an option. There was no way she was going to involve strangers in her troubles.

“How many more hours will you continue this fruitless search?” Des asked.

“However long it takes. You want to go back in the ring?” She started the car, turning the temperature down lower on the air conditioner.

“No. And you’re well aware I don’t like to be part of the ring.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it.” Scarlett sighed. “I guess I’m getting hungry and it’s too hot to be getting in and out of the car.”

“Ask me to bring a storm and it’ll cool things down.”

Startled, Scarlett stared at Des. “What?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten I’m a demon,” he said dryly. When Scarlett looked away, he lightly touched her chin to turn her head back again. “Scarlett?” When she didn’t answer, he sighed. “The truth, Scarlett.”

“It’s only moments. I know you’re a demon. It just slips my mind sometimes.”

“The full truth, remember? If I’m using up one of my questions, you need to make the answer count.” Scarlett started to turn away again and Des dropped his hand rather than fight her.

Her words were soft as she stared sightlessly through the windscreen. “Sometimes when we’re doing something ordinary and you’re being nice, I forget.” She smiled wryly. “Actually, I even forget sometimes when you not being nice. I-” she closed her eyes. Some words were harder to say than others, but he expected the truth. A deep breath and she opened her eyes, still facing forward. “I could almost believe you were a friend.”

“People don’t befriend demons.”

Scarlett turned to face him as anger rushed through her. “Do you think I don’t know that? Do you think I don’t wonder about my sanity every time I’m reminded you’re a demon? A demon!” She placed a finger hard on his chest. “You have got to stop acting so human. Stop being fun to be with. And no more humorous comments about the houses we’re looking at. Don’t make me laugh. Just… just… argh! I don’t know. Just be a demon and stop confusing me.”

“I’m being me, Scarlett. And I happen to be a demon. So that would mean I’m acting like a demon.”

Her anger evaporated as quickly as it had come. “Then I wouldn’t have a clue about anything anymore.” Sitting here wasn’t getting her any closer to finding somewhere to live. She checked her mirrors and glanced over her shoulder before she pulled onto the street.


“No. I can’t talk about this right now. I need space. I don’t expect you to go back in the ring, but you could be quiet. I need that more than I need a storm to cool the day. And don’t bother offering to do any more demon stuff for me. The answer is no.”

“The heat doesn’t bother me. I’ve been in much hotter places.”

Scarlett ignored him and pressed down harder on her accelerator as the street took her up an incline. The streets were nearly deserted, but give it another ten minutes and the commuters would be starting to head home. She’d hoped to have found a house worth renting by now. The car reached the top of the incline and she touched her foot to the brake as she started to drive down the other side. Nothing happened. She pressed harder, but the car continued to pick up speed.

Her heart raced and she pressed her foot down until the pedal would go no further. Still no results. She reached for her handbrake and gently pulled it on. Nothing. There was a slight curve in the road and she quickly put her hand back on the steering wheel to guide the car around it. Her knuckles were white from the tightness of her grip.

“Scarlett?” Des sat up straight beside her and looked between her and the road.

Another corner loomed ahead of her, this one sharper than the last. Her mind ran through possibilities and she discarded each one. She glanced up the streets they passed, but there were no inclines to point the car at. Not that she was certain she’d even be able to get the car to take a ninety-degree corner at this speed.

“Scarlett! Ask me to do something. Please, Scarlett. All you have to do is say my name. I can’t help you unless you say my name.”

Scarlett opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she tried to guide the car around the next corner. “Des.” It was little more than a whisper, but it was enough.

Des’ hands gripped hers and it seemed like he flowed into the car. One minute he was beside her and the next he had moved forward, disappearing. The steering wheel was wrenched from her hand and the car slowed, taking itself around the corner. Within seconds, they had turned off the street into a smaller side street and the car parked itself near the curb.

