Desires' Guardian (6 page)

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Authors: Tempeste O'Riley

BOOK: Desires' Guardian
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Rhys ducked most of the items as each flew at his head—
boy has a damn good arm, wow.
Finally reaching Chase, Rhys grabbed him before anything else could go flying. “Stop, Chase. I know what I said and did that night at the club, and… I’m sorry.”

“I don’t care if you’re sorry. I will not be used by you or anyone else!”

“Chase,” Rhys whispered, pulling Chase flush against him. “You’ve had your turn, now it’s mine. Do you think you can stop yelling and throwing things long enough to hear me out?”


Chase stomped past him toward the front, but as he left behind all his equipment, Rhys had hope, though he was not entirely sure what for. He followed the little man all the way out to the waiting area, where he proceeded to flop down on one of the couches.

Rhys carefully sat across from him. “Chase?”


“Look at me, please.”

Chase turned toward him, but instead of the silent treatment or yelling, his eyes widened in shock, his mouth forming a silent, horrified O. He seemed positively ill before he finally spoke. “Oh, Rhys. Did I do that?”

“Do what? What are you staring at me like that for?”

“You, you’re bleeding,” Chase squeaked. Before Rhys could figure out what he was talking about, Chase bolted for the back, returning quickly with the backpack Rhys noticed he always seemed to carry.

Rhys reached up to touch his face but stopped when Chase grabbed his wrist firmly. “No, don’t touch. Let me see how bad the cut is.”

Surprised at both the strength used and the command in the tone, he sat still, letting Chase fuss and fidget with some kind of cleaning cloth near his right eye. It stung a little but he barely noticed. What he did notice was Chase blowing cool, cinnamon-scented air across the scratch to help soothe the sting.

Without thinking, Rhys moaned in pleasure when Chase traced his fingers along his brow after smoothing a single butterfly closure over the cut. Rhys froze when Chase feathered a barely there kiss across his forehead.

“I’m sorry, Rhys. I didn’t mean to lose control like that. I’ll go now, okay?”

Chase didn’t pull away even after saying he was leaving. Rhys searched his eyes, startled yet drawn in by the mix of desire and confusion swirling within the green-and-blue depths. Before he could stop himself, Rhys leaned forward the tiny amount that separated them and rested his lips against Chase’s. He didn’t push to deepen the kiss, keeping it chaste, yet it was one of the most wonderful moments of his life.

When Chase still didn’t move away, he gently cupped Chase’s face, careful not to rush him. After another moment, he flicked his tongue out to slide against Chase’s bottom lip, pausing to tease the silver ring that had tantalized him ever since he had first seen Chase wearing it.

Chase gasped, slightly parting his lips, which Rhys took as an invitation to deepen the kiss. Rhys pushed forward, sliding his tongue tentatively past Chase’s lips, delving into the moist heat of his mouth, tasting cinnamon but with an earthy, addictive essence that was all Chase.

He was so hard he could barely think past
God, yes, please

Chapter 5

against the wall, Rhys gasped and struggled to process what had just happened. Chase pinned him in place with nothing more than a look and a growl. When Chase pulled Rhys’s head down, he smelled the faint puffs of cinnamon-scented breath as they ghosted over his face. Along with the Antaeus Chase always wore, it almost brought him to his knees.

Chase slid his hand up to tangle his fingers in Rhys’s
shoulder-length hair. He pulled sharply, eliciting a gasp from Rhys. “For tonight, only you and I exist. We do things my way or not at all. Your body is mine. Your pleasure is mine. Am I understood?”

Unprepared for Chase taking control in such a way, all he could manage was a small nod. Rhys had fantasized about Chase many times, but had always made sure to keep his walls up between them. Right then, he couldn’t remember why. For such a diminutive man, his dominance and strength had Rhys’s cock diamond-hard and throbbing where it sat trapped in his jeans.

Chase touched his lips against Rhys’s, but the hold he had on Rhys’s hair kept him from moving into the touch. “I need to hear you, Rhys,” Chase murmured against his lips.

“Please” was all Rhys could manage.

