Den of Sorrows (23 page)

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Authors: Quinn Loftis

BOOK: Den of Sorrows
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"Like he's a bulldozer and you're a beached whale he's trying desperately to get back in the water?" Jen grinned at her friend who was currently giving her the finger. "Night, Red," she called out as the door closed and she was left in the room alone.

Five minutes later, the door opened again. Her mate stepped in, looking edible in a pair of sleep pants and nothing else. Her eyes trailed up his body until they reached his face. He was handsome, so very handsome, and yet he acted like he didn't have a clue.

"Are you planning on sleeping in here?" he asked her as he walked over to the couch Jacque had just vacated. Decebel sat down and stretched his legs out in front of him as he leaned back and laid one arm over the back of the sofa and the other on the armrest. Okay, so he totally knew how hot he was because he was currently flaunting it.

"Maybe," she said rolling onto her back making herself look at the ceiling and away from his enticing form. He chuckled and Jen felt the deep sound all the way to her toes. She bit her tongue to keep from squealing like a damn love struck ninny.

"Playing hard to get again, mate? Pray tell, what have I done this time to earn your ire?"

And there he went talking all proper as if she was a lady and he was her gentleman caller. He knew exactly how much she liked it when he went all eighteenth century on her. She practically panted and fought the urge to say, 'Please Mr. Darcy, yes Mr. Darcy, Take me, Mr. Darcy.’ ”

"Why would you call me Mr. Darcy?"

"Why do you feel like my head is yours to plunder?"

Too late she realized what she'd just walked in to.

"Because, like your body, it is mine."

That was it. That's all she could take. If she stayed one more second she was going to crawl across the floor on all fours and purr at him like a cat. She threw up the walls in her mind before he realized what she intended and was out of the room before he was even getting up from the couch. Jen had gotten very good at phasing in mid-run, even with clothes on. Though this time she happened to pass Peri in the hall, and just as she began to phase, her clothes disappeared. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you have a high fae as a bff.

The door to the front of the mansion flew open. She threw out another silent thank you to her friend the fae and, when she heard her mate start cussing, Jen knew Peri had done something extra to him in order to give her more of a head start. She was going to have to name her next child after that woman if Peri kept helping her out with her possessive mate.

"You can run, Jennifer."
Decebel's voice in her mind had her legs pushing harder as she bolted out into the cold night air. The snow was beginning to melt as the days grew a little warmer and the ground was soft under her paws. It gave her purchase as she made sharp turns, attempting to use her agility against her much larger, and much faster, mate

"How perceptive of you, mate, considering I am indeed running,"
she responded without slowing down. She knew sarcasm would only spurn him on. And in some sick twisted way she liked taunting him.

Jen stretched her legs and headed for the cave that she'd come to think of as theirs. No one, not even Jacque or Sally, knew about it. She and Decebel had begun going there once a week just to get some privacy from the others. Rachel and Gavril often kept Thia for them, and she and Dec would go there and talk, among other things.

"What other things?"
Decebel taunted.

She ignored him and tried to push herself faster. She could hear his breathing and knew he was very close. Just as Jen rounded a tree and saw the cave come into view, she heard her mate’s growl. She felt him cover her, but instead of a furry body, his human arms came around her. Jen phased as they flew through the air. Decebel turned their bodies so that he would land on the ground and she would be cradled against him.

When they were no longer airborne, Jen turned so that she was facing her grinning mate.

"You're pleased with yourself?"

"I'm naked, and my mate is naked lying on top of me. How could I not be pleased with myself?"

Jen couldn't help it. She laughed loud and long. So rarely did her mate look like a boy who'd gotten away with snatching cookies from the cookie jar, but in that moment, he did.

When she finally got control of herself, her laughter died until just a smile was left. "So, you've caught me. Now what?"

"Do I really have to spell it out?" he asked as he nuzzled her neck.

"Maybe not spell, but feel free to provide a monologue. There's nothing better than your deep voice, Romanian accent, and dirty talk."

Decebel's laughter filled the forest. "Dirty talk, huh?" He pulled her down and gave her a toe curling kiss and then whispered against her moist lips. "I'll see what I can do about that."





acque reached down for her nightshirt that had been tossed to the floor by her overzealous mate, but as soon as she got it in her hand, it was plucked away again.

"You don't need that," Fane growled as he pulled her back across the bed and wrapped himself around her.

