Designed for Love (19 page)

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Authors: Erin Dutton

Tags: #(v5.0), #Fiction, #Contractors, #Lesbian, #LGBT, #Romance

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“Yes. I told them I wasn’t selling but that I knew of a cute little starter house. And I gave them Rose’s number.”

Wil stared at her.

“Well, are you interested or not, because I’m sure there are plenty of other contractors who would jump at—” Jillian yelped when Wil swept her into her arms, then moaned softly as their lips met.

Clinging to Wil, Jillian returned her kiss with all of the emotion flooding her heart. Wil’s arms tightened around Jillian’s waist even as she drew back to look at her.

“You’re staying?”

Jillian hoped she could someday erase the hint of fear in Wil’s eyes. She nodded. “You didn’t just kiss me so I would give Johnson and Son the job, did you?”

The half-smile Jillian was so fond of lifted one side of Wil’s mouth. “Well, you better not be letting any other contractors near your place.”

Jillian kissed her again and stroked her jaw. “I won’t.”

“What changed your mind?”

She touched Wil’s cheek. “Mary and Rose were a couple.”

Wil nodded.

“You’re not surprised.”

“I suspected.” Wil’s arms dropped away from her waist, but she caught one of Jillian’s hands and led her toward the beach. “I grew up here, and years ago there were rumors.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Rose never confided in me personally. And I don’t like gossip, especially not about someone who’s been so kind to me. It wasn’t my place to tell you. What does this have to do with us?”

“I wondered if Mary ever regretted her decision.” They walked along the shore until they reached a large boulder, then sat down together. Jillian angled toward Wil, tucking one leg beneath her. “I don’t want regrets. Rose believes Mary was ashamed of them, and it’s too late to fix that. So I want to make it clear that I’m not ashamed of loving you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sure that I love you?”

“No. But you can keep saying that if you want to.”

Jillian squeezed Wil’s hand. “I love you.”

Wil smiled. “I meant, are you sure you want to live in Redmond?”

“What are you worried about?”

“I’m never going to make a lot of money. I’ll probably be driving the same work truck for the next ten years. I can’t buy you fancy things.”

“Are you really telling me again that you’re not good enough?” Jillian stood up and paced away a step. “This has never been about money and you know that. I make my own money. Nor is it about your personal worth, because you’re the only person who seems to have doubts about that.”

“Since I was a kid—”

“I know. But, Wil, I’ve been here for weeks and I haven’t heard anyone say one bad thing about you. You’re honest, generous, and one of the hardest-working people in this town, and everyone knows it but you.”

“I just—”

“No. This is about you and me. Nothing else.” She took both of Wil’s hands in hers and looked her in the eye. “Do you want to be with me?”

“More than anything.”

“That’s all that matters. Trust me, communicate with me. And I have it on good authority that we can work everything else out.” Jillian tugged Wil off the boulder. “Now are you going to give me a ride back, or do I have to walk?”

Wil gave an exaggerated bow and swept her arm toward the ATV. “Your chariot awaits, my lady.”

Jillian laughed and looped her arm around Wil’s waist as they walked. “Someday I’ll break you of those Southern manners.”

“Now, that sounds promising.” Wil’s mouth spread into a wolfish grin. She pulled Jillian to a stop and kissed her thoroughly. “But they’re pretty deeply ingrained, so that could take a while.”

“I’ve got the rest of my life.”



Jillian’s short skirt stretched tight across her thighs as she got out of her BMW. She reached back through the window and grabbed her Calvin Klein blazer, but rather than put it on, she draped it over her arm. The midday sun had driven the mercury into an uncomfortable zone, and her silk blouse already clung to her. She couldn’t wait to get inside and out of these clothes. Maybe she would change into Wil’s favorite jean shorts and a white tank top, and just for Wil she would forgo a bra.

