Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (8 page)

BOOK: Desired: Loving An Alpha Male
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“I will do whatever you want me to do to you, baby; all you have to do is tell me. I want to make all your fantasies come true.  I want to make you feel coveted, wanted and desired… Can you let me do that for you, baby?  Can you let go and let me be that for you?” He then ran his tongue along my ear, kissed me lightly and then whispered, “You don’t know how much I want to be that person for you. Make you scream out in ecstasy.  Prove to you how desirable and sexy you are.” He moved even closer to me, and I automatically leaned against him. I felt his hand that caressed my stomach move to caress the under part of my breasts, brushing a nipple. Then he moved his other hand way down past my navel to under my shorts and panties to confirm my inner most secrets were revealed. 

My hand instantly went to his wrist to stop his assault, but the moment his fingers felt my wetness, he plunged into me and started moving slowly.

“Let me help you become the freak I know you are… Damn, baby, you are so wet … You love when I touch you, when I kiss your body, don’t you, baby?”

I inadvertently started moaning my response until I heard that small voice say, “There are people watching you.” I looked around frantic seeing if anyone was watching us… I mean, it wasn’t like we were hidden from view….

“Lincoln, stop, please. People will see us.”

Drake moved to my other ear and licked the outer part of it, then sucked on a sensitive spot just behind my ear that I had no idea existed.  I buckled quickly and grasped behind his neck for balance. “Please…”

“You want me to stop?” he asked low and guttural and God so sexy.

I nodded yes but said, “No.”

“If you don’t want anyone to see you, you better come then… because I’m not stopping until you do.”

He continued to break me, to claim me, to… damn it, I can’t explain what he was doing. I just knew I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to not like what he was doing to me. We were in broad daylight and, even though, there were no kids around, I still didn’t want anyone else watching him get me off-f-f … Oh, the hell with it….

I started grinding my hips against his hand, chasing the feeling that was building through me slowly. A slow exhilarating moan escaped from my mouth softly and just as he pinched my nipple I drowned in ecstasy.

Just then, I heard some commotion below, and I saw an older couple close enough to know exactly what Drake and I were doing. To Drake’s credit, he did move his hand from my shorts back to my belly and hugged me in just enough time for the couple to look up and see us. 

I of course was breathing out of control. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

“If you give me a chance, I can show you what else I can do.” He kissed my shoulder and then let me go. I turned around and saw he was just as affected by what he just did. I reached for him, but he kept backing away from me.

“I’m going to go take a shower… be dressed in an hour.” He turned and left me standing, wanting. I heard him moving about in the room, then I heard the door shut. I, of course, am yet again completely stunned.














Chapter 7

“Oh my goodness! I’ve never had that much fun in my life.” A brilliant smile greeted me as we got out of the cab we took from the marina. I know I don’t know too much about this woman, but already I’ve coined her smiles specifically for me.

She laced her fingers in mine as we walked to the hotel. For the past two days, we’d been going nonstop; from sightseeing to riding ATVs to snorkeling. Yeah, I finally got her to do it, and she’s fallen in love with it, as I knew she would.

We made it to the elevator and as she spoke to another couple about the sunset cruise we took. I took that moment to admire her again for the umpteenth time that night.

I’m amazed at the quiet beauty she possesses.  She never flaunts it, but she is sexy as hell.  Her personality, her character, makes her even more unbelievably sexy to me.

Tonight she wore a short black dress that showed off her thick ass legs, stopping at just above her mid-thigh. She wore her hair down, and it was curled around her oval shaped face. Her smile though… Wow… I think it could move mountains if she really wanted it to. 

When the elevator came, I possessively grabbed her and brought her close to me.  The man and woman that came on the elevator with us seemed nice, but I don’t trust anyone, and the fucker that was looking at Georgia’s tits I liked even less. But I remained calm. I didn’t show my true colors that night or any other night, though I was tempted multiple times.

