Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (14 page)

BOOK: Desired: Loving An Alpha Male
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I practically ran out of the house dragging my bags with me.  I don’t know where I was going to go or what I was going to do, but I needed to think about not only me but the child I was now carrying… Drake Lincoln’s child no less.


















Chapter 13

“Come on, Lincoln, just let me make you feel good.  You know that I can.”

Eleanor raked her red nails along my black, silk shirted chest. She and I were in my office at my club drinking and listening to the club music downstairs when she decided she was going to seduce me. She came and sat on my lap and had been there for a few minutes, her pussy grinding slowly on my dick.  I told you it’s been a minute since I had some pussy… It’s really fucked up, something I didn’t plan, and something that I don’t do often.  I’m in something mostly every night, or partly anyway, but ever since I fucking met that crazy girl, fate had been cutting me off at the balls.

I was in Italy for business. I didn’t get a chance to do anything because I was so busy traveling the countryside doing business for my uncle’s interests. I had to sleep with one eye open for a few nights so I couldn’t be distracted, not even for a little ass.

When I came back home, it seemed every time I was about to get some, my uncle would summon me. It’s like he fucking knew that I was about to fuck someone and that maybe I shouldn’t and he was stopping me.  But right now, there was nothing stopping me.  Eleanor wanted to be fucked in half.

I was willing to oblige.

“Unbuckle my pants, baby. Let’s see what kind of skills you have,” I told her.  I inhaled my elixir, my soothing medicine and blew smoke above her head.

She smiled back at me and started with my belt buckle. I didn’t plan on fucking her that night.  I actually had someone else downstairs for the night. But I wouldn’t mind getting my dick sucked.

Maybe if she does it right, I’ll fuck her too

Eleanor, I will say, is smoking hot.  Her tits were fake no doubt but were large and practically hanging out of her tight ass dress.  I prefer the real feeling of tits, but this would do for the night.

Maybe I’ll fuck those first before her pussy… Yeah, that will be nice.

“Holy shit!” Her shocked voice brought me out of my daydream, and I looked down at my dick.


She started squirming in my lap and sort of moved back a little. 

I smiled. “Don’t be scared of him, Elle. He won’t bite.”

I saw her swallow hard. She was psyching herself up, which I found fucking hilarious.

“Hey…” I snapped my fingers, and she brought her eyes to mine. “I don’t have all day.  Are you going to suck my dick or what?”  Yeah, that was crass but, shit, I didn’t care.

I was about to grip her hair and make the decision for her when my office phone buzzed. I growled and pushed the button on the intercom. “What the fuck?”

My head bouncer came back on the line hesitantly, as he should. “I know you said you didn’t want to be disturbed, but you also told me to let you know when she came back, and she’s here.”

One thing I had never felt in my life is my already hard dick get harder at the thought of the one woman that I knew could send me spiraling into the depths of fucking hell.

“I’ll be down,” I told him and looked at Eleanor. See how fate has a way of working?

“Get up,” I told her.  Now she started to touch my dick like she was going to do something with it. 

“Lincoln, I thought you and I had something going here…”

I grabbed her by her arm, helped her off my lap and stood.  I tucked my dick back in my pants, zipped and buckled my belt.  “I have business, so if you don’t mind my bluntness, get the fuck out.”

I walked to the door of my office and opened it. I looked back at Eleanor and waited for her to move her ass.  She finally did, giving me the finger and said, “You’ll never get a chance at this pussy again.”

I scoffed, “You’ve been ran up into so many times, sweetheart, my dick would probably fall out.”

She looked back at me, giving me her dirtiest look, and I just laughed.

I locked my office door and made my way downstairs. I bought this club a few years prior, and it had been very lucrative for me.  I’d actually bought a few clubs along a street called Delaware Ave, the home for most clubs in Philly, but this one was my baby.  I’d designed this place, “Champagne Life,” from top to bottom and hired and fired everyone in this place.  I mentioned loyalty is everything to me.  So if I find out you’re stealing from me or trying to take from me, I’m not someone you’d want to deal with.  Most people knew who I was, though, so I didn’t have much of a problem. But there was always one that tries to test you.

I love being tested.

Right at that moment though fate was testing me, and I had to say I didn’t fucking like it. I don’t like feeling powerless, and dealing with Georgia made me feel like I had no control. 

I moved slowly through the club, weaving through a lot of bodies. I swear in two hours this place had doubled in size.  I looked at the bouncer, hoping he was keeping count.  I didn’t want to give the cops any reason to come here trying to shut me down on a fucking fire code.

My club was huge, with the main dance floor pitted and VIP circled above it. There were tables all on the main floor with enough places for some people to sit or just stand around and watch.  There were three bar areas; one very large, one on the main floor (that’s just as big as the dance floor), and two smaller ones on the VIP level.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to find her, but actually I didn’t have to. The steps to my office brought me just beyond the main bar area. As I walked toward the bar, she was coming to me. She looked awful and scared.  My instincts suddenly kicked in, and I looked around the club looking for trouble.

I waited until she got close to me. Then I took her hand in mine and led her back upstairs and into my office. When we got there, I closed and locked the door.  Georgia walked around my office slowly taking in the space.  The room was nothing really; laminate floor under her feet and oak desk towards the back of the space with a large leather desk chair.  There were two chairs facing the desk and a leather couch to the right of the desk.  I had some pictures up along the walls.  Pictures of the Eagles stadium, old and new, the Philadelphia skyline and as she stared at one other picture, I could no longer hear the club music, but my own heart pumping in my ear. She was staring at the picture of her on some shelving cabinet I had against the wall.

