Desire & Deception (Entangled Ignite) (8 page)

BOOK: Desire & Deception (Entangled Ignite)
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Which was worse, having Kris be right about interrogating her or having Fat Ass laugh at him for running this menial errand? He didn’t know. Left to himself, Cruz could do the interrogation any way he saw fit. But no, Mr. High and Mighty was keeping him on a tight leash.

Felipe unlocked the deadbolt on the thick wooden door to one of the rooms toward the back of the house. Years ago, they’d sealed the window with brick and tossed an old mattress on the floor. The blonde lay on her stomach, her toes to the air as she swung her legs back and forth. A subtitled American movie blared from a twelve-inch television.

Heather’s eyes widened. Without make-up, her features were too drawn and haggard for someone her age. She pushed up on her elbows, offering a view down the deep V of her top. Several mattress springs protested as she sat up and scooted closer, letting her skirt ride up along the way. Cruz came to stand in the doorway, which squelched her smile and made her hunch her shoulders.

Felipe stared up at the crown molding, grinding his teeth. Fuckin’ Kris hadn’t been wrong. They’d get more out of her if he did the talking and Cruz stayed in the background. Damn it.

“Turn that shit off.” He waited while she pressed the button on the old TV. “Cruz will make sure you’re being truthful in our conversations, Heather.”

Her attention strayed over his shoulder then came back, not quite as enthusiastic.

“I don’t have time or patience for your lies.” He waited for her to nod in understanding. “Speak up with anything that might interest me. Otherwise, Cruz will dispose of you once he’s satisfied.”

The blotches in her skin became more pronounced, but she didn’t utter a word.

“I hear you have something that doesn’t belong to you.”

“No way.” She shook her head, wide-eyed. “I left the car where I was told, same as the other times.”

“You didn’t take a few samples? Just to see how good the stuff was?”

She pushed tangled blonde hair behind her shoulder. “Uh-uh, I don’t know where stuff is stashed, in case 5-O pulled me over.”

“That’s odd.” He cocked his head. “So why did we get a call saying you never arrived at your destination?”

She shrugged, trying to look innocent. The remnants of her eyeliner made her eyes look off center. “No clue.”

She was going to keep taking them in the same circle. “What brings you to Monterrey?”


“Why did she come?”

Heather swallowed before answering, “Her friends are here. She said she had business to take care of in town.”

?” He asked pointedly.

“Free party in Mexico.” She shrugged with a nervous laugh. “YOLO.”

Felipe frowned.

She blinked, looking from him to Cruz and back. Her smile faltered. “Um. You only live once.”

Felipe curled his lip. “So I should be dealing with Tessa.”

“No way she’ll admit to anything.” Heather’s right ankle bounced to one side. “She’ll play dumb.”

“That’s your plan? Deny everything.” He swung back to Cruz, blood rushing through his head. “She’s all yours man. Have at it, then take her out behind the soccer field so nobody’ll find the body.”

Cruz rubbed his hands together. His big belly jiggled as he cackled.

Heather’s eyes opened wide. “Where you going?” She shot off the mattress, rushing after him.

“To talk to Tessa.” Felipe headed out while Cruz caught her around the waist. “Since you’re only here to party.”

“Wait! N-no!” she stammered. “Tessa…Tessa’s got people. She was getting a new contact for the guy in the US.”

Felipe stepped back into the room, frowning. “Last time you said you didn’t know the plan.”

“I-I know a little.” She tried for a smile, but her face was too stiff to be successful.

Cruz hauled back and struck her pale cheek.

Heather cried out and scooted back until she hit the mattress and toppled off balance. She crouched at the far end, cradling her face.

Cruz’s noisy breathing filled the room. “What part of ‘not lying’ didn’t you understand, girl?”

She raised huge, frightened eyes to Felipe. “Her contact.” She swallowed. “Um, he-he’s my boyfriend.”

“You’re his advocate?” He raised an eyebrow.
Son of a bitch.
“How do you expect us to work together when you lie to me?”

“My bad.” She pulled her elbows close to her body. “I was scared.”

“My boss won’t deal with someone he can’t trust.” Regret laced every word.

“You can.” She nodded enthusiastically, stepping from one foot to another. “You can trust me.”

