Deporting Dominic (15 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“We will pay devotion to La Generala
for your marriage my new daughter,” Mrs. Castillo said through tears. I give the phone to Dominic who speaks to his mother and it is the first time I have ever seen him shed tears since my parents funeral. They speak fluent swift Spanish and my heart is warmed by this grand gesture to show me how much he loves me. When he finally hangs up the phone we officially have his parents blessing. I assure Dominic that we will pay for his parents and siblings to attend the wedding. It occurs to me that Dominic bought this beautiful ring, which is simple understated elegance. I love the one-carat princess cut center stone, which is surrounded by several round small baguettes.

“Dominic, how did you pay for this ring?” I ask inspecting the beautiful symbol of his love on my hand.

“I took the money out of my savings,” he replies.

“Dominic that was not necessary. You could have just gotten me a simple silver band. You were saving that money for a trip home.”

“I was saving that money for something special and this was that something special.” Dominic leaned into me kissing me lightly before moving to my neck and back to my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as his tongue invades my mouth. I feel his hand slip beneath the thin fabric of my dress. His thumb massages my nipple as I moan into his mouth. “I can touch you like this,” he murmurs against my lips as I smile. I am so engrossed in our kissing that I do not immediately notice the campus security police at our window. The officer knocks on the window interrupting our passionate embrace. Dominic rolls down the window as I try to cover my extremely erect nipples.

“Sorry but you two can’t make
out in the parking lot,” he said regrettably. The officer does his best to avert his eyes from the front of my dress.

“Sorry officer we were j
ust leaving,” Dominic apologized. I sit up and slide to the passenger side of the car when I notice Mackenzie standing about ten feet from the minivan peering inside.

“Sorry officer we just got engaged,” I respond throwing my hand practically out the window to show him my new ring.

“Oh well congratulations on both accounts,” he replied spying our graduation caps on the dashboard.

“Thank you
, officer.” Dominic said smiling but frowns upon seeing Mackenzie.

“Let me guess my husband-to-be
’s disgruntled ex called you?”

The officer gave no verbal indication that was the truth but the subtle nod of his head confirmed my suspicions.  I couldn’t help but laugh at that before apologizing to the officer once more.  My cell phone rang as we drove away from the aquatic center laughing at Mackenzie.

“We are on our way right now Sid,” I giggled into the phone. Dominic reaches one hand to caress my exposed thigh as he drives.

My faith is being tested for sure Samantha. I want you so badly,” he said focusing on the road. “I love watching you when we make love. I love the way you feel. I love hearing you call out my name. I love feeling you come all over me. This is going to be tough but we can do it. I think.”

He smiled as
I slip my hand into his hand holding it tenderly.

“Just think how special our wedding night will be,” I remind him.

“It will be special and fast,” he jokes and I hit him on the arm.


When we arrive at my Uncle Winston’s home I am amazed at what they have done in such a short time. The backyard has been transformed into a party for sure. There are balloons, streamers, and graduation decorations all over.  The backyard is full of family, more friends, and lots of food.  Dominic and I walk into the backyard to a full round of applause from everyone. All the females seem much more interested in looking at my ring than anything else so I am quickly surrounded.

“It’s beautiful Samantha. Good job Dominic,” Sidney replies giving Dominic a friendly hug. She whispers something in his ear that I cannot hear
, but I know it is words of encouragement. 

“You are going to make a beautiful bride,” Aunt Rosa
said giving me a huge hug. One by one Dominic’s cousins welcome me to the family as if we are already married.  I am besieged by wedding questions and have very little information to offer them. It feels a bit overwhelming but I am happy to have the feeling considering it is based on both my graduation and engagement to Dominic. He is getting the third degree by his friends about popping the question so publicly.

“I see why you didn’t want me to date her, selfish saving her all for yourself,” I overhear Drake
said this laughing.

“I am sorry man but yeah I was a bit selfish. I love her so much couldn’t have her going out with a dork like you,” Dominic replies in jest. Drake pretends to be wounded but recovers enough to start a round of conversation about swimming. I decide to leave their conversation in search of food. 
My mom’s sister, Elaine, walks up to me with a handkerchief in her hand. She has been crying most of the day and I totally understand her reasoning, it’s a bittersweet day.

“Your mother would have been so proud of you Samantha. We all stand corrected you have done such a wonderful job with the kids and the business,” she
said tearfully. 

I give her a comforting hug.
“Thanks Aunt Elaine. I have worked hard to do it all but I couldn’t have done it without Dominic. He is an amazing man.”