“Your place is upstairs, right?” Chase paused until Rhys nodded. “Then lead the way,” he added, then stepped back suddenly and motioned that he would follow.

The sudden loss of Chase’s warmth and touch caused a physical ache in his chest he was too afraid to investigate right then—or possibly ever. Rhys went up the private stairs to his third-floor loft, so overwhelmed with lust and fear he could barely manage the lock to let them both inside.

Before he could close the door all the way, hands grabbed him, spinning and slamming him against the door. He opened his mouth in surprise, but couldn’t get out the question in his mind as Chase once again manhandled him, pulling his head down to deliver a punishing kiss. One so mind-melting, he trembled and moaned into the kiss. Rhys was so caught up in the near-brutal plunder of his mouth, the pain of teeth mashing against lips welcomed and needed. When he suddenly felt small but strong hands slide up his pecs, caressing and kneading, he pushed into the sensations and sucked hard on Chase’s wicked tongue. Chase traced down his abs, rubbing and teasing Rhys’s muscles as he moved lower.

“Off,” Chase snapped, tugging on the hem of Rhys’s shirt once he broke the kiss.

In a daze, Rhys stood up enough to lift his shirt over his head.

He moaned again when he felt a hot mouth cover one nipple, sucking and licking it into a swollen nub. “Oh God!” he yelled when Chase pinched the other hard while continuing his assault on his first nipple. After another moment, Chase switched, soothing the pinch with his tongue before licking and sucking it, hard, into his mouth.

“Like that?”

“You have no idea,” he groaned.

Chase chuckled. Rhys couldn’t decide if it sounded more delighted or evil, but couldn’t bring himself to care.

“Bed? You’re too tall to do what I want with you still standing up.”

Rhys’s mind swam, contemplating what all that might entail as he hurried to lead Chase to his bedroom.

“Nice bed, big guy. Now, stop where you are. First, is there anything I should know?”

Rhys shook his head. “I’m neg.”

“Good, so am I. We’re still going to play safe, though. Supplies?”



Chase leaned back in, licking and kissing his way down Rhys’s body, tracing just under the waistband of his jeans.
A little lower, please
, Rhys silently begged.

Chase’s tongue flicked into his belly button at the same time he felt smooth, nimble hands quickly unbutton and unzip his fly, finally freeing his weeping, needy rod. Chase suddenly dropped to the floor, ripping Rhys’s jeans down to his ankles. The warmth that enveloped his head as Chase mouthed the tip through his boxers required him to fight gravity, his knees threatening to buckle as they shook.

“Mmm… need more of that.” Chase groaned and pulled down Rhys’s boxers until both items hobbled him and cool air kissed his wet cock. Chase’s tongue lapped at him as he moved down his member, suddenly burying his nose in his balls. Warm wetness encased one ball, then the other, as Chase laved and sucked each in turn. A slender hand wrapped around his cock, giving a couple of hard, tight pumps before both mouth and hand left him so suddenly, Rhys shifted forward before his mind could catch up.

His gaze locked with Chase’s. Chase helped him out of the remainder of his clothes. Rhys stretched out one trembling hand to touch Chase’s soft, spiky hair but froze when, instead of allowing the touch or moving away from him, Chase plunged down onto his length, licking, sucking, and vibrating his cock with moans that had him thrusting into the hottest, most demanding mouth that had ever touched him. Rhys liked blowjobs, giving and receiving, but no one had made him feel like this before.

Rhys was desperate with need, and his balls tightened and drew up. Tapping on Chase’s shoulder, he choked out, “Stop. I’m gonna…. Oh….”

Despite the attempted warning, Chase redoubled his efforts and a moment later a wet finger ghosted back across his taint and began to tap at his rosy opening. Shock spread through him with every tap and after only a few more, he lost his hold, bellowing and arching as he emptied down Chase’s throat.

Rhys watched in a daze as Chase licked him clean, kissed the tip, then stood with a wicked grin on his lips. “Delicious and loud. Mmmm…. Now, on the bed, facedown in the middle.”

Rhys hovered at the edge of the bed, trying desperately to process everything. He opened his mouth to speak but found it covered. “No talking. Now, lie down and remember, your body and your pleasure are mine tonight. You won’t top tonight, not even from the bottom.”

