Desperate Choices (10 page)

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Authors: Kathy Ivan

BOOK: Desperate Choices
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Chapter Seventeen

Max hadn’t been driving very long, maybe fifteen minutes, before Theresa knew something was wrong. Not with Max, although he was still brooding about the lack of evidence.

“Something’s not right.” When he didn’t respond to her words, she tried again. “Max.” Her voice louder, her tone firmer. “Something’s wrong with your truck.” She could see wisps of smoke rising from beneath the hood. She pointed at the rising steam.

“Great, just great.” With a muttered curse, Max angled the pickup to the side of the road, completely off the pavement, and killed the engine. He popped the hood release and stepped from the cab, walking around to the front. Billows of steam poured out with an angry hiss. The sputtering of boiling water could be heard. With her window down, Theresa could hear the gurgle and smell the rancid burning stench coming from under the hood.

Leaving the hood propped open, Max climbed back into the driver’s seat and reached for the cell phone he had tossed there when they’d left the police station. Flipping it open, he quickly dialed a number, closing his eyes while it rang.

“Hey, Brad. Yeah, it’s me. The water pump just blew on my way out of town. Can you have a tow truck come get us?” He relayed their location, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He ended the conversation with a quick word of thanks, and hung up.

“We’re gonna have to be towed back to town. It’ll probably be in the morning before somebody can take a look at it.” He paused a moment, letting his words sink in. “We’re going to have to spend the night.”

Theresa glanced at her watch. It was after nine o’clock. She knew Max was right, no mechanic would be open now to work on his truck. They were stuck until morning. “It’s okay. Not your fault.” She hesitated before asking, “Can I borrow the phone? I need to get Maggie to cover the shop again tomorrow, since I won’t be there.”

Her mind was racing. She wasn’t concerned about the truck, it would be fixed and they would be on their way back home tomorrow.

No, her thoughts were much more carnal.
Spend the night.
Remy had told her to fight for what she wanted, and this was like a God-given opportunity. She could have her chance to be with Max, if she just played her cards right.

Her call completed, she handed the telephone back to him, and sat back to contemplate just how she was going to make her move.


The truck driver gave Max and Theresa a ride back to town. Brad met them at the service station where they’d been towed, and gave them a loaner car along with directions to a quiet, clean motel.

Hungry and slightly nervous at the idea of spending the night alone with Max, Theresa was grateful for a short reprieve. The burger joint beside the motel offered a welcome delay.

Knowing the coming night could see them together, Theresa decided to broach a subject they had long avoided. Nine months earlier, their friendship and the rocky start of their budding romance had ended, destroyed by hurtful words said in anger and misunderstanding. The damage caused that night lingered unspoken between them.

Theresa knew the open wound of their failed relationship would continue to fester if they didn’t confront the past, and like a cancer would eat away at whatever tenuous steps they took by
working together. She decided to deal with all the old hurts first.
Treat it like a bandage,
she thought. Better to pull it off fast rather than prolong the pain.

“I need to ask you something. About what happened nine months ago.” She watched him stiffen, his rigid posture the only indication he’d heard her.

“Yeah.” He set his burger down and swallowed, hard. “I’m sorry about what happened. Really. I need to apologize. I should have apologized the next day—hell, I should have apologized when it happened, but… I guess I was ashamed.” His gaze met hers, his eyes hot. She knew he was remembering the night in question.

“It was my fault as much as yours. I encouraged you. You weren’t ready to hear how I felt about you, how much I cared. If anybody’s to blame, it’s me.”

“Don’t try to pull that with me, Theresa. I’m fully aware of where the blame lies. Things went way too far, too fast that night. I wasn’t looking for a commitment. I took advantage of your feelings for me.” He paused, confirming what she always suspected. He felt guilty about what they’d almost done, for his actions, but more for what was said afterward.

“I wanted you, Max. I invited you in, if you remember. You didn’t know what had happened to me.” Pausing briefly, she continued in a rush of words. “I told you I loved you.” Heat rushed into her cheeks as she thought back at how bluntly she’d spoken that night. She’d been rash and foolish. She had loved him so much, still did, but she knew he hadn’t been ready to hear those words.

