Demon Hunters (29 page)

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Authors: JKMelby74

Tags: #fiction, #demon, #paranormal, #supernatural, #fiction action adventure, #fiction fantasy, #fiction fantasy epic, #demon and angel, #demon blood, #demon amongst us

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“Well, Donny, this isn’t exactly going to
make my highlight reel either.” My blood began to chill. I could
sense that my friendly charade was quickly fading, as was any
pretense for civility on Dontavius’ part.

“It would seem you are saying that I had
unearthed Morgan’s body and set loose Jackal Bledsoe in hopes that
this would eventually lead Tyler into a mortally dangerous
situation which would have resulted in his tragic demise.”

“True. It seems like a gamble, but not for
someone who knew Tyler. You knew his moral compass would never
allow him to put anyone else in danger. You knew that his sister
had the only means to bring Morgan back. You knew all this would
happen and to further hedge your bet, you got Jackal in on it.”
Dontavius’ lips curled into a smile, but his eyes were beginning to
worry me. He was a cool customer, that’s for sure.

“I have never spoken to Mr. Bledsoe.”

“You told him to come to me. You told him to
offer me freedom from my curse. They say every man has his price
and you knew what mine was. You saw it in my mind and that’s
exactly what you had Jackal offer me.”

“How was I to know...”

“You didn’t!” I burst out. “You just had a
very good feeling. It was a risky gambit, so I applaud you for
that. Took balls, but it all worked out for you. Jackal murdered
your only opposition to the seat of power and in the same move; you
remove the threat of Morgan Sanguine.”

“How could I have known you would best

“What can I say? I’m that good. You left a
lot to chance I admit, but you knew about the dagger and Demonica.
You knew my sense of duty would drive me to finish the job. You
knew Jackal’s endless hunger for power would lead him to betray the
Reborn.” My palms were dripping by then. I could feel my pulse
pounding in my throat, and I was sure that Dontavius could sense it
as well. He shifted his legs in his seat as he digested the facts
and theory I had presented to him.

“A compelling theory, Mr. Corba. However,
nothing that would hold up in any court.” He was right. I had no
physical proof and it was all just conjecture. I was sure that I
was right, and that was enough for me, but not enough for anyone

“The Enclava.” He froze. His posture shifted
and I knew I had caught him off guard.

“What did you say?”

“A little tidbit I discovered in my
research. An ancient order of vampires who still, to this day,
believe they shall take the reins one day and rule the world as the
dominant race.”

“What about them?”

“You know about it?”

“As much as anyone else, but they are just a

“Coming from you, that doesn’t mean a whole
Hell of a lot. It just seems to me that someone who was with The
Enclava would be in a prime position as Grand of the Black Flame.”
Dontavius settled himself and resumed his usual gracious

“A prime position to do what exactly?”

“To take over.” Dontavius just stood there
and slowly I saw his mouth crack into a subtle smile.

“And what makes you think I am with The
Enclava? Don’t tell me you have photographs.” He said with a nasty
smirk, and that was all I needed to confirm the truth in my own

“I just know.”

“Oh, well congratulations. I can’t wait to
hear what the rest of the Black Flame has to say when they hear

“They won’t hear anything. I hate to say it,
but you got me. I have no proof. I only have my own gut feeling. I
just came here to let you know that I know. I just couldn’t bear to
let you go on thinking you were actually getting away with
anything. Jackal’s taking the fall and you get your precious seat
of power. I just want you to be aware that I’ll be watching you.
Don’t think you scare me, either. I’ve tangled with bigger
nightmares than you and lived.” Dontavius was eerily silent.

“The Enclava will have their day,” My heart
revved up a few hundred beats per minute. He then got up and walked
over to me. He opened his mouth and exposed his fangs to me. They
glinted brilliantly in what little light was available. I could
feel his power coming over me. It was like an invisible hand
wrapping around my body. It felt comforting and alarming all at
once. His eyes were empty voids as they found mine. He stepped
back. “I will not kill you. I would only have to kill you if I
feared you, and as I don’t set fear in you, you do not scare me at
all. You are no threat to my people.”

“Not as long as they play nice.”

