Desires (26 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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She heard the shower stop and her thoughts turned to
Dan. Visions of what she could cover Dan’s cock in arose in her mind’s eye, whipped
cream, chocolate sauce, treacle. Her mouth began watering at the thought of sucking
and licking his cock clean.

He came out the bathroom, a towel around his waist and
another in his hand. She lay back and took in his exquisite body, shining with
moisture. She could just pull that towel off and dive on his cock, suck him to
stiffness, then ride him into submission.

Dan turned around and saw her staring at him. Unabashed,
Stacie didn’t look away, letting her gaze drop deliberately to his groin area.
He smiled.

“You’re getting to be quite the little minx, aren’t
you?” He scrubbed the towel over his wet hair and then dried his body. Stacie
drank in his every move, watching the play of his muscles as he rubbed the
towel over his skin. She considered making a move on him but decided against
it. He would come to her. She’d just watch for now, knowing that she could have
his delicious body very soon.

He put the second towel back in the bathroom and came
back into the bedroom, sitting on the stool to watch Stacie watch him. He
didn’t smile, just watched her as if considering something. After a few
moments, Stacie began to feel uncomfortable. She stood up, trying to get away
from the burn of his eyes. She moved over to the table. Dan swivelled on the
stool, following her with his stare. She could feel his eyes on her. Her heart began
to flutter, although she had no idea why. She poured some water and took a sip.
Why the hell was he staring at her? She wished he’d stop.

She glanced back. He was still staring at her, but now a
cheeky smile lifted the corner of his mouth and he sat back on the stool.
Stacie relaxed. She recognised
look. She’d make him work for it though. Call it punishment for freaking her
out. She deliberately walked back to the bed, shimmying her hips a little as
she went, and keeping dirty eye contact with him. She lay down on her tummy,
propped up on her elbows and crossing her ankles in the air behind her. She
knew without looking that her T-shirt was gaping at the top, showing her

Why wasn't he coming over? She fastened her gaze on his
lips, thinking about licking, nibbling, tasting and sucking them. Kissing had
never been so good. Dan seemed to know instinctively how she liked it, soft and
gentle, yet firm just the right time. She wanted to taste his skin, to smell
him, to feel his cock stiff and ready in her hand, that smooth velvety shaft,
hard, yet soft at the same time. She wanted him to take her, to cover her body
with his, to slide it in and…

“What are you thinking?” he asked her.


His smile told her she wasn't as opaque as she hoped. “Is
there anything you fancy doing?”

“Maybe,” she replied, darting her tongue out to lick her
lips. Dammit, was she going to have to spell it out for him?

His cock peeked out from under the towel, which had
shifted slightly as he’d moved. It was quiescent, looking meek and inoffensive
in its flaccid state. Stacie imagined taking it whole into her mouth, teasing
it to attention.

“So what’s the maybe?” Dan asked.

Stacie dragged her attention off his cock to look back
at his face. “We could go for a walk,” she replied teasingly.

His face dropped. “You’re joking, right?”

“No, I thought the cold air would cool you down,” she
said, giggling to herself.

“Okay, fine, I’ll get dressed and we’ll go for a walk.”

“Okay,” she replied. Dan remained seated on the stool,
not making any attempt to move. His cock looked lost, in need of somewhere warm
to put it. “You know, the view’s rather distracting,” she told him.

“Don’t you like it?”

“I didn’t say that. Although, I prefer it when it’s
stiff and hard.” She rolled the words around her mouth with relish. “No
offence, but limp willies aren’t the most attractive thing in the world.”

“Women on the other hand, have gorgeous bodies all the
time. It’s not really fair is it?”

“What’s your favourite part of a woman’s body?”

The look that spread over his face was reminiscent of a small
boy being asked what his favourite sweeties were. “Boobies,” he said finally. “I
love boobies. I could happily play with tits all day.”

“Ah, a boob man,” Stacie said, glancing down at hers,
suddenly insecure. Were they big enough? Did he prefer massive ones?

“Oh yes! I love looking at them, and playing with them,
and squeezing them, they’re so lovely and squashy. And I love that girls love
it too. We both get pleasure. I love summertime when girls walk down the street
in little skimpy bikini tops and I can have a good stare behind my shades.”

“Pervert,” she said jokingly.

“Well, girls shouldn’t have them on display if they
don’t want them looked at. I like the look and the feel,” he said, raising his
hands to squeeze a pair of invisible boobs. “I could happily play with yours
all day, they’re perfect,” he said then.

Stacie’s gaze flicked up to his and they locked eyes.
What was he saying? Was it just a simple compliment, or something more? After
an intense moment Dan broke eye contact and rearranged his towel, hiding his
cock from view.

“I mean it, you know. In fact, you have a stunning
figure all over, not just your boobs,” he said.

“I do for now,” she answered, pausing before continuing
her thought. “Until I have a family, that is.”

“You want children?” he asked, sounding surprised.

“One day, absolutely, and my clock is ticking. Don’t

“I suppose so. It’s not something I have thought about.”

“No, I guess not, you’re still young.”

He grinned. “Exactly, still young and selfish.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Stacie said.

“Wouldn’t you? Why not?”

“Any man who can make a woman feel the way you make me
feel couldn’t be described as selfish.” Stacie dropped her gaze, embarrassed,
then rushed on. “With regard to kids, you’re still young, you’re only twenty
three, you have plenty of time.”

“Is that what you’re looking for?” he said, his stare


“A man to have a family with?”

“Maybe, eventually. Why?”

“Just wondered.”

