Demon Spelled (5 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

BOOK: Demon Spelled
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in a chair in their bedroom, he scrutinized the pink-haired, two-inch fairy flitting about and giving Erica a makeover.

Erica knew she needed some work, starting by shedding several pounds. The candid way Lyx went about ‘jazzing’ her up chafed and verified that even demons held higher standards like human men. As always, she didn’t measure up. Through her aggravation and hurt she tolerated the fussy-winged creature because she’d decided to pick her battles. With her biggest one still to come, she conserved her energy.

First up was a trim to the frayed ends of her hair, but Lyx had cautioned Pinkie—what she’d dubbed the fairy—not to touch the length. Her demon owners preferred the heavy mass long, which pleased her because she hadn’t won an argument yet, and had he intended to sheer the length, she’d have vehemently protested. Her hair was her best feature.

She caught sight of yellow horns and a swishing green tail when the critter went to work applying ‘facial enhancements’—cosmetics in Erica’s world. Never big on makeup because it felt heavy to her, she couldn’t feel these as they were applied.

“Finished.” Pinkie flew backward and faced Lyx, obviously waiting for his opinion.

His talons stroked the arms of the chair, making a buzzing sound, as he scrutinized Erica a long while, his orange eyes blanketing his green pupils. He flicked a finger at the fairy, and she flew out of the room like the demon had set hellhounds on her trail.

Shifting beneath Lyx’s scrutiny, Erica rubbed her arms and realized all the hair was gone. She peeked at her body. It was the same all over her skin except the patch of hair he’d left at the juncture of her thighs.

“How’d you remove all my hair?”

“The water.” Like a satisfied cat, he pushed out of the chair and strode to the bar in the corner of the room. “Anywhere I rubbed the cloth afterward eliminated the hair. It’s permanent. And why I only pat-dry your pussy. I want the carpet there to remain.”

Lyx poured a finger of lime-green liquid into a goblet and downed it. She presumed the substance was liquor. “Care for a drink?”

It might help her get through what would happen soon, but…. “No. I don’t drink spirits.”

“I approve. You’ll be clearheaded when I take your virginity.”

She blanched at the reminder. Emotionally naked was much worse than her very exposed physical state. And something about his perusal made her suspicious about his intention behind the statement. He wanted to make her uncomfortable, a reminder that the clock ticked, and he planned to take what should’ve been hers to give. Her pain would probably get him off, too.

He’s a demon. Of course he’ll enjoy taking that which I prized too much to give to others. Demons feast on the discomfort of others.

She should’ve taken that drink, but her pride wouldn’t allow her to retract her decision.

“My comment bothers you?” He swirled the liquor in the glass, causing it to spark. Strange alcohol, but this was the demon realm.

“It drives home how pointless it was to save myself for someone special.”
Take that truth and shove it up your ass!
She didn’t even care if he made her suffer for it.

“You saved yourself for us.” She flinched at the sound of Troz’s voice coming from behind her.

Lyx toasted him with his glass and downed the contents.

How long had Troz been listening? Before she could peek over her shoulder, he aligned his chest to her back and showed her what looked like a diamond-encrusted choker that had
spelled out in what she guessed were rubies. At least two inches thick, it twinkled in the light. Yesterday, she’d have been agog over its beauty. “Diamonds and red diamonds. The finest quality for you.” He clasped it on her neck, and the way it hugged her flesh felt odd and abrasive. “You wanted something to wear—”

“Besides us.” Lyx drained a third glass.

“—this is all the attire you’re allowed to wear in our presence.” Troz’s arms came around her waist, and he pulled her snug against him.

She grit her teeth against the arousal that slammed into her with his embrace. Brushing off her reaction to them seemed to be impossible.

What is
with me

She locked her gaze on Lyx as Troz pressed his lips against her ear. “I like the way you sound and look when you come, angel. De-lec-table,” he enunciated the word with a gruff accented tenor. “I demand more of the same.”