“I don’t envy you, Jake. You stand on the
line between the world of the known and normal and this world of
shadows and monsters. Between good and evil, not to put too fine a
point on it. You exist comfortably playing on both sides, but it is
inevitable that one day this arrangement will change. A new order
will come.”

“Sounds like you know something.”

“Just experience talking. Everything
changes. The world is not immune to that law, and I only hope, for
your sake, that when it does change and you have chosen who it is
you will stand behind, that you’ve chosen wisely. Good evening, Mr.
Corba. I trust you can find your way out.” I nodded and headed for
the door. I opened it, but before I stepped out, I gave him one
last look. He was pouring himself a drink on the other side of the

Chapter 37

You’re All Right, I’m A Mess

Weeks had gone by and my world had returned
to normal, or as normal as it ever got. We had a few cases pending,
which was unique. The workers were nearly done with the repairs to
the office. They were so close to completion; Ivar and I were
allowed back into the office to conduct our business.

I walked in on a typical Monday morning. I
opened the door and saw Ivar at his desk in one of his trances and
the few remaining tools the contractor had left behind stashed in
the corner. The smells of cut wood and fresh paint were thick in
the air. I went straight for my desk and sat down with my paper.
Nothing exciting and our top priority case could only be dealt with
after dark, as it seemed a troll had taken up residence under one
of the old bridges near Glendale and was overcharging those who

“Jake,” Ivar said. I looked over and saw him
getting up. “You’re in early.”

“Am I?” I checked my watch and saw that it
was barely turning nine in the morning. “I guess I am. You have a
problem with that?”

“No. Not at all. I just hope it’s not
because anything is wrong.” I knew what he was talking about.

“I’m fine. She’s better off away from all
this. I live in the middle of a perpetual storm of chaos and anyone
near me gets sucked into it. She’s lucky she got out when she

“If you say so. I was going to go down to
the coffee shop downstairs.”

“You drink coffee? I thought you kept your
body pure.”

“They serve tea too. You want anything?”

“Sure. Whatever their blend of the day

“Okay.” He said and headed out the door. I
set the paper down and kind of looked around. Not the same kind of
looking around I would do to actually look at things. The kind I
did when I wanted to see through things. To figure out what the
Hell I was doing with my life. If it was all worth it and I came to
the same conclusion I usually did. I didn’t know. I was still stuck
with the demon and the world was still going insane by subtle
degrees and I seemed to be the only one aware of it. I spun around
in my seat and looked out the window. The sky was big and blue with
a few light wispy clouds augmenting the landscape. I heard the door
open behind me. I turned expecting to see Ivar, but instead it was
someone else.

“Gwen!” She just smiled and stepped forward
awkwardly. I got up and hurried over to her. “What are you doing
here? I thought you went back to Blue Haven.”

“I did. I went back and got the estimates
from the insurance company and it turned out to be more cost
effective to sell the thing than rebuild. So that’s what I

“You sold your house?”

“And got a new one. Here.”

“You moved to Los Angeles?”

“Yes. Boy, you are a good detective.” She
said in a mocking tone, I realized then, I had grown to miss very


“I never told you what happened, did I?”

“What happened when?”

“Back at the orphanage.”

“I was there. I remember quite well. You
were killing me as I recall.”

“And I stopped. Don’t you want to know

“Sure. Why?”

“I saw Tyler.”

“You saw him?”

“Yes. I don’t know what Jackal did in my
head, but I kept seeing that moment when Tyler was killed and as I
was watching him die over and over in my brain, he came to me. He
cut through Jackal’s spell and spoke to me.”

“And what did he say?”

“He forgives you. He knows why you did what
you did and he doesn’t fault you. He said he knows what it’s like
to live under a terrible curse. He’s not so sure he wouldn’t have
done the same thing if the roles had been switched.”

“He said that.”

“Yes. Some other things too, but basically,
he told me that I can’t blame you forever for what happened and I
needed to let go of the pain because of....” She turned away

“Because of what?” She then looked back to

“Because of how I feel. About you.”

“And what is it you feel about me?” I felt a
smile forming in my heart.