"Okay, I'll just walk to the kitchen naked. Bet my father-in-law would love that," Jacque huffed.

"What do you need from the kitchen?"

"Food. I'm a little hungry," she answered and her stomach backed her up by growling at that precise moment.

He chuckled. "Did you work up an appetite?"

Jacque rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow you are going to face down some bad ass vampire king and you're worried about your ability to wear your mate out in the bedroom?"

Fane’s breath against her neck was warm. "Love, it wouldn't matter if the world was burning to the ground—a man needs to know he can please his female."

"I'm pleased," she said dryly. "And hungry. Either go get me food or let me put on some clothes so I can go get me food."

Fane growled. But five minutes later Jacque was happily munching on a turkey sandwich and chips.

"So tomorrow," Fane began as he lay on his side propped up on an elbow watching her.

Jacque’s eyes narrowed and she paused in mid-bite. She spoke without removing her mouth from the sandwich. "Wu aboot tamrow?"

Fane grinned at her. "That's sexy."

She shrugged her shoulders, chewed, and swallowed, before speaking again. "What about tomorrow?" she asked again.

"I don't want to ever see a vampire with his hands on you again—ever," Fane told her.


He sighed. "I wish you would just stay here."

"I can't."

"I know." His brow drew tightly together. "What could be so important that you need to be in the US?"

Jacque shook her head. "Don't know, but I trust my mom."

"I do to. But it doesn’t mean I like it."

Jacque finished off her food, brushed her teeth for the second time, and then climbed into bed next to her mate. She felt their baby move and grinned as she took Fane's hand and placed it on her stomach.

Fane's eyes lit up when he felt their child kicking inside of her.

"Won't be long now," she told him.

At that he groaned and rolled onto his back. "Female, telling your mate that it won't be long until your child is born, the day before leaving to face off against a vampire king, isn't reassuring."

Jacque leaned over and kissed him gently and then snuggled up against him. "I told you when we started this whole thing that you'd never be bored."

Chapter 14


"I feel like we've been here before. The world is frolicking along, minding its own business, oblivious to everything. Meanwhile evil is attempting to wrap its dirty little hands around the globe and squeeze. And here we stand—wolves, fae, warlock, and elves—ready for battle. Oh wait, it's because we
been here before. Here's hoping we can pull another ‘W.’ If not, Thia, the doghouses are for your future dogs. Please make sure they pee on your father’s grave regularly. Love mom." ~Jen



rake squeezed his eyes closed and turned away from the group. They have arrived in Phoenix, and everyone is currently discussing what to do next. The troubled wolf now knows that he isn't going to be able to stay in control, even though they’ve only been in the city for five minutes. The darkness that has been steadily growing inside of him is eager. It feels a kindred spirit in this city that houses the oldest and largest coven of vampires on earth, led by the vampire king Sincaro himself.

His wolf is every bit as eager as that darkness. It feels something as well, but it's so hard to discern what that feeling is with all of the chaos inside of his mind. He attempts to push it all out and simply focus on what Vasile is saying and, for now, it works. But for how long it will work, he can’t say.

en groaned as she sat down on the worn out sofa. Peri had flashed them into a vacant old office building that appeared as if it hadn’t seen any tenants in quite some time. It was like an office graveyard. There was nothing but old office equipment, ancient drinking fountains, and a few of those yellow signs containing the slipping stick man that warned people of a wet floor. Jen, Jacque, and Sally had claimed the only couch in the place.

"So you're telling me that, now that we're here, you can't figure out what to do next?" Jen asked their fearless leaders.

Decebel, Vasile, Peri, and Alina all glared at her. She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just calling it like I see it. Don’t snarl at the cute messenger."

"He's cloaking the damn city somehow," Peri snapped.

"What do you mean, cloaking?" Decebel asked.

"I mean that he’s masking his coven’s evil essence. The pixies and I were previously able to locate the entrances to the covens because of the pull of evil. I can feel it if I open myself up to it. But if I open myself up to it too many times, well, that could be a very bad thing."

"The magic begins to saturate you?" Sally asked.

Peri nodded. "You do not want someone as powerful and as old as I am saturated with evil."

"Okay," Jen nodded. "Don’t saturate Fairy Peri in darkness less she become a raging bitch—got it. But what does that have to do with the city being cloaked?"

"It means even if I open myself to it, I will not be able to pinpoint the evil. And cloaking really isn’t the right word for it. Just the opposite really. He's covered the city in it. It's everywhere."