Scarlett jumped out of the car and grabbed a large, white painted rock one of the residents had sitting in front of their mailbox. Staring at the rock she’d jammed behind her rear tyre, her legs went to jelly and she collapsed onto the grassy footpath. Des was beside her in seconds, wrapping his arms around her. She let him hold her as she tried to calm herself.

She started to pray and then stopped as she felt Des tense. Dropping her head onto his shoulder, she focused on her breathing instead. Still feeling a little shaky, she pulled back. “I’ve been driving for hours today. Why now?”

“The brakes were tampered with. Probably while we were looking at the last house.”


Des shook his head. “I would have sensed if a demon had touched the car. I wouldn’t have let you in it. I guess it was Nathan himself.”

Anger poured into her at the thought of Nathan touching her car. She wondered where he was now. Turning the energy into motion, she rose to her feet, pulling out her mobile phone.


“Blake. I’m about ten minutes from your place. I need you to pick me up. I’ve got car problems.”

“What are you doing out this way?”

“Trying to find a house to rent.”

“Where are you exactly? And you better be ready to answer some questions when I get there. Last I heard you’d bound a demon to you. Just because I’m not living at Gran’s house doesn’t mean you have to forget I exist.”

Scarlett looked around. The street sign was missing. “I don’t know where I am. I’m lost.” She cringed at the panic in her voice.

“Is the demon with you?”


“Give him the phone. You can’t be lost when you have a demon with you. Not regarding location anyway.”

Scarlett handed the phone over and Des moved away before he spoke. She considered following him, but her legs started to feel wobbly again. She looked at Des and wondered if he was far enough away so she could start praying. She didn’t even get through one line before he turned to face her, a look that clearly told her she was too close. She smiled slightly and shrugged. What could he expect? She wasn’t about to completely stop praying. He’d either have to give her more space or put up with the pain.

Des ended the call and brought the phone back to her. “At least warn me.”


“Praying. It’s not like I can disappear.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t go far enough away that I can’t feel the pain.”

“How far from me can you be?” She spoke clearly, the last few words slowly forced out.

“About thirty metres. But not for long.”

“And you didn’t think to mention this earlier?” Each word was almost separate, not part of a sentence.

It was Des’ turn to shrug. “It isn’t important.”

“You’re stuck with me, just about joined at my hip. You didn’t think that important to mention?”

“I guessed you’d figure it out eventually. Or ask about it.”

Scarlett’s eyes narrowed. “Our Father, who art in heaven.”

“Now don’t be like that, Scarlett. It’s worse when you pray aloud.” Des took a step back from her, his whole body tense.

“Hallowed be thy name.”

Des stumbled, backing up against the car. “Scarlett!”

Scarlett gasped at the sound of pain in his voice, remorse hitting her. She threw herself at him, her arms wrapping around him. “Des. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“I can understand an eye for an eye.” Des’ arms encircled her waist and he pulled her close.

“Well I shouldn’t be able to understand it. The bible says to love even my enemies, but I don’t seem to be very good at that either.” She relaxed against him.

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, if you keep turning the other cheek like your gospel says, it’s going to hurt after a while.” His lips brushed her cheek and he leaned back to look at her.

Scarlett smiled briefly and she shook her head. “I just slip up sometimes.”

“I’m glad you’re not perfect.”


“Because you wouldn’t be half as interesting if you were.”

Scarlett tore her eyes from his dark gaze and tried to ignore the feelings his words caused. His opinion shouldn’t matter, but she had a terrible feeling it mattered more by the minute. She let him go and took a step back, his arms falling away from her.

“I’m sorry. I’ll…” her words trailed off. She couldn’t stop praying.

“Warn me, maybe?”

“Will that help?”

Des ran his knuckles across her cheek. “Lady Knight, life is sometimes full of pain. But if you’re braced and ready for it, you can bear it easier.”

“What about when you’re in the ring?”