Chills scattered up her spine. His voice was better than a caress against her skin. And it had her channel clenching in need.

Eyes dilating inward, Lyx gauged them as Troz ran his teeth along the shell of her ear. “Are you nervous, Sanja?”


Lyx set his glass aside and walked straight to them. When he reached them, Erica found herself sandwiched between a tide of demonic flesh and Lyx’s mouth on hers before her gasp left her parted lips. His tongue tangled with hers, claiming her, branding her, and demanding her submission. Gone was the man who’d shown painstaking patience earlier.

Troz’s fingers found a breast, cupping the weight and stroking the nipple oh so gentle-like. His other hand discovered the flesh between her thighs. She moaned into Lyx’s mouth as Troz stroked her slit.

“She’s so goddamn wet, Lyx.” He penetrated her with a finger.

Lost to the sensation of them against her exposed skin, Erica rocked into his hand, a subtle request for a firmer stroke.

Lyx parted from her mouth and stared at her. “You want us, Sanja?”

“I’m Erica.”

“Stubborn,” Troz said against her shoulder.

“You. Want. Us. Sanja?” Lyx repeated.

Shaking her head, she whimpered as her nipples were rolled through rough fingers.

“You cannot lie to us.” The purple demon had a hard on for an answer.

“You’re taking everything from me without my permission. Please don’t take my pride, too.”

“I don’t want your pride. Keep it.” Lyx pinched her chin as his hand replaced Troz’s between her legs and applied a gentle glide of talons against her moist flesh. That should’ve freaked her out, but the implied danger excited her more. The claws retracted, and his fingers swiped through her intimate lips. “I want your submission. You want us?”

“Yes,” she said so softly it was a miracle they heard her. In a stronger voice, she gave him more of the truth. “Although I don’t want to.”

“Thank you.” Lyx fed her channel a finger.

She arched back against Troz as Lyx kissed him over her shoulder.

“Thank you, lover, for our gift.” Lyx withdrew his digit and licked her arousal from his finger, his eyes ablaze. “We will be fate’s gift to you.”

Erica couldn’t think of anything to say to that. As it turned out, he didn’t expect a response. Instead, he moved down her body using his mouth and tongue like weapons of mass destruction to her libido. Troz held her breasts as Lyx devoted his attention between them, licking and nibbling on her nipples. Sucking her breasts deep into his mouth until she thought she’d climax from the tugs that connected with the throbs in her clit. He licked down her stomach and nipped the tender flesh below her belly button.

God, I wish I were thinner, had a flatter stomach.

“You’re perfect.” Lyx’s lips moved against her belly. Contrary to his mild tone, the indention of his claws against her hips indicated his displeasure with her self-recriminations. His ability to catch her thoughts was disconcerting. Catching her bottom in his hands, he tilted her pelvis and swiped his tongue across her intimate lips.

“Oh, Gawd!” She turned her head, burying her face in Troz’s neck.

“Don’t come, Sanja,” Troz’s voice was dark and commanding. “Teeter on the edge of orgasm if you must, but
do not
come. I forbid it until one of us says you can.”

Erica groaned. His words sufficed as a climax killer, causing the rush of release to linger on the threshold without allowing her to go over. Her belly cramped and her legs trembled. She tried to push Lyx’s head away, but Troz nixed that with one spoken command. The cruel bastard!

Please, please, please
…she rolled her head from side-to-side on his chest. It was vile the way he allowed her to crest along the edge of an orgasm, but refused to let the pleasure wash over her.

“Chair,” Troz said. She couldn’t process what he meant by the single word and wasn’t coherent enough to ask.

A moment of respite from Lyx’s torturous tongue, as Troz carried her to the seat and reclined with her spine against his chest. Her purple demon crawled to them, the look in his eyes promising more ecstasy than she could handle.

“No,” she whispered, shaking her head and holding her palm out in stop-fashion.

“Too late.” Troz scraped his teeth along her shoulder and cupped her breasts in his hands.