“So he’s using evil to hide evil?” asked Alina.

“That’s right, and I don’t even want to imagine the things he’s done to make the city so dark,” responded the fae.

There was quiet in the room as everyone seemed to consider the new turn of events.

"But didn't he invite us here?" Jacque asked. "Won't he make himself known or something?"

"Probably, at some point," Peri nodded.

"We were really hoping for the element of at least a little bit of surprise," Vasile added.

"Guess you're SOL, Alpha," Jen offered as she leaned back against the couch and ignored her glowering mate.

And so the waiting began.

Jen attempted to offer her own suggestions, as did Jacque and Sally. But each time they spoke up, Decebel or Fane shot them down.

"What if we look at the police stations," Sally offered. "Jacque is pregnant and you know pregnant chicks can get away with anything."

Jacque nodded. "It's true. I can literally do anything I want and people just smile at me."

Jen nodded as well. "Totally true."

"Jen and I could go with her to the police stations and come up with some story about her missing cousin or something. I bet we could find out where most of the kidnappings are happening, then—" Sally was cut off as Fane's phone beeped. Fane answered it, looked at Sally, and then held it out.

"Stop trying to be helpful," Costin growled through the phone. Fane had obviously set it on speaker.

"You already snarled at me in my head. Why did you have to call Fane?" Sally was seething.

"Because I wanted to make sure everyone heard me tell you to NOT do all the ideas popping up in your head that you think will be helpful. Did everyone hear that?" Costin called out.

"Reading you loud and clear, dimples," Jen called back. "Ow!" she yelled when Sally pinched her.

"You're supposed to be on my side," Sally gritted through her teeth.

"I'm on the side of sexy, Sally. And no offense, but your mate’s dimples do a whole hell of a lot more for me than your big, brown eyes."

"Nice," Jacque held up a fist for Jen.

Sally glared at both of them and then glared back at the phone. "Are you done acting like a damn possessive animal?"

Costin chuckled. "Sally, mine, I am not human. I
a damn, possessive animal. So, no, I am not done acting like one, nor will I ever be. Keep yourself safe or I'll spank you myself and let Jen watch."

The phone went dead as he ended the call. There was silence in the room. Sally was staring wide eyed and opened mouth at the offending device while everyone else seemed frozen.

Peri was the first to recover. "I don’t know who's worse anymore, her" —she pointed at Jen— "or bar boy."

Jen couldn't help the proud smile. "I really didn't know he was going to turn out so good. This is one of those proud mama moments."

"Oh shut up," Sally huffed as she stood from the couch and started pacing.

ally was fuming. She'd been trying hard to keep Costin from hearing too many of her ideas, but she'd also been trying to keep the bond open enough that she could pick up things about Titus as well. She, Jen, and Jacque had gotten a little overzealous with their suggestions, and she'd totally forgotten that Costin was listening in.

The bond was closed now, not completely but hopefully enough that he couldn't just listen in. She knew he was afraid of anything happening to her. She totally understood that, but he also knew that she was a gypsy healer. She couldn't just stand by and not help.

Jen's leg shot out and kicked her as she walked by and Sally turned to glare at her. Jen's brow was raised and her eyes spoke volumes as they bore into hers. Sally's lips twitched and almost broke into a smile. Her scheming friend had a plan; she would just need to be patient.

"Perhaps, that best thing to do would be to wait until nightfall, and then see if the evil is stronger in any particular area of the city," Alina suggested. Sally noted that the Alpha female had been very quiet over the past two days, and she looked as though she wasn't sleeping well.

Peri nodded. "That might just be our only option."

acque's stomach growled loudly enough that several eyeballs landed on her. She looked back at them and raised her hands. "Sorry, but I'm hungry."

"I could go get you something to eat," Fane offered.

Jen suddenly jumped up as she grabbed Jacque's arm, pulling on her. She nearly jerked it out of its socket. "That won't be necessary, wolf boy," Jen smiled. "I think it would probably do Jacque and the baby good to get some fresh air. We can accompany her to an eating establishment."

"Why are you talking like that?" Jacque asked. Jen shot her a look that clearly told her to shut her trap.

"I agree with Jen," Sally jumped in. "And as the healer and caregiver of our pregnant she-wolf, I think fresh air and walking is definitely a good idea."

"I can join you," Fane said, his eyes meeting Jacque's.