The moment we hit her bedroom, she was under attack... I attacked her lips first; getting lost in their feel, their touch giving me the promise of a night where we have yet to hold back from each other. The feel of her, the scent of her is like a drug.  I can't get enough of her body, of the sounds she makes when I'm inside of her.  How she has no inhibitions with me. She's not ashamed of her body when she's around me, and I love that even more.

I slowed us down, savoring her body as I removed her dress. She wore black sequin bra and panties. With the combination of her four inch heels and the look of pure and utter desire encompassing her face...
... all I wanted to do was make her unravel in my arms. I licked my lips slowly thinking of tasting her slowly as I walked her backward to the bed while removing my shirt and unbuckling my pants.

"Tell me what you want," I told her, looking heavily in her eyes. Make no mistake I wanted to conquer her tonight... and every night for that matter. I wanted to please her; I didn't lie about that, but I also had my own selfish reasons.  I couldn't help the desires to lose myself in her. It would take over if I let it and I can't afford to that. Her body, her moans and her taste is what's driving me though. I can't get enough of her, and I'm fucked up about it. But I'll deal with that shit later.  My goal was to make her forget whatever she's running from, and I've been doing that since I mentioned it the other day. Tonight though, I felt like seeing how she could handle being in control.

She stared at me thinking about how to answer me. I knew that, so I decided to give her a little push.  I slowly moved to her and began to move the straps of her bra from her shoulders down her arm. I lightly caressed her with my lips, moving slowly against her shoulders and up her neck while my hands traveled along her waist up to her breasts. I yanked her bra down hard, popped her breasts out and brought my lips to her nipples.  I sucked, licked, massaged, and squeezed them both with inhibitions nonexistent. She started writhing and rubbing her thighs together while gripping my arms tight. I moved my hand down into her panties to stroke her, knowing that was what she wanted, as I moved back to kissing her neck. I felt her cream the moment I circled her clit, and I knew she wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

Georgia gripped my shoulders tight as her shoulders picked up. "Drake, please...," she moaned.

"I can't hear you, baby. Tell me what you want," I whispered close to her ear. "Do you want me to taste you or just fuck you?" 

She really didn't have an option. I was doing both.  I didn't just want to be inside her. I craved to taste her. Shit, I wanted to taste her so fucking bad that I was losing my fucking mind.

I was about to take over when I heard her say softly, "Yes, I want you to taste me."

I stopped kissing her neck and looked at her.  It's been too long since I had her. Well, it was just this morning that I claimed her, but I still needed it. I needed to feel her tight around me. I wanted to please her until she too lost her fucking mind.  An idea popped in my head, and I went to pull her panties down.  She helped by lying on the bed and lifting her ass so I could take her panties completely off.  I dropped my pants as well as my underwear, and as she moved backward up the bed, I followed.

I didn't waste time. I kissed her once on each of her inner thighs. Then I moved to her core, and my tongue and lips brought her to the climax she was craving. After she came down from her high, she started going over the edge again and started moving away from me.  I fucked her mind up in that instance as I gripped her thighs in my arms and flipped us both to where my back was on the bed, and she was straddling my face.

She gasped loudly and looked down at me, stunned. "Drake, what are you..."

I moved us both up the bed without letting her move from my face. I smacked her ass and said before I sucked and fucked the shit out of her with my tongue, "Fuck my face, baby... Give this pussy to me the way I like it."

She didn't know what to do at first until I started moving her hips for her.  The moment I heard her moan, I knew it wouldn't be long before her hips would be bucking my face.

I don't do this often. Hell, I have to truly like you to even go down on you. For me to be doing this was fucking with me yet again and still I couldn't think about it.  Tonight this woman was mine.  Tonight I was going to make her scream my name until she gets fucking hoarse and loses her voice. Then I'm going to still keep going at it until she passed the hell out.

"Oh God! Drake, please...." She cried as she came apart again and again. She found that rhythm as I knew she would, and she learned to give herself the pleasure she craved.  But I craved more. I need to be inside her. I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed her body down to where her pussy was close to my dick, and her lips were inches from mine. Georgia grabbed my ears and kissed me just as I rammed home and sated into the best pussy I have ever had. I told myself to go slow, but she felt too good. So fuck going slow...