“Yes.” Lyx kissed her palm as he thrust her legs over the sides of Troz’s thighs. “You gave us permission when you admitted you wanted us. Once consent is given it can’t be rescinded in Baal. And you taste too fucking good for me to quit yet.”

With her legs situated on the outside of his thighs, Troz spread his legs, opening her further for Lyx.

She grabbed a handful of Lyx’s hair, but the denial Troz spoke earlier stopped her from making any effort to halt him from burying his face in her pussy. She cried out, arching against Troz as Lyx’s tongue curled around her exposed clitoris.

Her breathing went crazy-erratic and rasped from her lungs. Suspended on the cusp of an orgasm, she thought it almost cruel a climax eluded her thanks to Troz’s command. Giving her clit a break, Lyx fucked her with a demon tongue that had the wicked ability to twirl and twist while inside her. She screamed when it shunted against a spot deep within that left her mindless with need, desperate for relief, and willing to do almost anything to attain it.




head. Sanja’s eyes were glazed with pleasure and her mouth parted. “Breathe, Sanja.”

“Please, no more.” Her voice had grown husky as if she’d climaxed half a dozen times.

“You’ve not come yet.” Troz rotated a nipple through his fingers. The sight of him touching her increased Lyx’s arousal, and he adjusted his cock beneath the too snug jeans.

“I cannot take more. Cannot.” The spasm that went through her left her body trembling, while pitiful sounding whimpers from deep in her throat hit the air.

“I never would’ve guessed she’d delight us with all these noises.” Lyx kissed the wrist of her hand that was pressed against the back of his head. “But I’m pleased.”

“She’s surprisingly responsive.”

Lyx rotated the pad of his thumb against her opening, drawing a long-winded hiss from her. “You ready to play, Troz?”

“Very much.”

“I want to watch her come before I sink my dick into her.” She was a beautiful woman without the fairy enhancements. It was the custom of their women for fairies to highlight their best features, all of it permanent. Little had been applied to Sanja, her cheeks lightly rouged, her lashes darkened, and her eyelids kohled enough to accentuate the amazing shade of her green eyes. It was her lips, painted a deep, rich red that’d left him fantasizing about his cock surrounded by them. He’d almost lost his shit when fairy presented her to him. And the reason he’d downed three shots of liquor. Damn sure not because he thought she didn’t measure up to his standards. Silly woman with her silly ideas of what men wanted.

Adjusting his dick, he rose to his feet. The fine-tuning failed to alleviate his discomfort.

“We’ll retire to the bed, Lyx.” Troz cupped her pussy. Sanja twitched and moaned. Fuck them, she was sensitive. “First, can you remove Lyx’s pants for him, love?”

It was a suggestion, not a command, so the choice was hers.

“Mmhm.” Without hesitation, she melted off Troz’s lap to her knees on the floor before Lyx. All signs of her previous hesitance seemingly gone.

Lyx held his breath as she leaned her head back and met his gaze. Her fingers gripped his jeans. One-by-one the button-fly’s released beneath her gentle tugs.

Her eyes widened when his dick sprung free. “My

Lyx wasn’t sure if she was awed or terrified when she bit her bottom lip. He could feel her breath on his length. Teasing puffs that lengthened his erection as she watched, causing her eyes to widen.

“Go on.” Troz pushed out of the chair and came to stand at their side. He urged her by motion to finish removing Lyx’s jeans.

She complied and slid them to his ankles.

He stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

Troz stroked Lyx’s length and she stared, fascination in her over-bright eyes.

“I’d say he’s like any other man, but you wouldn’t know.” Troz ran his thumb along the slit of Lyx’s cock.

“I’ve seen a penis in a magazine before.” How naïve she sounded, but that pleased Lyx. Virgins were rare in Baal, but soon he’d feel the tug of her virgin membrane give way against the head of his cock. Then she’d officially be theirs in every way that mattered.