“I can see that he really loves you. If he looks at you one more
time like you are prime rib I will have to tell him to wait until the wedding night for that stuff,” Elaine laughed jabbing me in the ribs indicating I had better go along with it. I try to look as angelic as possibly can when I nod in agreement.  My Aunt does not buy it at all as she gives me a knowing wink. I try to feign innocence but it fails.

“He is a very handsome young man Sammie. I am sure that you two will be very happy together. He is going to be a doctor correct?” Elaine’s expression is sincere but still pained.

“He is going into the physician’s assistance program in the fall. So he will work in the capacity as a doctor without the full privileges.”

“That’s nice
. It means he will be home for dinner every night with his family.” Elaine smiles softly patting my hand.

The music thumped throughout the backyard as partygoers danced and ate the food provided. I was impressed with all the grilling my Uncle Winston and the sides my Aunt Camille cooked up in such a short time.  Aunt Rosa was allowed in Aunt Camille’s kitchen. She prepared enchiladas, chicken nachos,
and tamales that we devoured along with the other fixings.  The lively celebration gave me pause once more as the bittersweet longing for my parent’s presence wafted through my mind.  I fought back the threatened tears and engrossed myself in a conversation about possibly going to graduate school with my cousin Briana. 

“Excuse me Briana I need to steal my best friend away for a few minutes,” Sidney
said pulling me away. Sidney and I find a secluded enough spot for me to recount the chain of events that led up to Dominic proposing to me.  When I am finished with my story Sidney sits wide-eyed with tears streaming down her cheek. 

“So this all started because of his student visa?” Sidney
asked confirming the truth.

“Yup but it forced us to confront our feelings for each other. I love him so much Sid.”

I placed my hand on my heart for dramatic effect.

“I am really happy to hear this Sammie
. He loves you so much. Anyone with eyes can see that. That’s why these women he dated in the past have such a huge issue with your relationship.  They see what they always wanted with him and you have that.”

“It was really bothering me earlier but I know that he loves me for real.
I know this is it Sid, Dominic is going to be my husband.”

My eyes offer additional sparkle to indicate
my internal glee. Sidney pulled me into a hug whispering in my ear, “It’s about fucking time. Do not waste anymore time, love that man.”

“So you know your going to be my maid of honor right?”

“But of course, duh.” She clasps her hands together as we talk of wedding ideas.  At some point we are given a glass of champagne as my uncle Winston gives a toast.

My need for the bathroom became desperate after two glasses of champagne to toast both my graduation and engagement. I was surprised to see Dominic actually drink two glasses without complaining. 
My Uncle Carl occupied the bathroom on the first floor so I decided to use the bathroom in the basement.  Thank God no one was down there or I would have ruined my pretty yellow dress, my need was that desperate.  After washing my hands I emerge from the bathroom a much happier camper. 

“Hey baby
, I’m all done in there,” I said with surprise, as Dominic is right outside the bathroom door when I emerge.

“No you ar
e not done in there,” he replied pushing me back into the bathroom. Dominic shuts the door moving closer invading my space.  I love this man so much and I know exactly what he wants. He wants to touch me and if I wasn’t in the girlie way he would make love to me in this bathroom right now. Dominic has a carnal almost primitive look in his eyes of desire, lust, and lots of love. I want to give in to him so I am grateful for my period right now because at the first test of my new faith I would have failed.  My body is begging him to touch me practically radiating additional pheromones to entice him. I hope that I will always have this effect on him. I want him to look at me this way until my last breath. 

Dominic does not
say anything. He doesn’t need to because I understand what he wants and he knows that right now he can’t have it. That fact however will not stop him from getting as much of me as he can have right now.  If it were up to him we would have skipped the party and went directly to our bed. Thankfully my voice of reason saved us from letting down our family because of our insatiable desires.  I want nothing more than to have him inside me, every delicious inch, making me scream out his name. Just thinking about it has my thighs completely saturated. When he places the first soft kiss on my lips I moan loudly the anticipation is killing me.  I feel his thumbs simultaneously slip beneath the top of my dress immediately puckering my nipples in response. The remainder of his fingers grips my back to steady me from the intensity. I mew softly in response to the increasing pressure he is placing on my nipples. Dominic gives me a crooked smile as he watches my face contort with pleasure. Deciding this slow torture involving just me is not very fair I reach for the button on his pants. Dominic flinches as I release him from the gray slacks. 

, I want you so bad,” he growled. I stroke him slowly at first.