“I’m the one who pushed things. We’d only gone out a couple of times. Up till then, we were friends.” She reached across the worn restaurant table and grasped his hand firmly. “I miss that friendship. I never realized how important it was to me, until it was gone.”

“That’s the point,” Max insisted. “I’m the one who walked away. I’m the one who made you feel like a whore. You didn’t deserve that.”

“You flat out told me you thought I was some kind of cock-tease, who’d led you on to the breaking point.” She looked him square in the eye, deciding now wasn’t the time to pull any punches. “You’re right. I didn’t deserve the things you said.

“You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted sexually. The man I had loved for years.” The one man whose touch sent her pulse racing. “You had me turned inside-out that night. I wouldn’t have said no to you. I


Max winced. He had treated her like a child. It had been a defense mechanism against how much his feelings for her changed over the years. When he came home the summer she turned eighteen, the promise of her beauty was finally less a promise and more fact. He’d fought his attraction, dating wildly to keep away from her. She’d been too young.

Living in Shreveport helped, distance making it easier to stay away from her. At least physically. The span of miles hadn’t kept him from thinking about her. When he moved back to New Orleans, she’d been more beautiful than he ever dreamed. Her face no longer that of a young girl but of a sensual, desirable woman. He’d fought an inner battle but gave in to temptation and asked her out. Max never intended for it to be anything serious, just a few dates to get her out of his system. Only it didn’t work out that way. The more he was around her, the more he learned about her, the more he wanted to be with her. A year ago, with his career in shambles and his life changing on a daily basis, the thought of something so permanent sent him running scared. Regret ate at him for what he’d so foolishly thrown away.

Looking at Theresa sitting across from him, he saw a stunning woman. Her long blond hair fell past her shoulders in a shiny curtain down her back, sleek and luxurious. Her green eyes, surrounded by full lashes a darker shade than her hair, shone with an inner glow, lit by her wit and intelligence. Max wanted her so badly, it felt as if the world would stop turning if he couldn’t have her. He only needed to think about Theresa and he was as hard as a pike. When he was in the same room with her, his hands itched to touch her. To caress her breasts, to run his fingers over her nipples, bring them to peaking arousal. He mentally shook his head, focusing on the conversation at hand.

“I should never have said what I did. I was lashing out, frustrated and horny.” Surreptitiously Max glanced around the fast-food restaurant, making sure they weren’t being overheard. “The few dates we had, the kisses at the end of each, they weren’t enough. I wanted more, much more than you’d have been willing to give.”

“You’re wrong. You could have owned every part of me. Instead you flung me aside like yesterday’s garbage.” Theresa’s hands clutched the paper napkin she held, shredding it to jagged pieces as she spoke, her jerky movement revealing the suppressed anger behind her words. Max flinched, the harsh truth burning like acid.

“I know. It’s been killing me to be near you, working this case, seeing you and not being able to get past what I said. What I threw away.”

“You said I sent out mixed messages about what I wanted. That I was blowing hot and cold, keeping you and Remy both on the line while I made up my mind. You were wrong, Max. My choice was made years ago.
I chose you.

Max reached across the table, grabbing Theresa’s hand. Silently she yanked it free, pushing to her feet. Snatching up her purse, she paused. “You coming?”

Before he could react, she was gone. He watched her sashay across the street, her hips moving sensually in those oh-so-tight jeans as she walked the short distance to their motel.

Unsure how to proceed, Max wanted to make things right with Theresa, maybe even try to start over. He cared deeply about her, and wanted to see if they could make a fresh start. He just wasn’t sure how.

He joined her in front of the motel manager’s office. It was Theresa who broke the awkward, strained silence. “If you truly thought I sent mixed signals all those months ago, I’m sorry. I’ll try to be concise here, so there’s no misunderstanding.” Her steady gaze met the question in his eyes.

“I’d prefer it if you only got one room tonight. Is that clear enough?”