“He’s…huge.” She licked her lips and peeked up at him. “And the bumps, they’re different.” She ran a finger along the side of his erection. A shiver ran up his spine, as purple precum leaked from his slit.

“You’ll like them.” Troz cupped Lyx’s balls, but watched her. “They feel fantastic when he’s fucking you. You believe me?”

“I believe you believe that.”

Troz grinned, and Lyx ran his fingers across her cheek. Her honesty was refreshing.

“Do you want to taste him?” Troz held Lyx’s length steady for her to slip her mouth along his dick if she felt inclined.

“I’m not sure that’s—
!” Lyx clenched Troz’s arm when Sanja licked his purple crown. She gave him a look that seemed to ask if he permitted her continuance. When he didn’t deny her, she sucked his tip into her mouth. Without thought, his talons erupted and sank into his lover’s arms. His other hand dug into her hair and guided her down his cock. The moist heat of her mouth felt like fire branding him.

“Lick the underside as you take him into your mouth.”

If Troz didn’t cease the fucking lessons, he would kill Lyx. Back and forth her tongue swished, and he groaned. The sight of his dick disappearing between her red lips and into her wet mouth…better than he’d visualized. He hit the back of her throat, and she hurriedly retreated along his length to the head before going back down on him again. Fighting not to scrape her scalp with his talons, he jerked her off his cock.

“Troz’s turn.” Lyx released his spouse’s belt buckle, and the gold hit the floor with a thud.

“No.” Troz caught Lyx’s hands and pulled them away from Troz’s dragon-leather pants.

“How do I undo his pants?”

“No, my love.” Troz released him to cup her cheek. “I want you in my mouth first.”

An adorable frown flitted across her features. “But Lyx—”

“Isn’t calling the shots.” Troz winked at him, and Lyx rolled his eyes. Like always, they took turns being in charge.

Taking her hands, Lyx pulled her to her feet and into his arms. “You said she’s
gift.” He winked back at Troz because they both knew regardless what Troz had initially said she was theirs. “That means I’m calling the shots with my sex-pet.” She made a strangled noise, and he peered down at her, knowing immediately what she objected to. “Sex-pet is a term of endearment, Sanja. Deal with it.”

She wouldn’t look at him, just stared at his chest. Lyx couldn’t force her to believe him. He’d have to demonstrate how affectionate the word was to him. “Too much talking. Time for action.” Lyx palmed the side of her neck and used his thumb beneath her chin to tilt her head back. Their gazes locked. “I want to be inside you.” Sanja shivered, and her breathing went up a notch. “Want to change your mind and take that shot of liquor?”

“No. I won’t change my morals just to ease what’s coming.”

Oh how I like that about her
. “But you are thinking of going for the door.” She squeezed her eyes shut and made a face of regret. “Projecting again.”

“Just to be clear.” Troz ran his hand down her arm. Her eyes remained closed. “The only way you’d make it out the door is if we allowed it. But that would draw out our demons, and we’d enjoy the chase.” That caused her eyelids to sweep upward. “When we caught you, we’d fuck you in the presence of whoever was there.”

“Neither would it be a gentle fucking, Sanja.” Lyx swept her into his arms and carried her to a bed twice the dimensions of a human king-size. “Never tempt our demons unless you’re prepared to pay the price.”

He placed her on the center of the bed, the white satin sheets a pale backdrop to her fair complexion, but they’d showcase the loss of her innocence vividly. From the foot of the bed, Troz stared at her as she turned her head aside, exposing her neck to Lyx and covering her eyes with her forearm.

“Don’t hide from us.” Troz swiped his fingers through his shoulder length hair. His black eyes wiped out by his red pupils, indicating his emotions ran high and his demon prowled just below the surface. “Put your arms above your head and keep your eyes open.”

“I hate you both!” She jerked into a seated position. “Don’t do this. Let me go home.”

“No.” Troz’s voice emerged hard and inflexible.

“Can’t anyway. You’d die if you tried to cross dimensions.” They wouldn’t allow her to leave even if she could. Lyx ran his fingers through her auburn locks. “You don’t hate us. You’re scared.”