“I want you too Dominic,” I respond kissing him as I increase the speed of my hand. He moans against my lips as my tongue invades his mouth. The taste of champagne and tamales
welcomes my exploration.  The small amount of fluid he produces serves as a natural lubricant and I increase the pressure on him. Dominic groans softly against my shoulder but continues to tease my nipples.

, baby you are going to make me come,” he murmured. The words are his undoing as I increase my focus on that particular task.  I move off to the side of him as I continue to take him where he wants to go. His eyes are closed. His mouth is ajar but void of sound.  I can feel his legs start to shake and I know he is close.  The familiar growl is almost a whisper as he explodes in my hand. His body careens slightly but I am there to support his weight as he leans into me. I am so turned on by the visual of his release in my hands that I can barely stand myself. 

“Oh Dominic yes baby,” I whisper
ed softly in his ear. His breathing is so erratic as he continues to give me all that he has.  I will have to spend some time with my showerhead tonight.

He moans into my hair, “
Ah Sammie.”

I shift his weight to the nearby wall before cleaning us both off. When I button his pants back up its only then that we unanimously remember where we are. He and I quickly emerge from the bathroom as Drake waits impatiently near the couch tapping his foot lightly.  I flush crimson giving him a quick wave as I speed up the stairs
pausing when I do not see Dominic right behind me. Dominic is still recovering from his recent orgasm and is slower than I am.

“So this is why you k
ept her to yourself,” Drake said laughing.

“Shut up Drake,” he retorted
his voice shaky, “I love her plus it helps she is so fucking hot.”

“That she is you lucky bastard.” Drake makes his way into the bathroom as Dominic joins me on the stairs.

“So I am fucking hot, huh?” I repeated smiling. Dominic slips a hand under my dress caressing my backside as I walk up the remainder of the stairs in front of him. I flinch at the intrusion feeling slightly self-conscious because of the timing. Dominic is on the same step as I am with his hand wrapped possessively around my waist. I can feel his breath hot on the back of my neck when he speaks.

“You are hot and I definitely want to fuck you.”

My entire body liquefies under those words. I offer a prayer of forgiveness for the sins running rampant in my head. I offer a prayer for forgiveness for my desire to have my way with my fiancé. I want to ravish this man in ways that would make Hugh Hefner blush.  I have never ever felt this way about a man, ever. When we rejoin the party it is wrapping up much to my happiness. I want to go home and lay in Dominic’s arms admiring my ring.

This was nothing like what I thought would happen that day in court. This was real! I
was for certain that we would end up married on paper only. That Dominic would continue his campus rendezvouses, with more discretion of course, while I longed to love him properly.  No this was love real love and that was a real proposal earlier. Dominic loves me and I love him. He desires me and I desire him with my heart and soul. It wasn’t just about the sex it was the intimacy that I longed for with him.  The sex consummated our relationship and it connected us to each other in a primal but satisfying way. It was the ultimate expression of love to provide that pleasure to each other.

“Mom we are staying here so you two can be alone tonight,” Morgan
informed me while we cleaned off the table.

“Morg you can come home tonight. It
’s okay sweetheart,” I replied smiling.

“No mom it’s cool besides Bryce is already
asleep on the couch. Charlie is playing Xbox with Uncle Winston in the den.”

“You sure Morg?”

I am deathly afraid of alienating my kids in my newfound happiness.

Morgan stopped picking up dishes and glared at me with a strange new intensity I had never seen before.  “Mom, stop worrying. After that huge proposal you an
d Dominic need some alone time,” Morgan said placing her hands on my shoulder as she continues, “Samantha Nicole Gable he loves you and you love him. Go have your alone time.”

I am radiating parental pride as I hug my oldest child.  “Thank you,” I whisper softly. 

My Aunt Camille and her tearful sniffles interrupt us. She is watching our exchange with both sadness and compassion. 

“I just have to ask Morgan. Why do you call Samantha mom? I know it
’s none of my business but she is your big sister,” Camille asked in her tepid voice. Her brown hair has been pushed into a neat ponytail revealing a still very youthful tanned face. Morgan gives her question serious thought before answering.

“Sam has always been a second mom to me before my parents died.
When I was sick mom would make chicken soup but it was Sam who would feed it too me. When I had nightmares I would always go get in her bed. She always made me feel safe like a mom does. When I lost my first mom it was only natural that I give Sam the respect of being my new mom. Charlie, Bryce, and I need her to be the mom and she is a damn good one at that.” I flinch at the curse word but the rest of her answer is so touching that I feel the tears escape my eyes. 

“Well I guess that an
swers my question,” Camille said crying even more.

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