“You’re a good man and it’s been a long time
since I’ve known a good man.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve met
someone who makes me want to be a good man. You make me feel like I
haven’t felt in ages.”

“How is that?”

“Normal. Human. Real. Take your pick,” Gwen
smiled. She stepped closer to me. “Why did you leave me? You just
ran out the door.”

“I was scared. I didn’t know how any of this
was going to work. At the time, I felt the best thing would be for
us to both get back to our lives, but it wasn’t. I was home, but it
wasn’t right. Not anymore.”

“I wanted you to stay. With me. I had no
right to ask that of you, but that’s what I wanted. I just don’t
know if you can handle it. I don’t know if you’re ready.” I could
feel a crack in my own voice as well. Gwen placed her hand on my

“I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be. How
about you?”

“I am completely not ready for this. I mean,
I don’t think you are either. We are totally out of our depths. You
have no idea what you’re getting into. I’m not an easy man to know,
much less love.”

“But I do love you,” She said suddenly and
stopped. The word hung between us. I smiled at her and then she
finally smiled back at me. “I don’t care. I love you, Jake. I love
you. I don’t care what happens after this moment. As long as I have
that, there’s nothing I can’t deal with.”

“I love you, too.” I said and as quickly as
that, I felt her lips pressed against mine. It had been so long
since anything like that had happened to me, but I managed to twist
my arm around her waist and pressed her in closer. It all felt so
natural and welcome. She pulled back slowly and I looked down into
her eyes. They danced like raindrops. Her face screwed up into a
curious expression.

“What’s that?”

“What’s what?” She traced one finger along
my lips. It seemed to go in an upside down arc direction.

“It looks like a smile to me.” She was
right. I was smiling. I went in for another kiss.

“Not so fast. I don’t have time to hang out
here and make out. I have a condo to decorate. I have a city to get
familiar with. I don’t even know where I’m going to do my grocery

“Well, I’m not busy this afternoon. I could
help you there. I can show you some hot spots. Some nice places to
shop. I know how to Feng Shui a bedroom.” Gwen looked at me with a
semi-shocked expression.

“How about you take me out to breakfast
first? We can negotiate all that other stuff later.”

“Fair enough.” Gwen smiled sweetly at me and
we headed for the door just as it swung open. Ivar stood before us.
He looked down at Gwen and, as best he could, he smiled.

“Gwen. It’s good to see you again.”

“Stop it, Ivar. You’re gushing,” I said.
“I’m going to be unavailable today. Ms. Thorne and I have some
official business to go over.” Ivar looked to me.

“I ran into her down on the street. She told
me everything.”

“So, he knows,” She nodded. I looked over at
Ivar. His expression was difficult to translate, but it seemed he
was enjoying himself a great deal. “Fine. We’re going out. I don’t
want my phone to ring for the next forty-eight hours. Is that

“Crystal, Jake. I will take care of business
until you return.”

“Good. Gwen?” Gwen wrapped her arm around
mine and we walked out the door.

We stepped out into the world outside and as
I walked along the street with Gwen, I felt like I was a part of
it. For the first time since I could remember, I felt as though I
was really there. I was feeling so good; I wasn’t sure what to do,
so I took her hand. She looked up at me and I was worried for a
moment that I had screwed up, but her smile assured me and I felt
her grip tighten around my hand.

Are you sure about this? I
mean you’ve seen what my world is like. You know how it works. Are
you sure you want that for yourself?” She stopped and pulled my
head down to hers and pushed her lips to mine. I melted into her
kiss and a warm sensation fell over me. I lifted my head up and
looked down at her. Her eyes locked to mine. She just smiled
heartily and took my hand again. That was all the answer I would
ever need.

Part 3
Chapter 38

Missing: Heaven

I walked into the building that housed my
office on Sunset Boulevard on an unseasonably cool June morning. It
had been almost three months since my office was rebuilt after
nearly being brought down by a monstrous zombie. The whole building
still smelled new as I walked through the doors. The scent of fresh
paint and cut wood lingered in the air like a faint ghost and the
walls and floors gleamed with sharp brilliance. It was like
stepping into a brand new world.

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