“Drake, are you awake?”

I opened my eyes to find hers looking at me through the dark.  We’d just completed, I think, round three and she was still lying on top of me. I’d grown accustom to her sleeping on top of me.  It’s something about us being skin on skin that soothes me.

“Yeah, baby, what’s up?” I answered groggily.

She rested her chin on my chest and started making circles using her fingers.

She hadn’t been hesitant to express herself around me, so the pause she was taking was causing some alarm.  She needed a little push it seemed, so I caressed her back and ass, “What’s going on, baby? What do you need to ask me?”

She sighed but didn’t reply right away.  I grabbed another pillow and put it behind my back and neck so I could see her better.

She met my eyes and said finally, “Will you tell me something about you that you’ve never told anyone?”


I watched her. She gave me those intense eyes again and, even though it was dark as shit in the room, I knew they were heavy with doubt, worry, and fear.


Deflection tactic time.

“I thought we weren’t doing this, baby?” I asked slowly, trying not to sound heartless.  I mean, I am most times, but I didn’t want her to think I was a complete heartless SOB.

She nodded her head and looked away from my eyes.

Thank God.

“Yeah, I know. It’s just…”

I sat up more, putting my back against the headboard, and she ended up straddling my hips.

She inhaled and started off speaking softly; apprehension and emotion laced her voice. “When I was fourteen, I got pregnant. It wasn’t by choice; the act of getting pregnant mind you… but there I was, and there was nothing I could do about it.  I couldn’t tell my family… God, my life would have been far worse than what it already was. I couldn’t do that, and I couldn’t keep it either so… I decided to end my pregnancy…” She looked down and outlined my abs as she stared absently at them. “That was one of the hardest things I’d ever had to do, and it haunts me every day, but I just…”

I didn’t reply… I mean, shit, what could I say to that?

“The problem I faced though was that I was a fourteen-year-old with no money.  I mean, how am I supposed to pay for an abortion, right? So I did what I had to do… There was this uh… this guy in the Baltimore neighborhood I grew up in named Jay Rock.  He was well known in the street, so I went to see him for a job.  He was the only person I could go to. He ran the streets in Edmondson Heights, my neighborhood, and it would be suicide if I went anywhere else.” She chuckled uncomfortably and added, “He took one look at me when I asked for a job and laughed… He said, ‘Nobody gonna pay for you, mama. Go on somewhere.’  I should have done what he told me, but I begged him. He then looked at me, licked his lips and then he did offer me a job… Well, I wasn’t doing that either, so I told him that I could sell for him.  I explained since I was a big girl who stayed quiet and to herself, no one would suspect me.  I could blend in when I wanted to or be a ghost if I had to.  I figured I could do this for him…”

She chuckled softly and shook her head, “Well, as you can imagine, he wasn’t going for it, but I was so adamant that he gave me a chance. I tell you, when I came back to him with his money and a smile on my face, he hired me right then and there. I was only fourteen years old, and I sold drugs for two months… Man, I was sitting pretty, you know?  I thought this was going to be my chance. I was going to make a run for it, leave that awful house that I lived in and take care of myself. I proved I could do it, right?” She shook her head then looked at me and shrugged, “I was making a killing. I hid my money in the backyard over where my family kept their pit bulls. No one bothered those dogs but me. They were mean and vicious, but the only one that could be near them was me, not even my parents could get close.  I fed them and walked them, so when I was out in the streets, they were my bodyguards.”

“The success I was having gave me a plan for myself and Jay Rock helped me.  He kept me under his wing, letting everyone know in the neighborhood, ‘Don’t no one fuck with Baby G’. Rumors got around on the street, and I was watched closely by Jay Rock’s rivals, but no one ever stepped up to me.  The police didn’t believe I was capable of doing what the rumors said, so they never bothered me either.  I still stayed to myself, and I remained quiet. I never flaunted; I had money and never ran my mouth. But I was observant and very careful, and I think that’s what Jay Rock liked about me.”