She knocked his hand away and glared. “You would be too, if someone with a King-Kong-size cock was about to rape you.”

Anger flared within him, clenching his heart like a vise, but she didn’t back down.

“Let me go home. Or I
tell your children that you raped me to get them.”

Troz knew him too well, and must’ve recognized his escalating temper because he said, “She’s desperate. She’ll say anything.”

Those words soothed Lyx’s inner beast, a dangerous creature no mortal wished to meet. If anyone understood her despair, it would be Troz.

She scrambled across the bed surprising him with her sudden attempt to bolt. Lyx glanced at Troz, his gaze asking which of them would go after her. His husband shrugged.

Lyx took the initiative and strode in her direction. She made it to the door, but when she didn’t locate a knob, she beat and kicked and scratched and clawed at the surface. Her terror abraded his empathy like claws on his skin, and he flinched. Sanja dashed toward the balcony, and he caught her with an arm around her waist. She screamed as he hauled her to his chest and carried her back to the bed. She used her nails on his arms, peeling away flesh that healed almost as quickly as she removed it. Good thing the distance was short.

He dropped her face-first on the mattress, and she scurried across the bed. Lyx nabbed a handful of her hair as Troz’s hand clamped about her ankle. His lover tugged her toward them, flipping her over to her back as she punted at his crotch with her free foot until he managed to catch that limb too. With both ankles secured against the mattress, she twisted and shrieked.

Lyx wrapped her cool locks around his hand and held tight, so tight he felt the sting of her scalp chafe his empathic skill.

She went motionless with a flinch, but the only sounds that came from her were heavy panting.

Fuck him, but he loved her strength.

Using his other hand, Lyx captured her wrists and clamped them over her head, the nail marks gouged into his flesh stark against his purple skin. If any other woman drew his blood this way he’d discipline her. Sanja would be given leeway tonight. But only tonight.

No one would save her. None in this domain cared about her, except for them. Good thing for her, fate had stepped in for them to rescue her from her pitiful human life. “Feeble attempt at escape, my sex-pet.”

Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. She whispered, “Goddamn you. I hate you so much.”

The words were untrue, he could sense the lie, but her confusion was real. That she wanted them alarmed her. She thought they’d drugged her with a demonic spell, but Lyx knew the truth she refused to accept. Her subconscious recognized them, knew she belonged to them. She’d seen this future, either in a dream, or through her mother’s witching eye. Either way, her body knew them even though her mind couldn’t recall them with clarity, just foggy details.

Lyx nodded at Troz to continue where they’d left off. He watched his lover push her knees to her belly, exposing her pretty pink and glistening pussy to them. In that position she couldn’t move, but that only increased her screeches and pleading. A demon relished the fight and ultimate domination of its lover. But this scuffle was born out of fear. Her body wanted them. They just had to get her mind on board with what her libido desired.

The first swipe of Troz’s tongue along her cunt elicited a high-pitched shriek. The second lick and she went limp. The third, she scrunched her eyes shut, and her mouth parted on a silent moan.

“Open your eyes.” Lyx swirled his tongue along a nipple that shuddered with her body. Her lids snapped upward, and her unfocused eyes gaped toward the ceiling. “Same rules apply as before. You cannot come until one of us allows it.”

Sanja’s head arched against his palm into the mattress. “
Please! Let me come now

Troz spread her legs outward, further exposing her cunt and clitoris to his oral pleasure.

Lyx released his hold on her hair.

Her fingers curled around his and they laced together. The intimacy of the simple gesture touched him profoundly.

A desperate whimper tore from her lungs. Lyx peeked at Troz to see what spawned such a reaction from her. He fucked her with his long tongue, fast, hard plunges, his face wet from her juices.

Her belly visibly clenched over and over again from the pleasure. As a human, was the bliss too much for her to handle?

….” Her head rolled from side-to-side on the bed.

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