“This isn’t about me, girl.” He pointed toward Cruz. “But what my men risk their necks for.”

“I tried to do some business since I’m here. Branch out, y’know.” She licked dry lips before she continued. “I-I wanted coke,” she stammered, “for people wanting to work directly with a Mexican supplier. They have money and connections in some big U.S. cities.”

“Our network runs throughout the US and Canada. We don’t
you or your friends.” He leaned against the wall. “Can you offer an incentive?” He waited for the cogs to move and the power to switch on upstairs. “You’re one little fish in a very big ocean. Convince me you’re partner material.”

“My boyfriend’s got the money.” Her words ran together in her excitement. “Lots of money. And we want to work something out. What do you think? Huh?”

“You didn’t bring cash?” His gaze slipped to her breasts. “How were you planning to negotiate?”

Her face lit up. “Tessa can stay. I’ll go home and get what you need.”

“That won’t work. Her family will cause problems.”

“Uh-uh. Tessa doesn’t have relatives. Nobody’ll ever know she’s here.” Heather cocked her head with an enticing smile. Her breasts prominently displayed now that she assumed she’d caught their interest. “She can keep your men happy while we make a deal.”

Felipe nodded, thoughtful. “I’ll see what we can do.”

Heather grinned, satisfied with the future prospect. “It’ll be off the hook!”

“Now, tell me about Tessa’s friends.”


“Boss, where are you?” Cruz’s voice came across the line with an edge of urgency.

Kris unlocked his truck, studying the convenience store parking lot. “I’m heading back from Allende.”

, you’re one lucky bas… Eh, I thought you were going to Saltillo today.”

“Change of plans.” He’d gone to Allende thanks to a timely call from Rio, Ida’s guy keeping tabs on the military.

“Lucky break for you.” Cruz’s voice was drowned out by Felipe’s complaints about touching his stereo. “We have a situation. One of the trucks coming up from Mexico City is in line at a military check point set up this side of Saltillo. There’s no place to turn around so, likely, we’re gonna lose the load and the driver.”

“And you didn’t know about it?”

“The roadblock wasn’t on the schedule. In fact, my contact didn’t know anyone was out there until I called,” Cruz said with concern.

Kris exhaled into the phone. “We pay a lot of money to make sure we don’t have these kinds of surprises.”

“Actually, we can’t be sure they’re really military. May be one of the other cartels in fatigues waiting for a load to come through. Either way, we’re out a truckload of freight.”

“Either way, I would say our mole is up to no good.” They’d been having trouble with the loads coming into the general area. The information going to the authorities was coming from inside the organization. Nobody else would have that level of detail.

He’d been hard-pressed to put a stop to the interrogations before Cruz went through what was left of the crew. Lucky he’d kept it to light beatings and mineral water up the nose—they were friends after all—instead of progressing to hammers and machetes.

Cruz had clued in Kris to his suspicion about Felipe being at the center of the anonymous tips. Kris’s thoughts were along the same track. But although Felipe didn’t have a formal education, he was still brighter and more cunning than he let on.

Cruz’s biggest frustration was not being able to catch Felipe making the calls. The recordings he’d gotten his hands on were made in an unrecognizable whisper. All they were able to confirm was that the caller was a male. Not that a little detail like that would deter Cruz, but as usual, Kris needed to be sure. He needed proof, not just the coincidence that the tips had either benefited Felipe or been an attempt to put Kris in a situation where he was compromised. Cruz had not been happy, but he hadn’t interrogated Felipe in his usual manner.

Thanks to his contacts in the military, and Ida’s considerable influence, Kris had been able to stay ahead of Felipe’s scheming. As long as that continued, he wasn’t going to stir up trouble this close to changing the face of the cartel. Besides, there were few things he enjoyed more than seeing Felipe twisting with suppressed anger. Not like he could say anything without compromising himself.

“Where are you now?” Kris asked.

“Felipe and I have been over with Blondie,” Cruz said with annoyance. “We’re heading out for a bite to eat then I’m grabbing a nap. I have to work tonight.”

“Get everyone together for me. I have an announcement for the group.”

“Will do. Eh, any chance we get a preview?”