"Not necessary," Jen said quickly. "Fairy Peri can come with us. She's plenty powerful enough to keep us safe. Right Peri?"

Peri glanced at the three girls. She must have seen something in Jen's glare because she shrugged and said, "Why not." She reached out and grabbed Jen and Jacque’s sleeves in one hand and Sally's in the other and then flashed them from the room.

Fane’s voice in her mind was a sharp bite.

"Just give us a bit to just chill. Can you do that? I'm sick of sitting still. I'm hungry and I need to pee. Nothing is going to happen to me."
She was begging, but she didn't care. Fane’s presence was suffocating her. Not only was he hovering but his worry and frustration were flowing through their bond so strongly that Jacque couldn't tell if they were her emotions or his.

"Fine, but please don't be too long."

eri, we need to do something," Jen said as she grabbed the fae’s arm and pulled her to a stop once they were a block from the building.

"What do you suggest?" Peri asked them.

"I really think going to the police stations and nosing around might be productive," she told her. "But the guys are never going to let us. If they have their way, they will lock us in that room."

Peri didn't offer that she was considering the same thing, but she had to concede that Jen's idea had merit. "Okay, let's say I'm in agreement. How am I supposed to convince your mates to let you help? They are quite determined to keep you all confined."

It was Sally's voice that answered her. "So bind them."

Peri was pretty sure she’d heard the healer wrong. “Come again?”

“Maybe you should just bind them again,” Sally repeated. Three heads swung around to face her with wide eyes and open mouths.

Peri was the first to break the silence. “You want me to bind your males?”

“Man this is deja-vu,” Jen muttered.

“No,” Sally offered. “I want you to bind everyone but us.” She motioned to them.

Jacque was grinning from ear to ear. “Sally, what has Peri been teaching you while you’ve been gone? Where is our soft, sweet Sally?”

Sally rolled her eyes. “I’m just as sick of Costin being a tyrant as you guys are of your mates. It’s getting a tad ridiculous.”

“A tad?” Jen asked. “Um, my amazing, wonderful mate followed me to the bathroom and then proceeded to go inside, because he didn’t want me out of his sight. Okay, I’m not sure when in a marriage that peeing in front of each other becomes an acceptable thing, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t at the ten-month mark.”

Peri smirked. “You girls need to put your feet down. Give them an inch and they will take your whole freaking world.”

“That’s why we’re coming to you,” Jacque smiled at her. “You are how we are putting our foot down.”

“Grrreat,” Peri drew out. “As if chasing a power hungry high fae and killing hundreds of vampires isn’t enough, I also need all of your mates pissed of at me. Quick, someone give me a streamer so I can get this party started.”

The three girls laughed at her and Peri didn’t appreciate it. She really wasn’t being as sarcastic as they thought. If she bound the males, again, they would probably do everything in their power to turn her into puppy chow. She tapped her lips with her long fingernail. Then again, she thought, ticking off werewolves was one of her favorite past times.

“What are you planning, love?”
She heard her mate’s voice in her mind.

“Nothing that concerns you, unless you feeling like being unable to move for a few hours.”

He chuckled and she loved the rich sound.
“Just try not to upset too many of the males. I know you think I’m invincible but even I have my limits.”

“Fair enough, I’ll leave at least one of them alone. Now leave me be so I can work. Oh, and I love you.”

“I adore you, Perizada.”

She felt him pull back from her mind but could still feel that he was there if she needed him.


The sound of Jen’s voice reminded her that she wasn’t alone. “Sorry, Lucian was checking in and making sure I was behaving.”

“Did you ask exactly what behaving entailed?” Jacque asked.

“Better to ask forgiveness than permission,” Peri pointed out.

“True,” Jen and Sally said at the same time.

“So, are we doing this?” Sally asked.

Peri let out a sigh. Who was she kidding? She was totally going to bind their overbearing furry butts. She focused her attention on the building where the others were waiting and whispered under her breath, allowing her magic to flow freely. After several minutes, she rubbed her hands together and smiled tightly. “What’s the plan,” she asked.

Jacque smiled. "That was quick."

"Is your mate yelling at you too?" Jen asked.

"In Romanian," Jacque said with a chuckle.

our hours and three police stations later, all three girls were wincing at the sounds of their mate’s voices snarling in each of their heads. Only the promise that they were on their way back kept the males from coming after them. They were so worked up that they didn't even ask why Peri wasn't just flashing them back.

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