Chapter Eighteen

Max walked into the dimly lit interior of the motel’s office, his mind reeling. Had Theresa actually said what he thought? The erection straining at the placket of his jeans was uncomfortable, anxious to spring free. He took a deep breath and requested

Without breaking stride, he grabbed Theresa’s hand and half-pulled, half-dragged her to their room. He inserted the key, his hand shaking so badly it was a Herculean task to fit the tiny piece of metal into the lock. Once it unlocked, he wrenched the key free and flung the door wide.

He gave Theresa a gentle push and followed close behind, closing and locking the door.

Grabbing her shoulders, he spun her and pressed her back against the door. He leaned in, his tall frame resting against hers. Hips met hips. He pressed close, letting her feel his straining arousal. He felt the brush of her breasts and groaned, eyes closing to savor the sensation. He had wanted for so long to hold her like this, to feel her lush supple curves and know she wanted him just as much.

He heard the catch of her breath at the contact, felt her nipples harden until they were hard pebbles pressed against his chest. Her arms went around him, hugging herself closer. He slid one long leg between hers, his thigh brushing against her cloth-covered mound. Her passionate whimpers inflamed him. A desperate need drove him.

He bent and nuzzled his face against her neck, while he continued rubbing his thigh at the juncture of her legs. His lips caressed her nape, sweeping across one side of her exposed flesh. His teeth caught her earlobe to nip gently then lave away the hurt.

Max glanced down at the rise and fall of her breasts, her breath coming in short panting bursts. He hesitated. He had to be sure.

He stepped back, freeing her from the close press of his body against hers. He studied her face, looked for any hint of panic, any telltale sign of fear.

“Are you sure, baby? You want this?” He paused. “Me?”
Please, please be sure.

“I love the feel of your arms around me. Your kisses drive me insane.” Her hand went to the buttons on his shirt. She eased one open, then a second. Her eyes lifted to his, and he read the need there, her own desperation.

“I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anybody.” Theresa’s response was a husky whisper, her tone a blend of anxiety and a plea. “But, I’m not sure if I can do this.” He stiffened slightly, waiting for her to continue.

“I haven’t been able to give myself fully to anyone since the assault. I’m okay at the beginning. I enjoy what’s happening. Then fear takes over, and it’s like the rape all over again.”

Her eyes pleaded with him, desire shining in their depths. “I want to try with you. More than my next breath, I want to make love with you. Please, Max, please don’t stop.”

Max groaned as her fingers finished unbuttoning the front of his shirt. He realized she’d been working them while she talked, oblivious until he felt her hands smooth the fabric aside. He felt it slide over his shoulders and down his arms. A quick tug and it pooled on the floor at his feet, while her hands reached around front for his belt buckle.

“You’ve never been with any man…since that night, Theresa?” The thought caused his groin to tighten. All he could think about was sliding inside her, feeling her snug warmth surround him, encasing him in ecstasy.

She shook her head, her long hair flowing around her shoulders, partly concealing her face. She blushed, a faint pink spreading from her neck and into her cheeks. He didn’t want her embarrassed; he wanted her hot. Just as hot for him as he was for her. He knew she wasn’t there
yet, but he hoped it wouldn’t take long to get her as out of control as he felt.
Control. Maybe that’s the key.
The idea took root in Max’s head. He blurted it out before thinking it through.

“What if I let you have all the control? You set the pace. We can stop whenever you say the word. Hell, you can be on top, that way you can even determine how deep I go inside you.” Her eyes widened, followed immediately by a beautiful, wicked smile. He knew she was thinking about taking charge of their lovemaking.

“You’d do that for me? Let me take things at my speed, my way? I didn’t think guys would do that.”

He grinned. “Well, honey, I’m not just any guy.” His hand rose to caress the side of her face. “I care a great deal about you. I always have. Plus, I don’t want to screw this up. You deserve to love and be loved. Let me show you how it can be.”

Theresa’s hands returned to the belt buckle and unhitched it, sliding the leather free from his jeans. Tossing it onto the bed, her hands unhooked the button at his waist, and slid the zipper down with gentle care, caressing the growing bulge behind it.

Max hooked his thumbs into the waistband, lowering the jeans and his boxers to the floor together, and stepped free of them.