“No.” Kris ended the call. He waited for a convoy to pass before he pulled into traffic. He gazed into the distance, watching the free-flowing vehicles. Barring any surprises, forty-five minutes of highway separated him from the Monterrey suburbs. Hopefully, the check point was the only thing Felipe had been able to set up on such short notice.

He grinned, looking forward to Felipe’s sour expression.

Tessa sat on the bed, legs folded beneath her, worry lines crisscrossing her forehead.

Kris set down the burger combo and studied her intently. After a few seconds, her toes curled and her fingers folded under the shirttails. He took perverse satisfaction in making her fidget. Asleep, she’d snuggled against him, leading his thoughts astray. What little sleep he’d gotten was interrupted every time she twitched or tried to turn his way. He’d hoped to take a nap during the afternoon, but he’d checked in at a second location to throw off another chance of a mishap. Not like his mind would shut down long enough for him to doze off anyway. He was too anxious to hear from Ida—who was taking her sweet time getting back to him.

“How are you doing?”

She shrugged then crept to the edge of the bed, fixing the shirttails under her.

“I have a late night. Figured I’d come check on you first.” After handing her the drink, he moved the dresser closer to be used as a table.

“Thank you.” Her eyes lacked the fire they’d held the day before. “Have you had any news on Heather?”

He went on as if she hadn’t asked a question. What he’d heard about Heather pissed him off to no end. Tessa was worried about her while Heather hadn’t hesitated to offer her up as a plaything for the guys. “You’ll be okay here on your own. Most of the crew will be out, but Cruz’ll be downstairs until I get back.”

She held her breath, looking away.

“Unless you’re ready to call someone to come get you.”
Come on, call Monica. She’ll pay the ransom and have you home in time for dinner.

Tessa looked up sharply, her chin at a belligerent angle, pretty eyes glaring.

As much as he’d tried not thinking about her, he’d grabbed a shirt in the same chocolate brown as her eyes.

Damn it
. He turned on his heel, curling his hand into a fist. Numerous arrangements were pending and he couldn’t get past wanting to fix her crooked braid.

He locked her in then stomped down the stairs, squaring his shoulders as he entered the kitchen. Cruz, snack in hand, and two others followed him. Oscar and Felipe came out of the room across from the vault. Everyone headed to the front, the only room large enough to hold the entire group.

The men went silent as Kris entered. They created a half-circle around him, ready to hear what he had to say. “Over the next few days, several major players are coming in from across the country and the U.S.”

Murmurs ran around the group.

“We plan to negotiate with other bosses and unify our resources into a central organization.” A wave of concern washed toward him. Expressions ranged from skeptical to scared. “Once the arrangements are in place, our reach will surpass Tijuana’s Arrellano-Felix Organization in its glory days.” Excitement splintered throughout the group. Nothing like a good payday to make everyone happy.

He’d negotiated deals at less than the current rate and involved himself in finding and returning loved ones. Those little details garnered him goodwill and helped the organization grow. Now his connections agreed to talk about working together instead of trying to kill each other for drug routes.

“I’m starting security shifts immediately,” Kris continued in booming tones.

“When is the meeting gonna happen?” Cruz asked.

“Not tonight, but I want to avoid surprises.” A few more murmurs. “Each cartel will fly in their own crews to be involved in the setup.”

Cruz shifted, the lines around his eyes growing deeper. “That’s a lot of people to deal with.”

“They trust us as much as we trust them.” He paused as the group murmured their acknowledgement. “We have bosses and under-bosses flying in, if they’re not here already. I’m not risking anyone. Security will be done in conjunction so everyone can rest easy. Two-man teams, never the same men paired up twice.”

Felipe’s thin-lipped expression was bitter, but he remained silent. He cupped his fingers around a cigarette. His thumb dragged across the lighter with short, choppy strokes until he had a flame.

“All shipments in and out of this area are suspended after tonight. I don’t want anything going wrong between now and the meeting.” Kris stared at Oscar as he finished his announcement. Oscar’s shoulders hunched. He’d been scratching under his cast, trying not to call attention to himself. “Cruz, Felipe,” Kris continued. “I’ll need one of you here at all times.”

“You got it, Boss.” Cruz crunched on a spicy pork rind as he grinned at Felipe.

Kris went on before Cruz started taunting Felipe. “Get me one of your guys to cover the first shift with Oscar.”