Of course, I needed to be an asshole to her.  I didn’t forget the way she just left me on the curb of her hotel a week ago. That shit still bothered me.  She could have at least told me to fuck off or gave me the finger.  I would have taken that better than her just looking at me, or through me and then leaving.

I put my unlit cigar in my mouth and walked around her. “What is it that you want?”

Unfazed by my tone she asked me, “When did you take this picture?”

I looked back at the picture, and I knew the very moment I took it.  She was leaning over a boat railing of the sunset cruise we had taken.  She was just staring out into the ocean, but her face seemed so angelic-like, soft, so beautiful and innocent.  I stood there watching her for a while before I took that picture with my phone.  People that come in my office keep telling me to put a picture in the frame, thinking it was the paper picture that you usually get in a frame when you buy it. They had no idea that the picture is real.

I ignored her question though and reiterated mine, just in a different way, but the bored tone was the same. “Are you going to tell me why you’re here?”

She turned to me. Fear still etched her beautiful face. I won’t lie to you; it was bothering me as each second went by.

She moved slowly and sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk.  I started to light up, but she put her hand up. “Can you not light that? I’ve… been feeling sick lately, and it seems every smell triggers my stomach to unload.”

I put my lighter down and my cigar in the tray.  I looked at her and leaned back in my chair.  I waited and watched as she battled with whatever she needed to tell me.

Before I was going to prompt her, she said, “How did you find me? I mean, at the hotel… How did you know I was there?”

I touched my fingers together and placed my elbows on the armrests of my chair. “Why?”

She squirmed in her seat. “Did you tell anyone about …. um…”

I shook my head. “Georgia, I don’t know what you’re asking me.  I knew you were there because you told me the name you use when you want to hide.  I couldn’t find you anywhere else in the city using your name, so I tried Chloe.”

“And you didn’t tell anyone? I mean, how did you search for me?”

“Fuck, Georgia. What the hell is going on? Why are you asking me these questions?” I sat up, losing my fucking patience.

She closed her eyes and said, “Someone broke into my hotel room the other night.”

I looked at her and began to frown. “And you think I did that shit?”

She shook her head, “No… I don’t but…”

“But what?” I pushed.

She frowned back at me. “Damn it, Lincoln. I’m trying to tell you. No one else knows me by that name but you.”

I scoffed. “Not your boyfriend?”

“What? I don’t…” She stopped and shook her head. “No one knows but you. And when my room got broken into I thought that maybe someone found out about that name.”

“Georgia, I didn’t tell anyone about the alias you use.  Yes, I have some old connections that I trust with my life, and they were the ones that tracked you down for me.”

“Then I need your help.”

“Why do you need my help?”

“Because the people that broke in…” She trailed off, and I picked up the ball.

“…were maybe from my life.  You think I can ask around, see if I can shake some trees for you? Why don’t you go to the cops, Georgia? This is their kind of thing,”

She sat up in her chair and put her arms on my desk. “That’s just it. I did call the cops.  They did a thorough investigation and everything. They looked at the security feed from the hotel and asked me if anyone looked familiar and one person did. He wasn’t seen entering my room. He was just sitting in the lobby, but it was too much of a coincidence.”

“Okay, did you tell the cops this?” I asked her, knowing what the answer was.

“No, I couldn’t. Anyway, the hotel accused me of letting someone in the room, and they trashed the place because there was no forced entry.  They thought I might have dropped and lost my key, or I was with some man and he went crazy.  They charged me for the damage. Do you believe that?  My things were destroyed, and they have the audacity to make this my fault.”

“What do you expect me to do, Georgia?” I asked again.

She went into her purse and pulled out a folded paper. She pushed it over to me and stood. “I don’t know what you can do.  I just…” Tears started gathering in her eyes, and she looked down at her wringing hands. “I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

I looked at the picture just as she turned to leave.  When I saw the face, I sat up. “What the fuck? Is this real?”

I looked up, and she kept moving to the door.  I stood quickly and reached her just as she moved through the door. “Georgia, are you telling me this man was sitting in the lobby of the hotel you were staying?”

She nodded.


I looked at the picture again and saw Manual Agosto, the bartender from Cabo.

“I’m scared, Drake,” she said softly to me. No longer thinking about being mad at her, I pulled her into my arms and held her.

My mind was moving a mile a minute, thinking about what I needed to do first.  If this son of a bitch was in Philadelphia, then so was the other one, I assumed.

I moved her back and looked at her. “Do you have a place to stay?”

She shrugged. “I’ve been sleeping in my car during the day and driving around the city at night.”

“What?! Georgia what the … Where’s that son of a bitch I saw you with outside your hotel?”

She rolled her eyes and moved back from me. “That didn’t work out. That’s why I was at a hotel.  I didn’t want to get another hotel in either of my names. I’m afraid they will find me again.”

I stared at her, pissed as shit at the son of a bitch that she was with and the fact she was living out of her car in my city. I didn’t want to even know how long she was doing it, for fear it would push me over the edge.

I went back to my office and locked my door.  I then walked to her and grabbed her hand again.  “Come on.” She came willingly, and we moved through the club to the front door.  I saw my bedtime rump look at me, but I stared at her, letting her know with my eyes we were done.

When we got outside of the club, I looked at her, asking, “Where’s your car?”

“Around the corner.”

“Do you have anything of value that you need in there?” I asked her, nodding at the valet guy to grab my monster.

“No, the little bit of clothes I bought are right here in my bag.”

I looked back at her and asked because I had to, “When did all this happen?”

She hesitated, then answered, “I think a week ago.”

“No, baby, when did you start sleeping in your car?”

She hesitated again, and then said, “Three days ago.”

“Shit, and you’re just now coming to me?”

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