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ome. We must go to the others. There will be time to play in the water,” Iresh said as he guided her down the beach with his hand on her shoulder. Again, she followed him willingly, and soon a small log cabin came into view.

Phoebe paced back and forth beside it, talking on her cell phone. Andrew had explained that they use the same magic as the radio. After she understood phones, the situation with the jewel buyer made more sense. The magic of the Surface was so exciting to her. Andrew said it was called technology, and she couldn’t wait to learn more about it.

When they got closer, Sollara managed to catch the last part of Phoebe’s conversation. “Still haven't found any trace? Really... well have you talked to friends and checked all areas that are routine vi
sits? Ok, thanks, please do. Yes
. You too,

When Phoebe saw them, relief washed over her face. This confused Sollara. If Phoebe wasn’t being honest, then why did she seem to care? Having had her share of people manipulating her, Sollara decided talk to Phoebe about what Iresh had said when they got to Cortez.

The door to the cabin swung open and out walked Kai. He went right past Phoebe and Sollara and threw his arms around Iresh.



They laughed and embraced each other. Kai winced under the pressure of Iresh’s hands on his wound. But the joy of seeing his friend powered him through the pain.

“What has it been? A thousand years? Look at you. You don't look a day over two,” Iresh beamed.

s good t
o see you, too, brother. Where’
s Oya?” Kai was grinning from ear to ear. It was obvious that they knew each other well and with great affection.

“Wait a minute.” Sollara was so taken aback by what they said, that she didn’t even realize Kai was doing better. “How old does that make you?” she asked.

“If we were in Atlanticus, I would be two maybe three years old. In human years I am the equivalent of nineteen. It is roughly four human years, give or take a few months, to one Atlantian day. Time goes by much faster here.” Kai offhandedly answered while still in locked arms with Iresh.

“So you are saying, if you count every four human years, it is only one Atlantian day? So I am only days old in Atlanticus?” Sollara struggled to process what she had been told.

“Or you could do the opposite; think about how many days you would be if you had stayed in Atlanticus and times that by four,” Iresh offered.

“But… I thought I was only one year younger than you…I...” Then it dawned on her, “Oh my Apollo, I am old! I was almost two when Mari and Sugoi took me from Atlanticus. That meant I was hundreds of human years old already? I...I am old.” She began pacing in circles, trying to fully comprehend what she had just learned.

“Did she just say
oh my Apollo
?” Iresh asked as he raised his eyebrow and turned to Sollara.

“It’s a long story,” Andrew laughed as he came up behind them shaking his head. “Iresh, good to see you again.”

Iresh did not offer Andrew a return greeting but watched Sollara as she paced back and forth before them. This worried Kai as well; he assumed her actions were in response to learning her true age.

“Sollara, calm down. Age is just a number. You can’t let it muddle your head. Just know you are the equivalent to eighteen.”

Hannah and Phoebe noticed the group and walked over just in time to hear Sollara lose her composure.

“What do you expect from me? I just found out that I am technically four years old for every day I have lived. Or is it one year for every four? I have wasted lifetimes living underground. Such a waste… I mean....”

Phoebe put her arm across Sollara’s shoulders. Iresh stiffened his back and clenched his fists when he noticed Phoebe was there.

“Don't worry child,” Phoebe tried to reassure, “
everyone here is much older than you.” She grinned as she turned to head back to the cabin.

good number of them laughed at Phoebe’s comment, except Iresh who only relaxed once she was a good distance away. Sollara puzzled over what Phoebe had said as they walked together toward the cabin. Awe and confusion at the collective age of the group overwhelmed her, and she could barely focus on walking. To an untrained eye they were just a bunch of kids, but in truth they were hundreds of years old.

She eventually got over her shock and made her way to River Mouth Joe’s cabin. When she entered, Phoebe and Iresh where arguing about the plan. Looking around the room, she noticed that the people who brought them there, River Mouth Joe and Iresh’s twin sister Oya, were not there.

“Where is River Mouth Joe, the gentleman who brought us here… and Oya?” Sollara asked, interrupting the arguing.

“One of the resident bald eagles has not returned home for a few days. They are bringing Oya to the nest so she can check on the eaglets,” Iresh offhandedly explained as he stared across the room at Phoebe.