It took all his will to stand steady and unmoving while Theresa took in the full view of his erection. It stood out firm and proud from his groin, evidence of his desire.
For her.
She remained frozen, staring, and he hoped he hadn’t gotten it wrong, that the fears were more than she knew how to handle. He had to keep the situation light. No matter how badly he wanted to dive in to the hilt, this had to go slow and easy. He didn’t want her to panic or become afraid, so he tried to lighten the mood.

“I think somebody in this room has too many clothes on, and it’s not me.” Max hoped his grin set her at ease, helped her relax.

“You’re so beautiful, Max.” Her voice was filled with awe as she reached out to touch him. Her fingers boldly wrapped around his shaft, her grasp firm and sure. He jerked, craving more. He hoped he didn’t embarrass himself by coming in her hand, her touch felt so exquisite. “Theresa…”

“On the bed,” she said, her voice firm, purposeful. He gloried in the fact her decision was made.
She’s mine.
She was going to make love to him.

He bounded to the middle of the bed and lay on his back. She picked up his belt, flexed the leather, making a cracking sound as the two sides smacked together. She smiled wickedly.

“My turn.”

Theresa tossed the belt across the foot of the bed and reached for the first button of her sweater. Her eyes never left his. She undid first one button, then two, followed slowly and tantalizing by the third. She continued her slow striptease until all buttons were finally open, revealing the lacy camisole underneath.

Peeling back the blue cardigan with a graceful shrug, she slid first one shoulder free, then the other. Beneath it, the silky top was delicate and feminine. Its lacy trim framed the lush bounty of her breasts. With a deliberate wiggle, she raised the hem, exposing her stomach.


Theresa saw Max swallow. A smile touched the corner of her lips before she continued. In one continuous motion, she pulled the cami up and over her head. Her breasts were finally freed.
Instead of reaching up to cover them, she thrust them forward, a silent invitation for him to look his fill.

Max reached out one hand, but she stepped back. “Uh, uh. No touching or I’ll have to tie you up.” He laughed and lay back. Theresa hoped he was enjoying the show.

Her hands went to the top button of her jeans. Slowly she pushed one button free, only to reveal another.

Bending forward, her long hair obscuring her view of Max, she slid the jeans down her hips, past her thighs to the floor, gracefully stepping out of them, now clad only in a pair of bikini briefs. They were blue and lacy, a match for the discarded camisole. Deliberately torturing Max, she picked up the pile of clothing, both his and hers, and folded each piece carefully before laying them over the back of a chair. The anticipation was killing her, too. Theresa wanted to take things slowly, savor every sensation but a moment of doubt plagued her. Could she do this? Finish what she’d started? Always, in the past, she’d frozen the moment things started turning serious. She never even got this far with anybody else.
But then,
she thought,
they weren’t Max.

She turned around to face him, tucking her thumbs in the elastic of her panties. “Should I leave these on or take them off?” Her breasts stood out firm and full, the pink nipples puckered, aroused.

“Oh, definitely take them off.”

The blue lace panties slid down her hips, one slow tantalizing inch at a time. Her fingers stopped abruptly. She bit her lower lip, eyes downcast.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

“Nothing. I just thought I should tell you. In case you’re worried. That…I mean…I’m on the pill. Just so you know.”

“God’s truth, sweetheart, I want you so much, I never gave it a thought. There’s a condom in the back pocket of those jeans.”

Max sat up, scooted across the bed and perched on the edge, patting the space beside him. Putting his arm around her bare shoulders, he pulled her close against his side, wrapping her in his warm embrace.

“I’m glad one of us is thinking clearly, and it’s certainly not me.” Theresa couldn’t hold back her laugh. Running an index finger down her nose, Max grinned at her.

“As important as this talk has been, we’re killing the mood here, sweetheart. Let’s see if we can remember where we left off.”

Theresa stood and turned to face Max. “Oh, I remember.” She pointed to the bed. “Back in the middle for you, big boy.” She watched as Max pushed himself back to the center, rumpling the sheets as he went.

Crawling up beside him, she tentatively reached out a hand and slowly slid it through the curling hair of his chest. She followed the pattern from one nipple to the other, then began to slowly inch her way downward.