Had she scared him off with the talk of a family? She
would love nothing more than to find a man and settle down and live a life of
love. She’d hoped for that with Graham. It hadn’t worked out with him, but it
didn’t mean it couldn’t with someone else. She hadn’t looked at Dan before as a
man to have a family with, just for some sex and fun. But now the thought was
there, it didn’t seem to want to leave. Stacie scolded herself mentally at the
turn her thoughts were taking. It was bad enough that she thought he might
return her feelings. Now she had to start fantasising about settling down with
Get a grip, girl

A knock at the door interrupted her mental castigations.
Dan turned, looking at the clock, then stood up, tightening his towel around
his waist. Stacie sat up on the bed and watched him answer the door.

“Come in, come in,” Dan said to whoever was out there. “Just
give me a minute to get dressed.”

A man walked in the room. Dan went into the bathroom and
Stacie looked at the man. He was blond, tall, fairly muscular, with a look of
one who spent time in the gym. He wasn’t bad-looking, but she preferred Dan.
She glanced at the bathroom door, wondering why this man was here. Dan came
out, fully dressed, his hair still damp. “Stacie, this is Mike,” Dan said.

“Hi,” Mike said. He made his way to the bed and held out
his hand.

“Hi,” she replied, shaking it.

“Wow, you’re a sexy treat,” he said, his eyes roving
over her body, lingering on her breasts. Stacie recoiled and turned to look at
Dan. “Christ, Dan, you got a

“I certainly did,” Dan replied.

Mike sat next to Stacie on the bed and turned slightly toward
her. Her heart began to pound frantically. What the hell was going on? Did this
character think he was in with a chance? He shuffled closer to her and Dan just
looked at her, his face impassive.

Stacie leaped up off the bed. “I don’t think so,” she
told them.

“Can you give us a minute, mate?” Dan said to Mike, who
shrugged and walked out the room. Stacie turned around to glare at Dan.
“Stacie, I want you to have sex with him.”

“You’ve no bloody chance,” she blurted in petrified anger.

“Look, I’m not going to be with you, out there in the
big world. You need to have experience with another man. Mike is the best man for
the job. He knows your background and he’ll not do anything to upset you.
Please, Stacie,” he said, taking hold of her hands. “I need you to do this for

Stacie glared at him, seeing his eyes full of despair.
Did he really want her to have sex with this stranger? Or was he doing it to
hide his feelings, if there were any? God, she was confused.

“Stacie, please, I’ll just be sitting here, at the
table. I’m not leaving the room.”

“No, Dan! No! I can’t do it with him. How could you ask
such a thing?” Her heart felt like it was being wrenched out of her chest. His
words rang round her head.
I’m not going
to be with you, out there in the big world.

She didn’t know what to do for the best. Could she bear
the thought of another man touching her, seeing her naked, licking and kissing
her body, being as intimate with him as she had been with Dan? Stacie quivered,
the whole thought made her stomach turn. But Dan had a very good point. He was
only available here at Desires. Being out there in the real world would be another

“Stacie, please.” His quiet voice rang like a shout in
the silent room.

She sucked in a deep breath. The pit of her stomach
ached and she sat heavily on the bed, overwhelmed with emotion, trying to
decide what was best. Dan sat next to her and picked up her hand, holding it
between his two.

“You’re going to be here?”

“Yes…I will watch every single move,” he said. Did she
imagine that his voice sounded unsteady?

“And you aren’t going to join in?”


“No,” she said, needing to make that one clear.

“That’s fine.”

How far had she come already, here at Desires? In such a
short space of time she’d done things with Dan she’d never done before. She’d
even had sex in an orgy room, with other people watching. She watched other
people having sex, and enjoyed it. It might not be as bad as she feared. She
might actually like it. Mike was quite good-looking. And Dan wouldn’t let him
do anything she didn’t want.

“Okay,” she whispered, watching Dan’s face. He didn’t
look happy, as she expected he might. In fact, he looked quite desolated. He
leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

He got up to let Mike back in. There was a quiet
conversation at the door that Stacie couldn’t quite hear, then Mike came in,
grinning hugely. Stacie’s heart ached and her tummy did back-flips. She had a
sudden urge to do a runner, but then her time at Desires would have been a
complete waste of time. She was at the club for a confidence boost. Maybe Dan
knew better than she did what was good for her. She had to admit that doing
everything her own way hadn’t worked awfully well for her so far, had it?

Stacie sat back on the bed against the pillows. Mike lay
down beside her, propping himself up on an elbow. She watched Dan pull a chair
from under the table, positioning it so he could keep a close eye on
everything. Maybe she could use this to her advantage. Would Dan get jealous?

Mike shuffled his body closer to her, raising his hand
and placing it onto her knee. She quivered, scared, wanting to get through this
for her own benefit. His hands stroked her leg slowly, moving up to her thigh, and
came up toward her chest, her breasts clearly on show beneath the tight T-shirt
she’d put on for Dan’s benefit.

“Wow, you have fantastic tits,” he told her, cupping her
right breast, then her left, caressing and stroking. She froze, holding her
entire body stiff, not wanting to enjoy his touch.

“Hey relax, babe,” he said. “Lie down.” He paired his
instruction with a gentle push to her shoulders. She lay down obediently, the
position reminding her of the times she’d assumed the position for Graham while
he did whatever he wanted to her. At least she knew she’d be able to endure
this, if necessary. Mike’s hands ran up and down her body, kneading her boobs like
they were dough. Stacie turned to look at Dan over Mike’s shoulder. He was
smiling at her encouragingly. Stacie didn’t smile back. Right now she hated

Mike pulled up her T-shirt, kissing around her tummy and
licking in her navel. He pulled away from her taking off his tight top,
revealing a six-pack with plenty of chest muscle and a few tattoos. He flicked
his shoulder-length blond hair back then stood up and undid his fly. He was
going commando, his cock popped out as soon as he lowered his trousers. Stacie
stared at it, revolted.

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