She smiled when she noticed Wil’s truck in the driveway of Mary’s—er, her new house. Considering it had been weeks since they had seen each other, most likely Wil would have her suit off her in minutes and she wouldn’t need to worry about what to wear for some time. She’d been in Cincinnati packing her condo and making arrangements for a permanent move. Beginning today she was a resident of Redmond. Well, technically, the rest of her things wouldn’t be delivered until this weekend, but she decided the two suitcases in her trunk made it official.

As she crossed the yard toward the porch, the front door opened and Wil stepped outside. Her black T-shirt was tucked into stained blue jeans that hung loosely on her hips. Wil met her at the top step and pulled her close.

“Nice skirt,” Wil murmured, taking a second to admire long, black-stocking-encased legs before covering Jillian’s mouth in a passionate kiss that had been building for two weeks.

“I wore it just for you,” Jillian said when they both needed to breathe. “This is nice to come home to.”

Wil would never tire of hearing Jillian call Redmond home. They’d talked every night in the three weeks Jillian had been gone, and she’d finally stopped worrying each time that Jillian would say she’d changed her mind.

“What have you been into?” Jillian rubbed her thumb over Wil’s jaw. “Is this paint?”

Wil grinned. “I’ve been busy while you were gone.”

“Hmm. Well, you can show me what you’ve done later. Right now, I need to get you out of those jeans.” Jillian pulled her toward the door.

Wil’s libido kicked up in response to Jillian’s words and the low growl in her voice. She’d been ready the minute she saw Jillian striding across the lawn in that impossibly sexy skirt and rumpled blouse.

“This will just take a minute.”

When Jillian opened the front door, Wil moved behind her and covered her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“No peeking. I have a surprise for you.”

“Don’t let me trip and land on my face.” Jillian shuffled forward, her arms out in preparation for a fall.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to your gorgeous face.” Wil guided her through the living room. As they walked, Jillian slowed and pressed back into her. Wil cleared her throat but failed to cover a moan as Jillian’s ass rocked into her crotch.

“Are we almost there?” Jillian asked innocently.

“Ah, yeah. Ready? Here’s your new office.”

Wil removed her hands and Jillian looked around. They stood in the doorway to the dining room. Wil had painted it the same yellow Jillian had picked out that day in the hardware store. The crisp white crown molding contrasted nicely, and the overall effect was light and airy. She’d moved in one of Mary’s bookcases and a large antique desk she’d found at an auction the weekend before.

“Wil, it’s perfect.” Jillian turned and Wil’s breath caught at the radiant smile on her face. She couldn’t believe this beautiful woman was in her life, but she planned to do everything she could to keep her there. “I told you it was a great color.”

Wil grinned. “And you were right. It needs some accessories, but you’re better with that stuff than I am.”

“I have so much to do. I ordered a sign while I was in Cincinnati, a fancy one that hangs on a wrought-iron frame. Sealy Realty. What do you think?”

“It definitely has a ring to it.” Wil wrapped her arms around Jillian’s waist and kissed her neck just below her ear.

“Well, it’s a beginning.” Jillian leaned back against Wil and tilted her head to allow her better access.

“It certainly is.” And for the first time, Wil believed it. She stood with Jillian at the dawn of something wonderful.

Jillian took Wil’s hand. “Now, about those jeans,” she said as she led Wil toward the bedroom.

Something wonderful, indeed.

About the Author


Born and raised in upstate New York, Erin Dutton now lives and works in middle Tennessee. But she makes as many treks back north as she can squeeze into a year, because her beloved nephews and nieces grow faster every time she is away. In her free time she enjoys reading, movies, and playing golf.


Her previous novels include three romances: 2008 Golden Crown Literary Awards Finalist
Sequestered Hearts, Fully Involved,
A Place to Rest.
She is also a contributor to
Erotic Interludes 5: Road Games
Romantic Interludes 1: Discovery from Bold Strokes Books.
Her next novel,
Point of Ignition,
is due out July 2009.

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