Cruz’s head snapped back, sending his jowls rippling. He coughed until he cleared his throat. “You’re sending Oscar?”

The whites of Oscar’s eyes were a stark contrast to the bruising around his broken nose.

“He’s not completely useless.” Kris gave Oscar a cold stare. “Tonight, all you’ll do is sit on your ass and keep your damn eyes open.” To the group, “Everyone else can go. I’ll have Cruz contact you when you’re up for a shift.”

Oscar shuffled over, his head hanging low. “
.” His Adams apple bobbed. “Thank you for giving me another chance.”

Kris’s expression could’ve been carved out of granite. “Your saving grace is the girl fought off two other men, one being Felipe.”

“I followed Blondie out. Tessa had the keys in her hand when I walked past them to meet the guys. They musta switched last second.” He continued to purge his gut. “I shouldn’t have gone after her when she was down. I was wrong. Please tell her I’m sorry,
. She’s a little thing… I was in pain and wasn’t thinking straight.”

Kris ignored his ranting. “The kidnappings can’t be traced back to you or the organization?” He accompanied the question with a dead stare.

.” Oscar shook his head in emphasis.

“If that’s true, you’ll keep your skin. If not, the order might come from higher up, and not even God would be able to save you.”

Oscar ran his hand over his tattoo of
La Santisima Muerte.
The dark image of the Death Saint covered most of his forearm. “Cruz already warned me.”

“Cruz told you I’d send him after you?” Kris asked with mild amusement.

“Well, yeah. He said it might come to that.”

“He was wrong.” A cold smile spread across his lips. “Killing someone isn’t punishment, keeping him alive is.”

Oscar’s Adam’s apple bobbed. A sick color filtered into his skin.

Kris’s cell rang in time to keep Oscar from wetting himself.

“Hello,” he answered casually, as if he hadn’t just threatened a man’s life.

“Hey, lover.” For once, he wasn’t glad to hear Ida’s throaty voice. “I got something for you.” Damn it! There was nowhere he go right now for a private conversation. Even if there was, him disappearing for a phone call with his “lover” would be out of character.

He exhaled, tapping down his disappointment. “Bad timing, doll. You caught me on my way out.” He headed to his truck with several men at his heels.

“So you won’t be by?” she pouted.

“Not tonight, baby. I’m working.”

“Are you sure
is keeping you out?”

“Sweetheart, trust me, neither one of my partners could fill out a teddy like you do.” Her throaty chuckle made him smile. “I have to go.”

“When are you free again?” she asked hopefully.

“We can talk tomorrow morning, all right?” he soothed.

“Of course, my love.” She blew a kiss over the line. “Stay safe.”

“Always, baby.”

The hours dragged for Tessa, with precious little to distract her. She’d paced, stretched, and paced again but only proceeded in tiring her body and not her mind.

While not standard in the U.S., the metal door, which she had checked earlier, was solid. The hinges were on the outside, probably done to lock people in instead of out. She moved to the window; the bars were welded to the frame. Even if she fit between them, she still had a sheer drop to uneven ground.

She’d counted the cinder blocks on the fence surrounding the property. Sixteen rows high, more than twice her size, impossible to climb. Next, she counted rooftops then went back for the
, a water deposit commonly found in Mexico. All those homes, full of families, none of which would help her.

Don’t try to run

She was barefoot and bare-assed without a clue as to where they were holding her. What did he expect her to do? Take off down the mountain and jump on a bus? She’d given up nailing down their schedules. Sometimes an hour passed between routes, sometimes fifteen to twenty minutes, and other times they piled up along the unpaved street.

What would happen if they caught her?

She rubbed the red marks on her wrists.

More important, what would happen to Heather? She’d been quiet, maybe bound and gagged. For someone with ADHD, like Heather, sitting in a room all day with nothing to do equaled torture.

“I’m going to drive myself nuts.”

The DJ on the neighbor’s radio remained her only companion while sheer nothingness weighed on her. She flopped on her back. Her life had come down to counting cinder blocks…and waiting for Kris. She exhaled noisily. Mom had drilled the need to be self-sufficient into her head since she was little.
Never rely on a man. He’ll only let you down. Just like your father…

BOOK: Desire & Deception (Entangled Ignite)
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