This wasn’t how things were supposed to go… and what does he mean, “top from the bottom”?
No one he had ever met had taken control from him so fast, seducing and conquering him so thoroughly. As Rhys climbed on the bed and settled into the middle, he couldn’t help but tense as he wondered just exactly what Chase had planned next. He was certain Chase wasn’t even close to done yet.

Rhys tensed when he heard Chase open and rummage through his “play” drawer. His worry turned to confusion when Chase left the room for a moment. Before he could clear the mix of lust and bliss from his mind, Chase was back. He felt the bed dip beside him and turned to look, confused when he realized Chase was still dressed, other than his feet.

“Stretch out for me, Rhys. Reach up and grab the headboard.”

Fingertips trailed down his arms to his shoulders and then up and down his spine. “Rest your head, big guy. Relax.”

“Ha-ha. What are you going to do, Chase?”

“Anything and everything I choose to, and you’re going to accept it all,” Chase purred as he nuzzled Rhys’s ear.

Between the smirk in Chase’s voice and the purring, Rhys was almost surprised that not only was he hard again already, but he wasn’t actually sure if his cock had ever gone down any in the first place. He’d never rebounded so fast in his life, not even when he was a teenager! His arousal and the ache in his rim excited him more with each thought of what Chase might do to him.

Chase slid his still fully clothed body onto Rhys’s naked one. Chase’s slight weight settled across his upper thighs and buttocks firmly, the rough texture of jeans abrading the sensitive flesh they touched. Chase stretched out against him, covering him as he slowly kissed and nibbled up his spine, startling a gasp from him that turned into a deep moan when he bit hard at the tender skin where shoulder meets neck and ground his denim-clad cock against Rhys’s crack at the same time.

When Chase released Rhys’s shoulder, quickly licking away the sting, he fought for a moment of clarity, annoyed at how wanton and weak his behavior was—like Chase could really hold him down and make him submit!

This is completely insane.
“I don’t… I haven’t… um….”
Not for a very, very long time….

“Shh… big guy. I’ll take good care of you, I promise.” Chase shifted up on his knees again, rocking his erection against Rhys’s ass.

It wasn’t that he feared Chase abusing him. He simply couldn’t believe his reaction to the sexiest little twink boy he had ever seen. The sound of a top snapping open brought him fully back to the present, and he braced himself for what Chase would do to him. He wasn’t completely certain he could do this, but God he wanted to, wanted to feel Chase fill him as he had been only a few times in his thirty-two years.

“Relax, Rhys. You’ve already felt the worst pain I’m likely to ever deliver,” Chase said, touching the spot he’d bitten.

Rhys worked to focus and release some of the tension in his body, then nodded to show Chase he’d heard and understood him.

After a moment, oil-slicked hands slid up his back, working on the knotted muscles and pains throughout it and his neck. Chase worked him like he had that first time, powerful yet gentle at the same time. It was so sensual and tender; he was torn between grinding back into Chase and sighing. He was a little disappointed when Chase shifted off him, but bit the inside of his cheek to stop the grunt that fought to be expressed. Rhys heard the cap snap again, and then strong fingers worked his calves and thighs. The hands left again, but only for the briefest moment, and returned dried to caress and massage his cheeks in such a way as to repeatedly expose his nearly virgin opening.

“Raise up for me a minute,” Chase purred, shoving a pillow under Rhys’s hips when he did as commanded.

Again the hands kneaded and separated his cheeks, and then a steady stream of cool air tickled his opening before Chase licked a wide path from the base of his balls to the top of his crack. Rhys tensed when Chase swept over his hole, but he didn’t stop there, continuing to the top before starting again at his balls. Chase made a couple of runs like that before focusing on Rhys’s tight, damp opening. He alternated between licks, nibbles, and blowing cool air across the heated, wet skin. When Chase finally added pointed stabs with the tip of his tongue to the pattern, Rhys was already writhing, begging, and pushing himself back against Chase’s face, though he couldn’t seem to articulate more than
as he trembled and cried out.

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