Her fingers grazed the skin of his muscled stomach, and he inhaled sharply. She looked up into his eyes. “Am I doing something wrong?”

“You’re doing everything right,” Max replied, his voice trailing into a groan as her mouth covered his nipple, taking the hardened bud inside. She laved it with her tongue, gently sucking. His back arched off the mattress.

“Do you like that?” She gently blew on the tip before moving to the opposite one.

“Oh, yes,” he hissed, his voice catching as she sucked the other nipple. His hands reached up, cupping her breasts.

“No, no. None of that.” Theresa stared down at Max, scraping a nail across the distended nubbin. “Don’t make me go for that belt.”

Her gaze looked around the top of the bed, edging up to the headboard. “See if you can slide your hands under the bottom edge of the headboard, and hold on to it.” She watched his hands snake toward the top of the mattress to grasp the bottom of the wood.

“You said we could do this my way, at my speed, so right now, you can’t touch.” Theresa swung herself up and over him, straddling his upper thighs, yet just out of distance of his erection. She still had her panties on, and she felt the moisture soaking them. Max grinned and she knew he could feel the dampness of her arousal.

His grin quickly turned to another groan, his face twisted into a grimace of pain and pleasure as her fingers teasingly walked down his abdomen, following the light shadowing of dark hair. His body tensed as if in anticipation, waiting for her touch where he wanted it most.

Her fingers gently slid along his engorged length, wrapping themselves firmly around the base, squeezing. She moved her hand forward slowly along the length of the shaft, from base to tip, then back again. “Holy mother,” he growled.

Her fingertip caressed the bulbous head, catching the drop of moisture that seeped out.

“Gently, sweetheart.” His voice came out in a ragged whimper as her hand moved to cup him, kneading and caressing, thrilled that she could fill him with such pleasure.

This was so much more than Theresa ever expected to feel. Always before, memories of pain and humiliation kept her from wanting to even try to have sex again. But with Max, it wasn’t just sex, not for her. Her love for Max threatened to engulf her, driving her on. She wanted Max to understand—even if she never said the words again—to feel her love through her touch and know her heart was forever his.


Max’s eyes flew open when Theresa’s hands left his body. She lifted herself up, off his legs. He stifled a groan, wanting to cry out in need. He prayed she wasn’t backing out now, not at this point. A quiver of panic ran through him at the thought. He wouldn’t force anything, would never make her do something she didn’t want. Panic turned to joy when she stripped off the blue lace panties. His hands gripped the rough edge of the headboard more firmly. He longed to touch her, to bring her the same exquisite pleasure she was bringing him.

Back arched, her eyes glowing brightly, she rose over him again. He could smell her arousal, feel her heat as she slid slowly down, so close, so very close to where he wanted her.

She bent forward, her hair spreading out around them both, as she leaned in to trail kisses across his chest and down to his navel. Her tongue circled, lapping, blazing fire down his groin.

“Babe, please, you’re killing me.”

Her head raised up just enough to see his face, tilted so she could still fire kisses across his groin, lower and lower, tantalizing him. His engorged shaft strained upward, thicker and higher, a sweet ache.

She finally drew up straight, edging her knees farther up on the mattress, until her hot moist core was centered over his straining erection. Grasping it with her hands, she began slowly sliding down his length. He heard her breath catch as the head entered her, stretching her tender flesh as it parted. She was wet, juices flowing, ready to take him. His hands strained against the headboard, fingers clawed, and held on tight. He fought taking her hips, pushing her all the way down.

She seated herself fully, the look of awe on her face thrilling him.
Thank God.
Max flexed slightly, felt her muscles tighten around him. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, as he fought to keep from pumping into her. She looked at him, a question in her eyes.

“Ride me, babe. Raise up slightly, then slide down again. Find a rhythm. You’ll know it.”

His back arched, his body straining up to meet hers. She lifted herself up only to slide back down, muscles clenching, gripping him in a satin vise. Over and over she moved, finding her rhythm. Her body drenched with sweat, breasts glistening in the light from the bedside lamp. She closed her eyes, her face beautiful in her passion.

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