She squirmed again in my lap, but I didn’t notice. Instead, I was taking in everything she was saying and even the things she wasn’t saying. I did feel her move off my lap and sit between my legs on the bed, still keeping her legs draped over mine. She started tracing my abs again; eyes on my torso, “There was this one day Jay asked me to come by his headquarters.  He usually picks some abandoned apartment building in the neighborhood to house his stash.  So I typically was careful when I make my way to him.  I took different routes and watched my back to make sure no one was following me. And I did that.  I swear no one saw me coming, and I wasn’t followed. So I got there, and he asked if I would run some errands for him. So I did that.  I was gone a long time, and when I made it back, he was on a heated call with someone.  Jay Rock was always on the phone cussing and yelling, so I didn’t think nothing of it.  When he got off the phone, he looked at his crewmember and said, ‘Yo, put Dawg, Spank, and Lateef on alert.  Those muthafuckas don’t know who deh fuckin’ with. I don’t think they’d be stupid enough to start some shit, but jus, in case, I wanna be ready.’ He then looked at me and nodded his head, ‘Stay low for a while, Baby G, aight?  I’ll call you when the block is cold; you got me?’”

Her eyes traveled to mine. “I nodded to him and was about to say something when the shit just hit the fan.  I mean, one minute, all his boys were just milling around, watching porn on TV, playing video games, counting money and then … Bam! Gunfire just erupted…”

I could imagine exactly the scene she was describing.  I’d hit places like that multiple times, and I also know what the end result of that raid was. I rubbed her thighs to try and soothe her. I knew whatever she saw fucked her up pretty bad.  I could see the emotion overcome her and tears gathered in her eyes. They only fell the moment she closed her eyes.

Her voice lowered when she spoke next. It didn’t matter how close we were; I could barely make out what she said. “God, Drake, all that blood… I’ve never seen anything like it. I mean bodies just dropped left and right. Bullets… men screaming in agony, cursing, pleading, begging… I mean, some of them were executed without prejudice. I wasn’t naïve. I knew what Jay Rock and his men were, but it still bothered me, you know? It was awful…When it got quiet, I thought the coast was clear, so I rose up from my hiding place and was met with a gun placed right against my forehead.  I’ve never seen so much evil in a man’s eyes. That day, I swear Satan was standing before me. I couldn’t move from the look in his eyes and only blinked when I heard a click from the gun. But still I couldn’t find my legs, so I stayed there as he pulled the trigger over and over again. I saw him bend down and grab another gun lying around. He quickly pulled that trigger too, and nothing happened. He got frustrated and yelled, looking on the floor for another gun to shoot me with, and I finally found the will to move and cut out running.  As I ran, I saw a gun just lying there next to one of Jay’s men.  So I picked it up and blindly shot it behind me. I didn’t look back. I just kept firing as I got clear…”

I instinctively touched her face with both my hands and tried to remove the sadness as each tear fell. She opened her eyes and just looked in mine. Seeing the pain in her eyes pissed me off to no end.  I was literally figuring out how I would find this motherfucker and rip him to fucking pieces.

“There were at least sixteen bodies lying in that house from the aftermath… but there was only one that died at the hands of me.”

“I’m so sorry, baby,” I said softly. 

She started shaking and trembling. I didn’t know what I could do to ease her. I kept caressing her face, rubbing her arms, just trying to soothe her as best as I could. 

“I ran for two blocks before the cops stopped right in front of me.  I was covered in blood, and I still had the gun in my hand.” She shook her head and frowned. “I can’t begin to tell you why they didn’t shoot me on sight. I mean, I saw them stop in front of me.  I saw them draw their weapons and point them at me, but I just stood there.  I didn’t move. I couldn’t.  I don’t know if I passed out or what, but the next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital.”

She fell silent that moment still trembling.  I was enraged at this point, and I wanted to ask her about her family, but she said, “The cops didn’t get much out of me because, hell, I didn’t see much.  I told them how the men came in and just started shooting. I didn’t know who they were or why they were there. They asked what I was doing there, but I never answered them. They had my prints on the gun, but they also had prints from the owner too. From all the evidence, they gathered, the DA decided not to charge me.  When the cops brought me home and told my family what happened, we had an understanding.  They stayed away from me, and I stayed away from them.”