“No. I can still feel the pain. Just don’t send me to the ring any more than you have to. Do you know what it’s like when I’m the ring? And there is no other way to describe it other than I am the ring. I’m wrapped around you, your warmth keeping me warm. Your pulse vibrating through me-”

Scarlett reached out and pressed her fingers against his mouth to stop his disquieting words. “There must be somewhere you can go, or something we can do to stop or reduce the pain.” She started to move her fingers from his lips but he was quicker and held them there with his hand. Then he tilted her hand and dropped a kiss in her palm. A shiver went through her and she tried to pull away. Instead he tangled his fingers in hers and lowered her hand as he stepped close.

“Warn me. That’s all you can do. I’ll go the maximum distance from you. It won’t lessen the effect by much, but that’s all I can do.” He smiled when Scarlett opened her mouth again and a frown wrinkled her forehead. “You can’t send me back by prayers. Not now that I’m bound to you, but being bound to you also makes the pain from the prayers worse.”

Her eyes narrowed. “How did you know what I was going to ask?”

“Because you’re predictable sometimes, Lady Knight.” He leaned forward so his mouth was near her ear. “If you want me to read your mind again, you’re going to have to invite me in.” This time he let her pull away. He grinned at her.

She turned from him. “Stop touching me all the time.”

“Yet you’re allowed to touch me? You started that.” He moved so he was looking at her profile.

“I’m sorry. I’ll try and remember not to. But I don’t touch you in the same way you touch me.”

“And how is it that I touch you?” Amusement curved his lips.

Scarlett looked over at him and slowly shook her head. “Forget it. I’m not answering that question.”

“I could make it a question I’m seeking the truth of. I do have four of them left.”

Alarm flared in Scarlett’s eyes and she took a step back. She opened her mouth to disagree and then thought better of it. She didn’t want to risk him thinking it was a challenge.

“How about I offer you two questions in exchange for you being able to truthfully say you hate it when I touch you. I’ll leave you be if you can tell me it completely disgusts and sickens you.” When Scarlett looked away, he smiled mockingly. “That’s what I thought.” He strode over to a brick mailbox and sat on it.

Scarlett fought the urge to go comfort him. She tried to remember he was a demon, but it was becoming more difficult. Instead she turned her back to Des and watched for Blake. She was relieved when he arrived five minutes later. “What took you so long?” she demanded before he was barely out of his four-wheel-drive.

“Are you okay?” He rested his hands on her shoulders and stared down at her.

“Yes. Now what took you so long?”

Blake glanced over to Des who still sat on the mailbox, one leg drawn up so his chin could rest on his knee. “What’s going on?”

“A difference of opinion.”

Blake chuckled. “What did you expect? He’s a demon.”

“I’m still waiting for you to tell me what took you so long.”

“I had to organise a tow truck.”

“Oh! I didn’t even think about that.”

“I’m not surprised. You were probably feeling a little shaken. It’s difficult to get my head around the fact I owe a demon for saving your life.”

“What did you two discuss on the phone?” Scarlett’s eyes narrowed. “You could have asked me.”

“And you would have told me everything was fine and glossed over what happened. Forget it. I asked Des instead.”

“Talking of people glossing over a question, what aren’t you telling me?”

“Guess we know each other too well.” Blake sighed. “I had to tell Gran.”

Scarlett tensed and opened her mouth to yell at him. Instead she took a calming breath and slowly let it out. “Okay, so you told Gran. What did she say?”

“That she’d have a house for you to stay in within a few days.”

“Come on, Blake. You’re not going to expect me to drag every little bit of info out of you, are you?”

Blake smiled. “I had considered it.” He stepped to the side as she threw a light punch at him. “Okay! Truce.” He glanced over to Des who had moved closer when Scarlett had battled her anger. He turned back to Scarlett. “She’s going to buy a house. Said it’s probably past time the four of us had a place of our own, but if we invite Alyssa to move in, she’ll evict the lot of us.” Blake grinned. “The thought had crossed my mind, but I know my limitations. She’s trying to find something close to the cemetery so we have sanctuary nearby, if we need it.”

“I can arrange for a person, with a house backing onto the cemetery, to want to sell,” Des suggested.

BOOK: Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.)
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