“Oya must be a good climber. I read once that eagles only nest in the tallest trees.”

It amused the group, and some even laughed out loud at what Sollara had said.

“What, it's true. Why is that even funny?” she was getting more and more frustrated at the continual laughter at her expense.

“No, its not that it isn't true.” Kai tried to stifle his laugh to explain. “It's just, you obviously have never met Oya.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You will see,” he said as he patted Iresh on the back.

Frustrated with the events of the morning, Sollara slumped into the hammock in the corner of the room to pout. The group set out to find Oya, with the exception of Kai who watched Sollara with a curious intensity as he walked over to the hammock.

“Move over, let me in too,” he instructed as he pushed at her in the hammock while trying to maneuver in.

She gave in and moved over, granting him enough room to lie down. “You seem to be doing much better.”

“I feel much better. I’
m still pretty sore, but apparently human blood speeds our recovery. Or so Phoebe says.” He lay down next to her and she could feel her heart beat accelerate. Just being next to him manipulated her body to do his will. They were so close, only millimeters away. The electrical current in her blood was buzzing between their bodies.

He turned his head to gaze at her. She turned away, suppressing her feelings as they surged up within her. It wouldn’t help her hurting heart to allow his beauty to hypnotize her into forgetting her pain. He belonged to another and would never be hers. Sollara choked back tears when the realization of it sunk in.

“Sollara, can we talk?” he asked. They were so close that she could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck. It gave her shivers.

“All right, but why?” She tried hard to sound casual.

“Can you turn around and look at me please?” he begged.

She rolled over, trying her best to keep distance, to maintain some sort of boundary. However, just the opposite happened. His weight caused her to fall into him. Pressed up against his chest, she struggled to push away. Then two strong arms halted her when they wrapped around her and pulled her close.

Their faces barely avoided touching. His eyes drew her in, she so desperately wanted to press her lips against his, just once, just to know.

“I thought I’
d lost you. I saw the guy and I ran as fast as I could. Thank god you are safe. I would never have forgiven myself if...” he stopped.

He reached up and pushed a strand of stray hair back behind her ear. The touch of his hand against her skin caused her resolve to weaken. And in a moment of anarchy, she moaned softly in pleasure. Quickly she cleared her throat and turned the moan into a grunting sound.

She longed for this man more than she longed for blood. More than her lungs needed oxygen and more than the ocean’s tide longed for the shore. Being this close only hurt more. She couldn't stay. It was slowly chipping away at what was left of her very fragile heart.





ow long have you and Sophia… you know?” It took every ounce of her strength to say these words.

Upon hearing them, his eyes rolled back, and he wrinkled his brow as if to recall and then suddenly remembering.

“Oh my god. Sophia!” He jumped out of the hammock, grimacing in pain and placing his hand on his bandaged wound. The momentum of his movement flipped the hammock over and spilled Sollara to the floor. He did not turn back to help her but ran out the door.

The floor acted as a good tool to smash her
against. How could she have been so stupid to bring up Sophia? It was the first time they had been alone in ages. She stayed on the floor, defeated and humiliated, wishing she had remained silent and simply enjoyed being next to him.

Kai ran as fast as his injured body would allow. “Phoebe!” he called out as he continued pushing through the pain of his unhealed wound. “Phoebe!” he screamed. After unsuccessfully running around for what seemed like ages, he decided to go back and wait at the cabin for her. Just as he turned to leave, he heard her voice call back.

“Yes, what do you want Kai?”

“I must talk to you, please; it’s important.”

“What is it?” She walked out of the forest and toward him. When she came upon a long piece of driftwood she took a seat and beckoned him to join her. Kai took a deep breath and proceeded to tell her all about his recurring dream.

“Are you sure this is all you saw?” she pried.

“Yes, do you know what it means?” He was desperate for any form of understanding.

“I am afraid I may; let me investigate to confirm my suspicions. I will meet you back at the cabin.”

He listened to Phoebe and made his way back to River Side Joe’s. When he opened the door, he practically stumbled over Sollara who was lying on the floor crying.