“I was so scared, Drake… I was so afraid that Jay Rock’s people would think I set him up, and they would come after me.  I was afraid that the other crew that got killed would come and retaliate on me too. I barely ate; I barely slept… I didn’t have to go through with the…” She paused, and I knew what she meant. She sighed, “Sometimes I just wish I died with everyone else in that place… God… I took a life, Drake, and I can’t seem to shake that fact… I sometimes see his eyes in my sleep, and I think he’s not dead… When you told me about that guy trying to kidnap me… I just know I’m a goner if they get me…”

“I won’t let that happen, Georgia, I promise you.” I pulled her into me and turned our bodies to where she was lying under me.  As I turned her though, she broke. She just cried out in agony and pain, as if this shit just happened to her instead of it being seventeen years ago.

“Listen to me, what happened that night in that house wasn’t your fault. I know those kinds of people. Jay Rock probably had a long-standing beef with them, and they were probably watching him for a long time. So don’t beat yourself up about that, and don’t you dare fucking feel sorry for the son of a bitch that you shot. Baby, he had no soul, no heart… He was going to kill a fourteen-year-old because you were just there. Believe me, he wouldn’t have lost any sleep, so you need to stop letting it bother you now.”

“I can’t help it…”

“I know, baby, but try.  Try and think about the good shit you’ve been able to do in your life that justifies you still being here… being alive.”

She scoffed, “Yeah, like what?”

“Like, hell, I don’t know… You’ve graduated from college, you’re shaping young minds as a professor, you’ve gotten the rare opportunity to be fucked by me; I mean, take your pick…”

She started laughing. If I wasn’t secure in myself, I would have taken it personal. I smiled at her, hoping I was getting her back.

She covered her face from me with her hands, groaning, “Ugh… I don’t know why I told you all of that. I’m sorry.”

I moved her hands and kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her eyes, and her lips.  I caressed her face and said, “Baby, it’s okay. I understand why you’ve shared that story with me, so don’t worry about it.  I’m honored. I really am…”

And I did understand why she told me.  The way she’s given herself to me these last few days, I knew she hadn’t done this with anyone else. I could feel that every time I was inside her.  She needed to justify doing this, giving herself to me in the way that she has.  I can’t be a stranger to her, she can’t be a stranger to me, so she figured if we share something about each other that no one knows about, we’d kind of solidify a relationship that was above any we’d experienced with anyone else.  It made our arrangement easier to cope with in her eyes.

It was my turn to share. I didn’t want to, but as she continued to recuperate in my arms, I had no choice. “Ever since I was born, I’ve been a rebel.  It’s hard for me to follow rules that inhibit me to get what I want.  I’ve done a lot for the sake of my wants as a kid. I’ve stolen things I wanted, I’ve cheated to get what I want, and I’ve beaten the fuck out of anyone that stood in my way.”

Her red eyes searched in mine. For what, I didn’t know, but I kept my eyes on hers so she could get what she needed from me.  I caressed her face, wiping the wetness and just wanting to touch her, to mend her somehow.

“My parents, as you could imagine, weren’t thrilled to have me as a son.  I’m the youngest, and my siblings reminded me all the time that I was an afterthought as I grew up, so I made sure they regretted having that one more child and sibling.” I chuckled and added, “I wasn’t ever sent to juvie or anything like that. I was smarter than to get caught.  I only surrounded myself with smart people, and if they did some dumb shit that could get me caught, well… Let’s just say I cut them out of my life.”

“I did manage to graduate high school, and I thought about college, just to fuck with my siblings and my parents.  But instead I thought of another way to do it. My brother, Daniel Jr., is about six years older than me. My sister, Julia, is four years older than me.  They, of course, are very close, and they actually followed in my parents’ footsteps. My father is an Assistant Director of one of the divisions of the FBI. My mother works for NSA and is rubbing elbows with high-ranking officials in the government. So being the ideal children, my siblings decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and joined the Bureau fresh out of college.”

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