She didn't respond, so he bent down next to her and stroked her hair, hoping to calm her. At his touch she instantly pulled away. He was about to press her further when Phoebe burst through the door.

“Kai, I need to talk to you,” she said, “privately,” as she looked at Sollara.

“Phoebe, you can tell me whatever it is in front of Sollara.”

She walked over to him and put her arm around his shoulder. Her eyes were rimmed with tears about to flow. “It''s Sophia... she... she’s dead.”

“No, you’re wrong. It can’t be. Not Sophia.
It’s not funny
Phoebe.” He studied her face, trying to see if she was lying. When he found no trace of a lie, he hung his head
in his hands

It had caught Sollara off guard when Kai had returned so suddenly. Now she felt foolish for creating a scene.
Hearing what Phoebe had said and seeing the grief that overwhelmed him, she wished there was something she could do.
Kai had Loved and Lost. And she knew this feeling all too well.

Before Phoebe left to collect the group, she nodded at Sollara, motioning for her to tend to Kai. She did as Phoebe asked and sat up maneuvering beside him so she could rub his back. Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arms around her neck and pressed his face to her chest as he wept for his love.

Oh how she wanted to hold him

to kiss his pain away. But she forced herself not to be so selfish. How could she think about herself when he was in so much pain?

He pulled back from their embrace, light
through his
watery eyes. S
he reached up and wiped his cheek
with the back of her hand, where a stray tear had managed to escape

He leaned forward and tried to kiss her.

Immediately she pulled back and slapped him across the face.
“Kai, I know you are grieving lost love, but how dare you use me as a rebound to soothe your hurt!”

His face was in shock as he watched her. “Sollara I

m so sorry, I....” She didn't stay to hear him out but left the cabin and ran down the beach.

Tears and more tears. She felt as though she was drowning in anger and grief as she ran blindly down the beach away from him. Oh how she had longed for him to want her. How could she have been so stupid, so naïve?

She doubled forward, holding onto her knees for support, too distraught to continue running. The sound of footsteps on the soft pebbles grew ever louder. She turned to see Kai jogging down the beach after her.

“Sollara wait!” he shouted. “Please, can we talk about this?”

“Fine, talk,” she snapped, as she wiped away her tears.

“Do you not feel anything toward me Sollara? Please answer. I swear to god if you answer no I will leave you alone if that's what you want.”

“What I want. What I want!” she yelled. “I know what I don’t want! I don't want to be another girl on your long list of conquests!”

“What are you talking about? There are no other girls. There has never been a girl who makes me feel like you do.”

It had to be a lie; it just had to be. She couldn’t believe him.

“When you were in the hospital bed, I was trying to tell you how I felt about you, and you started moaning another girl's name. Do you know how that made me feel? I heard you calling for Sophia. I heard you... and you’re always together

don't do this to
me, don't lie to me anymore. I’
m not strong enough for this torment.” She forced herself to walk away from him.

A spark of sudden understanding flashed in his eyes. “Sollara, I was dreaming. I had a dream Sophia was out hunting at the university a couple of miles from campus. A strange man came up behind her and snapped her neck, and then a group of men tore her body into pieces. I kept having the same nightmare over and over. I told Phoebe and she called Coeus. He confirmed it to be true. I don’t love Sophia! Stupid silly Sollara! Listen to me,” he yanked her arm back pulling her to face him, “I know I have made many mistakes. For everything I have ever
done to hurt you I’
m so sorry. T
he gods knows I’
m sorry. You have never been just
to me, Sollara. From the very moment I saw you in that field I felt whole. Sollara you are
.” His eyes were filled with such love and so much beauty that it screamed into her heart and broke down her emotional walls.

She stumbled back, shock danced upon her face. How could she let herself believe him?

“But you told me you regretted being drawn to me. You....”

She tried to argue but no words came out. Instead she felt his velvety lips pressed against hers. She struggled to free herself mentally but her body disobeyed and melted into his. Pressing against his muscular frame, his tongue forced its way into her mouth and danced with hers.

One of his hands tangled itself in her hair pulling her tightly against his lips. The other wrapped around her waist, lifting her off the ground. Waves crashed against their feet. The world spun, their hearts leapt. His touch, his kiss was so much more than she had ever imagined it to be.

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